JUST FOR TODAY--One Day at a Time--Daily Commitment Thread for 2022



  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    Yesterday we took a drive cross country to check on the house of BiL who is visiting his daughter/granddaughter in Potsdam, USA. There was a coating of snow on the hill he lives on.
    ❄️⛄️JANUARY 2022 ⛄️❄️
    Life Affirmations
    🔹I am in tune with my dreams
    🔹I know what is right for me
    🔹I will pursue my dreams and greatest passion
    🔹I live in congruence with my authentic self
    🔹I am mindful
    🔹I am creative every day
    🔹I foster positivity
    🔹I am compassionate
    Keep your chin up!
    Turning up is the ultimate success!
    Personal Stats:
    • Name: Terri
    • Age: 75
    • Height: 5'2"
    • SW: 227 (Mar 2014)
    • Joined MFP: Jan 2015
    • 1st Goal: 190 Sept 2015
    • UGW: 145
    • 01 Aug 2019: 170.1
    [*] 31 Dec 2019: 151.2
    [*] 31 Dec 2020: 145.6
    [*] Total weight loss: 81.4 lbs
    [*] (30 Dec 2021: 138.6 - Total Loss: 87 lbs)
    [*] 3 Jan 2022: 138.9
    [*] 8 Jan 2022: 135.8 - TL: 91.2

    January Daily Habits: Week 2
    Sat: ✅ Sun: Mon:
    Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri:
    1. Weight < 145: ✅1/7 (I weigh each morning after ablutions)
    2. Reduce Fat%: ✅ 29.3; 27.1; 25.1; 24.5; 24.2 23.4 21%
    3. Increase Muscle%: ✅ 28.7->30.1; 30.6; 30.7: 30.9: 31.8
    4. Calories in the green ✅1/7
    5. Steps > 7500 ✅ 1/7
    6. Intentional exercise > 50 mins daily✅1/7
    7. Active hours > 6 daily ✅1/7
    8. 11pm shutdown of devices✅1/7
    9. Cleanup sweep of ground floor rooms✅1/7
    10. after making bed > 10 minutes of flex✅1/7

    Positive intentions for Sat 8:
    • Meditation 🙅‍♀️
    • Daily Flex🙅‍♀️
    • Local shops🙅‍♀️
    • finish clearing up and putting Christmas away🙅‍♀️
    • Daily Chores🙅‍♀️
    • Self Care🙅‍♀️

    Positive intentions for Sun 9:
    • Meditation
    • Daily Flex
    • Family Skype
    • jigsaw: crochet:
    • Daily Chores
    • Self Care

    Terri 🦄
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Tried a new CPAP mask so didn't sleep well.
    • Poor day. Will try and be better tomorrow

    Hi there! I've been really struggling with wearing CPAP every night. Do you wear the full mask on your face? Not trying to be nosy, but curious if you found one that isn't a full mask... I get so dang hot at night with that thing on!
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,768 Member
    Hour commitment - Back from long hike, had lunch. Now I won't eat again until after 5 pm, except my dose of metamusal.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Friday
    1. 24H plan and assess 🔴| follow plan 🔴| eat only when hungry 🟢| stop at 'enough'🟢
    2. Drink 64+ oz of water 🟢
    3. Close activity rings on watch 🟢
    4. Incorporate 5 something's at bathroom doorway and bedroom doorways 🔴 TOTALLY FORGOT I was going to do this. Oops!
    5. Listen to Module 1 of No BS in preparation for 2:00 call with Accountability Group 🟢
    6. Bills/Budget for January 🟡 Ongoing
    7. Make Lentil Soup recipe 🟢
    8. Check for transfer from CCU to WMCU 🟢
    9. Self-Care: Calm App / reading / etc. 🟢
    10. Evening routine: Coffeemaker set up 🟢 / brush & floss 🟢/ facial 🟢/ readings by Dodie or Joyce and Simple Abundance 🔴/ Gratitude Journal 🔴/ read until lights out. 🟢

    I know it's late but I need to be accountable and get these in writing. I've had these in my head but that's not good enough! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

