December 2021 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    AlphaHowls wrote: »
    @Teresa502 wrote: »
    Doesn’t help with our Run the World challenge though. ☹ Speaking of which, we only need 3,281 kilometers (2,038.8 miles) to finish the year!

    1,904 Miles Remaining
    -335 Miles Behind Pace

    Noticed, been watching the slow down , trying to fight my disappointment that we may not make it.

    I know! We are now -539 kilometers behind pace. At least we made it onto land now - we won't drown in the ocean.
    @quilteryoyo - did you go back and enter your miles yet?

    I slipped last month and didn't put in the miles I should have (though it was injury related).
    So hopefully I am close to being back to normal and I can add to the total. Probably won't make much difference, but it will be more than last month.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I'm a few days behind...
    shanaber wrote: »
    @noblsheep - Welcome back! It is good to see you again!
    @whatmerunning - I don't think there was any offense taken. I don't think many of us spend as much time looking at articles or analyzing running information like the original creator of the challenge did and like @RunsOnEspresso said so many of the sites are now behind paywalls so even if we could post a link most would not be able to get to it. I do tend to go back to some of the older links, videos and articles as I think there is real value there but I also try to see if there are updates or new information or analysis.

    We are way north in CA and on the way up stopped to visit friends. I got in a good fast run in the cold drizzle yesterday before we headed further up the coast. Today we visited the Humboldt Redwoods State Park. It was cold (for us) but we had fun hiking and seeing the huge amazing trees. My daughter caught this picture of me that was really fun 😊. It was gloriously beautiful!
    I am hoping to get in a 6.6mi run for my birthday in the morning but it is supposed to be in the 30's 😳 and I really don't have the clothes with me for running in it. It may have to wait until we get home or maybe on Tuesday when we are heading back down the coast.

    Yes, no offense was taken. I often forget where I learned something as well since I probably read it 5+ years ago. And if I do remember a specific article I either can't find it or can't access it anymore.
    @SummerSkier MobyCarp passed away in July of 2019. We still tag him from time to time, so he'll probably show up in a search more recently.
    Just so everyone knows, I wasn't intending to imply anything was wrong with the group of expertise or advice here. I guess seeing those old threads/posts just seemed very "familiar" and made me comment, apologies if I came across incorrectly. I think this is the best place to go for running advice on MFP, no doubt, I point new runners here all the time. For anything more you have to go specific directions towards other specific sources (certain trainers/methods).

    I miss a lot of things sometimes.

    No offense taken <3 We miss those guys, too. There was the ultra-running lady from Canada who was really good too, got picked up by a sponsor and stopped posting here (she told us she was going to concentrate on her blog I think) but I lost track of her.

    I get what you're saying. But I also see you as one of those people who's been running for a while and has a lot of good input to share. So I'm glad you're back, and please, stick around! 😁

    Jessica. She is no longer running. I can't really say much more than that.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Slow start to this month. Only 25/103 so far. Hopefully I pick it up a bit!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @whatmerunning - I don't think there was any offense taken. I don't think many of us spend as much time looking at articles or analyzing running information like the original creator of the challenge did and like @RunsOnEspresso said so many of the sites are now behind paywalls so even if we could post a link most would not be able to get to it. I do tend to go back to some of the older links, videos and articles as I think there is real value there but I also try to see if there are updates or new information or analysis.
    Re: paywalls and running advice - hope no one minds me posting this here, but I really like six minute mile, which is a newsletter for runners. You do have to give them your email and they have ads, but no paywall, and they collect a lot of different articles including news, gear, and advice.

    Forgot to second this. I get their newsletter and although I don't read it every time, I have found some very interesting articles in it.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    Tonight’s run was 20 min at 11:13-12:13 min/mile. I ended up with 1.66 miles. I wasn’t really feeling it tonight, so I hope I have more motivation tomorrow.

