How rude...



  • DanL1982
    And this is a friend?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Just remember, relationships come and go but your life can only last so long. Keep losing weight and become healthier. If she doesn't want to support that, then she isn't a good friend.
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    So a friend of mine who never really has been supportive of my weight loss (I have lost 35lbs before jong here and I have gone from being the fat one too the thinner one - I am thinner than her) said to me I need to stop exercising so hard because I will never lose my belly!

    Now how unssupportive is that! I mean of course I can lose my belly its just fat its not like I want to change my bone shape.

    Why would someone say that :(

    I have had the same thing happen! I was going to the gym on a daily basis with my friend, and i was also doing my first round of p90x, and she was NEVER supportative with me when I told her things. I remember one day, she came and picked me up so we could go to the gym together, and i was telling her how my size 4 jeans fit again- not a loose fit, but a lot looser than then have been, and she looked at me, and said " there is NO way your a size 4", and thats when i decided it was time to not workout with her, and i havent really hung out with her since. just remember, misery loves company.......
  • StarGeezer
    What I've observed is that some folks, often without them being conscious of it, are not naturally inclined to be supportive. Whether it's latent jealousy, or competitiveness, or a proclivity toward cynicism, there are those who are predisposed to offer negative and even hurtful commentary.

    Sometimes it's best to just ignore such remarks. Other times, depending on how close you are to them, stop and just ask them to consider just how that sounds to your ears for a moment. Sometimes a good swift kick to the complacency will wake some of these types up.

    If there's a chronic problem with negative comments, you may even need to consider limiting your exposure to them. I've become a bit mercenary as I've gotten older. If a person isn't supportive and positive, they tend to be a sort of emotional barnacle, and you're better off not being burdened by their influence.
  • betty51
    Did you punch her in the face??

    What a cow! She is so envious of you, strut your stuff and rub her face in it.

    I think you need some new friends, add me if you like.

    Totally agree!!! New friend is needed!!!
  • tbudge
    tbudge Posts: 114
    you know the old saying, misery loves company!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
  • Leola2011
    There's a concept that my husband and I keep in mind:

    Addition by subtraction

    Basically, all it means is you enrich your life by getting rid of the dead weight (no pun intended). As you lose physical weight, you'll see that there's a lot of social and psychological dead weight that gets exposed as well. Drop it, and keep it movin'!
  • crazyeaCHANGED
    My mother in law is quite rude.

    My wife has lost about 90lbs and Im just over 60lbs. When she comes over she doesnt compliment me or my wife, but on several occasions has asked us:

    "What will you do with the skin?"

    Now I understand asking once, but not twice, three times, or pretty much any time she's over. This just makes me want to smack her!!!
  • tbudge
    tbudge Posts: 114
    What I've observed is that some folks, often without them being conscious of it, are not naturally inclined to be supportive. Whether it's latent jealousy, or competitiveness, or a proclivity toward cynicism, there are those who are predisposed to offer negative and even hurtful commentary.

    Sometimes it's best to just ignore such remarks. Other times, depending on how close you are to them, stop and just ask them to consider just how that sounds to your ears for a moment. Sometimes a good swift kick to the complacency will wake some of these types up.

    If there's a chronic problem with negative comments, you may even need to consider limiting your exposure to them. I've become a bit mercenary as I've gotten older. If a person isn't supportive and positive, they tend to be a sort of emotional barnacle, and you're better off not being burdened by their influence.

    very very well said!!! I totally agree!!!
  • shagybear33
    Sounds like a jealous b!tch to me. Use it as fuel to further motivate you.

    There is nothing better than being underestimated. Prove her wrong. :)

  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    Sounds to me like she is jealous.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    That's a stupid reason to stop exercising...... lol Exercising is supposed to be a lifetime change...not just to get rid of the belly........

    In my case, I do have that belly pooch but I'm pretty sure it's genetics because I have a lot of muscle underneath and can be really tiny and still have a belly but I'm not going to stop working out just because I'll always have that belly.

    In the end I say that definitely does sound like jealousy or something. Or just being stupid?
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    People are indeed mad!
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    She's jealous!
  • endora60
    Your friend is used to being slimmer, and in our society that means she can see herself as prettier (whether she is or not). Now that you're the slimmer one, a piece of her self-esteem--the part that was at your expense--is gone. She probably hasn't thought this out consciously, but in some part of her mind she thinks if you stop exercising and losing weight, maybe she can be the thinner/prettier one again.
  • bosslady224
    Doesn't sound like much of a friend to me. Time to surround yourself with some positive friends...Lata Haterrrrrrrr!!:drinker:
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    said to me I need to stop exercising so hard because I will never lose my belly!

    Possibly the most absurd thing I've ever heard.

    Which says a lot because I once got into a 3hr long debate with someone who was convinced Michael Jackson and LaToya were in fact, the same person. It got so heated that the cops were almost involved.

    Let her do her, and you do you.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I recently experienced this in a way. I had a few friends respond to an email in a snarky way by saying "keep up the good work" or "now how about another 35!". You need to drop them, they're just jealous!