    Has anyone heard from Hannah? @HEGoddard0928 - wondering how you are!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Just for Saturday
    1. 24H plan and assess | follow plan | eat only when hungry | stop at 'enough'
    2. Drink 64+ oz of water
    3. Close activity rings on watch
    4. Incorporate 5 something's at bathroom doorway and bedroom doorways
    5. Begin Module 2 of No BS course. Begin Good / Better / Best list.
    6. Bills/Budget for January - Ongoing.
    7. Think about DR method and begin listing possibilities for extra $$
    8. Self-Care: Calm App / reading / bubble bath / Gentle Yoga
    9. Evening routine: Coffeemaker set up / brush & floss / facial / readings by Dodie or Joyce and chapter from Simple Abundance / Gratitude Journal / read until lights out.

    @Bex953172 How was your fast food day? Did you go back to McDonalds? What do you usually order when you go there? I've been so hungry for a Big Mac, I can almost taste it lately. :mrgreen:

    @Snowflake1968 I love the house you are working on. I have never done ceramics, but I think I would love it. I hope 2022 will feel more settled so I can start looking around at all the things Green Bay area has to offer and find some hobbies. I cannot spend the rest of my life watching Netflix and trying to stay out of my kitchen! LOL! :wink:

    @Faebert I'm so glad your cat is doing better! I think a face mask or something would be a great idea. I need to think of more of this type of thing, as money is tighter than normal here also, but I want to be able to do some self-care things to keep m spirits up. So far I've come up with a few things I love but rarely take time to do: Bubble Bath, facial, mani/pedi, watching a chick flick with candles, hot tea and maybe some popcorn. We do have a theater here in town that has $5 Tuesdays. You can go see any movie for $5 and you get a free large popcorn and soda with it. Although I don't need to eat a whole large popcorn, I think it might be nice to go see a matinee on Tuesday afternoon...

    @ZizzyBumble I hope your ankle feels better soon!

    @mytime6630 I have a quilt I started in 1994 that I never finished! LOL! I should take a page out of your book and get my butt downstairs and finish all my projects... :blush:

    WOTY 2022: Resilient.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 2,768 Member

    JFT for 1/8 (today): ✔️
    1) No dessert today (last 1/3), unless I want sugar free or no sugar added. ✔️
    2) No Peanut butter today (last 1/6) ✔️
    3) Don't weigh again until Monday, 1/10 ✔️
    4) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 1/7) ✔️
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last - 12/13) ✔️
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, up to 1 oz of nut gift OK today ✔️
    7) No dried apricots today. (last 12/13) ✔️
    8) None of DH's treats today. ✔️
    9) No turkey jerky today. ✔️
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today ✔️ did have 1 oz turkey Kielbasa...didn't have much around for dinner
    JFT for 1/9 (tomorrow): ✔️
    1) Can have a dessert today (last 1/3).
    2) Peanut butter ok today (last 1/6)
    3) Don't weigh again until Monday, 1/10
    4) Up to 1.5 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 1/7)
    5) Starting to allow honey again, but not everyday. No honey today (1-2 Tbsp). (last - 12/13)
    6) No peanuts today & No pistachios today; walnuts & almonds ok, none of nut gift today
    7) No dried apricots today. (last 12/13)
    8) None of DH's treats today.
    9) No turkey jerky today.
    10) No turkey Vienna sausage today including the turkey Kielbasa

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.

  • Outdoorsy_Canadian
    Outdoorsy_Canadian Posts: 54 Member
    JFT Sat 8

    Horrible day. Wasn’t feeling well and stayed in all day dozing .I did manage to give the dog a bath

    1. Log all food✔️
    2. Family time❌
    3. NLS ❌
    4. Meds ❌
    5. Sleep 7 ❌
    6. H20✔️
    7. Outdoor time❌
    8. Unplug 1 hour❌
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    JFT - January 7
    Log all Food - 🙂
    1.5 L of water - 🙂
    Gratitude journal - 🙂
    Exercises - 😕
    Log into JFT - 🙂

    JFT - January 8
    Log all Food
    1.5 L of water
    Gratitude journal
    Log into JFT

    @mytime6630 - I too need to finish some projects this year.

