December 2021 Active Friends

Hi MFP! It’s nearing Thanksgiving 2021 and I’m looking at add friends for accountability. My starting weight was 214 and now at 176.

My goal weight is 148. I am 5’5” tall.

Feel free to post your goals here and add me on the app. This time of year can be tough with all of the celebrations. I plan to enjoy myself on certain days but also try and stay on plan! 😊😊


  • HeevenleeVT
    HeevenleeVT Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there love to be friends with you I just joined today and looking to have friends that support motivate and keep me on track not sure how to add friends would you tell me how. My goal at the moment is to lose 11 pounds. I have many health problems that make this a very hard road. Look forward to being friends with you
  • kwag25
    kwag25 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi HeevenleeVT! Just copy the user name and go to Friends on the app. You can paste there. I will add you now. 😊
  • HeevenleeVT
    HeevenleeVT Posts: 23 Member
    oh ok thank you so very much looking forward to it
  • MamaBear517
    MamaBear517 Posts: 24 Member
    I’m looking at the holidays that way too, and wanting a couple more friends with similar commitment/goals to chat with regularly. I’m down about 47lbs. Right now I’m focusing on hitting that 50lb mark before Christmas. Then next year I’m planning to work off another 60 or so. I’ll add you.
  • bellabea117SLP
    bellabea117SLP Posts: 1 Member
    Kwag 25, I read your message and I think you and I are in the exact same boat. I am just starting though.
    My weight 192. My goal is 144. I am also 5'5". I feel miserable. My goal is to commit to tracking my food and to get 10k steps at least 4 days a week. Doable? I hope so.
  • doolha
    doolha Posts: 15 Member
    I'm new and would love to have active friends, too! Just starting out and definitely focusing only on the food for the moment, working my way up to actually exercising. Want to lose around 45 - 50 lbs, ideally. :D
  • virgoballetbabe
    virgoballetbabe Posts: 2 Member
    Same! Thanks for sharing your story. I’d love to make accountability friends at least for this upcoming holiday season. I’ve been on and off this platform for years, usually just tracking by pen and paper. However during Covid I’ve gained extra stubborn weight.

    The pandemic stress and lack of activity along with losing family members this year including my mom and grandma have definitely contribute, but admittedly I’ve been overindulging on all the carbs and alcohol. Yesterday I stepped on the scale and realized I need to take some action.

    I’m 5’5 starting at about 131lbs and my goal is 110. Naturally I fluctuate around 108-112 lbs. I’ve been at this weight back in 2009 when I was not eating the best and not exercising, so I know once I get back to a healthier diet things should fall into place.
  • JenKindo
    JenKindo Posts: 418 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hi there! I'm Jen. 5'9", 206 today. I'd lost weight before on MFP (at least my clothing sizes got smaller) but never weighed myself until a Dr's appointment last August when I was shocked to learn I was 235. I want to get down to 150-160 range and see what that feels like. I hike, do yoga, bike and started a strength training class at the beginning of the month that I am REALLY enjoying. Class is 2 days a week and I started going to the gym on my own Saturdays.

    I've been doing ok on my own, but the holidays are going to be a challenge. Feel free to add me!
  • kwag25
    kwag25 Posts: 7 Member
    So glad to connect with everyone! ❤️❤️
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Hey folks, have been using the app for a few years. If your diary is open and you're working on losing the healthy way/ not starting yourself by all,means feel free to add
  • roger_301
    roger_301 Posts: 133 Member
    I can't figure out how to add people... (not that I would be a good friend, anyway, lol)
  • jess_g15
    jess_g15 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm new and would love active friends to keep me motivated! I'm looking to lose 40-50 lbs myself. I have used this in the past and it's been super helpful! Feel free to add me!
  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    Can we make a group and we can all chat there? :)
  • JenKindo
    JenKindo Posts: 418 Member
    I'll be visiting family (all very obese) for Thanksgiving and the odds of healthy options for food are pretty slim. I'm taking something for lunch, going to stick to leaner turkey and anything vaguely green for dinner and limit alcohol.

    My sister is terrible about pushing food, brings me stuff I didn't ask for and won't eat, etc. Going to need all the strength tomorrow!
  • dtmwed
    dtmwed Posts: 130 Member
    I will be doing the same and my birthday is half way in between. I am going to be good this year and not let 6 weeks of events take me down.
  • jayphilz
    jayphilz Posts: 5 Member
    Hiya!! I'd love an add for motivation & accountability!! Cleaning out the inactive folks from my friends list and looking to add some go-getters who are really trying to improve and not just saying so. I sent you a request!! :)