🐈‍⬛ 🎃 October Daily Log & Weigh in Challenge 🎃🐈‍⬛



  • Splendamami
    Splendamami Posts: 50 Member


    Am I the only person whose brain wants tacos and tequila but their body wishes to be relieved of all this fat? What an internal battle I'll be going through today. :confounded: However, I had a long weekend so small sacrifices must be made. :wink:

    October Stats...

    UGW: 150s
    Oct SW: 223
    Oct GW: 215 (Original goal) 220 (Edited and more realistic goal)

    10/8 - 223 Will perform two of Chloe Ting's fitness programs on YT and K.O. with 5 quad exercises ranging in 3 sets x 10-15 reps
    10/9 - 227 The most movement I did was bring a fork to my mouth:/
    10/10 - No weigh-ins, no workouts...just vibes:pensive:
    10/11 - Debating on weighing in during my cycle, I usually gain 3-10 pounds in water weight. Weigh lifting about 10-12 reps x 5 sets for 5 exercises. (Deficit Deadlifts, Standing DB Overhead Shoulder Press, Seated Arnold Press, Lying Leg Curl, Back Extensions), followed by a HIIT workout for cardio and finishing with 10 min sprint on the treadmill.
    10/11 (Evening) - After saying I was not going to weigh myself, I did it anyway. Let's just say...the scale had me crying all mf'n night. hehe. (234 yikes!!!!) :'(
    10/12 - 229...a lot more acceptable but I may need to adjust something in my routine. Push day in full effect with either running or indoor cycling for HIIT
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,892 Member

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from Sept 30th): 186.2
    Goal: 181.2 (Five lb Loss)
    End Of Challenge Weight:


    10/01-…...187.0 Well, there I am, off to a bad start. I had a full-on binge last night so this is not surprising. Today I will try to compensate as best I can but tomorrow may be a travel day. That means restaurant meal and less than normal movement. Ugg, why does it have to be such a rough road?

    10/02-.…..185.0 I worked outside yesterday on painting and staining. Over 16,000 steps back & forth into the house. 6 flights of stairs and 2900 calorie burn overall for the day. That helped. I stuck to my guns and avoided over-snacking last night which is my #1 downfall. It all paid off. Today is travel so tomorrow the scale will be up again due to restaurant meal and lots of car sitting/driving but no worries. I will quickly turn it back around.

    10/03-.…..187.0…..Well there is the uptick I expected. My goal today is to work it back down and not let it pull me in the wrong direction any further. Rain all day and thunderstorms expected too. Lots of workers will be here today again. No privacy until late tonight after 9:00 but I will try to go up & down my steps in the house, at the very least.

    10/04-.…..187.2…..Some unexpected travel yesterday which took me away for about 4 hours late afternoon until evening. However, the shorter trip did not blow my dietary goals. I just lacked movement and as much water as I would normally drink. I hope today goes smoother.

    10/05-.…..186.8…..I did sneak in a few extra calories last night after I closed out, but not enough to hurt the scale. I’m so glad to see a drop today. It’s time to see 185 point anything again. Hopefully in the next couple of days.

    10/06-.…..184.6…..Body functions worked good yesterday (finally). Nice to see a drop on the scale and find out where I really am.

    10/07-.…..184.8….. A normal fluctuation. All is well and yesterday was a good day. I am so happy to hanging around in the 184 range. Aiming for another good day today!

    10/08-.…..185.6….. I have no idea in this world of ours why there was a gain. My macros were good, my calories were in the green, I had even more exercise than I logged. Nothing too salty to eat. Perhaps my body is just compensating a little for the large recent drops. In any case, I am still down from this round’s start so I’ll not sweat it and just trust the process.

    10/09-.…..184.0…..After the strange weight yesterday, this is the adjustment that is overdue. It was another good day. It rained all day so my exercise level was low. However, my diet was on point and I got to babysit my 3 yr old DGS. That is always a plus! And the bonus was lots of steps up and down the stairs chasing him. I honestly just can’t get enough of his face and his bright eyes!

