Women 200lb+, Let's Shine This September!!!



  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 541 Member
    @JNettie73 Amazing transformation!! If you can do it, then I can also do it too. Nothing is impossible with the help of friends.
  • uyister
    uyister Posts: 154 Member
    @jeepkat1 Welcome. Sounds like you are off to a great start. I would say listen to your body and if you still feel hungry after the 1050 calories, then eat more, but, if not, do not push it.

    @JNettie73 Awesome job!! Looking great!!

    @sandielewis2001 Congrats on the loss and enjoy your staycation!!

    @KeriA HI!! Long time!! Glad you are feeling stronger now after surgery. Congrats on holding at the lower weight.

    @Deanner03 I know that is difficult, but, stay consistent and the trend will start moving down again.

    @Elliewebber Congrats on the loss so far!!

    @jazzadesigns Woo-hoo!!

    @wanderinglight Nice goals. I definitely agree with you about the " DIE, MOSQUITOES, DIE!!" Keep staying positive and keep sticking with it and you will see progress. Hope your back feels better soon.

    Success to everyone.
  • I am definitely down to join this group. I'll list my stats below.

    Age: 36 (37 on October 20th)
    Height: 5'8"
    HW: 280
    CW: 277.6
    GW: 160

    I am planning to do keto and OMAD because in the past I had the best possible results with that combo. I am going to try and weigh in every Sunday for this group unless we have a certain day? My reasons for wanting to finally make this permanent change are all down to feeling like crap all of the time and never having any energy...I can't live the rest of my life this way and I know it's only gonna get worse. Thank you for creating this group for us!

    If anyone has similar stats and wants to be friends or chat I am totally down! Good luck to everyone.

    09/12/2021: 277.6
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    swimmom_1 wrote: »
    swimmom_1 wrote: »

    For anyone new, I'm 64, 5'4" and a RN, still working full time.
    Heaviest Wt-255 lbs (unfortunately my second time.) Had got down to 122 lbs. Took me a year and I kept it off for 5 years but got lazy.

    SW-255 lbs 9/14/20, Started my present position and no more micro manager and less stress because of that. Lost 14.5 lbs without trying. I had emergency gall bladder surgery 5/3 and while recuperating, read up on Keto and started being accountable 5/14/21.
    My UGW is 122 lbs.
    5/3/21 Wt-240.5 lbs
    MFP SW 5/14/21- 232.2 lbs
    6/1/21-228.8 lbs
    7/1/21-222.2 lbs
    8/1/21-212 lbs My August Goal was to get below 200 lbs.

    9/1/21-200.0 lbs. Missed it by 0.1 lbs! But happy about 12 lbs in a month! Woo Hoo! Can't complain about that.
    My goal for September is to lose 5 lbs to 195 lbs. I figure monthly loss will be slowing down sooner than later. I have a NSV. I had a Tibial Plateau Fracture in 10/15. I can come down stairs almost normally alternating steps. Going up I have to do 1 stair at a time and meet it with my other leg. Just 3 days ago I can alternate steps going up now! Its exciting after almost 5 1/2 years since I could walk again!

    9/5/21-200.4 lbs. Stayed on track carb/calorie/my exercise routine but the scale drop last time was obviously showing the procedure clear liquid prep I had to do. So explains the slight uptick. Staying with my goal of 195 lbs by October 1, 2021,
    190 lbs by November 1,2021.
    I did 97 minutes/8 miles this AM on my Elliptical. Longest so far.

    9/12/21-198 lbs- Stayed on track this week with Net Carbs and Calories. Doing my Elliptical 99 minutes minutes/8 miles on my 3 days off/week. Have to go shopping for new uniforms today. Can't continue with rolling the waist down on my pants anymore. Down 57 lbs so far!
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @Renewed2021 when is "the end of summer" for you, and when did you decide to give yourself this deadline? If you were expecting to lose 20lbs in 10 weeks, that was always going to be really difficult, bordering on impossible. As long as the tote isn't in the way and you don't need it for something else, there's no harm in holding on to it for now.
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    SW (7/23): 300
    8/30: 290.6
    9/6: 289.4
    9/13: 287.2 (-2.2 for the week and -12.8 total)
    GW for September: 283-285

