Women 200lb+, Let's Shine This September!!!



  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    swanjun wrote: Β»
    @swanjun let me know if you want recipes, I have a pretty solid rotation of 6 preppable lunches. I'm making cabbage rolls for next week, those are impressively low-calorie if I do say so myself, LMAO.

    Yes, please! Hubby and I actually make cabbage rolls all the time. That's a great idea. I will suggest it to him. :)

    Sent you a FR :) don't want to clog up the boards here with recipes lol
  • azalea4175
    azalea4175 Posts: 290 Member
    @swanjun let me know if you want recipes, I have a pretty solid rotation of 6 preppable lunches. I'm making cabbage rolls for next week, those are impressively low-calorie if I do say so myself, LMAO.

    yes please!!!
  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 525 Member
    @swanjun let me know if you want recipes, I have a pretty solid rotation of 6 preppable lunches. I'm making cabbage rolls for next week, those are impressively low-calorie if I do say so myself, LMAO.

    yes please!!!

    May I have the recipe/s too please I'm really interested in the cabbage rolls. I've never made them but I love cabbage.
  • drj63
    drj63 Posts: 59 Member
    nbbaby wrote: Β»
    Hello group,
    My name is Sharon.
    This is my first time in this group.
    I'm 53, wife, mother of 3 grown children, grandma to 5 granddaughters. I have disabilities Fibromyalgia, 9 Herniated Discs, Arthritis, asthma, ptsd, anxiety etc... I'm 228 lbs, trying to get to 160 lbs. I've tried everything and am tired of yo-yoing. I have high blood preasure (even though I'm on 2 different BP pills daily and I have hi cholesterol and a family history of heart attacks. I have a hard time walking around for more that 10 mins because of my back, so I don't do exercising, So I have to do it through diet. I take 9 different meds aday mostly for pain, BP, cholesterol & Acid Reflux. The doctors want me to have surgery on my stomach. I don't want that so I'm trying to lose weight myself. I have no support at home.So I've turned here trying to find some. My weigh in days are Monday. πŸ’•

    Welcome!! I'm 58, just joined in July and have really found this to be a wonderful support group. I feel very safe posting my weight and sharing my ups and downs with this group. I wish you much success on this journey!!!
  • drj63
    drj63 Posts: 59 Member
    @seltzer_lover Congratulations!!! That is so inspiring! Although you were quite beautiful before having added the health benefits you have gained, you SHOULD be so proud of yourself! So inspiring!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    @girlinkaz you are so inspiring! You look great!

    @goal06082021 thanks for the recipe!

    @wanderinglight 4 lbs??? Wow!!
  • drj63
    drj63 Posts: 59 Member
    Friday Weigh-in:
    Age: 58
    Ht.: 5'3"
    My highest weight ever was 221 a few years ago.
    SW: 205. (7/5/21)
    Last week's weight: 194.6
    CW: 194.2
    GW for end of September: Under 190
    UGW: Under 150

    I can tell that I'm back to work and not moving as much as I was when I was off this summer. It's been so hot that I haven't wanted to walk at lunch. By the time I get home, cook dinner for the family, clean up dinner, prepare lunch and clothes for the next work day I'm exhausted and just want to chill out watching TV or play on my phone. I'm really going to have to get it together to try and make my monthly goal. πŸ˜₯ maybe next week will be better.
  • Elliewebber
    Elliewebber Posts: 24 Member
    SW 320
    September SW 297
    September GW 287
    3/9/21 297
    10/9/21 292
    17/9/21 287
    Calorie counting is going well and I already hit my goal for September! I'm going to hope for another 4lb off by the end of the month!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    nbbaby wrote: Β»
    Hello group,
    My name is Sharon.
    This is my first time in this group.
    I'm 53, wife, mother of 3 grown children, grandma to 5 granddaughters. I have disabilities Fibromyalgia, 9 Herniated Discs, Arthritis, asthma, ptsd, anxiety etc... I'm 228 lbs, trying to get to 160 lbs. I've tried everything and am tired of yo-yoing. I have high blood preasure (even though I'm on 2 different BP pills daily and I have hi cholesterol and a family history of heart attacks. I have a hard time walking around for more that 10 mins because of my back, so I don't do exercising, So I have to do it through diet. I take 9 different meds aday mostly for pain, BP, cholesterol & Acid Reflux. The doctors want me to have surgery on my stomach. I don't want that so I'm trying to lose weight myself. I have no support at home.So I've turned here trying to find some. My weigh in days are Monday. πŸ’•

    Welcome! I don't have much of a support system either -- my husband travels a lot and I have yet to make friends in this new town. Plus, I'm pretty private when it comes to discussing my health (also dealing with serious spine issues and permanent nerve problems following a botched surgery) and anything to do with weight. All that is to say, this group is wonderfully supportive and we're glad you're here! It's become such a great resource for me over the last year.

    I definitely believe that losing weight is 80% food, 20% exercise. You can still make tremendous progress through diet alone.
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    Hi I’m 53 and 5’6”.
    Original starting weight: 257.8 1/14/21

    September Start Weight: 219.2 (8/31/21)
    September Goal Weight: 216.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 170

    Sept 4: 218.9 -(0.3)
    Sept 11: 217.6 -(1.3)
    Sept 18: 216.4 (-1.2)
    Sept 25:
    Sept 30:

    I got back on track this week.

