

  • cpblondie67
    cpblondie67 Posts: 4 Member
    Machka - i bought some fruit to take. Told my friend to avoid the fattening snacks, since it's just the 4 of us.

    Michelle- Doesn't seltzer water have calories?

    Congrats to Jess

    I woke up feeling more sore today. Went shopping and rode the cart to limit walking. Came home and thought I'd check the mail. The mailbox is just across the street, but as I went down the slight hill that is our driveway, something started hurting. Now it's just getting worse. It sucks, cuz my husband and I were actually planning to get out and do something fun. It's a beautiful day and it would be so nice to get out and do something different, without my walker.

    It's so nice to read everyone's post. Seems like everyone is trying so hard to keep busy.

    I've been through the loss of my dad to colon cancer and my FIL to Alzheimer's. They were both hard and it's tough to get through. Keep faith. It does get easier over time.
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 619 Member
    Penny... LOVE your siggie!
    Yeah, Mom asked me the other day, quite sanely, if her mom was still alive. She really, sincerely wanted to know. It was so hard to decide what to do. For a split second I almost wanted to tell her yes, but I knew that she wanted to know the truth. When I said, "no", she said, "yeah, I think I knew that". Almost made me cry. Mom grew up in South Minneapolis.

    drkatiebug... Really comes and goes like that too. She's more in than out though right now, thank God. She's pretty acute most days. I think the fall and being in the hospital and now a new place (for the short term) are messing her up. I haven't been able to see her yet because we're in the throes of cv right now. Nothing severe, just the grandson tested positive and he was with us for a short time so we have to stay away for the five-day minimum.

    Rori... OMG! "therapeutic lying". What a wonderful concept. My husband is trying to teach me that. He lived through it with both his dad and mom and he's any only child. I just don't know how he did it. I helped as much as I could, but I was once-removed so it didn't affect me as much. Now seeing it head-on is SO hard. But he says the SAME THING you're saying. THANK YOU!

    grandmallie... thank goodness you were there for Tom to teach him that valuable lesson.

    M in Oz... I'm so sorry your husband had to go through that and you too.

    Michele... Congrats to Dr. Jess! WOW!

    Thanks everyone else... so hard but we're tough up here in MN! WE WILL SURVIVE! lol

    Carla, in Lakeville, MN
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    edited January 2022
    Margaret - Sorry about the medical situation. <3 Such a worry.

    Flea - I hope you will keep yourself safe in this situation. You are the priority. If your mother is not reliably tested and negative, she will have to miss her 'window' anyway. Don't go near until you are 100% sure.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,035 Member
    Flea- I am sorry for all of your family drama- praying your mom's test is negative and the appointment goes well. It is great that you will be there with your mom for this.
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Flea, I'm so sorry that you have to go thru all this "stuff" with your niece exposing your mom to covid. I sincerely hope that she tests negative and is able to keep her appointment. Sending you lots of virtual hugs....
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member

    One of the most profound experiences in my life - anatomy class - my group's cadaver was an elderly man who died of lung cancer. We treated him with reverence. I am eternally grateful for the gift he and his family gave us by donating his body. The medical examiner's office cremated the remains afterwards.

    Karen in Virginia

    See that's what I want to be! Thank you for sharing your profound story!💖
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    Stats for the day-

    , short walk w/family- 18.44min, 3.31ap, 91ahr, 1.02mi= 90c
    Strava app = 123c
    Walk to stores and back- 1hr 49min 45sec, 49elev, 3.25ap, 95ahr, 115mhr, 6.14mi= 644c
    Strava app = 741c

    Total cal 734
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We are puppy hunting. I heard from an employee of our veterinarian. She suggested a different breed of dog and a
    nearby dog breeder. I plan to follow up with our veterinarian and the potential dog breeder. <3 No rush just now, but I don’t want to wait too long.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Machka- you wrote 16 tons and what do you get? And I started singing another year older and deeper in debt... anyone remember that song?who was that Tennessee Ernie Ford?