    Had a good week last week - I JOGGED the whole treadmill section at my orangetheory class on Friday. I did it! Now I'm planning on moving between power walking and jogging during that section of the workout. Spent yesterday as a complete recovery day - didn't do much beyond some gentle yoga and some serious stretching to open up my hips.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    Last week was difficult. I ended up working the days I planned to be off and worked late. It was at home so I didn't trigger anxiety in myself.
    My husband and I went to a Horror convention for the weekend so he could meet one of the celebrities he's been wanting to meet for a long time and Robert Englund aka Freddy Krueger was there so that was a no brainer for me. I've only gotten into horror movies as an adult since they terrified me as a kid but I wasn't missing the opportunity to meet Robert. It was a lot of fun. Other than our photo ops, we were a bit intimated to go up to the other celebrities. We went up to 3 as we were feeling odd just wanting to go up to them without paying for their autographs etc. Talked with the ones I would have regretted if I hadn't so did what I had intended. Another I had planned to go for had canceled. If we go again I'll plan to spend the money but paying for the 2 photos was enough.

    Food wise, the weekend was a bit tough. The first night we left the convention before getting food and the "bar" stopped food when we went down prior to the time we were told they closed. So pizza delivery it was otherwise no food for that day besides our lunch from traveling. Saturday, limited with the convention food and tried the "bar" sandwiches. Yesterday, didn't grab anything at the convention so we didn't eat besides a morning breakfast cookie until dinner time. Not really overboard or anything as I didn't take snacks etc. High sodium though. Not surprised the up tick this morning.

    Tomorrow is my work's volunteer day. I'll be weeding at this beautiful garden that I've loved going to so lots of afternoon movement.

    Thursday is my older cat's recheck with being on her hyperthyroid medicine a month. She seems to be well with it. Chunky cat is no longer chunky though.
  • peaceful00
    peaceful00 Posts: 1 Member
    Just found this thread and am excited to join.
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    Official weigh in is on Wednesday, but I've been bouncing up and down the 233-234 range all week. Looks like I'm on the way to a weight loss plateau. Any tips on how to get out of a weight loss slump?
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Official weigh in is on Wednesday, but I've been bouncing up and down the 233-234 range all week. Looks like I'm on the way to a weight loss plateau. Any tips on how to get out of a weight loss slump?

    Trust the process. Keep logging, stick to your budget, stay hydrated, maybe up your fiber a bit to help food in transit finish its journey.
  • NSV I tried on one of those one size fits most costumes and it fit!! Except for the girls, it was tight on them. Making it a little bitter sweet. They probably aren't going away. The husband calls them "golden" but he doesn't have to lug around 20 lbs on his chest all day, night, jogging, wearing shirts!! The stupid shirts!! I am getting to the point where I kinda want to buy a pattern for shirts so that I can make my own, but then I am still in the middle of losing. I just am paralyzed with this decision. Need some advice. Shopping is out. I would rather *enter the worst thing you can imagine doing*. Also, they craft most patterns with a b cup, so it has never worked in stores. Also, when sewing they also craft most patterns with a b-d cup tops never above.
    What has somewhat stopped me from daily snacking on the bad stuff is having one cheat day a week built in - so I use Saturday. Saturday I can eat one really bad meal, and a really indulgent dessert. If you're sticking with something like a 1200 calorie count all week, and know that on Saturday you can have the cookies or the pizza or whatever, it reduces the urge to have it now or every day, and it doesn't make you feel like you'll never have it again. I REALLY look forward to Saturdays.
    Good strategies. I do the one day a week special, at my maintenance of goal weight!! That is a great motivator! Although, I did do a lot of work without any general motivation. I mean planning pretty much gets me where I want to go. If I waited around for motivation, I would not have made it this far.

    @JNettie73 You look really great! Oh no, what are you going to do with all the large clothes??!! I love how you take a pic with the same shirt. It really helps see how many inches you are losing! Also the news about the blood work!!! That is so awesome!!! Yess!!!! Grats!!! HWPO!!
    Deanner03 wrote: »
    I feel like I'm gaining/losing the same pound over and over. UGH.
    I did this for a few months (maybe longer *cough*) when I first started MFP years ago. Thankfully, I put it in my blog. I feel your frustration, I bet the majority have been there. For me, I was ignorant AND I kinda didn’t want to put in the effort. I needed to have a nice non-chaotic talk with myself, and I wasn’t ready until a few years of half-hearted efforts were done with.