    10/10-.…..185.6…..I didn’t expect that big of an uptick. I did go over calories by the cost of a small yogurt last night but that wasn’t so bad. Daughter and DGS moved back in late last night after trouble at home. She brought Chinese which we split and fit into my calorie allowance (at the time). I’m thinking sodium. I’ll have to really watch it today which will be difficult with others here. I’ll have to readjust things.

    10/11-.…..185.6…..(Trend Weight 188.1)….. My daughter brought in over $150.00 worth of Halloween Candy she had at home. OMGosh. I’m in trouble! Doing my best but my willpower is not the greatest. It’s like me being in a restaurant where I actually have to practice restraint, and we all know I haven’t mastered that skill yet. Oh Boy! She bought the candy for a costume Halloween party she was going to have which is now cancelled due to her current circumstances. I will try hard to do good today.

    10/12-.…..185.6…..(Trend Weight 187.1)…..I had a talk with my daughter about that candy. She made a wonderful plan to GET IT OUT OF THE HOUSE. Good day yesterday all around. I wish the scale had reflected it. Travel today so I expect a bit of an uptick tomorrow. I always do better at home with more movement and less extravagance in my eating. I’m taking it in stride. It’s all part of the process.

    10/13-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/14-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/15-……xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/16-……xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/17-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/18-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/19-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/20-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
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    10/25-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
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    10/27-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    10/28-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    10/29-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    10/30-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    10/31-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

  • 39flavours
    39flavours Posts: 1,494 Member
    F41, 5'4
    Heaviest: 180.8 (5th July '21)
    November GW: 145lbs
    UGW: 130

    09/29 - 151.8 👻
    09/30 - 151.6 👻
    10/01 - 153.0 Ghastly gain 🧟‍♀️
    10/02 - 151.4 Fangtastic 🧛‍♀️
    10/03 - 153.0 not cool 👿
    10/04 - 150.8 30lbs down! 🦸‍♀️
    10/05 - 150.6 Happy! 🧝‍♀️
    10/06 - 150.2 Oh you tease! 🧜‍♀️
    10/07 - 149.6 Wow 😱
    10/08 - 150.2 Ah. 🤖
    10/09 - 149.0 Yippee! 🧚‍♀️
    10/10 - 150.8 Yikes 🧟‍♀️
    10/11 - 151.8 Boooo! 👿
    10/12 - 152.2 Arghhh🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟
    10/13 - 150.2 I got this 👾
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member
    🐈‍⬛ 🎃 October Daily Log & Weigh in Challenge 🎃🐈‍⬛

    Highest Weight: 234
    October 1st Weight: 211.2
    Current weight: 211.8

    October Weight lost so far: 0 pounds stay tuned.🪄

    ⭐️October 1… 211.2… up a pound from
    yesterday’s month end low, but I had a feeling it would rebound a bit.
    🎃Happy October 1st!🐈‍⬛
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️9,585 steps from cutting the grass and cleaning up the garden. I should have taken before and after pictures.
    ✔️Ate well over calories. The Snacky Stress monster is back! October is a crazy month of college applications, FASFA, & her last SAT test.

    ⭐️October 2…211.6…I was stress eating yesterday for my daughter, but today I’m over it! I’ll put my nervous energy to good use and dance while she takes her SAT this morning, and I’ll clean up her room and bathroom…which will make me feel better! HAPPY SATURDAY!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️10,433 steps
    ✔️I agree! Weekends are hard… ate well over my calories… felt so over stuffed when I went to bed… thought for sure that the scale would read higher, but it will catch up with me. ⭐️October 3…210.9…👍
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️6,072 steps… under my 7,000 step goal
    ✔️ATE UNDER CALORIES! This is day 1 of my under calorie streak! I can feel it!

    ⭐️October 4…211.4…there is the correction from Friday night’s Jimmy John’s sub. I have to learn to put half of it away in the refrigerator for the next days lunch or dinner instead of eating ALL of it in 1 sitting. Self discipline!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7,515 steps
    ✔️Ate over my calories…I have to learn to savor and save. If I’m going to eat the brownie, I can portion it better and save some for later. With treats I’m more like a squirrel 🐿 that jams all of the nuts 🥜 in its mouth. 🤣

    ⭐️October 5…212.6… the backslide has begun… and I’m going to stop it right now! It’s time to dance with Gina B on UTube and get my day moving on the right foot. 💃🏻
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️9125 steps from Day 5 10 minute walking workout with Gina B and walking Roxie for 15 minutes.
    ✔️Ate under my calories! Only ate 1/2 a brownie today and said no to the large chocolate bar I was craving. Hope the scale is kind.

