Women 20s/30s/40s support group



  • jonsek
    jonsek Posts: 50 Member
    Hi guys, 4 days in and 4lbs down 🥳
    Weighing bloated after Christmas and the day before AF has it’s advantages!!!
    I guess most is water weight but I’m feeling good so far!
    How has everyone else found the beginning of the year?
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm up 10lb so back on track to lose it. Feel free to add me!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. Turning 45 this year in august and my goal is to hit 140. Currently 163. Have a few extra Xmas lbs there. Lowest weight last year was 156. Have 2 kids boy 16 (just got his liscense) and girl 13 (14 in March)

    Back at it today. New year reset. Going to be slow at it. Did this last week. Was stepping backwards off of our back step clearing snow in the -35C coming from a warm vehicle and I seriously pulled my calf. So I couldnt walk for a few days. Then Started limping around. Went shopping yesterday and obviously over did it cause my leg is aching today. So will do some stuff. But don’t think I will be able to hit the treadmill. Was hoping to do a slow walk on it.
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    renaegry wrote: »
    Morning all. Turning 45 this year in august and my goal is to hit 140. Currently 163. Have a few extra Xmas lbs there. Lowest weight last year was 156. Have 2 kids boy 16 (just got his liscense) and girl 13 (14 in March)

    Back at it today. New year reset. Going to be slow at it. Did this last week. Was stepping backwards off of our back step clearing snow in the -35C coming from a warm vehicle and I seriously pulled my calf. So I couldnt walk for a few days. Then Started limping around. Went shopping yesterday and obviously over did it cause my leg is aching today. So will do some stuff. But don’t think I will be able to hit the treadmill. Was hoping to do a slow walk on it.

    Take it slow girl. That looks bad for just pulling a muscle last week.
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    @jonsek it’s going slow over here. I’m trying to set small goals daily.

    @Tattoos_and_Tea good luck! You got this!
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm working on my small habits, longer extended fast each day, and water. But I don't have room to exercise at all now that we're packing. I've been working on playing music to keep focused and get stuff done, so that's good!

    @20KimmieKim16 ouch! Take care of yourself!
  • lchapman6171
    lchapman6171 Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds awesome! Thanks!
  • jonsek
    jonsek Posts: 50 Member
    Day 5 of January! I’m petite and small boned at 5ft 2.
    MFP has recommended 1260 calories per day. I’m sticking to it and my diary is ram packed with healthy, enjoyable foods with good range of fiber, protein and healthy snacks … but I’m HUNGRY!!
    I haven’t been eating back my exercise calories and have lost 5.8lbs in 5 days (lots of water weight)
    I’m going to give it a few more days then I might start eating back some exercise calories and see how that goes.
    What is everyone else’s plan? How are you all getting along?
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    @jonsek great start! mine is also mostly water weight aha! I'm also sticking to my calories, getting my 5 a day but also hungry in the evenings. Drinking lots of water too. Will see how the next few days go.
  • LAStrad
    LAStrad Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, ladies! 36 y/o here who also gained during lockdowns. I’ve been a MFP user for years, of course on and off, and I’m a yo-yo-er as well. I don’t do fad diets on and off, just calorie counting on and off.
    I’m an experimenter with my body and have watched a lot of docus about weight loss and myths, so I know what I need to do, and yet…
    My constant struggle is with my addictive voice telling me to eat junk. And I have no idea why! It’s this lizard brain that moves my feet to the fridge before my human brain realizes what is happening! Quite wild. I’ve taken to yelling at myself out loud when these thoughts creep.
    In my self-experimentations and self-learning, I’ve discovered that I’m a feaster, so the best option for me is one meal a day.
    I’ve discovered that my body LOVES fasting and responds quite well to it (no, duh, you’re not eating!). The way I make it sustainable now is one meal a day.
    Previously, I’d go more than 24 hours without eating (don’t freak out, I put my caloric goals into a weekly form instead if daily, so I was always at my correct daily average calories), and this was wildly successful for me - losing > 20 lbs in ~2 months. That was when I was employed, however.
    Then I moved to Germany and changed my career to be freelance. I cannot do more than 24 hours fasting (OMAD), so I just eat dinner every day and try to keep busy or distracted during the day.
    Anywhoo, sorry for the rambling, but I’ve been looking for a support group (maybe especially for anyone who may have food addiction tendencies), and you ladies all seem very nice.
    Thanks for the community!
  • LAStrad
    LAStrad Posts: 3 Member
    renaegry wrote: »
    Morning all. Turning 45 this year in august and my goal is to hit 140. Currently 163. Have a few extra Xmas lbs there. Lowest weight last year was 156. Have 2 kids boy 16 (just got his liscense) and girl 13 (14 in March)

    Back at it today. New year reset. Going to be slow at it. Did this last week. Was stepping backwards off of our back step clearing snow in the -35C coming from a warm vehicle and I seriously pulled my calf. So I couldnt walk for a few days. Then Started limping around. Went shopping yesterday and obviously over did it cause my leg is aching today. So will do some stuff. But don’t think I will be able to hit the treadmill. Was hoping to do a slow walk on it.

