HCG versus lapband



  • goldingirl01
    I had great success with HCG. First let me say that person who said that HCG comes from a women's pee when she is pregnant is incorrect. It is a hormone that women produce when they are pregnant in their placenta. It has been used for over 60 years in the treatment of infertility. In 1954 Dr. Simeon realized that it aided in weight loss. I recommend the website: www.hcgdietinfo.com. There you can read the original manuscript written in 1954 by Dr. Simeon. It is called "Pounds and Inches", You will get ALL of the facts from it. The reason that I chose HCG is because the results are fast and I have zero patience when it comes to weight loss. After loosing the weight (as with any diet) you HAVE to have a change of lifestyle. I walk 3 miles 5-6 days a week to keep the weight off. Do NOT buy your HCG online. Find a Dr. in your area (lots of naturalpathic doctors are prescribing it) and get it through them. Just so you are aware; a doctor or pharmacy pays $50 for a 40 day supply. A reasonable price for you to pay, is $75-$125 for the actual serum. I would definitely recommend the shots over the sublingual. If you tried to do your own diet of 500 calories a day without HCG 2 things would happen; you would be starving all of the time and you would lose a lot of muscle. With the HCG, you are not hungry and you lose ONLY fat and NO muscle. Really cool. I lost 80 pounds in 2 rounds: First round was 40 days and I lost 45 pounds. then 3 weeks of eating whatever I wanted but no starch or sugar. Then I did 2 weeks of eating normal food, then another 40 days in which I lost 35 pounds. I have several friends who have done it since I did and all with great success. I have had my weight off for 2+ years.
  • Danidelion
    Wow! Some people can be so ugly on here! Is is really needed?? Kuddos to those who just answered the question and did start attacking!!!

    EXACTLY. I'm so glad that I wasn't just being sensitive, thanks for agreeing with me.
  • Danidelion
    Forget both and try Medifast. It really works. I'm on it and I feel great! I've lost 30 lbs in 7 weeks. You should lose on average, 2-5 lbs a week.

    I've actually wanted to do Medifast for a long time, I just can't afford it :[[[
  • Danidelion
    I had great success with HCG. First let me say that person who said that HCG comes from a women's pee when she is pregnant is incorrect. It is a hormone that women produce when they are pregnant in their placenta. It has been used for over 60 years in the treatment of infertility. In 1954 Dr. Simeon realized that it aided in weight loss. I recommend the website: www.hcgdietinfo.com. There you can read the original manuscript written in 1954 by Dr. Simeon. It is called "Pounds and Inches", You will get ALL of the facts from it. The reason that I chose HCG is because the results are fast and I have zero patience when it comes to weight loss. After loosing the weight (as with any diet) you HAVE to have a change of lifestyle. I walk 3 miles 5-6 days a week to keep the weight off. Do NOT buy your HCG online. Find a Dr. in your area (lots of naturalpathic doctors are prescribing it) and get it through them. Just so you are aware; a doctor or pharmacy pays $50 for a 40 day supply. A reasonable price for you to pay, is $75-$125 for the actual serum. I would definitely recommend the shots over the sublingual. If you tried to do your own diet of 500 calories a day without HCG 2 things would happen; you would be starving all of the time and you would lose a lot of muscle. With the HCG, you are not hungry and you lose ONLY fat and NO muscle. Really cool. I lost 80 pounds in 2 rounds: First round was 40 days and I lost 45 pounds. then 3 weeks of eating whatever I wanted but no starch or sugar. Then I did 2 weeks of eating normal food, then another 40 days in which I lost 35 pounds. I have several friends who have done it since I did and all with great success. I have had my weight off for 2+ years.

    Thanks! That's a lot of really good information :]
  • cownancy
    Perhaps you'd care to point to which part of my post was prejudiced? The point about locus of control is well covered in the literature on eating issues.

    And yes, im probably far better qualified than the average surgeon to talk about the cognitive and emotional aspects of eating and weight loss. Thanks for asking.

    Wow! You do think quite a bit of yourself. When you publicly state that you feel that you are more qualified than well-respected universities and board certified surgeons, I can realize a God complex when I see one. IF you are such an "expert", why are you here on MFP at all? Just here to "enlighten" others?

    I have a favorite saying and it applies to people with your overinflated sense of worth, "Never wrestle with a pig; you both get all dirty and the pig likes it." Thank goodness I am the one who is open-minded enough to admit that methods I might not personally like can work for others.

    Seems like arguing and trying to win at all cost is your life mission....have fun with it. I think most people reading your posts can properly evaluate their actual value.
  • Danidelion
    Perhaps you'd care to point to which part of my post was prejudiced? The point about locus of control is well covered in the literature on eating issues.

    And yes, im probably far better qualified than the average surgeon to talk about the cognitive and emotional aspects of eating and weight loss. Thanks for asking.

    Wow! You do think quite a bit of yourself. When you publicly state that you feel that you are more qualified than well-respected universities and board certified surgeons, I can realize a God complex when I see one. IF you are such an "expert", why are you here on MFP at all? Just here to "enlighten" others?