    ⭐️October 6… 212.1… whew! Moving downward again. Looking forward to seeing the 211’s and the 210’s soon.
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️13,367 steps.. repeat Gina B walk and Roxie walk… and some yard work.
    ✔️Was having an “at calorie goal” day, but overate chips in the evening.

    ⭐️October 7…212.2…glad I didn’t go up much after yesterday. Already on a good start with exercise… just need to keep the calories in check. Today is a clean up house day, then back to work tomorrow. Happy Thursday!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️13339 steps
    ✔️Gave into snacking on chips… again. Time to stop the self sabotage and only eat chips with a meal, because they are not satisfying as a snack… you know this, and you’ve got this , Jill.

    ⭐️October 8… 212.2 holding steady, but when I get snacking back under control it will move downward. I’m worth it, so I have to stop giving in to overeating. I can conquer 2.2 pounds and get into the 210’s by the end of October.
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7,920 steps
    ✔️Gave into stress snacking. A co- worker’s son tested positive for Covid.. so worried for them. ☹️

    ⭐️October 9…212.0…creeping toward 211… I’ll totally take it. 😏
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7,844 steps
    ✔️Left my lunch at home yesterday, and was too busy to pick up or order food, so I ate some junk food. The good news is that I ate my lunch salad for dinner.

    ⭐️October 10…211.5…🥰… only .3 pounds away from my October 1st weigh in. Feeling fine!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7744 steps
    ✔️ Ate 500 over calories… ☹️… stress munching while doing an online Continuing Ed class for my real estate license.

    ⭐️October 11…213.8… whoop… there it is ☹️
    Today is my restart day. Salad at lunch and salad for dinner. Got in a good 20 minute walk with my doggo. Onward and downward! 😁
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7230 steps
    ✔️Ate 200 calories over. This is my daily fight that I will win.

    ⭐️October 12… 211.5…whew! Only .4 pounds away to get back on the losing streak. I can do this! We are doing this! Happy Tuesday, friends. Time to enjoy fall and walk the dog. Win/Win.
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️10,862 steps
    ✔️Ate over calories again. Not giving up.

    ⭐️October 13… 211.8… no more creeping up. I’m so over it. I find that at the end of the day I don’t want to make dinner, so I grab and snack. Tonight I’ll make it easier for myself and make dinner earlier.

    October 14
    October 15
    October 16
    October 17
    October 18
    October 19
    October 20
    October 21
    October 22
    October 23
    October 24
    October 25
    October 26
    October 27
    October 28
    October 29
    October 30
    October 31
  • kristawatkins52
    kristawatkins52 Posts: 148 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    🐈‍⬛ 🎃 October Daily Log & Weigh in Challenge 🎃🐈‍⬛

    Highest Weight: 234
    October 1st Weight: 211.2
    Current weight: 211.8

    October Weight lost so far: 0 pounds stay tuned.🪄

    ⭐️October 1… 211.2… up a pound from
    yesterday’s month end low, but I had a feeling it would rebound a bit.
    🎃Happy October 1st!🐈‍⬛
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️9,585 steps from cutting the grass and cleaning up the garden. I should have taken before and after pictures.
    ✔️Ate well over calories. The Snacky Stress monster is back! October is a crazy month of college applications, FASFA, & her last SAT test.

    ⭐️October 2…211.6…I was stress eating yesterday for my daughter, but today I’m over it! I’ll put my nervous energy to good use and dance while she takes her SAT this morning, and I’ll clean up her room and bathroom…which will make me feel better! HAPPY SATURDAY!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️10,433 steps
    ✔️I agree! Weekends are hard… ate well over my calories… felt so over stuffed when I went to bed… thought for sure that the scale would read higher, but it will catch up with me. ⭐️October 3…210.9…👍
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️6,072 steps… under my 7,000 step goal
    ✔️ATE UNDER CALORIES! This is day 1 of my under calorie streak! I can feel it!