    I found some great seated exercises on youtube when I sprained my ankle. You can check those out!
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @LAStrad Hello! I'm finding that my body does better with prolonged fasting, like "survival mode" finally switches on. Otherwise, it's very good at just putting it away, reluctant to burn anything. I too try to fill any empty gaps of time with constructive activities (and music!) which seems to help.

    Hello all and welcome!

    I think I have caught the thing, so trying to get over that. DH is further along than I am, getting better. Thankfully I have a few days to catch up on tasks once I get better. Yesterday I didn't really track (went way over calories), just focused on eating a large variety of food/veggies/fruits.
  • LAStrad
    LAStrad Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2022
    @MrsHermit I agree about prolonged fasts—my body really likes them too and I have so much energy during—but they are not sustainable, and it’s hard to not binge all those calories back. Fasting was a fun experiment to try.

    [edited by MFP Moderators]
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @LAStrad Yes really long fasts are not sustainable frequently. I am focusing on just extending my non-eating window daily, perhaps that's called intermittent fasting? Not sure. I just do a "don't eat until ___ time of day". I feel like I have more freedom in meal choices that way. And I'm trying to intentionally set times to eat again so I avoid eating away my calories, even when sick.

    And yeah I've noticed my energy goes up when I'm not eating. One would think that getting fuel would energize the body, but after every meal my energy plummets no matter how small the meal.
  • samathes
    samathes Posts: 55 Member
    Hi ladies! My name is Sam, I'm happily married and a proud mom. I'm 39.9836 years old (birthday month!) and just starting to use MFP again. I've been using other tracking methods but really enjoy the community here (once you find it). I'm 5'1" and 142 lbs. And hoping to lose enough to not be overweight and basically just be comfortable in my skin, whatever weight that might be. I work out almost daily with Beachbody and have been for the past year. I have my routine down, I just need to get a handle on my emotional and boredom eating.
    I'm working on my profile- I'm far from tech savvy and don't necessarily feel that MFP is super user friendly! Anyway, I'm looking for friends and support! Send me a request!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,227 MFP Moderator
    Good morning, beautiful ladies!

    Just popping in with a quick note that unsafe dieting techniques are prohibited on MFP, and discussion about them will usually be removed.

    I hope everyone is having an excellent New Year!
  • samathes
    samathes Posts: 55 Member
    @jonsek I'm 5'1" and 140ish lbs. MFP also recommended about the same caloric intake as you. I ended up changing my goals around. I'm all for weight loss, but I don't necessarily feel like 2 lbs per week is sustainable or healthy. When I switched around to 1 lb loss per week, MFP boosted me up to almost 1500 calories. I'm highly active as well so I still keep my deficit (intake vs calorie burn) going. I've been tracking this way for a couple weeks but really haven't stuck to it until this week, so I'm unfortunately not able to give a lot of info on how this approach is working (especially when my intake has been over 2- 3k calories daily with the passing holidays). I will say though, that this week with regulating myself back to an actual eating plan, since Sunday I've lost 4 lbs. I certainly don't anticipate this to keep up at this rate and will slow down pretty soon since my calories have been cut in half!
  • AdahGreen2022
    AdahGreen2022 Posts: 264 Member
    Hi all! I am 5'1 and 143 lbs in my 40s, and I lose weight consistently on about 1350-1400 calories. 138 is the best weight for me, where I feel healthiest. Losing that holiday poundage!:)
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @JustSomeEm My apologies, that was not my intention
  • LaurenMargott
    LaurenMargott Posts: 24 Member
    A reminder to myself and anyone else who needs to hear it.

    If you deprive yourself completely it won't be sustainable.

    I am terrible for going super hard then falling off the wagon. Got to remind myself those slow days when I'm on nightshift and I just want Tim Tam's are okay as long as it's not every day.

    Slow and steady