Welcome New Members!



  • Weird_Island
    Weird_Island Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all I'm new and would like new friends to keep me motivated. Please be nice as I am new.
  • johnsavage79
    johnsavage79 Posts: 2 Member
    New today, hello everyone 👋
  • Kathy_1220
    Kathy_1220 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone! I am a newbie here, and ready to kick this! In January I weighed in at 240. In April I was 222. Today I got on the scale and am now 178. I have been hitting the gym and doing tons of walking and bike riding and I LOVE it! I have not felt this happy or confident in decades. I am 61 now and want to live a long and healthy life! Loving this site and the people already! And looking forward to getting to know everyone!
  • Heida1958
    Heida1958 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello you all. I have been using MFP for some years now, not regularly though until recently. Have not been on this message board before. Have trouble with my weight and need some motivation.
  • debra5235
    debra5235 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey MFP friends! My name is Debbie & I have been a silent, inactive member of MFP for a while. I appreciate the invite to this group. Hoping to make friends & share this journey. I obviously can't do this alone, hence I am starting over! Cheers!
  • AliKiwiPerth
    AliKiwiPerth Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, brand new to MFP here. No idea how to try and add connections yet! I’m 35, looking to lose 5-10kg, living in Perth Australia. Keen to make connections and keep motivated, feel free to add me :)
  • hallkrh
    hallkrh Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all, I'm new here. I started my weight loss journey in 2019. I weigh 243 lb at the time. I work with an endocrine specialist to fix my unhealthy gut and I dropped down to 198 lb and felt great again. I was unable to lose any more weight put about 10 to 12 lb back on a year later. I started working with an Endocrinologist who put me on Phentermine and topiramate. I lost the 10 to 12 pounds I had gained and still just hovered around 198 lb. Was not been able to lose any since. The medications quit working so I weaned off of them and my regular doctor sent me to see her nutritionist who wants me counting my macros. I started counting my macros about a week and a half ago and today I weighed in at 193.4. I'd love to weigh 150 lb again. I hate counting, weighing, and tracking food, but I'll give it a go. Having a hard time hitting my numbers because it's a lot of protein. Need help with high protein lower fat lower carb foods.
  • TryingToMakeItRight
    Hi Everyone,

    I’m new to MFP and am looking to shed about 80 pounds that I gained on a medication for my nervous system. I’ve been using MFP for two weeks and have been able to shed 3 pounds without exercise. I’m looking to incorporate weight lifting into my daily routine and am welcoming any tips, motivation, knowledge, etc. Feel free to friend me as I am a very warm and supportive person. Good luck to everyone on your weight loss journey!
  • Ghostmo1967
    Ghostmo1967 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there, I'm new as well. Not even sure I know how to reply to your message, lol. :)

  • hjahangiri
    hjahangiri Posts: 56 Member
    Just FYI, especially for the new folks - MyFitnessPal has disabled the Add Friend feature. It's sort of like taking a 2x4 to a mosquito, but should cut down on friend requests from scammers and spammers - I hope they're able to figure out how to do the latter while restoring the former, but it's not you, if you can't figure out how to make Add Friend work. It simply doesn't work.
  • hjahangiri
    hjahangiri Posts: 56 Member
    Meanwhile, if you're human (and again, in the HOPE that they will restore the feature, not disable it permanently because they can't figure out how to stop fake accounts from happening), I'd suggest adding enough info to your personal profile to look like a real human being and make that public (OR "myfitnesspal members only") - keeping your news feed (status updates) "friends only".

    Many of us will decline all friend requests from accounts that are missing any profile info, or have only a duck-lips selfie (or worse).
  • helencarter7425
    helencarter7425 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm new here ☺️... Looking to improve my body shape and also looking forward to making new friends here
  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,826 Member
    I've been here a while, but always looking to give support and add supportive friends. This is a tough endeavor to do all by yourself. Feel free to add.
  • Dave5811
    Dave5811 Posts: 2 Member
  • emmap40
    emmap40 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys! I've just joined My Fitness Pal for some serious accountability. I've been WFH since last year and even though I'm loving the flexibility, I need to get up and keep active! Counting on you all for some inspo :)
  • Fiona_Ross82
    Fiona_Ross82 Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2021
    Morning Everyone.
    I'm a mum of 3 who's desperately trying to juggle work, kids, housework plus get healthy and loose nearly 6st.
    Any friends and help I accrue along the way is an added bonus.
    I hope everyone gets to their goal. 💪🏻🌟
  • knightofclover
    knightofclover Posts: 1 Member
    Not exactly a new member, but I have returned to MyFitnessPal after deleting my original account a few years ago.
  • AmandaWordy77
    AmandaWordy77 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm starting up...again ;) and wanting to gain support because I struggle to stay on track. I've done all the local groups, Slimming World, WW etc to no, long term effect. I really like MFP as nothing is forbidden and it makes me move my butt to gain calories. I live in Surrey, UK. I'd love it if there was a local group that get together to support each other but online works too. To add, I'm 50 now which seems to make loosing weight even harder! :p
  • GrumpyDumpty
    GrumpyDumpty Posts: 234 Member
    well well well, like a bad smell you thought you got rid of im back again, this time with all the gear but no idea, got myself a posh watch and some weights, makes an excellent place to hang clothes.

    former member of the 100 pound club,

    follow my journey for some laughs, highs and lows, and me just being funny i hope,
  • BurningThyme201
    BurningThyme201 Posts: 13 Member
    edited October 2021
    I am new too, believe it or not. I still don't know how to make friends here.