JUST FOR TODAY--One Day at a Time--Daily Commitment Thread for 2022



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    JFT - January 5
    Log all Food - 🙂
    1.5 L of water - 😐 I think only 1
    Gratitude journal - 🙂
    Exercises - 🙂
    Log into JFT - 🙂

    JFT - January 6
    Log all Food
    1.5 L of water
    Gratitude journal
    Log into JFT
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Going to post and run this morning and catch up with you all later. Have a great day all x

    Thursday goals recap:
    Morning run ✅ 2 miles
    Walk kids to school ✅
    Print maths worksheets ✅
    New timetable ✅
    Leave by 12:30 ✅
    Stay within calorie goal ✅
    Water ❌ not been great today. It was so cold I just kept making coffee
    Early night - I need this! Cat worries have kept me up two nights ❌ working

    Friday goals:
    Morning run ✅ 2m
    Walk kids to school
    Print for next week
    Science and History planning
    Stay within calorie goal
    Pick up lateral flow tests
    Leave work on time
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Word the year: Determination
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    JFT Thurs 6th

    - Log all food ✔️
    - 4 waters✔️
    - 10k steps✔️
    - Clean kitchen❌
    - Exercise ✔️

    Our money hit the account last night. So at midnight I went and got a McDonald's.
    And after it I still had 79 Cal's remaining 😂 good job I did that exercise!
    We had no food in and me and ash were both hungry (we'd had dinner but we're still hungry in general) and with McDonalds over the road it's just easy.
    And you know what, I really enjoyed it lol.

    Today is ALSO takeaway night so I'll have to bear that in mind so I'll need to make good choices in the day (will have to go food shopping first lol!!!)

    JFT Friday 7th

    - Log all food
    - 10k steps
    - 6 waters today
    - Food shopping
    - Clean kitchen!!

    Not sure whether to weigh in due to TOTM and McDonalds. I dunno if it will be accurate.

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    Wednesday JFT 01/05/2022

    ✅ Personal AM time: coffee & breakfast
    ✅ MFP: review, post, and prelog diary
    ✅ Devotional time: read 30 min.
    ✅ AM self-care routine
    ✅ AM Kiddo routine
    ☑ 3_hr study session➡️ 1.5 hrs 🤦‍♀️
    ✅ Lunchtime: eat & decompress for 1_hr
    ✅ Home exercises: Yoga and 1-BBL DVDs
    ✅ PM Kiddo routine
    ✅ GYM exercises: Elliptical 30 min, weights_arm day
    ✅ Dinnertime: prep, eat, and decompress
    ✅ PM self-care routine
    ❌ Bedtime by 10 pm (22:00)➡️ Another quality-time evening with Hubby, Lol!!

    Thursday JFT 01/06/2022


    I took the day off. Female exhaustion overtook me and my day.

    Friday JFT 01/07/2022

    ▪︎Personal AM time: coffee & breakfast
    ▪︎MFP: review, post, and prelog diary
    ▪︎Devotional time: read 30 min.
    ▪︎AM self-care routine
    ▪︎AM Kiddo routine
    ▪︎Home exercises: Yoga and 1-BBL DVDs
    ▪︎GYM exercises: Elliptical 30 min, weights_total body
    ▪︎Lunchtime: eat & decompress for 1_hr
    ▪︎3_hr study session
    ▪︎PM Kiddo routine
    ▪︎Dinnertime: prep, eat, and decompress
    ▪︎PM self-care routine
    ▪︎Bedtime by 10 pm (22:00)

    Another day to try again, Lol. 😅
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,594 Member
    edited January 2022
    @AJB1014 Before I forget again, welcome back! Good to see you posting again. How's little Ray (I think that's his name) doing? Is he 1 or 2 yo now?

