Scale Smashers Support (closed thread)



  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Good Luck Amy! You'll do great! And you are tiny, I'm sure your "fat" pants are like size 5. We all have days that we bloat a little and our clothes feel a little more snug than we'd like but we just have to keep fighting the good fight! You've got this girl!

    Katie, Sounds like our husbands would get along great. I feel non-exsistant during basketball season. Football we tend to go out to watch the games alot more because we don't get all the channels the games air on so I'm able to entertain myself a little better so I don't notice him ignoring me:wink: I think we are more into college games because our state doesn't really have a home team.

    btw, I got my run in and now I'm down 2.6lbs!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Thanks, Kasi. I think they're a 6 or an 8... :wink:

    I was down .8 not super great, but it's something, and I had a lushy weekend. :drinker:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Lol, I would be soooo happy if I could wear a size 6! I'm slowly getting to a comfortable size 9 though. It depends on the jeans but some I fit some I don't.

    Like I said before any loss is a good loss! Lets just hope we win the challenge cause I don't wanna lose any of our teammates!!!

    Go Scale Smashers!!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    Kasi - I would like to thank you for motivating me to run today, just got back from a (quick) one...better than nothing though! It felt good to get out, I'll keep the Jillian beat downs for the 5 am slot :laugh:

    I love when guys check me out as they drive/walk past me when I'm running. Little boost of confidence helps to put some more pep in my step! :wink:

    I just posted my weigh in, down 2.5 pounds. I don't think last week was very accurate so this week was more of a maintain than a loss, but I'll take it! It's better than a GAIN!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Good Morning friends! I'm so happy I motivated you Katie... I love to run and hell yeah it's feels nice to be checked out! You go girl:flowerforyou:

    Our team did awesome this week. It looks like combined we lost 15.5lbs! Babyfat (sorry can't remember your name right this second) you kicked major butt! Nice loss:flowerforyou:

    I'm planning on taking my son to the park when I pick him up from kindergarden. I'm gonna load up his bike so we can walk/run the nature trail they have there. Then we'll pick some black berries so we can make some fresh berry smoothies... yum!
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Awe Kasi that sounds like fun, I wanna come!!

    Great job team- can't wait to get the results!
  • losemybabyweight
    losemybabyweight Posts: 225 Member
    WoW!!! We did awesome, nice job team. I agree Katie, being checked out is a huge motivator:) Kasie, thank you, and me name is Anne (say Annie) :)

    Have fun at the WD this weekend :)
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I'm so sorry I haven't posted lately. honestly I haven't even read much on here so I'm sorry if anyone has posted something to me - LOL....just so busy trying to balance school, family, kids, my homework, their homework, my poor husband, the house, bills,, it's been so crazy and overwhelming!

    We did a great job this week everyone! I really screwed up yesterday. Had a horrible day at school to be honest and between crying on and off I ate and ate and ate S$it yesterday. I'm feeling terrible about it today and just SUCKS to know I'm that bad of an emotional eater. Stupid decisions! Today I have brushed myself off, pep talked myself to have a better college day, and will make much better, smarter food choices. I owe it to myself and of course my amazing scale smashers team to pull off a nice loss next week! :drinker:

    Hope you're all doing well!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    It's ok Irish, we ALL have those types of days! I feel your pain trying to balance/juggle school, work, kids, house, dogs, blah, blah, blah.....we're living the same life! This semester I'm trying really hard to not become the psycho woman I was last semester - it wasn't fair to my poor family. So far I'm doing good with pacing myself and trying not to be the anal person I am by nature. I still have my tendencies but I must admit that I'm a bit calmer.....for now....:laugh:

    I'm looking forward to the weekend, but hoping hubby doesn't want to go out to eat! :angry: We're taking the kids to the movies this evening - how can you go to a movie and NOT eat popcorn? :noway: I'm NOT getting butter though, so at least that'll cut a little fat. Soccer games then b-day party (I know there will only be *kitten* for food so I'm eating before we go! :grumble: ) Hubby wants to have finger foods for the football game on Sunday, but I DID find a "healthy" tacquito recipe from Hungry Girl that I'll be indulging in..and maybe have a salad or something. I'm telling you all of this because it's my PLAN and I'm speaking things that are not as though they were! Now....hold me accountable poeple! :happy:
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Oh Irish don't beat yourself up so much. I don't know how you juggle all of those things! And as a fellow emotional/stress eater... I'm here if you need anything! Keep your chin up girl!!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Oh Irish don't beat yourself up so much. I don't know how you juggle all of those things! And as a fellow emotional/stress eater... I'm here if you need anything! Keep your chin up girl!!

    Awe, thanks hun. I'm better today - had a good cry that I held back most of the day yesterday and I just feel so much better. Your last sentence made me giggle because a friend of mine and I always say that to each other but we say it like this: "keep your chins up". hehehe...double chins...get it? get it? snort, snort...laugh, snort, laugh...
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    It's ok Irish, we ALL have those types of days! I feel your pain trying to balance/juggle school, work, kids, house, dogs, blah, blah, blah.....we're living the same life! This semester I'm trying really hard to not become the psycho woman I was last semester - it wasn't fair to my poor family. So far I'm doing good with pacing myself and trying not to be the anal person I am by nature. I still have my tendencies but I must admit that I'm a bit calmer.....for now....:laugh:

    Thanks girl!!! WOW, we do!! and that's my problem...I'm anal and want to do everything right...don't want to disappoint anyone - the instructor, my husband, kids, myself..the pressure is almost too much. And with everyone knowing I quit doing daycare and pretty much quit everything to do this, and then to have a EPIC FAIL day, it just really sucked. LOL!! McDonalds and Chinese at the mall were my friends yesterday OMG. Then Little Debbie and Dr. Pepper came over for a visit in the afternoon - jerks...hahaha - I'm laughing about this now.