    I have a favorite saying and it applies to people with your overinflated sense of worth, "Never wrestle with a pig; you both get all dirty and the pig likes it." Thank goodness I am the one who is open-minded enough to admit that methods I might not personally like can work for others.

    Seems like arguing and trying to win at all cost is your life mission....have fun with it. I think most people reading your posts can properly evaluate their actual value.

    lol and that value is zero. Thanks for pointing it out :].
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Wow! Some people can be so ugly on here! Is is really needed?? Kuddos to those who just answered the question and did start attacking!!!

    EXACTLY. I'm so glad that I wasn't just being sensitive, thanks for agreeing with me.

    No you were being sensitive,now next timeif you just want people to blindly agree with you without giving their real opinions you just let us know
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Forget both and try Medifast. It really works. I'm on it and I feel great! I've lost 30 lbs in 7 weeks. You should lose on average, 2-5 lbs a week.

    I've actually wanted to do Medifast for a long time, I just can't afford it :[[[

    Why can you pay for all these wacky diets but you cant just watch what you eat and exercise? im not trying to be rude im really curious?
  • Danidelion
    Forget both and try Medifast. It really works. I'm on it and I feel great! I've lost 30 lbs in 7 weeks. You should lose on average, 2-5 lbs a week.

    I've actually wanted to do Medifast for a long time, I just can't afford it :[[[

    Why can you pay for all these wacky diets but you cant just watch what you eat and exercise? im not trying to be rude im really curious?

    I have and will watch what I eat and exercise, and I wouldn't pay for these because I have health insurance and my insurance covers it. I have a hard time keeping to a normal diet, that's all. Like I said before though no matter what I would keep trying just as hard, I just feel like one of these methods would provide extra incentive for me personally. As for medifast, I'd like it because everything is already portioned out, and I wouldn't have to worry about grocery shopping.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Cownancy, maybe try reflecting on what I've said. You're so busy defending your entrenched view against all possible comers i don't think you can distinguish between attack and reasoned argument. Yet you don't seem to have an answer to the very simple problem of locus of control.

    As to the question of qualification. . . Well yes obviously those with expertise are completely immune to developing eating problems themselves. . . That's why you never hear of psychologists with eating disorders, overweight nurses, sports scientists who are obese. . .

    Oh. . . Wait. . .

    Fear not. Im giving hcg and barbaric threads up. Seriously, what's the point? When disagreement, use of research and theory, and rational argument is dismissed as hate or arrogance. . . ? Well. Bless you all. :-)
  • Trevor0331
    Trevor0331 Posts: 7 Member
    Great Job!!!
  • xneurocentric
    xneurocentric Posts: 44 Member
    Great Job!!!

    Did you even read the thread? lol
  • RangerSteve
    I had great success with HCG. First let me say that person who said that HCG comes from a women's pee when she is pregnant is incorrect. It is a hormone that women produce when they are pregnant in their placenta. It has been used for over 60 years in the treatment of infertility. In 1954 Dr. Simeon realized that it aided in weight loss. I recommend the website: www.hcgdietinfo.com. There you can read the original manuscript written in 1954 by Dr. Simeon. It is called "Pounds and Inches", You will get ALL of the facts from it. The reason that I chose HCG is because the results are fast and I have zero patience when it comes to weight loss. After loosing the weight (as with any diet) you HAVE to have a change of lifestyle. I walk 3 miles 5-6 days a week to keep the weight off. Do NOT buy your HCG online. Find a Dr. in your area (lots of naturalpathic doctors are prescribing it) and get it through them. Just so you are aware; a doctor or pharmacy pays $50 for a 40 day supply. A reasonable price for you to pay, is $75-$125 for the actual serum. I would definitely recommend the shots over the sublingual. If you tried to do your own diet of 500 calories a day without HCG 2 things would happen; you would be starving all of the time and you would lose a lot of muscle. With the HCG, you are not hungry and you lose ONLY fat and NO muscle. Really cool. I lost 80 pounds in 2 rounds: First round was 40 days and I lost 45 pounds. then 3 weeks of eating whatever I wanted but no starch or sugar. Then I did 2 weeks of eating normal food, then another 40 days in which I lost 35 pounds. I have several friends who have done it since I did and all with great success. I have had my weight off for 2+ years.

    Join date: September 2011
    Posts: 1
    Topic: HCG
    Status: Supportive of dangerous diet
    Conclusion: TROLL

    I love how people literally join this site and make a big post supporting dangerous lifestyle choices such as HCG or to promote some product and then people thank them for their post. Get a clue guys/girls.
  • cownancy
    Someone may have already said this, but you aren't overweight enough for the lapband. You should have a bmi of 40+ to even consider it.

    I'm not going to argue, but just as an FYI, according to the majority of websites I've been to about the lapband, in order to be eligible for the lapband you have to need to lose at least 40 lbs. Also, I am 4'11" and 208 lbs, therefore my BMI is 42. I edit my pictures.