    Recap R 1/6
    1) Treadmill 3 miles before work :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks / pace in office during webinar :smiley: 14/14 boom! 25 floors & 15.4K
    3) Supper? leftovers / net calories zero / 112 oz. water :s -427 due to stress evening snacking, sodium not bad, protein & fiber excellent, sugar high, 96 oz.
    4) Catch up daily work log comments / clear some email backlog / Facebook Live 12:00 / webinar 2:00 / online training if time = 2/5
    5) Shovel snow? just patio, hubby did rest / place citrus order / balance bank accts / update budget s/s / another ta-da? sort of = 2/5
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / Calm app / 6:00 alarm (treadmill before work) = 5/6

    JFT F 1/7
    1) Remain calm ~ things will work out ~ keep praying
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks
    3) Supper w/ hubby at home? / net calories zero / 112 oz. water
    4) Catch up daily work log comments / clear some email backlog / online training / update Project Status s/s / submit PRO, PAR, KRO s/s
    5) Place citrus order / balance bank accts / update budget s/s / other ta-da?
    6) Enjoy hubby being home in evening / unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / Voltaren / Calm app / no alarm Sat. (treadmill in a.m.)

    Work issues for myself this week have been causing me stress, but managing. Then last night, work issues for hubby came to boiling point, and he clocked out early and took vacation time for rest of this week. He scared me silly walking in last night while I finished up caring for kitty and dog. Then when he told me what happened, I completely stressed out for him... not good. Using Calm app, I was able to fall asleep normal time, but woke during night & felt stressed all over. Finally got calmed & slept again, but no early a.m. workout today.
    About me: Carmela
    Height 5'4"
    64 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2022 Goals: mainly updates from the last two years
    1) Weight 150#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP every month end
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking dog, treadmill in winter, but include weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    6) Participate in race or challenge events hopefully fewer virtual this year ~
    • started MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,022km challenge on Jan. 1
    • registered for Frenzy on the Fox 5K on 1.21.22
    • registered for Seroogy's Valentine 5K on 2.5.22
    • will register for Bellin 10K on 6.11.22 ~ first time in person since 2019
    • will register for Packers 5K when July details announced
    • will register for Bellin Women's Pink Pumpkin 5K when Oct. details announced
    • will register for Run for the Hill of It (trail) 5K when Oct. details announced
    • watch for other events to add
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together ~ excellent goal last two years to be continued
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states) ~ keeping this goal as well
    9) Continue to declutter bedroom, home office, former work from home space (a/k/a dining room) and basement

    Word for 2022: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,008 Member

    JFT for 1/7 (today): ✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 1/3), unless I want sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) No Peanut butter today (last 1/6)
    3) Don't weigh again until Monday, 1/10
    4) Up to 1.5 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 1/5)
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last - 12/13)
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, up to 1 oz of nut gift OK today
    7) No dried apricots today. (last 12/13)
    8) None of DH's treats today.
    9) No turkey jerky today.
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today
    Hour Commitment - I won't drink my coffee stuff until after 8 am.

  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 960 Member
    We got our first real snow of the season last night - woo hoo! My son decided to stay another day before heading south. Although I'm sorry his plans for visiting a friend and stopping overnight with my other son fell through, I'm happy to have more time with him. My daughter's kids have a snow day, so they'll be over later. And my husband is working from home and not too busy, so it feels like the weekend already.

    Recap - Thursday, 1/6
    Balanced meals - :) Not too bad. I filled half of my plate with salad and had only one enchilada. No snacks during the day, but I had some chocolate fondue with fruit for dessert.
    Stay hydrated - :)
    Walk or stationary bike - :)
    Quick grocery run - :/ - Not exactly quick. The store was mobbed, but I did get everything I needed.
    Make enchiladas - :)
    Lego project (if there's time) - :) A few frustrating bits, but we made lots of progress.
    Enjoy time with family - :)<3:)
    Bed by midnight? - Not even close. Stayed up far too late researching home BP monitors. Still undecided!