    ⭐️October 4…211.4…there is the correction from Friday night’s Jimmy John’s sub. I have to learn to put half of it away in the refrigerator for the next days lunch or dinner instead of eating ALL of it in 1 sitting. Self discipline!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7,515 steps
    ✔️Ate over my calories…I have to learn to savor and save. If I’m going to eat the brownie, I can portion it better and save some for later. With treats I’m more like a squirrel 🐿 that jams all of the nuts 🥜 in its mouth. 🤣

    ⭐️October 5…212.6… the backslide has begun… and I’m going to stop it right now! It’s time to dance with Gina B on UTube and get my day moving on the right foot. 💃🏻
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️9125 steps from Day 5 10 minute walking workout with Gina B and walking Roxie for 15 minutes.
    ✔️Ate under my calories! Only ate 1/2 a brownie today and said no to the large chocolate bar I was craving. Hope the scale is kind.

    ⭐️October 6… 212.1… whew! Moving downward again. Looking forward to seeing the 211’s and the 210’s soon.
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️13,367 steps.. repeat Gina B walk and Roxie walk… and some yard work.
    ✔️Was having an “at calorie goal” day, but overate chips in the evening.

    ⭐️October 7…212.2…glad I didn’t go up much after yesterday. Already on a good start with exercise… just need to keep the calories in check. Today is a clean up house day, then back to work tomorrow. Happy Thursday!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️13339 steps
    ✔️Gave into snacking on chips… again. Time to stop the self sabotage and only eat chips with a meal, because they are not satisfying as a snack… you know this, and you’ve got this , Jill.

    ⭐️October 8… 212.2 holding steady, but when I get snacking back under control it will move downward. I’m worth it, so I have to stop giving in to overeating. I can conquer 2.2 pounds and get into the 210’s by the end of October.
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7,920 steps
    ✔️Gave into stress snacking. A co- worker’s son tested positive for Covid.. so worried for them. ☹️

    ⭐️October 9…212.0…creeping toward 211… I’ll totally take it. 😏
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7,844 steps
    ✔️Left my lunch at home yesterday, and was too busy to pick up or order food, so I ate some junk food. The good news is that I ate my lunch salad for dinner.

    ⭐️October 10…211.5…🥰… only .3 pounds away from my October 1st weigh in. Feeling fine!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7744 steps
    ✔️ Ate 500 over calories… ☹️… stress munching while doing an online Continuing Ed class for my real estate license.

    ⭐️October 11…213.8… whoop… there it is ☹️
    Today is my restart day. Salad at lunch and salad for dinner. Got in a good 20 minute walk with my doggo. Onward and downward! 😁
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7230 steps
    ✔️Ate 200 calories over. This is my daily fight that I will win.

    ⭐️October 12… 211.5…whew! Only .4 pounds away to get back on the losing streak. I can do this! We are doing this! Happy Tuesday, friends. Time to enjoy fall and walk the dog. Win/Win.
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️10,862 steps
    ✔️Ate over calories again. Not giving up.

    ⭐️October 13… 211.8… no more creeping up. I’m so over it. I find that at the end of the day I don’t want to make dinner, so I grab and snack. Tonight I’ll make it easier for myself and make dinner earlier.

    October 14
    October 15
    October 16
    October 17
    October 18
    October 19
    October 20
    October 21
    October 22
    October 23
    October 24
    October 25
    October 26
    October 27
    October 28
    October 29
    October 30
    October 31

    I feel ya on the not wanting to make dinner at the end of a long day. This is where making a big meal once or twice a week saves me for the most part. This way I always have something healthy in the fridge that I can heat up, throw on the table and call it dinner. Also, if you don't have a crockpot, maybe look into getting one. It can be a life saver in terms of having something healthy to eat with little to no effort, especially on those days that you know are going to be really long or tiring.
  • Splendamami
    Splendamami Posts: 50 Member
    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from Sept 30th): 186.2
    Goal: 181.2 (Five lb Loss)
    End Of Challenge Weight:


    10/01-…...187.0 Well, there I am, off to a bad start. I had a full-on binge last night so this is not surprising. Today I will try to compensate as best I can but tomorrow may be a travel day. That means restaurant meal and less than normal movement. Ugg, why does it have to be such a rough road?