    I thought your photo didn't match your weight goal information. You look SOOO think in your photo! BMI 42 should qualify you with no co-morbidities. Now the doctor has to be sure your style of eating will be helped by the band. Hope you can find an awesome doctor. I don't know where you live, but see if any of the big cities near you publishes a Top Doctors if you don't have a Bariatric Center of Excellence. Let me know what you decide, if you don't mind.
  • cownancy
    Cownancy, maybe try reflecting on what I've said. You're so busy defending your entrenched view against all possible comers i don't think you can distinguish between attack and reasoned argument. Yet you don't seem to have an answer to the very simple problem of locus of control.

    As to the question of qualification. . . Well yes obviously those with expertise are completely immune to developing eating problems themselves. . . That's why you never hear of psychologists with eating disorders, overweight nurses, sports scientists who are obese. . .

    Oh. . . Wait. . .

    Fear not. Im giving hcg and barbaric threads up. Seriously, what's the point? When disagreement, use of research and theory, and rational argument is dismissed as hate or arrogance. . . ? Well. Bless you all. :-)

    Thank goodness....arrogance is not needed here!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Ok, i want to say a couple more things. First for those that have lost on the lap band, that is awesome. This is one of many methods to lose weight on. If it is what is needed to control your eating issues, than more power to you. I have seen people lose on this method but I have also seen people have issues (one of my students fathers developed an infection and died, either from it twisting or something). At 20 years old, I thoroughly believe surgery is unnecessary. There are so many other options out there. Next, HCG. Absolutely, you can lose weight on this program. It's really the same method as many people use with eating disorders. This is why I don't back the program and truely don't support it. You want some good information, well it's posted below.

    Also, even though some of us haven't had a lapband or done HCG, it doesn't mean we aren't trying to help, nor does it mean we aren't ask knowledge over the subject. You want some great advice, it's simple research. Look at the pro's and con's of laps. Look at stuff like success rates and failures. With HCG, don't just look at how many people lose weight, but how many put it back on or even more, how many people get sick from it. Keep in mind, our internal organs needs calories to function properly and under eating can several damage things like yoru reproductive organs and your metabolism. And then compare those pro's and con's against the pro's and con's against regular diet and exercise. And if you want to lose weight quick and keep it off, look at a program called p90x. My friend lost 60 lbs in 90 days. He ate 1800 calories a day and the weight just flew off. And the best part about it, it doesn't have side effects, except i does require hard work.

    If you want the help, many of us will personally work with you. And if you decide surgery or HCG and it doesn't go the way you want, guess what, we will still work with you. Until you decide to put the effort forth, nothing will work. I truely wish the best for you in your endevor. Just remember, to evaluate all options, not just the two.

    There are several institutues that have research the needs of a body to maintain proper body function and all have come back with 1200 calories for women and 1500 for men (this includes teh Nation Institute for Health and American College of Sports Medicine). Decreasing your calories to below these standards (which are very low to start with) can affect your long term weight loss. Decreasing below your Basal Metabolic Rate can slow your metabolism, decrease thyroid function, decrease muscle mass, and have adverse affects on several organs, digestion, etc...

    When you reduce the calories too low, your body may not go into starvation mode but your body doesn't function properly. Also, over time, if you don't eat enough, your body will store fat due to the metabolism slowing down. Your metabolism is contolled by the amount of muscle you body has. The more muscle, the faster your metabolism is (unless you have a thyroid issue or other medical condition). The AmericanCollege of Sports Medicine suggest 1.2 - 1.4 g of protein per kg of weight.

    So for a 150 lb person, that comes to 88-95g of protein

    150/2.2 = 68.1
    68.1*1.2 (1.4) = 88/95g

    Obtaining that much protein would be difficult with 900 calories, considering 400 of those calories would have to be from proteins alone. keep in mind the below.

    1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories
    1 gram of protein = 4 calories
    1 gram of fat = 9 calories

    Here is a link with some good information.


    Also, keep in mind, when you don't eat enough calories, your body utilizes proteins from your muscles to fuel your body and holds onto the fat. If you want to run an experiement on your, go get some body calipers or get someone to test you to calculate your total body fat. Work out for 30-60 days and go back to see if anything has changed. Even if your weight changes or doesn't, if you haven't been able to decrease your overall body fat, then you aren't gaining lean body mass (LBM). In fact, there are many cases that I have seen women lose 10 lbs but there overall body fat was unchanged. This means, that your body lost weight by losing LBM. The lower the LBM, the slow your metabolism, the lower it will take to lose weight, the quicker you will plateau and so forth. I can't tell you how many people I have worked with that have hit a plateau and each time, we increased their calories and the weight loss started again. You may just have not hit that point yet but I would highly suggest you reconsider your method.

    Beside, if you can eat more food and lose just as much weight, why wouldn't you?

    Hope this is helpful, I just want to make sure you aren't hurting your body. Below are some links with some good information in them. Enjoy


