2022....52 Pounds in 52 Weeks Challenge



  • Angelsjourney22
    Angelsjourney22 Posts: 8 Member
    Starting weight:255.2

    Goal weight:199

    Current weight:255.2

    Total weight lost:

    Last week's successes:

    This week's challenges:just starting out so going to try and get 8000 steps in daily and track my food.
  • becfret
    becfret Posts: 36 Member
    Starting weight: 205.5 lbs
    Goal weight: 140 lbs
    Current weight: 195.5 lbs
    Total weight lost: 10 lbs
    🌟 Last week's successes: I logged my food every day and stayed under my daily goal. I've lost 5% of my body weight 🎉🎉🎉
    💪 This week's challenges: Staying motivated as my weightloss slows down. I weigh every day and I seem to have stalled again 🤔 I'm in my mid monthly cycle, which makes me hungry and plays havoc with my water weight. I will stay strong 💪

    WK01: -7 lbs
    WK02: -1 lb
    WK03: -1 lb
    WK04: -1 lb

    January: -10 lbs

    Good luck 🍀 everyone!
  • osier5
    osier5 Posts: 429 Member
    Starting weight: 223.5
    Goal weight: 160
    Current true weight: 219.4
    Loss from last week: .5
    Total 2022 weight lost: 4.1

    Last week's successes: Completed week 4 of “None to Run”
    This week's challenges: The scale is not moving as much as I think it should.
  • dkr529
    dkr529 Posts: 58 Member
    I’ve been doing this already since January 1st but just found this Challenge on here so I’ll jump in:

    Starting-over weight (1/1/22): 230.6 lbs
    Goal weight: 150.0 lbs
    Current weight (1/30/22): 220.2 lbs
    Total weight lost: 10.4 lbs
    Last week's successes: I stayed within my calorie goals 6 of 7 days.
    This week's challenges: A 30+ minute walk or aerobic exercise daily & increasing my water intake to at least 16 oz a day. I’m not currently drinking any water so I’m starting with small goals.
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,465 Member
    Starting weight- Jan 1, 2022: 173.2
    Goal weight: 150.0

    Wk 1: 1/8/22 Weight: 172.0; -1.2
    Wk 2: 1/15/22 Weight: 171.6; -0.6
    Wk 3: 1/22/22 Weight: 170.6; -1.0
    Wk 4: 1/29/22 Weight: 172.6; +2.0
    Total weight lost: 0.8
  • cybernurse251
    cybernurse251 Posts: 159 Member
    Starting weight: 270.6
    Goal weight: 175
    Current weight: 270.6
    Total weight lost:
    Last week's successes:
    This week's challenges: Drink water , stay within my macros, calories .
    Challenge Tracking
    START Jan 1: 275.6
    WK01 Jan 3: 275
    WK02 Jan 10: 274.6
    WK03 Jan 17: 262.6
    WK04 Jan 24: 262.6
    WK05 Jan 31:
    Jan Loss:

    WK06 Feb 7:
    WK07 Feb 14:
    WK08 Feb 21:
    WK09 Feb 28:
    Feb Loss:

    WK10 Mar 7:
    WK11 Mar 14:
    WK12 Mar 21:
    WK13 Mar 28:
    Mar Loss:

    WK14 Apr 4:
    WK15 Apr 11:
    WK16 Apr 18:
    WK17 Apr 25:
    Apr Loss:

    WK18 May 2:
    WK19 May 9:
    WK20 May 16:
    WK21 May 23:
    WK22 May 30:
    May Loss:

    WK23 Jun 6:
    WK24 Jun 13:
    WK25 Jun 20:
    WK 26 Jun 27:
    Jun Loss:

    WK 27 Jul 4:
    WK 28 Jul 11:
    WK 29 Jul 18:
    WK 30 Jul 25:
    Jul Loss:

    WK 31 Aug 1:
    WK 32 Aug 8:
    WK 33 Aug 15:
    WK 34 Aug 22:
    WK 35 Aug 29:
    Aug Loss:

    WK 36 Sep 5:
    WK 37 Sep 12:
    WK 38 Sep 19:
    WK 39 Sep 26:
    Sep Loss:

    WK 40 Oct 3:
    WK 41 Oct 10:
    WK 42 Oct 17:
    WK 43 Oct 24:
    WK 44 Oct 31::
    Oct Loss:

    WK 45 Nov 7:
    WK 46 Nov 14:
    WK 47 Nov 21:
    WK 48 Nov 28:
    Nov Loss:

    WK 49 Dec 5:
    WK 50 Dec 12:
    WK 51 Dec 19:
    WK 52 Dec 26:
    END Dec 31:
    Dec Loss:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,838 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Challenge Tracking
    START Jan 1: 190.0…..(Trend Weight: 191.5)…..
    WK01 Jan 03: 191.0…..(Trend Weight: 191.3)….. Good Luck everyone! Thanks @Lilylady3k for the challenge!

    WK02 Jan 10: 194.4…..(Trend Weight: 192.1)….. Gaining a good bit during the reno process of my home. I have been without fridge and stove for the 10 day process. Grab & go food but things are improving on the homefront. Ready to kick it into high gear!

    WK03 Jan 17: 194.4…..(Trend Weight: 193.0)….. A whole week gone and no progress whatsoever! I’m not trying hard enough. I have my challenges for sure, but I know I could do better!

    WK04 Jan 24: 194.4…..(Trend Weight: 193.5)….. No progress again. Ugh!

    WK05 Jan 31: 197.0…..(Trend Weight: 194.9)….. Even Worse! Okay, GOODBYE January. Watch out February because things are about to CHANGE!
    Jan Gain: + 7 lbs

    WK06 Feb 07:
    WK07 Feb 14:
    WK08 Feb 21:
    WK09 Feb 28:
    Feb Loss:

    WK10 Mar 07:
    WK11 Mar 14:
    WK12 Mar 21:
    WK13 Mar 28:
    Mar Loss:

    WK14 Apr 04:
    WK15 Apr 11:
    WK16 Apr 18:
    WK17 Apr 25:
    Apr Loss:

    WK18 May 02:
    WK19 May 09:
    WK20 May 16:
    WK21 May 23:
    WK22 May 30:
    May Loss:

    WK23 Jun 06:
    WK24 Jun 13:
    WK25 Jun 20:
    WK 26 Jun 27:
    Jun Loss:

    WK 27 Jul 04:
    WK 28 Jul 11:
    WK 29 Jul 18:
    WK 30 Jul 25:
    Jul Loss:

    WK 31 Aug 01:
    WK 32 Aug 08:
    WK 33 Aug 15:
    WK 34 Aug 22:
    WK 35 Aug 29:
    Aug Loss:

    WK 36 Sep 05:
    WK 37 Sep 12:
    WK 38 Sep 19:
    WK 39 Sep 26:
    Sep Loss:

    WK 40 Oct 03:
    WK 41 Oct 10:
    WK 42 Oct 17:
    WK 43 Oct 24:
    WK 44 Oct 31:
    Oct Loss:

    WK 45 Nov 07:
    WK 46 Nov 14:
    WK 47 Nov 21:
    WK 48 Nov 28:
    Nov Loss:

    WK 49 Dec 05:
    WK 50 Dec 12:
    WK 51 Dec 19:
    WK 52 Dec 26:
    END Dec 31:
    Dec Loss:
  • experimentofone
    experimentofone Posts: 28 Member
    Starting weight: 292 (Nov 5, 2021)
    Goal weight: 170
    Current weight: 263.8

    Total weight lost: 28.2

    Last week's successes: 5 hours & 30 minutes working out 8 times ..... snowshoeing, walking & resistance bands - yay!!

    This week's challenges: consistency of 3 meals a day..... no skipping

    Challenge Tracking

    START Jan 1: 270.0
    WK01 Jan 3: 268.0
    WK02 Jan 10: 269.6
    WK03 Jan 17: 267.2
    WK04 Jan 24: 265.8
    WK05 Jan 31: 263.8 6.2 lbs in 2022
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,838 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 61 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Challenge Tracking
    START Jan 1: 190.0…..(Trend Weight: 191.5)…..
    WK01 Jan 03: 191.0…..(Trend Weight: 191.3)….. Good Luck everyone! Thanks @Lilylady3k for the challenge!

