Anyone given up soda?



  • mrmurfman
    two months ago dont miss it anymore. mt dew was my posion of choise :tongue:
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    I have for the most part yes, I rarely rarely have a dark soda/cola. The PH in our stomach is 1-2. When most soda's are 2.5 - 5 and above, so that's not good. I did some research (I'm not an expert) on PH balancing because I had a friend who incorporated it into his life when he became ill, and he believes that because he balanced his PH in his body he wasn't ill anymore, he also lost a lot of weight after following the PH recommendations of certain food combining.

    Plus all the sodium in soda is not good for me because hypertension runs in my family, I never add salt to my food, because foods like meats contain it naturally, as well as other food sources. I drink water, have daily decaf, some tea on occasion, juice rarely. Rare ale too.

    I followed a herbalist's advice on cola/soda which was if I have one to only have it rarely.
  • kimberly774
    yes well trying i give in some days and feel bad so that is a start they are so bad so i will give them up completely but its hard
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I quit like two weeks ago, yes a still get cravings, not as bad as i thought it would be, just when i have things like a burger or an icecream, things that would always go hand in hand with soda.....i was drinking at least a liter a day though.*diet of course*

    I switched to tea, and water. Sometimes i use those water flavor things. I drink my water with ice and a straw, it helps me drink it more.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    I gave them up more than a year ago and haven't regretted it at all. After breakfast I pretty much just drink water. If I am eating out and a drink come with it, I get unsweetened iced tea.

    I have a soda every now and then, something like once every three months.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    totally gave up soda and I used to have a pepsi every morning. Reading articles like this helped motivate me.

    WOW this was quite an eye opener- thanks for sharing it.
  • cricketannie
    cricketannie Posts: 184 Member
    I used to be 100% completely addicted to Dr. Pepper. I would drink 4-5 cans, or bottles a day. It was reeeeeeeeeeally bad. I just decided that one day I was going to stop. I substituted with coffee for a while, and iced tea. I also started drinking sparkling waters for the carbonation. La Croix is a really good one. It took me about a month to get over it, but now I just drink water and tea and coffee all day long, and don't crave a drop of soda.
  • scleesh
    scleesh Posts: 91 Member
    I used to drink NOTHING but coke and sweet tea. It's now been 6 weeks since I haven't had anything BUT water. It's all in your head and what you set your mind too. I used to try and try and couldn't get one glass of water down in a day. Now I'm drinking 120 - 200 ozs. a day. I started counting my calories and I'd much rather count food calories then waste them on something to drink. LOL I've actually gotten used to it now. I grabbed my daughters coke a couple days ago and took a swallow and it was absolutely disgusting. LOL I never thought I'd say that. You can do it but you have to have a strong want to do it. Try drinking cool water, not too cold and drinking it down fast. If too cold you can't drink it fast without getting a brain freeze so makes it harder. Start drinking them down fast and you will also feel fuller. It helps all the way around. You can do it! Good luck!
  • hecallsmeroses
    What is it about the soda? Do you like the sugar taste or the carbonated part of the beverage? I will sometimes add seltzer to a glass of cranberry juice for the carbonation and a cranberry/ orange juice mix with seltzer is really good too. I personally missed the carbonation. Now I only have it occasionally with certain foods.
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    Hi, my name is Cathy and I'm a coke-a-holic. And yes I gave it up completely, very rarely I will have a diet coke or diet pepsi, but usually water or no calorie flavored water. But that's just me, if I have one coke it leads to another and another.
  • katzba
    katzba Posts: 19 Member
    I used to drink tons of Diet Pepsi. I read an article about how to change habits. It said to make a calendar of 21 days (since that's about how long it takes to change a habit) and every day you are successful in changing your habit, you cross out that day. BUT, if you mess up, then you start all over on day 1 and do the whole 21 days over again. So, for example, if you have 7 successful days of not drinking soda, and then mess up and drink it, you start back on day 1 instead of being on day 8. It sounds simple but it was motivating to me to see those X's and I didn't want to have to start over. Plus I told myself that it was only 21 days and if it was too hard, I could drink one on day 22. I haven't had any diet pepsi since Jan. 31. I really didn't miss it. I also used this plan to help me with tracking my food more consistently. Anyway, maybe it'll help.
  • preciousperez
  • chocolattahottie
    **** NO ...hehe

    Soda is my friend and diet soda makes me so ill, not worth it. I just drink less and less frequently.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    I at one point in my life was drinking about 2 litres a day. In school would bring 2 cans one for breakfast and one for lunch and not eat anything else and because of it became overweight by grade 5 and obese by graduation, after highschool I stopped drinking pop as much as I could conciously ( sometimes would drink some without thinking then felt bad after) eventualy cutting all pop out if my life for about 2 years ( lost 50 pounds) untill last summer when I started dateing my bf and he drinks alot of pop always at least 3 cases of coke or dr pepper around , and because that I started to drink it again and gained 40 pounds back over the year , so now for about 3 months I have started cutting it out and if it's around it's hard but very doable , I drink alot of water now and if the taste is to plain I add a splash of cranberry juice :)
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I used to drink a bunch of soda (Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper or regular Dr Pepper if I couldn't find that). In fact, it was the only thing I drank. When I started on this, I forced myself to cut back to 2 a day, for the caffeine mostly. (I gave up caffeine for a while in college and slept through my senior year...) Eventually, I got rid of it entirely and replaced the caffeine with... No Doz. Possibly not great for me, but it's less caffeine than I was consuming and without all those pesky calories. I do struggle to drink plain water, so I always have some of those on-the-go lemonade thingers around.

    I do, however, allow myself to have the occasional soda at a restaurant. I always make sure I also have a glass of water, though.
  • kelseyt17
    kelseyt17 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm a little over a year without soda. It was the first thing I cut out... it was a little hard at first but now I don't want anything but water. I tried drinking a Dr. Pepper not to long ago cause there was nothing else and it tasted disgusting. I don't think I'll ever go back.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I have been on and off this wagon a hundred times. I feel better when I stick to water and unsweet tea. Usually when I fall/leap off the wagon it starts with just one at a restaurant, or a 2 liter finding it's way into my fridge. I think I can handle it but I don't and next thing I know I am out of control.

    2 lemonades at chickfila is almost half of my daily calorie goal!!!!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Oh yeah I was going to say that 3 days in and I get past the caffeine slump / headache and I feel great!
  • phoofsmom57
    phoofsmom57 Posts: 13 Member
    I did, I don't miss it, actually I order one sometimes when I go out, but it tastes funny now, and makes me feel dehydrated afterwards. Water with lemon and sometimes a sweet n low paket is more refreshing.
  • roblow65
    roblow65 Posts: 156 Member
    I have given up soda, I had to have it everyday with every thing I ate. The way I kicked is was to start mixing 100% juice with soda water to get my carbonation fix. I just decreased the carbonation little by little. Since I've never really been one to drink a lot of juice I naturally just went to drinking water. Now water is my second favorite drink next to decaf coffee. I also weaned myself from the caffeine by slowly mixing in decaf grounds with my regular until now all I drink is decaf.