    JFT Friday, 1/7
    Balanced meals
    Stay hydrated
    Walk in the snow
    Straighten house for the weekend
    Lego project
    Enjoy time with family
    Bed by midnight?
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    edited January 2022
    Friday weigh-in 2022
    Name: Joan
    70 yrs old
    SW: 199
    1st goal: 185
    2nd goal: 180
    Ultimate goal: 170-175 (178 is considered normal BMI for my height)
    Word for the year 2022: Positive thoughts .. because anything is possible if we keep a positive outlook of life.
    My weight history:
    SW Year 2017: 217
    SW Year 2018: 195.5
    SW Year 2019 : 206 -- met my goal weight of 178
    SW Year 2020: 182.6 -- gained 15 pounds through the pandemic :s
    SW Year 2021:195 -- weight fluctuated all year from 184-190s
    SW Year 2022: 199
    Goals for 2022:
    These are the healthy habits I would like to do in 2022:
    1. Lose 25 pounds to get to my ultimate goal of 170, and then learn how to maintain it.
    2. To be better with planning my meals each week
    3. to get up in the morning, and have a rough idea of what I plan to eat the rest of the day.
    4. To stop mindless eating. To learn how to eat to live, not live to eat.
    5. To make drinking water a regular habit.. and drink 8+ glasses of water a day
    6. To curb and stop nitetime snacking for good. Learn to wait 5 minutes before grabbing food.
    7. write daily diary pages including gratitute journal. Read 1 chapter each day of simple abudance.

    How I will get to these goals
    1. distract myself when I want to eat:
    2. Call a friend.
    3. Clean or organize.
    4. Sip on water.
    5. Look up new recipes.
    6. read success stores
    7. plan in 1 hour increments if I need to
    8. wait 5 minutes
    9. listen to calm app
    10. read simple abundance
    11. sew
    Weekly weigh-in 2021 I plan on weighing every friday
    SW Friday, Jan 1st: 195.6
    SW: Feb 5: 191.8
    SW: Mar 5: 193
    SW: April 2: 190.4
    SW: May 188
    SW: June 190
    SW: July: -- skipped this month
    SW: August: 184.6
    **Skipped recording weigh-ins from August until just now... this is what has happened. Gain of 15 pounds over the holidays. This is something every year I struggle with .. gaining from Halloween until New Years. THIS year, I will learn how to NOT let this happen .
    Weight history 2021
    Friday, Jan 8: 194.4 -1.2
    Jan 15: 194.6. +.2 I was down to 193.4 2 days ago .. but this reflects 2 days of mindless eating.
    Jan 22: 191.4 -3.2 5 out of 7 days were good ...
    Jan 29: 194.2 -- this is what happens when I don't track, give into stress and emotional eating. But ... My word for the year is consistency... that means consistently also recording my weight .. and being accountable. So its a new week.. again.
    Feb 5: 191.8 -- trying to get back on track with controlled nite time eating
    Feb 12: 194.3 --- I don't know why, but I can do good for a week, only to blow it the next week. I think the pandemic, the cold dreary weather is leading me to just overeat.
    Feb 19: 194 --- a very small loss, due to 4 days of overeating granola bars and Kind bars.
    Feb 26: 193 -- 5 out of 7 days I did OK, especially with nite time snacking.
    Mar 5: 193 -- stayed the same, but had 2 days of eating icecream and peeps
    Mar 12: 192.6. Started challenge of the rest of the month NO nite time eating at all.
    Mar 19: 190.4 -- 5 out of 7 days NO nite time eating. Goal next week ... 6 our of 7 day no nite time eating, 8+ glasses water @ day.
    March 26: 188.6--- 6 out of 7 days I did good .. no nite time eating. Last nite... food was in control of me. I was so tired, and instead of lying down... I grazed the entire nite. So much that I had trouble sleeping. So while right now my weight is down, I expect it to go up. So next weeks goal is 7 out of 7 days.
    April 2: 190.4 --- not the best week.. but I am still down 5.2 pounds for the first 3 months of this year. So I will look at the positives.
    April 9: 191.2 --- even though I had a OK week, I think eating ham for 3 days .. hoping its just water weight.
    April 16: 187.6 -- a week of more mindful eating, especially in the evenings, plus a lot more exercise with walking and garden work.
    April 23: 187 -- a very small loss, but at least the scale is going in the right direction. I will continue to work on the nite time snacking and emotional eating.
    April 30 188.8 -- got into the ice cream again.I am just 10 pounds before I am in a healthy, normal weight for my height.. but those 10# have been the hardest. I met that goal in 2019 ... trying to get back there.
    May 14: 188.0 -- A week of terrible back pain, so I wasn't really watching, or caring what I ate. So happy that I at least did not gain much.
    May 21: 185.6 -- lots of walking and yard work this past week.
    June 4: 190.1 -- this is what happens when I am not paying attention to habits, etc.
    Missed tracking weight almost all through june and july. back on track now
    July 30: 186.8 --- trying to plan dinner meal better, and doing a lot of walking. Gave up caffeine .. on week 3 now.
    August 5: 184.8 ---- good week. No caffeince, which actually helped with my eating. Planning at least dinner meal is also helping me.
    **Skipped recording weigh-ins from August until just now... this is what has happened. Gain of 15 pounds over the holidays. This is something every year I struggle with .. gaining from Halloween until New Years. THIS year, I will learn how to NOT let this happen .