    @jazzadesigns You are doing great! Sometimes the other little changes help with the backsliding, when you are moving a little more, eating more vegetables - it means that even with a little more snacking you can still lose weight! So you are progressing, because your mind is in the game! Way to go!

    @wanderinglight Stick to your plan, you got this! Plateau’s do happen sometimes, don’t worry. Even when you can’t exercise, losing weight is 85% diet.
    and pouted at me until I relented and came with him.
    Ohh, this totally happens! Also, wow, those sound like some nice soup recipes!! Might need to share a few!

    @lmgoff232 That sounds like a reasonable loss. Good decision! As for motivation for moving, do you have anything that you enjoy doing that someday you want to really be able to do? Sometimes that helps, when I give up - I am always like, “Member when you did all that ballet when you were in school? College? Don’t you want to do that again?” Yeah!! I want that, but I have to do baby stuff now - which I don’t like, until I get there cutting my teeth on the bar again. Biking long distances? Running? Walking a long distance in a park? Something physical to work toward? Sailing? I don’t know, be creative!

    @jeepkat1 Welcome! This is a great place, these ladies are killin it! Some ladies have beat it into submission, put it on a chain, walk it around and are the absolute ruler of the weight game!! It is really inspiring.

    @uyister You are a rockstar!! Totally rockin this right here!! Wow. Also, is that supposed to be Turkish for sleeper? I mean, that would be a weird accident if it was one. Lols.

    @jac_hates_carbs It is nice to meet you! I am shorter, but I started at 277 in 2013. I have lost 80 lbs and have been chronically ill since I was 21. So I mean, we got stuff in common. I do make a fair bit of keto stuff because the hubby is diabetic and I do limit carbs - mostly to fit fat into my diet… lols, it sounds funny when I say it out loud. But that is just the honest truth.

    @swimmom_1 You are doing amazing!! Yeah, I got a stretchy belt for people who are losing weight. I got sick and tired of dealing with the stupid waists on my skirts. Because if the waist sags, the hemlines get caught in the flip flops. Also, I pretty much despise shopping. Always have. Even when I was a normal size person. I think I am in the first marriage where when I met the hubby and he was like “Oh, lets go to the mall!” I would be like, “NO, let’s argue instead. I would prefer that. Oh! How about, you punch me in the face!! I would also prefer that!!” He of course hates confrontation, so he knew I was really against it. That is what was with the altercation responses.

    @girlinkaz WOW!! The lifestyle changes are working!! So wonderful!!! I am so happy for you!! You are so low weight now. It is just incredible. High five for the best vacay ever!!

    @Renewed2021 I would keep the clothes, you are going to need them sometime - maybe in a month or two. I agree with goal.

    @patriciafoley1 Doing great! It is always amazing to get to the “next level”. Way to go!
  • drj63
    drj63 Posts: 59 Member
    girlinkaz wrote: »
    Here’s my delayed weigh-in for the week!

    Age: 31
    Height: 5’6”
    SW: 222 (Feb ‘21)
    September SW: 157.4
    September GW: Maintenance between 150-154
    UGW 150-154

    Sept 3: 156.4
    Sept 13: 155.8 (delayed weigh-in due to vacation)
    Sept 17:
    Sept 24:

    I went on vacation for a WHOLE WEEK and I still managed to score a slight loss! What the what!

    On vacation, I upped my calories to maintenance and still went over one or two days - but I was really active most days, so that evened it out (I don’t eat back my exercise calories when I’m losing). What was most interesting was that even though I told myself “it’s vacation, you’re allowed to go a little crazy”, I still found myself making some healthy substitutions naturally: brown instead of white rice, choosing a lighter dinner option if I had had a heavier lunch, etc. I was SO pleased because that means that my mantra of “it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle” is WORKING!

    Toning is starting to be high on my list of things to work on. I have some loose skin on my belly and thighs in particular that I would really like to go away and, though I know it’s not possible to spot reduce, I think getting overall fitter and leaner might help with that. So, I’m going to try and change up my workouts to target additional muscle-building and see if that helps.

