Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • SavannahJJ93
    SavannahJJ93 Posts: 547 Member
    Hiiii! I accept everyone.
    SW: I think 315lbs was my heaviest
    CW: 267.8 lbs
    GW: 150ishlbs
  • LilithReigns
    LilithReigns Posts: 225 Member
    Not than anyone asked but reasons why you should add me:

    1. I am funny (sometimes)
    2. I post some Body Positive content because its important
    3. I will support you even on the rough days!
    4. I post relatable and realistic issues that arise throughout this process and am open to constructive criticism on my page

    :) Don't be shy!
  • MeggyMoonRocks
    MeggyMoonRocks Posts: 5 Member
    Anyone who is super supportive please add me!! I was on MFP about 8 years ago and lost 117 lbs in 9 months by eating clean and falling in love with pushing myself in the gym! With the stress of passing my nursing boards and being in a really bad past relationship, I gained all my weight back. Im back and ready to do the damn thing and finish what I started once and for all! Thanks in advance for your support!
  • iMustLoseIt
    iMustLoseIt Posts: 1 Member
    Just started tracking here. I am starting a new program on Sunday. Looking forward to making some weight loss progress soon! I'm married, 1 child in college and a feisty cat. I would also like to make some friends on here! Hope to get to know some people. =)
  • marekminutskimfp
    marekminutskimfp Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    Would enjoy more friends to get healthy together 😀
  • bjharrison1983
    bjharrison1983 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also looking for new motived fitness friends! But how do u send friend request on this thing? I thought I was a lil tec savvy.
  • OleTroubadour
    OleTroubadour Posts: 3,428 Member
    @bjharrison1983 after you click on their profile name in the top right (ish) corner you need to click on "MyFitnessPal profile" and then you can send an invite!!!
  • 0481itww8nef.png
    These were my last friends, but they kept demanding cat food. It's too warm for them these days so they trekked back into the forest today.

    Looking to make new friends :D

    Me: 48, female
    I guess Libertarian? (US, general contrarian...or is it Librarian? That was me at one time too)
    I read a lot of books
    I am not following any set diet
    I have a rebuilt road bicycle made by Torker that I love. I ride on the Zwift app too.
    I keep watching History Channel UFO specials (The Truth Is Out There!)
    Married to the IT guy, 2 grown kiddos
    Gainfully unemployed, but looking - I don't know what I'm doing with life right now
    I have an old cat, but somehow feed the neighbors two cats too
    I'm allergic to everything.
    I used to love Sci-Fi / Fantasy but think the new writing is :(
    I want to be a runner but struggle with breathing and fatigue, if I can just get those two things handled + my weight down I'm golden. I'm unsure why but instead of employment goals all I keep coming back to is, "I WANT TO RUN! FAR! FAST! AMAZING!!" (I don't know what I'm thinking honestly...)

    I generally like most people so let's be friends. Cheers! -Poppy in NW Oregon, originally from Texas region, i.e. overly friendly, I have a thick accent and I absolutely don't fit in here in Oregon, although it's a pretty nice place.

  • natashiared
    natashiared Posts: 6 Member

    Feel free to add me 👍

    Back after a long break and looking for friends!

    From the UK 🇬🇧 😊
  • Eddie_Hunter
    Eddie_Hunter Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys I’m just starting out and would love a network of buds for accountability. Feel free to add me.
  • mags_sloniker
    mags_sloniker Posts: 60 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me! I’m looking for motivation and inspiration!

    Good vibes to all from the PNW!
  • tyrox619
    tyrox619 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! New to this community. Would like to have like a banter group so that we can achieve our goals together. And have fun!

  • alipayne1982
    alipayne1982 Posts: 6 Member
    Brand new to MFP only 3 days in and looking forward to making new friends and supporting others on their journeys as well 😀
  • emmathedon
    emmathedon Posts: 2 Member
    Hello All! Emma here from South Florida! Would really like to meet new "fitness" friends. I have started my weight loss journey and I am super excited to crush some goals!
  • smellyplantlady
    smellyplantlady Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for more accountability and encouragement! Let’s be fitness friends!
  • nickeykh
    nickeykh Posts: 4 Member
    Old member getting back into it after a year of covid and craziness.

    Looking for support and people that enjoy the fitness journey and the social aspect as much as I do!

    Let's do this! 😁
  • Veronicav0609
    Veronicav0609 Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add. I would love to have some awesome new friends!
  • Brambo1986
    Brambo1986 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m not necessarily new to this but just getting serious about it. Please if you are someone who is good at holding people accountable and can kick my fat butt into gear if u see me slacking please add me. Lol I went from 320ish lbs down to 225 and got real healthy. Then lost my mom and gained it all back. I just broke into the 200s(299.4) yesterday so I’m getting closer to my goal!!!!
  • AlexandriaAmelia
    AlexandriaAmelia Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there! I just started going on a new journey to weight loss a few months ago. I log my food and exercise every day, and so far I am down 15lbs since April! I would love to be friends. Lets cheer each other on!