    @Elliewebber congrats on reaching your monthly goal! Way to go! πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Weigh-in day!

    Height: 5'3"
    Age: 30
    SW: 252.8 (11/13/2020)
    CW: 213.8 (8/28/2021)
    9/4: 214.4
    9/11: 214.6
    9/18: 212.4
    GW for September: 210
    GW for 2021: 196
    UGW: 144 by end of 2022

    Ayyy, there we go! I might-could get in spitting distance of my goal this month. My legs are looking incredible too, so i got that going for me, which is nice.

    My long outdoor walk today took me to a big scrub area with two beautiful loops through scrub and flatwoods - there's actually a major road bisecting the area so they built a tunnel under it to connect the two sections, which was neat. I went early, since it was about an hour drive to get there and i knew the walk would be an hour and change based on my typical speed, and that was a good move - i can't imagine walking in the scrub in the full heat and sunlight of the afternoon. The woods would probably be okay though. Only one spiderweb across the path today, unoccupied so i felt okay about destroying it with a stick. I did pass the same jogger about 4 times, maybe he cleared most of the webs for me. It's a nice walking area, just wish i lived closer to it, LMAO.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Pretty excited about this weekend's cooking projects. I've got the filling made for my cabbage rolls, so tomorrow I'll just need to prepare the cabbage, roll 'em up, and bake; and I have some top round marinating right now that's destined to be beef jerky for 52 Weeks of Cooking's "Earth, Wind, and Fire" week (covering the week of 9/17-9/23...do you remember? 🎢) I've basically resigned myself to having the oven on all day tomorrow, which isn't, you know, great, but I'm going to get beef jerky and cabbage rolls out of it so whatever I guess.

    I want to shake up the dinner rotation - it's occurred to me that the Venn diagram of ingredients for my bean and sausage pottage and pork goulash is almost a circle, so I want to sort of reconfigure them into a single new dish, which is going to be kind of a riff on pork and beans, which I might serve over rice or pasta, accompanied by roasted asparagus. I figured this dish out in college, using the "saute-then-simmer" function on my cheap Aroma rice cooker and Curley's sauceless pulled pork. The mixture also makes a good topping for baked sweet potatoes, but I don't have any of those right now. My plan is to start by sauteing some diced onion and garlic (which is a good way to start most any savory recipe, TBH), then adding some beans and pulled pork. I have some chunks of pork roast thawing in the fridge that I'm not yet sure how I'm going to cook before shredding with my Kitchenaid. The Instant Pot makes quick work of meat destined for shredding, but since the beans I have are canned and therefore already cooked, I don't think it makes sense to do it all in the Instant Pot. I might just go get some dried beans and save the canned beans as hurricane rations, as I need to go back out to the store tomorrow anyway; I could get sweet potatoes then as well. My IP also really hates when I try to brown/saute things before pressure-cooking, which like, I get it, but it's personally inconvenient to me and therefore it's bullkitten.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member

    For anyone new, I'm 64, 5'4" and a RN, still working full time.
    Heaviest Wt-255 lbs (unfortunately my second time.) Had got down to 122 lbs. Took me a year and I kept it off for 5 years but got lazy.

    SW-255 lbs 9/14/20, Started my present position and no more micro manager and less stress because of that. Lost 14.5 lbs without trying. I had emergency gall bladder surgery 5/3 and while recuperating, read up on Keto and started being accountable 5/14/21.
    My UGW is 122 lbs.
    5/3/21 Wt-240.5 lbs
    MFP SW 5/14/21- 232.2 lbs
    6/1/21-228.8 lbs
    7/1/21-222.2 lbs
    8/1/21-212 lbs My August Goal was to get below 200 lbs.

    9/1/21-200.0 lbs. Missed it by 0.1 lbs! But happy about 12 lbs in a month! Woo Hoo! Can't complain about that.
    My goal for September is to lose 5 lbs to 195 lbs. I figure monthly loss will be slowing down sooner than later. I have a NSV. I had a Tibial Plateau Fracture in 10/15. I can come down stairs almost normally alternating steps. Going up I have to do 1 stair at a time and meet it with my other leg. Just 3 days ago I can alternate steps going up now! Its exciting after almost 5 1/2 years since I could walk again!

    9/5/21-200.4 lbs. Stayed on track carb/calorie/my exercise routine but the scale drop last time was obviously showing the procedure clear liquid prep I had to do. So explains the slight uptick. Staying with my goal of 195 lbs by October 1, 2021,
    190 lbs by November 1,2021.
    I did 97 minutes/8 miles this AM on my Elliptical. Longest so far.

    9/12/21-198 lbs- Stayed on track this week with Net Carbs and Calories. Doing my Elliptical 99 minutes minutes/8 miles on my 3 days off/week. Have to go shopping for new uniforms today. Can't continue with rolling the waist down on my pants anymore. Down 57 lbs so far!