"Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom " Group 7



  • amers55
    Ok ladies I failed myself and you girls this week! Im 153, a yucky, ugly FAT GAIN! But I know I wasn't drinking all my water and I had some emotional eating but I need to be honest with myself and you ladies! I will do better now! Its a journey!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!! I lost 1.8 pounds this week!! Currently at 155.8...totaly of 13.2 since beginning Hot Moms!!

    Yesterday was my first "bad" day in about a month...you probably all heard on the news about the big San Diego Blackout yesterday. It was crazy!! Our neighborhood turned into a big block party...everyone outside, kids playing in the cul-de-sac, cooking dinner on the BBQ grills, everyone clearing the melting ice cream out of their freezers, and of course drinking beer...we couldn't let it get warm...lol!! Anyway, it was a blast, but not an evening conducive to watching my waistline. Today we all have a free day...it's a "Blackout Day"...work closed, schools closed!! Our power came back on in the middle of the night, and most everyone was back on by mid morning...it was an experience!!

    Hope you are all doing well and have fun weekend plans...take care!!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    They fit! The shorts I have been trying on, out of my "will never wear this again bag," for the last couple of weeks....FIT! They zip, they snap, and they are comfy! Doing a happy dance! lol
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    They fit! The shorts I have been trying on, out of my "will never wear this again bag," for the last couple of weeks....FIT! They zip, they snap, and they are comfy! Doing a happy dance! lol

    AWESOME!!! Way to go!! I'm doing the happy dance with you!! Keep it up!! We're doing this!! :)
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Happy weekend everyone. Going to keep busy today with working on some books, and doing some cleaning. In a bit, I want to get on wii fit plus for a half hour, haven't had that turn on in ages.
  • curlyjayne
    Hi Guys

    I lost the 1 lb that i put on last week, slow progress

    sorry i have not been posting much work has been super hectic and stressful, working very long hours.
    only exercised once this week, i will try and get back on track this week and eat properly and exercise more.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    My "official" unofficial this morning was 154.4 & likely to continue rapidly dropping from the 157+ from 2-3 days ago. So dead-on about water-weight. Sorry everyone, I really thought I'd be back in the game this week. Still 2wks until I'm restriction-free anyway.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Had piggish eating today. Stayed within calories though.

    Started fitness class today, a combination of step aerobics, weights and such. Burnt 586 cals this evening, but then ate most of that in 50% less fat popcorn and 2 cookies. I was so hungary, but wanting anything good. Will have to make sure on Wed I have an apple and yogurt after fitness class.

    I hope had a good weekend.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hello all!! Good losses for most this week! Sorry I've been so MIA but I was crazy busy with my conference in Vegas and then just totally chilled out when we got back. I managed to "gain" 2.6 pounds in Vegas, though I know I didn't eat an extra 9,000 calories during the week--more likely a true gain of about 1 pound, but whatever. :grumble: That big of a calorie overage may have been possible in my non-pregnant days when I would be drinking high calorie alcoholic beverages in Vegas, but obviously not doing that now! :drinker: I'm still feeling INCREDIBLY bloated. Can't wait to see my OB next week to see what other medications I can take. Already taking an additional 25 grams of fiber and 4 colace each day, but it's not doing the trick. I had to officially go back up to my size 8/10 pants which fit well in the waist right now, but thankfully are still baggy in the butt and thighs.

    How is everyone doing on the workouts? I must admit that I have been awful. I did a fair amount of walking in Vegas, but not "real" exercise for several weeks now. I'm 11 weeks along now, so I'm hoping the nausea and extreme fatigue will start subsiding in the next couple weeks so I can get back into the swing of working out at least a few days per week. Right now I'm just trying to survive my crazy work schedule!

    I hope everyone is having a great week, and keep up the great work ladies!!!! :bigsmile:

  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Curlyjayne--I put your weight as 162 since you report losing the pound you gained last week, but I didn't have a weight for you for last week, so if that is incorrect let me know. :smile:
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Super busy here the past few days. Getting in walking though better than nothing. I did 3 miles on Monday and 2.5 miles today. I am trying to make sure to drink my 8 glasses of water.

    One question though do you count tea as water or just straight water as your water intake?
  • helena98

    Hello, Hot Moms!! Check out the weekly stats below.


    Here's a quick summary of the past 8 weeks.


    Holy crap. Did we just collectively lose only 5.9 lbs this week?! 39 members weighing in, and only 5.9 lbs?! Time for a progress report!!

    Below, you will find our latest progress chart. I’ve calculated everyone’s “% to GW.” As of today, if you want to reach your goal weight, you will need to have a 34% or higher. To make it even more fun, I calculated your estimated weight loss by 12/31 and also your estimated weight on 12/31. These calculations are based on your total weight loss for the past 8 weeks, and I think you’ll find them very interesting.