    2022 Weigh-ins
    SW: Jan 1: 199.0

    Jan 7: 201.6 --- feeling so depressed with this sore on my back... and I guess been eating out of stress/boredom. Not sleeping, so no motivaton. doctor put me on a second round of antibiotics .. so I hope it starts to heel. But I need to get more serious about logging my food ... hate being out of the 100s again! Always said I'd never let this happen.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Happy Friday! Although, most days tend to run together now while I'm not working, Friday is still my favorite day. :) It's getting harder and harder to not go back to work. I'm not sure what I could do full-time with the different physical issues I am being treated for, so I have to work to keep my spirits up every day since I tend to get depressed in the winter anyway. I'm trying to focus on getting healthier by trying new foods, recipes, activities, etc.

    @AJB1014 Welcome back! How is your little guy doing? How have you been? So happy to see you back!

    @Bex953172 I haven't had McDonald's in such a long time! I think they have the best fries of all fast foods and could eat them every day I think.

    @Snowflake1968 I find myself hopping on and reading to catch up and then running out of time to post my own goals. I have to find a happy balance this year because I don't want to be so absent again. I find I just can't reply to everything I want to if I want to post goals also.

    Just for Friday
    1. 24H plan and assess | follow plan | eat only when hungry | stop at 'enough'
    2. Drink 64+ oz of water
    3. Close activity rings on watch
    4. Incorporate 5 something's at bathroom doorway and bedroom doorways
    5. Listen to Module 1 of No BS in preparation for 2:00 call with Accountability Group
    6. Bills/Budget for January
    7. Make Lentil Soup recipe
    8. Check for transfer from CCU to WMCU
    9. Self-Care: Calm App / reading / etc.
    10. Evening routine: Coffeemaker set up / brush & floss / facial / readings by Dodie or Joyce and Simple Abundance / Gratitude Journal / read until lights out.

    WOTY 2022: Resilient.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Friday weigh-in 2022
    Name: Joan
    70 yrs old
    SW: 199
    1st goal: 185
    2nd goal: 180
    Ultimate goal: 170-175 (178 is considered normal BMI for my height)
    Word for the year 2022: Positive thoughts .. because anything is possible if we keep a positive outlook of life.
    My weight history:
    SW Year 2017: 217
    SW Year 2018: 195.5
    SW Year 2019 : 206 -- met my goal weight of 178
    SW Year 2020: 182.6 -- gained 15 pounds through the pandemic :s
    SW Year 2021:195 -- weight fluctuated all year from 184-190s
    SW Year 2022: 199
    Goals for 2022:
    These are the healthy habits I would like to do in 2022:
    1. Lose 25 pounds to get to my ultimate goal of 170, and then learn how to maintain it.
    2. To be better with planning my meals each week
    3. to get up in the morning, and have a rough idea of what I plan to eat the rest of the day.
    4. To stop mindless eating. To learn how to eat to live, not live to eat.
    5. To make drinking water a regular habit.. and drink 8+ glasses of water a day
    6. To curb and stop nitetime snacking for good. Learn to wait 5 minutes before grabbing food.
    7. write daily diary pages including gratitute journal. Read 1 chapter each day of simple abudance.

