Women 200lb+, Let's Shine This September!!!



  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    you GOT this, @Renewed2021 !! September better be scared! :wink:
  • drj63
    drj63 Posts: 59 Member
    girlinkaz wrote: »
    Friday weigh in!

    Age: 31
    Height: 5’6”
    SW: 222 (Feb ‘21)
    September SW: 157.4
    September GW: Maintenance between 150-154
    UGW: 150-154

    (Aug 27: 161.1)
    Sept 3: 156.4
    Sept 10:
    Sept 17:
    Sept 24:

    My Aug 27 weigh-in was inflated because of TOM but nevertheless I am shocked, delighted, and giddy over my loss over the last week. I’m going on vacation for a week tomorrow and it’s wonderful to be in such a great place mentally and physically prior to my trip. Over the weekend, I’m staying at a hotel that has a gym so I plan to keep up with my workout routine while there. Next week, I’ll be staying in a villa but I hope to be able to do some body weight exercises each day, as well as walking and swimming. Apparently, this new version of me craves an active vacation!

    I met someone new this week and felt super nervous when they went to friend me on social media. I refuse to “clean up” my page because who I was is part of my story, even though I am a different person now. But still, it’s a little bit nerve-wracking because my physical appearance is SO different from what it once was. The last time I lost this amount of weight was in 2005, before social media really became a thing, so it felt more anonymous.

    I’m starting to make a plan for a super slow transition to maintenance once I hit 154. My plan is to add back 100-150 calories per day every week until I’m in maintenance, so I don’t go back to eating loads of junk food because I suddenly have 800 extra calories available to me. My hope is that means I will slowly float down to 152-ish, with my “drop dead stop weight” set at 150 (I have a history of ED, though I’m doing tons better now, so I really need a stop weight).

    I’m excited for the change from losing to recomp and I have a bunch of workouts planned for the next few months as I continue in my physical transformation. Fingers crossed I get to start moving in that direction this month!

    Sending love to you all!

    That's so exciting that you are starting a maintenance plan! Congratulations!!!! It's so encouraging!!!!
  • swanjun
    swanjun Posts: 27 Member
    edited September 2021
    Does anyone have any tips for avoiding evening snacking? I do really well until then, following the prelog, resisting snacks in the afternoon, etc. But there's something about those last two hours where all the daily tasks are done that somehow makes me want to start munching on things. They're not awful things necessarily—light string cheese, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches...—but they do add up and nudge me over my calorie goal. I've tried brushing my teeth after my post-dinner shower to signal to my brain that eating time is over, but that doesn't seem to help.
  • swanjun
    swanjun Posts: 27 Member
    Sounds like you've just got yourself trained to want a snack at 9 PM (or whatever time it ends up being for you). There's a couple things you could do. In no particular order:
    • Replace the reward: cultivate a hobby that requires clean hands or creates dirty ones, which you engage in right before bed. Perhaps a fiber art of some kind - you ever wanted to learn how to crochet?
    • Exhaust the stimulus: when the clock strikes 9 and you start salivating, drink a glass of water and go do something else for 20 minutes. If it's 9:30 and you're still hankering for a little somethin', drink another glass of water and start your pre-bedtime routine, whatever that looks like for you.
    • Accept it: pre-log the late night snacks, too. Find a way to fit them into your budget. The body doesn't know or care what time you eat something - unless you're literally an Olympic athlete you do not have to worry about nutrient timing, so if you can fit the cheese stick or whatever into your budget...just eat the damn thing and move on with your life.

    Thanks for the advice! I actually do know how to crochet, but it aggravates my carpal tunnel, so I'm afraid that's out. But I'll try a combination of the latter two! Perhaps allowing myself a single 150-calorie ice cream sandwich and then having some water will suffice.
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    @swanjun I agree with @goal06082021 about the tea. When I started I would drink herbal fruit flavored tea with nothing added every night. I have a major sweet tooth and started eating fruit and greek yogurt instead of my old cakes, cookies, etc. I no longer crave sweets like I used to. I have been making homemade ice cream in my new ice cream maker, but I don’t eat it every day and I stick with a half cup serving. But I had to get past my sugar cravings before I could do that.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @wendygotthis Welcome! I love your username, that's a great attitude to have. When you say "alternative movement methods," alternative to what - what are your specific limitations?
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Age: 50
    Height: 5'11"

    SW: 226.6

    September GW: 214
    Ultimate GW: 175

    This month I'll check in on Fridays.
    September 1: 219.6
    September 3: 219.6
    September 10:
    September 17:
    September 24:

    🌸 Focus on the 98% of my day that is mental mindset, good habits, and having a plan, rather than the 2% of my day that's the workout
    🌸 Log everything
    🌸 Stay hopeful

    Things I'm looking forward to:
    * Autumn. DIE, MOSQUITOES, DIE!!
    * I have a big outdoor event coming up in November and I'd like my winter clothes to fit better. I want to be able to wear a sweater under my coat without feeling so uncomfortable.
  • 57pattycake
    57pattycake Posts: 29 Member
    Age: 62
    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 260 June 1, 2021
    CW: 223.8 Sept 1, 2021

    9/04: 222.8
    GW for September 215lbs -8.8lbs
    UGW 160ish

    Lost 1 pound exactly which is okay with me since it was a short week and I'm still adjusting to my return to work. Unfortunately, I did miss my usual daily exercise routine twice this week. Since the Covid layoff my sleeping and eating norms have changed – some for the good some for the bad. I’m not used to the standing work my job requires but hope I’ll adjust to that too. Thanks to everyone for being here again this month!

    @JNettie73 – wow 50lbs! That’s wonderful! Good for you! I can't wait for the pics.

    @sargemarcori -That 1 stinking pound is still a loss. And I don’t think of it as whining – I like to call it “venting”

    @goal06082021 - You are braver than me with those spiders. Even the small ones give me High Anxiety and would have forced me to run as fast as my chubby legs would take me.

  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hi I’m 53 and 5’6”.
    Original starting weight: 257.8 1/14/21

    September Start Weight: 219.2 (8/31/21)
    September Goal Weight: 216.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 170

    Sept 4: 218.9 -(0.3)
    Sept 11:
    Sept 18:
    Sept 25:
    Sept 30:

    My left hip has been bothering me the last couple of days. I have 2 bulging discs in my lower back so I have to be careful. I had L4/5 surgery 20 years ago. So I may back off of my exercise for a few days and see if it feels better.

    I'm right there with you :(
    I had L4/L5 surgery 8 years ago and L5/S1 8 years before that. My back has been hurting all week and I'm on Day 3 of total bedrest. I reherniated L4 a few years ago and it's always so scary to think it might be time again. I'm sincerely hoping that it will start to feel better on its own with rest, heat, gentle stretches, CBD/THC pain cream and massive amounts of anti-inflammatories.

    Wishing you all the best spine health! <3<3
  • Jem594
    Jem594 Posts: 72 Member