    It's the song I sing to myself when I shovel all the gravel. :)

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    GINNY - the leaves on the cake are made by just tracing them with a knife.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Not so easy to get time to read all. Just skimming.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    We are puppy hunting. I heard from an employee of our veterinarian. She suggested a different breed of dog and a
    nearby dog breeder. I plan to follow up with our veterinarian and the potential dog breeder. <3 No rush just now, but I don’t want to wait too long.

    :)Katla, We were heartbroken like you when our precious Brandy died and Jake began looking for a new dog. He searched for a specific breed but after awhile had a change of heart and looked elsewhere with a different plan. That's how we got Bessie. Perhaps another breed will turn out to be the right choice. Good luck.

    <3 Barbie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did Method’s Cardio Flex Band Workout and then Shape’s Bikini Bootcamp DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some of Leslie Sansone’s Ultimate 5 Day Walking Plan DVD.

    Woohoo, I’m on a 6 day streak!!!!

    katla – a proud mother doesn’t even begin to describe it. I’m really happy that she’s achieved her dream. I know that not everyone knows at 10 years of age what they want to do with the rest of their life, but she always wanted to be a vet. It took a long time (and lots of debt) but she achieved it.

    Barbie – I’m hesitant to say to someone that we are not available to go somewhere because I’m always afraid the spouse will ask Vince and he’ll say something else. Well, the reason is that Jess called to tell us the good news (yes, she called, but it was earlier in the day) and we then had to arrange her flights for the interviews (yes, but we did that the other day). So we never went. Vince is glad also because now he gets to have all the chocolate chip cookies and brownies….lol

    Rori IS a real inspiration in moving on.

    Thank you so much everyone for your well wishes for Jess. She wants to be a research vet, not a family vet. I know if she was a family vet, she’d get bored. So many times the vet sees the same thing – ear infections, broken bones, etc. Plus, many times she is not diplomatic. If someone came in and she told them, say, they needed to use certain eye drops (for example) and they didn’t but came back because the problem got worse, I know she’s REALLY ream into them. She has always wanted to find a cure for cancer. Will that happen? Honestly, I doubt it. But if you can even start to find a cure in animals, you are that much closer to finding a cure for humans.

    Margaret – I hope your nephew’s wife doesn’t need a transplant

    Allie – that’s what I started singing, too

    Terri – calories eaten early in the day are easier for the body to use, rather than late in the day. I’ve found this to be true, too.

    Flea – honey, try to breathe. In thru the nose and out thru the mouth. In thru the nose and out thru the mouth. Does that feel better? (((HUG)))

    cpblondie – I’m not sure, but if seltzer water has calories, it certainly isn’t very many. (((HUG)))

    I, too, was glad that my father was sharp as a tack until the very end. However, in some ways, it was sad, too. He realized that he’d outlived all his friends and immediate family. He really felt alone.

    Made chocolate bran muffins earlier in the day

    Ginny – congrats on that good ct report

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Barbie – I’m hesitant to say to someone that we are not available to go somewhere because I’m always afraid the spouse will ask Vince and he’ll say something else. Well, the reason is that Jess called to tell us the good news (yes, she called, but it was earlier in the day) and we then had to arrange her flights for the interviews (yes, but we did that the other day). So we never went. Vince is glad also because now he gets to have all the chocolate chip cookies and brownies….lol

    Michele NC

    But you would have talked to each other and if you agreed that it didn't fit into your schedule, that's what you'd say. :)

    My husband's sister invited us out to her area over Christmas. We talked about it and agreed that it would be busy and stressful to do that. It would make our schedule really packed and we'd rather not do that. So that's what we told her ... it wouldn't fit into our schedule.

    You don't have to provide an excuse. It's no one's business.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    The future has felt uncertain for almost 4 years now.
    I don't plan very far ahead anymore.
    That was a bit of a shift of thinking for me.


    Machka in Oz