    How I will get to these goals
    1. distract myself when I want to eat:
    2. Call a friend.
    3. Clean or organize.
    4. Sip on water.
    5. Look up new recipes.
    6. read success stores
    7. plan in 1 hour increments if I need to
    8. wait 5 minutes
    9. listen to calm app
    10. read simple abundance
    11. sew
    Weekly weigh-in 2021 I plan on weighing every friday
    SW Friday, Jan 1st: 195.6
    SW: Feb 5: 191.8
    SW: Mar 5: 193
    SW: April 2: 190.4
    SW: May 188
    SW: June 190
    SW: July: -- skipped this month
    SW: August: 184.6
    **Skipped recording weigh-ins from August until just now... this is what has happened. Gain of 15 pounds over the holidays. This is something every year I struggle with .. gaining from Halloween until New Years. THIS year, I will learn how to NOT let this happen .
    Weight history 2021
    Friday, Jan 8: 194.4 -1.2
    Jan 15: 194.6. +.2 I was down to 193.4 2 days ago .. but this reflects 2 days of mindless eating.
    Jan 22: 191.4 -3.2 5 out of 7 days were good ...
    Jan 29: 194.2 -- this is what happens when I don't track, give into stress and emotional eating. But ... My word for the year is consistency... that means consistently also recording my weight .. and being accountable. So its a new week.. again.
    Feb 5: 191.8 -- trying to get back on track with controlled nite time eating
    Feb 12: 194.3 --- I don't know why, but I can do good for a week, only to blow it the next week. I think the pandemic, the cold dreary weather is leading me to just overeat.
    Feb 19: 194 --- a very small loss, due to 4 days of overeating granola bars and Kind bars.
    Feb 26: 193 -- 5 out of 7 days I did OK, especially with nite time snacking.
    Mar 5: 193 -- stayed the same, but had 2 days of eating icecream and peeps
    Mar 12: 192.6. Started challenge of the rest of the month NO nite time eating at all.
    Mar 19: 190.4 -- 5 out of 7 days NO nite time eating. Goal next week ... 6 our of 7 day no nite time eating, 8+ glasses water @ day.
    March 26: 188.6--- 6 out of 7 days I did good .. no nite time eating. Last nite... food was in control of me. I was so tired, and instead of lying down... I grazed the entire nite. So much that I had trouble sleeping. So while right now my weight is down, I expect it to go up. So next weeks goal is 7 out of 7 days.
    April 2: 190.4 --- not the best week.. but I am still down 5.2 pounds for the first 3 months of this year. So I will look at the positives.
    April 9: 191.2 --- even though I had a OK week, I think eating ham for 3 days .. hoping its just water weight.
    April 16: 187.6 -- a week of more mindful eating, especially in the evenings, plus a lot more exercise with walking and garden work.
    April 23: 187 -- a very small loss, but at least the scale is going in the right direction. I will continue to work on the nite time snacking and emotional eating.
    April 30 188.8 -- got into the ice cream again.I am just 10 pounds before I am in a healthy, normal weight for my height.. but those 10# have been the hardest. I met that goal in 2019 ... trying to get back there.
    May 14: 188.0 -- A week of terrible back pain, so I wasn't really watching, or caring what I ate. So happy that I at least did not gain much.
    May 21: 185.6 -- lots of walking and yard work this past week.
    June 4: 190.1 -- this is what happens when I am not paying attention to habits, etc.
    Missed tracking weight almost all through june and july. back on track now
    July 30: 186.8 --- trying to plan dinner meal better, and doing a lot of walking. Gave up caffeine .. on week 3 now.
    August 5: 184.8 ---- good week. No caffeince, which actually helped with my eating. Planning at least dinner meal is also helping me.
    **Skipped recording weigh-ins from August until just now... this is what has happened. Gain of 15 pounds over the holidays. This is something every year I struggle with .. gaining from Halloween until New Years. THIS year, I will learn how to NOT let this happen .