    10/02-.…..185.0 I worked outside yesterday on painting and staining. Over 16,000 steps back & forth into the house. 6 flights of stairs and 2900 calorie burn overall for the day. That helped. I stuck to my guns and avoided over-snacking last night which is my #1 downfall. It all paid off. Today is travel so tomorrow the scale will be up again due to restaurant meal and lots of car sitting/driving but no worries. I will quickly turn it back around.

    10/03-.…..187.0…..Well there is the uptick I expected. My goal today is to work it back down and not let it pull me in the wrong direction any further. Rain all day and thunderstorms expected too. Lots of workers will be here today again. No privacy until late tonight after 9:00 but I will try to go up & down my steps in the house, at the very least.

    10/04-.…..187.2…..Some unexpected travel yesterday which took me away for about 4 hours late afternoon until evening. However, the shorter trip did not blow my dietary goals. I just lacked movement and as much water as I would normally drink. I hope today goes smoother.

    10/05-.…..186.8…..I did sneak in a few extra calories last night after I closed out, but not enough to hurt the scale. I’m so glad to see a drop today. It’s time to see 185 point anything again. Hopefully in the next couple of days.

    10/06-.…..184.6…..Body functions worked good yesterday (finally). Nice to see a drop on the scale and find out where I really am.

    10/07-.…..184.8….. A normal fluctuation. All is well and yesterday was a good day. I am so happy to hanging around in the 184 range. Aiming for another good day today!

    10/08-.…..185.6….. I have no idea in this world of ours why there was a gain. My macros were good, my calories were in the green, I had even more exercise than I logged. Nothing too salty to eat. Perhaps my body is just compensating a little for the large recent drops. In any case, I am still down from this round’s start so I’ll not sweat it and just trust the process.

    10/09-.…..184.0…..After the strange weight yesterday, this is the adjustment that is overdue. It was another good day. It rained all day so my exercise level was low. However, my diet was on point and I got to babysit my 3 yr old DGS. That is always a plus! And the bonus was lots of steps up and down the stairs chasing him. I honestly just can’t get enough of his face and his bright eyes!

    10/10-.…..185.6…..I didn’t expect that big of an uptick. I did go over calories by the cost of a small yogurt last night but that wasn’t so bad. Daughter and DGS moved back in late last night after trouble at home. She brought Chinese which we split and fit into my calorie allowance (at the time). I’m thinking sodium. I’ll have to really watch it today which will be difficult with others here. I’ll have to readjust things.

    10/11-.…..185.6…..(Trend Weight 188.1)….. My daughter brought in over $150.00 worth of Halloween Candy she had at home. OMGosh. I’m in trouble! Doing my best but my willpower is not the greatest. It’s like me being in a restaurant where I actually have to practice restraint, and we all know I haven’t mastered that skill yet. Oh Boy! She bought the candy for a costume Halloween party she was going to have which is now cancelled due to her current circumstances. I will try hard to do good today.

    10/12-.…..185.6…..(Trend Weight 187.9)…..I had a talk with my daughter about that candy. She made a wonderful plan to GET IT OUT OF THE HOUSE. Good day yesterday all around. I wish the scale had reflected it. Travel today so I expect a bit of an uptick tomorrow. I always do better at home with more movement and less extravagance in my eating. I’m taking it in stride. It’s all part of the process.

    10/13-.…..187.0(Trend Weight 187.8)…..Started the day horribly with my grandson age 3 who wouldn’t stop screaming, writhing on the floor and kicking. He was not in a good mood at all. I already feel drained. Today is not going to be a good day. That is clear. Poor little fella has been uprooted from his home and so I understand his frustration. But it doesn’t make it any easier, especially physically. It took two of us getting kicked in the face, just to get him standing to get his clothes on. I’m already reminding myself about every 3 minutes that I will not emotionally eat today or that I will not take the easy way out and eat something that doesn’t require a lot of planning due to exhaustion. That usually has more calories and carbs. Uptick on the scale is from travel yesterday. I’ve got to try to offset that today while figuring out how to deal with 4 different people and 4 different eating tastes and habits including my Autistic son and his white food. 7 workers expected throughout the day today, overlapping. Last one will leave about 9:30 pm. I’m not looking forward to this day. DGS sets the whole tone for all of us in the morning.