    @pridesabtch - love the Scooby Doo project.

    @TerriRichardson112 - how long is a cross country drive in Ireland. It’s more than a 3 day drive across Canada

    @PackerFanInGB - I have been wondering about @HEGoddard0928 too. It’s been a long time. I have a lot of friends that struggle with a CPAP. I was tested and needed a smaller one. It was about the size of an old radio alarm clock, the air flow came from a small device in your nostrils.

    @beachwalker99 - sounds like a nice day, love your little slice of Paris

    I don’t know if the scale was not reading correctly today or not but it read 185.6! This is what I weighed around Kaitlyn’s wedding!

    I got part of Christmas taken down today. It’s a chore for sure, but feeling quite happy with myself.

    I’ll be back tomorrow

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    @Outdoorsy_Canadian I'm sorry you had a bad day. It happens to all of us at some point, hope you're feeling a bit better now!
    I really need to bath my dog too. He's a shorthaired dog but he's just smelt really "doggy" lately and he normally smells okay lol.
    He can be a bit stubborn sometimes though, I'm not sure if he actually likes the showers or not haha, he hates rain and will not go out in it at all but he stands as stiff as a rock whilst he's in the bath hahaha he must hate it.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member

    Oh yeah, gotta be a Big Mac, I stay medium though (ash gets large) and get a milkshake, if the machines on.
    It's hard sometimes because I live so close! Literally step out of my house, go down my road (like 200 yards) and turn left and you can see it right in front of you on the opposite side of the road lol.

    Sometimes when I come outside the house I can just smell the chips 😂

    Last night though, we ordered our monthly takeout. We decided on pizza, got a few chicken strips and milkshake.
    But I just ate too much. I felt uncomfortably full. Kinda wish I hadn't done it or atleast not ate it all. I should have stopped and saved some for later.

    Still need to figure out how to log it the best I can. So I need to have a clean week now for the rest of the week! No junk! Or just whatever fits in my calories.,
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    Word the year: Determination
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    JFT Sat 8th
    - Log all food ✔️
    - 6 waters✔️
    - Exercise (min. 15 minutes)❌
    - Clean up a bit✔️✔️

    So I managed to log my takeaway just about. I was over yesterday by 1500 calories and with the steps and cleaning that made it 1000 over.

    I've been tracking my calories weekly on a spreadsheet. So at 1,596/day that equals 11,172 calories per week. I've figured to level out over the week I need to have 1,300/day this week so that's the aim. But that isn't including any exercise calories.

    Didn't exercise yesterday as I was too busy cleaning, we hoovered, mopped, polished, cleaned some pots, picking lots of stuff up off the floor.
    We finally fixed our dryer (and to think we were gonna replace a £400 dryer, it only cost £8 for the part to fix it!!) I'm glad Ash knows how to fix things and proper looks into it before just binning things!

    Although today I have the monumental task of clearing the girls cupboard of clothes, figuring out what's staying and what's going to charity/binned and then folding all the washing we did yesterday and putting it all away again (about 6 loads and more still to do!!)

    ^^^^ apologies for the essay! Onto my goals...

    JFT Sunday 9th
    - Log all food
    - Try to stay below 1,300 calories
    - Drink 6 waters.
    - Only have carbs at dinner (roast potatoes)
    - Sort the girls clothes and the rest of the washing.
    - Walk the dog - only if there's time!

    *Sunday's always gonna be a rest day for exercise*
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hi all. Feeling strangely weary today. Worrying about lots of life admin things, like my energy deal coming to an end and the upcoming price rises. It’s so hard to get this right when even the experts are shrugging their shoulders and saying it’s all unprecedented. I hate this aspect of being a single parent - the responsibility for all the bills, home upkeep etc. Still don’t feel like a grown-up!

    Anyway, will try and dedicate some time to it this evening as I got some work done yesterday instead of today as planned. Lots of cleaning to do now and I’ve done a quick treadmill run.