    2022 Weigh-ins
    SW: Jan 1: 199.0

    Jan 7: 201.6 --- feeling so depressed with this sore on my back... and I guess been eating out of stress/boredom. Not sleeping, so no motivaton. doctor put me on a second round of antibiotics .. so I hope it starts to heel. But I need to get more serious about logging my food ... hate being out of the 100s again! Always said I'd never let this happen.

    Dont worry yourself! Like you said it's been a tough week. And I know it's not the best start to the year and you didn't want to be out of the 100s but it's only just over!
    You can do this!! A new day, a new week! I know when you're feeling better you'll get right on track because you'll *feel* like doing it!
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,008 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5 pm. No more chicken today. Can still have dose of metamusal.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,008 Member
    JFT for 1/7 (today): ✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 1/3), unless I want sugar free or no sugar added. ✔️
    2) No Peanut butter today (last 1/6) ✔️
    3) Don't weigh again until Monday, 1/10 ✔️
    4) Up to 1.5 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 1/5) ✔️
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last - 12/13)✔️
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, up to 1 oz of nut gift OK today✔️
    7) No dried apricots today. (last 12/13)✔️
    8) None of DH's treats today.✔️
    9) No turkey jerky today.✔️
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today✔️

    JFT for 1/8 (tomorrow): ✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 1/3), unless I want sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) No Peanut butter today (last 1/6)
    3) Don't weigh again until Monday, 1/10
    4) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 1/7)
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last - 12/13)
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, up to 1 oz of nut gift OK today
    7) No dried apricots today. (last 12/13)
    8) None of DH's treats today.
    9) No turkey jerky today.
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today

    Hour Commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.
  • Outdoorsy_Canadian
    Outdoorsy_Canadian Posts: 54 Member
    • Tried a new CPAP mask so didn't sleep well.
    • Poor day. Will try and be better tomorrow

    1. Log all food❌
    2. NLS ❌
    3. Meds ✔️
    4. Sleep 7 ❌
    5. H20✔️
    6. No spend (coffee/lunch)❌
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    JFT - January 6
    Log all Food - 🙂
    1.5 L of water - 😕 only .5
    Gratitude journal - 🙂
    Exercises - 🙂
    Log into JFT - 🙂

    JFT - January 7
    Log all Food
    1.5 L of water
    Gratitude journal
    Log into JFT

    @Bex953172 - I just love McDonald’s. It’s one of my favourites and I will not eat all day so I can have it.

    @cschmitz110515 - seems work issues are going around this week.

    @PackerFanInGB - I think I need to take the time at work and have a 15 minute break in the morning. Or I need to promise myself I’ll at least read and post goals during the week but not feel guilty if I can’t respond until weekends.

    We’ll see this week has not been a good week work wise so it’s not the best way to judge.

    I started my second round of ceramics classes last night. I am making a project for my eldest daughter. She is a Halloween fan more than Christmas but this comes with an accessory set for both.

    Our youngest daughter was going to help take down Christmas but her DH is sick, not Covid and she doesn’t want to risk bringing it here. The next two weekends she is already booked so I will have to do it alone. It may take all week, but I’m not willing to risk injuring myself again by pushing it too hard.