    I was visiting friends a couple of weeks ago, and this raccoon came right up onto the deck where we were sitting and starting munching on their dog’s food. She wasn’t scared of us at all! We discovered she lived in a tree in their backyard. Apparently, a couple of days later, the whole family came onto the deck, and my friends saw them from the kitchen and had to shoo them away.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,020 Member
    December Goal: 100 Miles

    12/1: 5.11 miles
    12/2: 5.11 miles
    12/5: 10.03 miles
    12/7: 5.31 miles
    12/8: 5.52 miles

    31.08/100 miles completed for December
    It was another cold morning, but not as cold as yesterday.  I ran 5.5 miles. It was a good run. I wore long pants but instead of a jacket I wore a t-shirt and 2 pair of sleeves. It worked well. I ended up taking off one pair, but it was easy to tuck them in my pockets. 


    2021 Races:
    4/24/21: Run For The Children - 10K PR 55:46:28.
    11/6/21: Run For 57th AHC Half Marathon - PR 2:07:11 and 1st in AG
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    12/1 – 7.02
    12/2 – 5.02
    12/3 – 5.02
    12/5 – 5.02
    12/7 – 7.02
    12/9 – 7.04

    36.14 of 110 miles

    So so far behind!!! Going back to do some reading. My girl is coming home today for winter break, woohoo! Last weekend I volunteered at the Garmin RunningLane Cross Country Championships. Great racing as expected, the boys ran 5 ran under the National best time and the winning teams average time was 14:14 for a 5K!! Insane! Over 2200 runners, what an event!

    Great links @shanaber

    Happy Late Birthday @shanaber and @scott6255

    @WhatMeRunning I didn’t see anything wrong with your comment. I think the group as a whole misses people who left the group for whatever reason they left or the expertise or experience they brought…or even just their funny stories.

    Spooktacular 5K – Oct 30th
    Battleship 12K in Mobile – Nov 14th
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    Beautiful pictures, @shanaber!

    I’m sorry to hear about your back, @quilteryoyo. I hope it continues to ease off.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,901 Member
    9 Dec update.
    44.81 miles to date out of 100. 49.5 left to go for Run the Year.
    Able to continue my pace streak which is amazing to me as for a while I wasn't sure I could keep it under 11 consistently.

    @quilteryo that is SO awful about your back... So sorry. It's amazing to me that the worst back injuries come from unusual stress vs some significant trauma. So evidently the angle you were sitting on the chair arm must have twisted those disks just right to cause a huge muscle spasm? Or do you have herniated disks? I know my injury was a compression years ago but each is different. For me Naproxen rx dosage was the only thing which helped with the pain. For Sciatica years later, massage therapy to move the nerves was eye opening. I honestly do not like chiropractic because it seems so "final" when they "crack" or move something. And not in a gentle way.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @quilteryoyo I hope your back is feeling better soon.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,126 Member
    @shanaber What a lovely place to run!

    @quilteryoyo Oh no! That sounds very painful. I hope your back gets its act together soon!

    @skippygirlsmom That 5k time is so fast! I cannot even imaging being able to run that fast!

    @Tramboman I second that you are a beast for getting out in the 20’s!!
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,126 Member
    December Totals: 26.5/100 miles

    12/3: 3.1 miles
    12/4: 6 miles
    12/6: 4.6 miles
    12/7: 4.7 miles
    12/8: 3 miles
    12/9: 5.1 miles

    We are on a temperature roller coaster with pretty wild swings every couple of days so this morning it was upper 60’s and 99% humidity. I had 4 miles as HM pace. My watch was being weird and some of the paces were definitely off. I am not great at pinpointing a pace but I can tell the difference between 10:30/mile and 9:30/mile. I was closer to 9:30 but my GPS was at 10:30. So, I couldn’t rely on the watch to make adjustments. Mostly I tried to keep consistent over the 4 miles, which I think I did. It was a harder effort than my usually runs but not as fast as my intervals speed.
    I have noticed the GPS struggles when there is super heavy cloud cover, like there was this morning, and coupled with the woods and some power lines. A couple of those issues and it does ok but throw it all in there and it definitely has a hard time. I accidentally stopped my watch during my cool down and had to restart it and that map looks better but the clouds had started lifting by then. Oh well.
    Some good news - my couch I ordered in April is finally getting delivered! We moved the couch from this house to the other one in August so we have been without a couch for 4+ months and I miss it soooo much. Even the most comfortable chair is no replacement for a couch you can really stretch out on. SO excited! I hope it makes it before Christmas but I’m not holding my breath.