    Happy Sunday everyone x

    Saturday goals:
    Morning run outside, no treadmill! ✅ 2.7m
    Laundry ✅
    Cleaning ❌
    Send back parcel❌
    Catch up with N❌
    P to sleepover at 2pm✅
    Quality time with L✅
    Stay within calorie goal✅
    Bed at sensible hour✅

    Sunday goals
    Morning run ✅ 1.8m
    Send back parcel!!
    Collect P - homework?
    Final planning and printing ✅
    Work on finances/life admin
    Stay within calorie goal
    Early night
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 960 Member
    edited January 2022
    @cschmitz110515 - Hope the work issues ease up for you and your husband.

    @mytime6630 - Glad to you were able to finally get some sleep. Hope the second round of antibiotics does the trick.

    @Faebert - Good to hear that your kitty is doing better. Great start on your running goal!

    @Snowflake1968 - Your ceramic house looks like such a fun project. I love that it can do double duty for Halloween and Christmas.

    @pridesabtch - Nice job on the Scooby Doo project! Hope it was as much fun to do as it looks.

    @MrsHermit - Hope your symptoms aren't too bad and that you feel better soon!

    @Bex953172 - Sounds like a win on the dryer! And on the scale :)
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited January 2022
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    Saturday JFT 01/08/2022

    ✅ Personal AM time: coffee & breakfast
    ✅ MFP: review, post, and prelog diary
    ✅ Devotional time: read 30 min.
    ✅ AM self-care routine
    ✅ Kiddo Saturday Chore routine
    ❌Home exercises: Yoga and 1-BBL DVDs
    ✅ Lunchtime: eat & decompress for 1_hr
    ❌3_hr study session➡️ I did finish an EOC of note cards but no real quality studying done. 😔
    ✅ Dinnertime: prep, eat, and decompress
    ✅ PM self-care routine
    ✅ Bedtime by 10 pm (22:00)➡️ We also enjoyed "Family Movie Night" - watched the new Ghostbusters movie, pretty cute!!

    Another incomplete day for me!!! Things are just awkward around here right now. 🤦‍♀️

    "This too shall pass."

    Sunday JFT 01/09/2022

    ▪︎Personal AM time: coffee & breakfast
    ▪︎MFP: review, post, and prelog diary
    ▪︎Devotional time: read 30 min.
    ▪︎AM self-care routine
    ▪︎Home exercises: Yoga and 1-BBL DVDs
    ▪︎Lunchtime: eat & decompress for 1_hr
    ▪︎3_hr study session
    ▪︎Errands (Costco, etc)
    ▪︎Dinnertime: prep, eat, and decompress
    ▪︎PM self-care routine
    ▪︎Bedtime by 10 pm (22:00)

    Here we go again.....⭐🤸‍♀️⭐
  • beachwalker99
    beachwalker99 Posts: 960 Member
    JFT Sunday 1/9
    Balanced meals
    Stay hydrated
    Walk or stationary bike
    Clean up kitchen
    Pick up soup supplies
    Start a new book
    Bed by midnight
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited January 2022

    Has anyone heard from Hannah? @HEGoddard0928 - wondering how you are!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I have also been worried about Ms. Hannah. I have posted a few "check-in" comments on her feed and she hasn't responded. It has been a few months since we've heard from her. I have been worried and praying for her and Matt!!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    @Bex953172 - I saw your post about the girls the other day, my daughter is going through the same thing and I saw these, It might help. Each child could have their own chore list for their age.


  • Janele0627
    Janele0627 Posts: 231 Member
    Ok, I was EXHAUSTED after helping my friend with the shop Friday night. Back on track this week though, I'm committing myself to that!

    @MrsHermit I do have an Etsy shop! I mostly make witchy/cottagecore style items

    Today is weigh-in day:
    Starting Weight (July 8, 2021): 212.9 lbs
    January Starting Weight: 200.0 lb
    January Goal Weight: 195 lb
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125 lb

    01/09: 199.7 (- 0.3)

    Total loss/gain for January: - 0.3 lb

    JFT 01/09
    - Up by 7:30
    - Vitamins
    - 10,000 steps
    - 64 oz of water
    - Log everything
    - 30 min of yoga