    WK02 Jan 10: 194.4…..(Trend Weight: 192.1)….. Gaining a good bit during the reno process of my home. I have been without fridge and stove for the 10 day process. Grab & go food but things are improving on the homefront. Ready to kick it into high gear!

    WK03 Jan 17: 194.4…..(Trend Weight: 193.0)….. A whole week gone and no progress whatsoever! I’m not trying hard enough. I have my challenges for sure, but I know I could do better!

    WK04 Jan 24: 194.4…..(Trend Weight: 193.5)….. No progress again. Ugh!

    WK05 Jan 31: 197.0…..(Trend Weight: 194.9)….. Even Worse! Okay, GOODBYE January. Watch out February because things are about to CHANGE!
    Jan Gain: + 7 lbs

    WK06 Feb 07: 197.0…..(Trend Weight: 195.1)…..No scale change but trend weight says I’m getting worse, not better. Gotta turn that pattern around. February has only 28 days to prove myself. There is the challenge Donna! Now RISE to the occasion!

    WK07 Feb 14:
    WK08 Feb 21:
    WK09 Feb 28:
    Feb Loss:

    WK10 Mar 07:
    WK11 Mar 14:
    WK12 Mar 21:
    WK13 Mar 28:
    Mar Loss:

    WK14 Apr 04:
    WK15 Apr 11:
    WK16 Apr 18:
    WK17 Apr 25:
    Apr Loss:

    WK18 May 02:
    WK19 May 09:
    WK20 May 16:
    WK21 May 23:
    WK22 May 30:
    May Loss:

    WK23 Jun 06:
    WK24 Jun 13:
    WK25 Jun 20:
    WK 26 Jun 27:
    Jun Loss:

    WK 27 Jul 04:
    WK 28 Jul 11:
    WK 29 Jul 18:
    WK 30 Jul 25:
    Jul Loss:

    WK 31 Aug 01:
    WK 32 Aug 08:
    WK 33 Aug 15:
    WK 34 Aug 22:
    WK 35 Aug 29:
    Aug Loss:

    WK 36 Sep 05:
    WK 37 Sep 12:
    WK 38 Sep 19:
    WK 39 Sep 26:
    Sep Loss:

    WK 40 Oct 03:
    WK 41 Oct 10:
    WK 42 Oct 17:
    WK 43 Oct 24:
    WK 44 Oct 31:
    Oct Loss:

    WK 45 Nov 07:
    WK 46 Nov 14:
    WK 47 Nov 21:
    WK 48 Nov 28:
    Nov Loss:

    WK 49 Dec 05:
    WK 50 Dec 12:
    WK 51 Dec 19:
    WK 52 Dec 26:
    END Dec 31:
    Dec Loss:
  • csneal1140
    csneal1140 Posts: 11 Member
    Starting weight: 256
    Goal weight: 200
    Current weight:251.8
    Total weight lost:4.2
    Last week's successes: Usually during this time of the month I gain back up to 5 lbs from water retention so I will take 1.4 lbs.
    This week's challenges: Drinking 64 oz water everyday
    Weigh in days - Wednesdays

    Challenge Tracking
    START Jan 05: 256
    WK01 Jan 12: 253.6
    WK02 Jan 19: 252.6
    WK03 Jan 26:250.4
    WK04 Feb 02:251.8
    Jan Loss: 4.2
  • osier5
    osier5 Posts: 429 Member
    Starting weight: 223.5
    Goal weight: 160
    Current true weight: 218.9
    Loss from last week: .5
    Total 2022 weight lost: 4.6

    Last week's successes: Stayed on track even though the scale wasn’t budging.
    This week's challenges: Going to CA with my daughter, for the weekend, to celebrate my birthday (Disneyland tomorrow). Traveling is usually an excuse to eat an insane amount of food and then be off plan for weeks/months. So I'm excited to be traveling but so nervous because I don't want it to derail me. I want to enjoy the trip but also stay on track.