    I was complimented on my skin last week and honestly, I think drinking 3-4L of water almost every day for the past 7 months has a lot to do with my improved skin! I highly recommend hydration not only for weight loss but for overall well-being.

    Sending love to you all! We can do it!

    This is so amazing!!!
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    @girlinkaz - congrats on losing weight while on vacation! That's amazing!

    @kenziestabes - Keep on keeping on, but also try moving your calories around a bit - up a little for a few days, then down a few for a few days to see if that gets you moving. Or eat at maintenance for a few days to a week, then cycle back down to the level you've been eating.

    @justanotherloser007 - that's an amazing NSV!!!! I hear you on having a larger chest....even at my smallest I was in a larger cup size. As I transition back into jogging, I've found my SheFit bras are worth every penny. I've never had a bra keep me so locked and loaded before!

    @roz0810 - Happy Birthday!

    @goal06082021 - pre-logging is amazing. I don't do it weekly, but I do meal plan and come to a rough figure in my head that way, so that I know where I have leeway. I'm glad you've found a method that works for you!

  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    jeepkat1 wrote: »
    Hi I’m 61 and 5’4”.
    Original starting weight: 245.0

    September Start Weight: 211.4 (8/31/21)
    September Goal Weight: 208.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    Sept 1: 211.4
    Sept 7: 210.4
    Sept 14: 209.2
    Sept 21:
    Sept 28:

    Wooo It's working staying on track. I have a long way to go but I'm getting there one day at a time.

    Back in April when I was on vacation we went to the Cracker Barrel. They had such cute blouses but none in my size. I can want to go from an XXL to a L ! One day I might even have a waist again.

    I am inspired by just being here. Thank you!

    Oh man, we had a whole discussion about this at work today. They ordered some new polos and my boss was going around asking for sizes - four separate people asked, "are they men's or women's?" Because it matters! The shirt that fits on my actual human body, if it's cut one way, will have a label that says "medium," but if it's cut another way the label will say "XL" or maybe even "XXL" - but if I just tell you I need an XL, you might come back with a shirt that fits (perhaps a little tightly), or you might come back with something that might as well be a dress. And let me tell you, it feels SUPER DUPER GOOD AND GREAT to be told that a medium-size man is equivalent to an EXTRA EXTRA LARGE woman. SUPER GOOD AND GREAT. /s
  • kenziestabes
    kenziestabes Posts: 338 Member
    September Challenge Weigh In Day

    Age 26
    Height 5'10"
    SW 246.9 on 7/13/2021
    CW 234.8
    GW for September: 228
    GW for end of 2021: 205
    UGW 180

    9/1: 235.1
    9/8: 233.5 (-1.6 pounds)
    9/15: 232.7 (-0.8 pounds)
    Total month loss: 2.4 pounds

    Non-weight progress: Although the pounds have definitely slowed down, I lost an inch off my waistline so far this month. Also went kayaking this past weekend and had enough energy to take several flights of stairs afterward and walk around the city a little bit.

    My hope is to still get under 230 by the end of the month, but I don't think I'll get down to 228 as planned. I think 1.4 pounds each week over the next two weeks is reasonable.
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    swanjun wrote: »
    Age 47 5’6”
    Goal: Resist temptation, particularly in the evenings. I do well until then, generally.
    Goal: For bloodwork in November, I want to make sure my A1C is still in normal range (5.4% when last tested).

    UGH. Feeling very down on myself right now. At dinner, I still do well replacing carbs with more veggies, and I did eat a Lean Cuisine yesterday for lunch, but I also ate some other crap like Pop-Tarts. Maybe I am doing this because of stress and worry, which seems to be never-ending. It's always something. This morning, the ceiling fan/light in our living room died. That is nothing in the grand scheme of things, but it's one more item on my massive to-do list.

    Hey there @swanjun - I started brushing my teeth earlier in the evening as a way to remind myself that I was done for the day. I have dinner, maybe a little snack later (if I eat early), and I usually brush my teeth by about 8:30.

    I'm sorry you're feeling down on yourself. It can be hard to forgo an "all or nothing" mentality and accept each day as it comes. There's nothing inherently wrong with a Pop Tart...it's just making sure a Pop Tart is a part of the bigger picture. And if you eat 2 or 20, log it, and chalk it up to learning.