    Good luck with your movie - I always pop 100 calorie popcorn and sneak it in. And then throw a tiny small handfull of movie popcorn of my husband's in it and I feel like I'm still getting that movie popcorn but behaving - I count it as 200 cals just to be safe. Great ideas with the football game - sounds good - totoally post that recipe please!!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    Good idea about with the popcorn! :wink: I'm slowly realizing that I can STILL be Superwoman without driving myself completely insane. I just feel like everything I feel is "worth" doing I should give 100% - but in reality it's just not feesible. I'm also slowly realizing alternative ways to go about certain things...... *sigh* one day I'll get there, I have faith!

    I'll surely post the recipe if it's any good!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Maria, no worries... everyone has those days. I make sure I get a nice run or workout in the day after I have issues like that and it makes me feel a lot better.

    Katie, having a "plan" is awesome! Your right though, sticking to it is the struggle. Again, if I know I might have temptations on a particular day I make sure I earn extra calories before hand. I've also been sneaky with providing healthy foods for events like BBQ's, birthday parties, or whatever get together we might be taking part in. Did you know you can use Greek Yogurt to make ranch or onion dip? I buy the little packs that you are suppose to mix with mayo or sour cream but I use the yogurt and it turns out really good and less calories. Its a little high in sodium but a great alternative to use with your veggie plate :wink: Oh yeah and for the games that have nasty @$$ concessions.... Pack your purse with some baby carrots, strings cheese, 100 calorie snack packs or whatever to keep you from temptation. *Eating first is also an awesome idea!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Irish, you and I sound like we're living the same life: I'm teaching full time, coaching volleyball, going to grad school, my husband is taking classes on Tuesdays, my son is playing soccer, my school work, the boy's school work, grading, getting ready for conferences next week...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    I'm a stress drinker...seriously. I don't eat when I'm stressed, I drink, then I eat *kitten* because that's what sounds good. One thing that's helped is hiring someone to clean my house every two weeks. My husband and I are both teachers and we haven't seen a pay raise (while our benefits suck balls more and more each year) but we decided that is was so worth it to have someone come and dust, vacuum, wipe down surfaces, etc. It's definitely helped me keep my sanity.

    I made a killer "trail mix" the other day: 2 cups of air popped popcorn, 1/2 cup Kix cereal, 1/2 cup Chocolate Cheerios, 1/4 cup dried cranberries, 1/4 cup roasted almonds. Crunchy, a bit sweet, a bit salty, not too many calories, good fiber, some protein...good stuff.

    Okay, have a great weekend everyone and be good!
  • losemybabyweight
    losemybabyweight Posts: 225 Member
    I'm so sorry I haven't posted lately. honestly I haven't even read much on here so I'm sorry if anyone has posted something to me - LOL....just so busy trying to balance school, family, kids, my homework, their homework, my poor husband, the house, bills,, it's been so crazy and overwhelming!

    We did a great job this week everyone! I really screwed up yesterday. Had a horrible day at school to be honest and between crying on and off I ate and ate and ate S$it yesterday. I'm feeling terrible about it today and just SUCKS to know I'm that bad of an emotional eater. Stupid decisions! Today I have brushed myself off, pep talked myself to have a better college day, and will make much better, smarter food choices. I owe it to myself and of course my amazing scale smashers team to pull off a nice loss next week! :drinker:

    Hope you're all doing well!

    Its so hard to juggle everything - we're all bound to have bad days - way to pep talk yourself :)

    I too haven't been able to post as much. My little man had me up four times last night, so I just stayed up for the day at 430am and am just sitting down now after a busy day at work and chasing after both kids (its 820 here). I have not made my calorie goal today because I've been so busy - I had all I could do to NOT stop at McDs on a trip back from work meeting. I'm thinking about eating some peanuts now :)

    I hope that those of you who are in the WD tomorrow have a ton of fun! I will have a beverage here to celebrate with you :O
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I feel your pain Anne lol...

    I'm finishing my WD shirt- sadly from having a long (yet wonderful) dinner I didn't make it to Hobby Lobby for more fabric paint... So acrylics will have to do! Damn my innability to center words- I'd be done otherwise..

    Did ok at dinner- totally went over though- but for a nonstop moving day and a 2 1/2 y/o with no nap I think I did ok. 2 margaritas, maybe 6 chips (go me!) and I got carnitas with corn tortillas and a tamale and came home with about 5#'s of food still. LOL! I did also have 1/2 a glass of wine at the g/f's house but home now to do my shirt and then off to bed.

    I'm still trying to decide if I should wear my HRM moniter or not tomorrow. I don't want it to get wrecked with water or mud!!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Jessica, the HRMs are made to withstand water...not too sure about mud.

    So, I'm totally drinking my dinner tongight. As evidenced by my awesxome spelling.
  • losemybabyweight
    losemybabyweight Posts: 225 Member
    I LOVE lushy weekends! Hope you're feeling good today!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I'm up and feeling daughter came in at 7:15 and told me it was time to get up, so I did. I ended up crashing at the neighbor's until 4:00. (Long story short, she's stressing herself into an ED and after hubs and I spent about an hour trying to get her to eat something -after we'd been drinking, I took her home and let her cry on my shoulder. Then we both passed out.)

    Today is crappy outside, but hubs bought me a new workout game for the Wii, so I'm gearing up to try it. Oh, I found a great blog:

    Sara, the writer of the blog has some great insights, some excellent (and quick!) workouts, yummy recipes, etc. No, I'm not a paid sponsor. :laugh: She really focuses on women's health for real know, those with crazy lives, no personal trainer, no personal chef, and about a million things on her to-do list.