    So I’ll be doing that and doing some payables this weekend.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    edited January 2022
    Got my weight posted this morning, but not my goals. But for the first time in about 2 weeks starting to feel better. The boil on my back has spread .. it is about 5 x 5 infected area .. so sore. So I have not been wearing a bra, as the strap irritates it even more. I am on round 2 of antibiotics, so praying the infection clears up. But at least the pain is better, and I am able to sleep.
    So today I've been sewing up .. projects I started years ago.. just trying to finish them up. I will probably donate to a charity, but at least I can get them out of here. One was going to be a quilt.. decided to turn it into a table runner instead.
    food wise I did OK, except had a bowl of ice cream tonite.
    @snowflake... I love the ceramics you are starting! I used to do that years ago and just loved it! But I have trouble finding places where I could go to do it. Maybe this spring/summer I might look further into doing this. I had made myself one of those ceramic xmas trees .. and got rid of it. How I would give anything to have it back .. they are back in style. Not sure why I got rid of it .. must have been in one of my throw away moods.
    Goals for tomorrow will be simple.. but I may start getting on here with hourly goals like @more_freggies76 does . I think it would help me.
    JFT, Sat
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. plan meals. Right now, I think I am making beef/brownrice casserole... but that may change
    4. plan snacks: apple, bowl of cereal, or bowl of cottage cheese. Nothing else

  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Morning all.

    @mytime6630 glad the pain is better and hoping the infection clears.

    @snowflake1968 you are so creative! Definitely be careful taking down all the Christmas stuff, it’s not worth an injury.

    @Bex953172 - hope you enjoyed your takeaway!

    @AJB1014 -Hi! Good to see you.

    @PackerFanInGB - I totally agree. It’s so difficult not to get down in cold, winter months. Trying new recipes and ideas is a good plan. I’m going to try and find some time for non food rewards as well. Money is a little tight so I don’t know what that would be - face masks/pampering or something??

    I’ve had a positive start to the weekend. I kept my running every day in January streak going. No work today so I could run later in the morning when it’s light and go outside instead of treadmill. It was windy and rainy but I did it - yay! Now to manage the rest of the weekend and not fall into too much grazing.

    Have a lovely weekend all. X

    Friday goals recap:
    Morning run ✅ 2m
    Walk kids to school ❌ Daughter had a major wobble and we were too late and had to drive
    Print for next week ✅
    Homework? ✅
    Science and History planning ✅
    Stay within calorie goal ✅
    Water! ✅
    Leave on time ❌
    Pick up lateral flow tests❌ Cannot believe I forgot to do this again! 😖

    Saturday goals:
    Morning run outside, no treadmill! ✅ 2.7m
    Send back parcel
    Catch up with N
    P to sleepover at 2pm
    Quality time with L
    Stay within calorie goal
    Bed at sensible hour
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Saturday 8 January

    I’ve missed posting on a couple of days but have been meeting my goals. Fitbit exercise goals are off the agenda for a few days as I’ve hurt my ankle 👿

    @Faebert - I’m glad your cat is on the mend
    @Snowflake1968 You are so talented with your crafting
    @cschmitz110515 I hope you husband’s break from work helps and that there is an improvement when he goes back
    @PackerFanInGB i found that the days all merge now that I’m not working. Time just seems to fly past!

    Saturday goals
    Stay in the green
    5 fruit and veg
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    Friday JFT 01/07/2022

    ✅Personal AM time: coffee & breakfast
    ✅MFP: review, post, and prelog diary
    ❌Devotional time: read 30 min.
    ✅AM self-care routine
    ✅AM Kiddo routine
    ❌Home exercises: Yoga and 1-BBL DVDs
    ✅GYM exercises: Elliptical 30 min, weights_total body
    ✅Lunchtime: eat & decompress for 1_hr
    ❌3_hr study session
    ✅PM Kiddo routine
    ✅Dinnertime: prep, eat, and decompress
    ✅PM self-care routine
    ☑Bedtime by 10 pm (22:00)➡️ 10:30 pm

    Spent my time helping Hubby with his stuff yesterday, so my stuff took a back seat. 🙄 It was also a very stressful day so I am not overall happy with how it went. 🤷‍♀️

    Moving forward....