    CONGRATS to everyone in the green! Let’s take a moment to recognize the members who are already over half-way to their GW’s:
    :flowerforyou: LPC020409 in Group 4
    :flowerforyou: Cherilea in Group 7
    :flowerforyou: MacksMama in Group 8
    :flowerforyou: Swimmom2 in Group 9
    :flowerforyou: And rkeaton360 in Group 10
    You ladies rock!! Thanks for showing us how it’s done!

    :ohwell: [SIGH]...I’m still in the white group. But I’m SO CLOSE to getting in the yellow group! I’m tempted to change my 12/31 goal weight, but according to my favorite iPod app, “Target WEIGHT for Adults,” if I continue to lose weight at the same rate I lost for the past 2 weeks, I will reach by goal weight by 12/18/2011. There’s still hope for me! So….my GW stays the same for now. I’ll see what the next 4-week progress report says.

    FYI - The next progress report will be posted the week of October 10, just DAYS after our half-way mark. It’s time to kick our weight loss in to high gear!

    Have a great week, Hot Moms!!

    GROUP 1:

    GROUP 2:

    GROUP 3:

    GROUP 4:

    GROUPS 5 & 6 – Discontinued. Active members of Group 5 moved to Group 7.

    GROUP 7:

    GROUP 8:

    GROUP 9:

    GROUP 10:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Helen - thanks so much for all your work on the calculations - it really does put things in perspective
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    hi all,

    I'm a mom looking for a group to join. Is there still time to join?
  • mrsjohnson75
    mrsjohnson75 Posts: 182 Member
    Love the calculations/predicitons! I'm super motivated. I haven't been exercising...so slowly working on that. I am however staying within my calories.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Just got back from fitness class and had a great burn - 621 calories. I needed it after being in Yorkton and having Mcdonald's for lunch and brought home pizza hit for supper. Did manage to stay within calories thou.

    Down 2 pounds today, just cross the fingers it is still there on Friday (weigh in day).

    Hope everyone is having a good week. Everyone is doing great on the charts.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Hi Ladies - Hope you are all doing well. I had a bout of the stomach flu this week, but am feeling better now. While I wouldn't recommend it as a weight loss method, it did have a positive impact on the scales...I am 153 today, which is 16 pounds gone since beginning Hot Moms!! I hope it sticks and doesn't go back up now that I am eating again. I will do the official weigh in tomorrow. I loved seeing the chart and am feeling good about my progress so far...just trying to keep it going. I have been doing well with food, but just can't seem to get myself back into a workout routine. I ran the 9-11 Heroes Run 5K on Sunday, but that was the first time I had run since doing my half on 8/21. I really have not been working out at all...not good. How do you guys get yourself motivated to get moving?? I need a kick in the butt!! Thanks everyone for the continued support!!
    Have a great day!! Tammy
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    I really have not been working out at all...not good. How do you guys get yourself motivated to get moving?? I need a kick in the butt!! Thanks everyone for the continued support!!
    Have a great day!! Tammy

    Tammy--I'm not very motivated at present due to the continued fatigue/nausea, but I'm hoping in the next few weeks when that resolves I'll get better! Prior to my pregnancy I was great at working out, and was able to get about 5 workouts in per week. For me, I'm super busy so 5:00 a.m. workouts are my only option during the week. When I first started working out early in the morning I HATED getting out of bed. I would have to have an internal conversation with myself while I was laying in bed every morning and say to myself "Will an extra 45 minutes of laying in bed get you the results you want? NO!! So get your butt out of bed and get on the treadmill or elliptical!!!". One other thing that helped is that I have been a member on another thread since January that focuses on getting daily exercise in. There are a handful of us that post several times per week (if not daily) what we've been doing for workouts, and knowing that I wouldn't be able to post a workout if I skipped was a motivating factor. That thread can be found here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/330927-my-2011-52-7-7-challenge. Feel free to join in, there are several very nice supportive ladies there!!

    Hope you guys are having a fantastic day. Thank goodness the weekend is almost here!!!!
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Tammy I'm in the same boat as you with the workouts. Haven't really wanted to workout since coming back from vacation. I am try to fit in the exercise with the new school routine but it is not happening. I need that kick in the butt too. I think my problem this week is that I was sick for a couple of days then TOM.

    Planning on taking a walk when I go pick up my daughter off the bus.
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    Since going back to work, I find my routine in all sorts of shambles! By the time I get off of work, and do stuff around the house, the kids are home and it's off to a football game, Wed night church, or whatever else we have going on. I've been trying to exercise in the evening, but that's when everyone is home...that elliptical of mine can get pretty noisy and it's in the tv room with everyone else. :tongue: I try and get it done and try not to beat myself up if I don't. Im almost scared to get on the scale tomorrow....I don't think Im going to like what it has to say. :grumble: