What irks you today?



  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    "Documentaries" that are really just thinly veiled propaganda. Even worse when they are touted as "educational" by folks who have probably never even read a history book (or multiple differing historical texts) to derive their own opinions on the matter.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    IslandGal3 wrote: »
    I can't figure out how to send a friend request.

    I think you have to go up top and click Find Friends , put their name in and search.
  • dawnfire72
    dawnfire72 Posts: 46 Member
    People who panic shop. I get it we have major flooding in the surrounding areas and supplies might be delayed but panicking and buying up all the toilet paper and milk isn't going to help. I am hoping the stores place limits on how many packs of high-demand items you are allowed. Glad I have a pantry and freezer full of stuff.
  • honey_honey_12
    honey_honey_12 Posts: 13,849 Member
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,627 Member
    The price of a 6" subway sandwich being $5.99.

    BUT I've been waiting forever for the roast beef to come back and it's national sandwich day and I'm testing out being able eat a sandwich as a sandwich is meant to be eaten so I splurged. :)

    (And OMG, this sandwich is perfect. The bread is soft and the meat isn't rare and they didn't over do the mustard.)

    Also, I'm not sure I'm irked (yet) but the gas station where I stop off for my diet soda has a new employee and she's so gung ho and perky and IN A GOOD MOOD and geez, I polished off this sandwich fast and I'm on the fence about it being refreshing (the new employee, not the sandwich) or definitely irksome in the future. :)
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Choosing the Express checkout at lunch hour to ask the cashier why your loyalty points weren't added to your account the last time you shopped and shooting down all her helpful suggestions for getting them updated... after you already held up the line buying a case of bulk food that wouldn't scan properly and needed a manager override. :s
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Waking up at 2:00 a.m. and tossing/turning until 4. Then just climbing out of my cocoon because what's the use anyways?
    That's becoming the norm these days....

    Then I go to turn on our outer light downstairs, that goes into the driveway, first time I've used it since our kitchen reno. It doesn't work. I think our electrician did something that effed it up. Will replace the bulb but I just have a feeling..... :(
  • dawnfire72
    dawnfire72 Posts: 46 Member
    My stupid program for work that keeps locking up :s
  • bellababy9031
    bellababy9031 Posts: 287 Member

    This used to be one of my irks, but I forgot about it.
  • amberisthecolorfyourenergy
    Coworkers who think they’re the manager 😭
  • honey_honey_12
    honey_honey_12 Posts: 13,849 Member
    When I need a shoulder the most,
    crickets 🦗
  • bellababy9031
    bellababy9031 Posts: 287 Member
    When I need a shoulder the most,
    crickets 🦗

    Sounds like you need shoulder replacement surgery....

    Just sayin.
  • dawnfire72
    dawnfire72 Posts: 46 Member
    Relatives who contact you trying to be your friend even though you have nothing in common and haven't spoken to them in a long time just because they heard someone you are close to is not doing well.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,150 Member
    My bank. 3 weeks after this merger and I still can't transfer money between accounts online.
  • honey_honey_12
    honey_honey_12 Posts: 13,849 Member
    Although it’s no skin off my nose,
    people who constantly leave and come back.
    Like, all the time.
    I’m sure there’s some reason I am unaware of but geez it’s hard to keep up. 🙄
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,464 Member
    It's time for my company's annual enrollment, meaning selecting the medical, dental and other plans we will use in 2022. My company offers 3 medical plans to pick from, good start. My problem stems from the fact I chose wrong last year, and my wife's doctor refused our 2021 insurance. To avoid this problem in 2022, I've been trying to call and find out which plan(s) all the family doctors do accept. But between the doctor's receptionists being undertrained and generally unhelpful, plus calling the insurance company to get details but getting placed on hold while shunted to some other number to be placed on hold to be shunted... I just spent two+ hours with absolutely no progress to show for it.

    I'm ultimately gonna just keep the same plan we had in 2021, as only a single doctor refused to accept it, and just pay cash for her single annual visit to see him.
  • Ketomoijo
    Ketomoijo Posts: 89 Member
    Where do I start 🤷🏻‍♀️😣
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    Ketomoijo wrote: »
    Where do I start 🤷🏻‍♀️😣

    At the beginning 😂
  • Ketomoijo
    Ketomoijo Posts: 89 Member
    Ketomoijo wrote: »
    Where do I start 🤷🏻‍♀️😣

    At the beginning 😂

    In short.. MEN! 😂
  • Lorelei19
    Lorelei19 Posts: 107 Member
    That I've fallen into the stereotypical millennial mindset of "I want it now", as I impatiently wait for a package to arrive (that I ordered yesterday).