    10/14-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/15-……xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/16-……xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/17-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/18-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/19-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/20-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/21-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/22-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/23-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/24-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/25-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..
    10/26-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    10/27-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    10/28-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    10/29-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    10/30-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
    10/31-.…..xxxxx(Trend Weight xxxxx)……


    Donna, I truly hope that your day gets better! I hope that the moments you are enduring fuel you throughout the day to make wise and healthy choices for yourself. Wishing you the best today and always through your journey. <3

    SN. A mantra that has gotten me through some brutal days...I am doing my best and that is enough
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,919 Member

    🐈‍⬛ 🎃 October Daily Log & Weigh in Challenge 🎃🐈‍⬛

    Highest Weight: 234
    October 1st Weight: 211.2
    Current weight: 211.0

    October Weight lost so far: .2 pounds.🪄

    ⭐️October 1… 211.2… up a pound from
    yesterday’s month end low, but I had a feeling it would rebound a bit.
    🎃Happy October 1st!🐈‍⬛
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️9,585 steps from cutting the grass and cleaning up the garden. I should have taken before and after pictures.
    ✔️Ate well over calories. The Snacky Stress monster is back! October is a crazy month of college applications, FASFA, & her last SAT test.

    ⭐️October 2…211.6…I was stress eating yesterday for my daughter, but today I’m over it! I’ll put my nervous energy to good use and dance while she takes her SAT this morning, and I’ll clean up her room and bathroom…which will make me feel better! HAPPY SATURDAY!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️10,433 steps
    ✔️I agree! Weekends are hard… ate well over my calories… felt so over stuffed when I went to bed… thought for sure that the scale would read higher, but it will catch up with me. ⭐️October 3…210.9…👍
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️6,072 steps… under my 7,000 step goal
    ✔️ATE UNDER CALORIES! This is day 1 of my under calorie streak! I can feel it!

    ⭐️October 4…211.4…there is the correction from Friday night’s Jimmy John’s sub. I have to learn to put half of it away in the refrigerator for the next days lunch or dinner instead of eating ALL of it in 1 sitting. Self discipline!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7,515 steps
    ✔️Ate over my calories…I have to learn to savor and save. If I’m going to eat the brownie, I can portion it better and save some for later. With treats I’m more like a squirrel 🐿 that jams all of the nuts 🥜 in its mouth. 🤣

    ⭐️October 5…212.6… the backslide has begun… and I’m going to stop it right now! It’s time to dance with Gina B on UTube and get my day moving on the right foot. 💃🏻
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️9125 steps from Day 5 10 minute walking workout with Gina B and walking Roxie for 15 minutes.
    ✔️Ate under my calories! Only ate 1/2 a brownie today and said no to the large chocolate bar I was craving. Hope the scale is kind.

    ⭐️October 6… 212.1… whew! Moving downward again. Looking forward to seeing the 211’s and the 210’s soon.
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️13,367 steps.. repeat Gina B walk and Roxie walk… and some yard work.
    ✔️Was having an “at calorie goal” day, but overate chips in the evening.

    ⭐️October 7…212.2…glad I didn’t go up much after yesterday. Already on a good start with exercise… just need to keep the calories in check. Today is a clean up house day, then back to work tomorrow. Happy Thursday!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️13339 steps
    ✔️Gave into snacking on chips… again. Time to stop the self sabotage and only eat chips with a meal, because they are not satisfying as a snack… you know this, and you’ve got this , Jill.

    ⭐️October 8… 212.2 holding steady, but when I get snacking back under control it will move downward. I’m worth it, so I have to stop giving in to overeating. I can conquer 2.2 pounds and get into the 210’s by the end of October.
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7,920 steps
    ✔️Gave into stress snacking. A co- worker’s son tested positive for Covid.. so worried for them. ☹️

    ⭐️October 9…212.0…creeping toward 211… I’ll totally take it. 😏
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7,844 steps
    ✔️Left my lunch at home yesterday, and was too busy to pick up or order food, so I ate some junk food. The good news is that I ate my lunch salad for dinner.