    Saturday JFT 01/08/2022

    ▪︎Personal AM time: coffee & breakfast
    ▪︎MFP: review, post, and prelog diary
    ▪︎Devotional time: read 30 min.
    ▪︎AM self-care routine
    ▪︎Kiddo Saturday Chore routine
    ▪︎Home exercises: Yoga and 1-BBL DVDs
    ▪︎Lunchtime: eat & decompress for 1_hr
    ▪︎3_hr study session
    ▪︎Dinnertime: prep, eat, and decompress
    ▪︎PM self-care routine
    ▪︎Bedtime by 10 pm (22:00)

    Cancelling some regular Saturday tasks and events. If I make it to the gym today, I'll be surprised. I need to get control in my household, so a day at home may be just the ticket. We'll see.

    Here goes another day!! 😉👍
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited January 2022
    Yesterday we took a drive cross country to check on the house of BiL who is visiting his daughter/granddaughter in Potsdam, USA. There was a coating of snow on the hill he lives on.
    ❄️⛄️JANUARY 2022 ⛄️❄️
    Life Affirmations
    🔹I am in tune with my dreams
    🔹I know what is right for me
    🔹I will pursue my dreams and greatest passion
    🔹I live in congruence with my authentic self
    🔹I am mindful
    🔹I am creative every day
    🔹I foster positivity
    🔹I am compassionate
    Keep your chin up!
    Turning up is the ultimate success!
    Personal Stats:
    • Name: Terri
    • Age: 75
    • Height: 5'2"
    • SW: 227 (Mar 2014)
    • Joined MFP: Jan 2015
    • 1st Goal: 190 Sept 2015
    • UGW: 145
    • 01 Aug 2019: 170.1
    [*] 31 Dec 2019: 151.2
    [*] 31 Dec 2020: 145.6
    [*] Total weight loss: 81.4 lbs
    [*] (30 Dec 2021: 138.6 - Total Loss: 87 lbs)
    [*] 3 Jan 2022: 138.9
    [*] 8 Jan 2022: 135.8 - TL: 91.2

    January Daily Habits: Week 1
    Sat: ✅ Sun: ✅ Mon: ✅
    Tue: ✅ Wed: ✅ Thu: ✅ Fri: ✅
    1. Weight < 145: ✅7/7 (I weigh each morning after ablutions)
    2. Reduce Fat%: ✅ 29.3; 27.1; 25.1; 24.5; 24.2 23.4 21%
    3. Increase Muscle%: ✅ 28.7->30.1; 30.6; 30.7: 30.9: 31.8
    4. Calories in the green ✅7/7
    5. Steps > 7500 ✅ 7/7
    6. Intentional exercise > 50 mins daily✅7/7
    7. Active hours > 6 daily ✅7/7
    8. 11pm shutdown of devices✅7/7
    9. Cleanup sweep of ground floor rooms✅7/7
    10. after making bed > 10 minutes of flex✅7/7

    Positive intentions for Fri 7:
    • Meditation 🙅‍♀️
    • Daily Flex🙅‍♀️
    • go to Fishmongers🙅‍♀️
    • Crochet🙅‍♀️/Jigsaw🙅‍♀️
    • Daily Chores🙅‍♀️
    • Self Care🙅‍♀️

    Positive intentions for Sat 8:
    • Meditation 🙅‍♀️
    • Daily Flex🙅‍♀️
    • Local shops🙅‍♀️
    • finish clearing up and putting Christmas away
    • Daily Chores
    • Self Care

    @MrsHermit Sorry you got caught by the *glitter* Hope you recover quickly.

    Seems like there’s a lot more people getting ‘glittered’. I suppose the odds are shortening.

    Terri 🦄

  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,008 Member

    JFT for 1/8 (today): ✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 1/3), unless I want sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) No Peanut butter today (last 1/6)
    3) Don't weigh again until Monday, 1/10
    4) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 1/7)
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last - 12/13)
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, up to 1 oz of nut gift OK today
    7) No dried apricots today. (last 12/13)
    8) None of DH's treats today.
    9) No turkey jerky today.
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today

    Hour Commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.