    ⭐️October 10…211.5…🥰… only .3 pounds away from my October 1st weigh in. Feeling fine!
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7744 steps
    ✔️ Ate 500 over calories… ☹️… stress munching while doing an online Continuing Ed class for my real estate license.

    ⭐️October 11…213.8… whoop… there it is ☹️
    Today is my restart day. Salad at lunch and salad for dinner. Got in a good 20 minute walk with my doggo. Onward and downward! 😁
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️7230 steps
    ✔️Ate 200 calories over. This is my daily fight that I will win.

    ⭐️October 12… 211.5…whew! Only .4 pounds away to get back on the losing streak. I can do this! We are doing this! Happy Tuesday, friends. Time to enjoy fall and walk the dog. Win/Win.
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️10,862 steps
    ✔️Ate over calories again. Not giving up.

    ⭐️October 13… 211.8… no more creeping up. I’m so over it. I find that at the end of the day I don’t want to make dinner, so I grab and snack. Tonight I’ll make it easier for myself and make dinner earlier.
    ✔️Weighed in
    ✔️12,092 steps

    ⭐️October 14… 211!!!! Yes! First loss of the month and I feel great! Today begins my at or under calorie streak. I am fighting the many-faced snack monster. 👿 👹 👺

    October 15
    October 16
    October 17
    October 18
    October 19
    October 20
    October 21
    October 22
    October 23
    October 24
    October 25
    October 26
    October 27
    October 28
    October 29
    October 30
    October 31
  • Splendamami
    Splendamami Posts: 50 Member
    @deepwoodslady First and foremost just want to send you a BIG hug... your plate has been beyond full lately. Hope the day has a few bright spots along the way.

    Highest weight: 293 (01/28/21)
    October SW - 206.4
    October GW - 198

    10/1 - 206.4
    10/2 - 206.2 (11605 steps yesterday and while I tracked every bite I had a special meal out so I always tend to make sure I overestimate when that happens... looks like I was successful in doing so since I saw a loss today)
    10/3 - 206.6 (18883 steps yesterday as I golfed 18 holes and walled the course. Had another meal out so the slight uptick isn't surprising.)
    10/4 - 207 (13060 steps yesterday - tried HIIT for the first time, got out for a walk, and did my yoga)
    10/5 - 208.4 (11011 steps yesterday, did a nice hike of Tunnel Mountain in Banff National Park, later supper and lots of sodium)
    10/6 - 208.6 (14954 steps yesterday, we got to Kananaskis Nordic Spa in the mountains and had a lovely dinner out last night and then today we spent the day at the spa - couples massage, steam rooms and pools, 11 hour car trip tomorrow to my dad's house so it will be a more sedentary day tomorrow I imagine)
    10/7 - 207 (10042 steps yesterday, controlled day of eating and it paid off on the scales. 11 hour car trip today but I started the morning with exercise.. still hoping to make my 10K steps, wish me luck!)
    10/8 - 204.8 (8880 steps yesterday, fell a but short but considering I was in a car for 11+ hours and the end of the trip was a visit with family and a large meal, i will take this massive weight drop!)

    Week 1 loss - 1.6

    10/9 - 204.4 (8961 steps yesterday, a bit harder to hit my 10K goal while I'm on holidays but still making effort to do so! Just so happy to see yesterday's drop is holding)
    10/10 - 206.4 (12820 steps yesterday, we had Chinese food.. enough said)
    10/11 - 206 (5264 steps yesterday, had Thanksgiving dinner #1 and was happy with how it went)
    10/12 - 205.6 (7819 steps yesterday, Thanksgiving dinners are officially done and I lost weight on the trip.. woo hoo! Looking forward to getting back to my normal activity levels but I had a great time visiting family.)
    10/13 - 204.6 (10991 steps yesterday, we drove 11 hours to get home but I was then able to ride the bike and take my dog for a walk.. feeling good settling back into my routine.)

    :o Weight loss after Thanksgiving!! Please teach me your ways hehe. :D