Half Marathon training support group?



  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Great run again today.....but I am curious what everyone else does!

    Do you run outdoors, indoors, which do you prefer and do you find one easier than the other?
  • AngieMcHenry
    AngieMcHenry Posts: 36 Member
    I hate the treadmill. Always outdoors if I can. Three miles outside seems like six on the treadmill.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Tomorrow is the big day!! (or one of them anyway!) USAF Half Marathon, and it's going to be 50 and sunny!! Absolutely perfect!! My goal for this race is to have fun, help a friend, and finish with a smile on my face. Not worried about, nor do I care about my time!

    Best of luck, with that type of attitude, you will do super!

    I did a "cut back" week. I only ran 6 miles, but it was a "race" on my schedule. So pushed super hard and beat my PR. I'll do another 12 miles next week again. My first half is Oct 22.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Great run again today.....but I am curious what everyone else does!

    Do you run outdoors, indoors, which do you prefer and do you find one easier than the other?

    Only outdoors. I do all my cross-training with Insanity right now, so that's indoors enough. It was super to run this AM in cooler temps, it's been in the 100's still and broke this week back to lower more reasonable temps, it was great.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    Great run again today.....but I am curious what everyone else does!

    Do you run outdoors, indoors, which do you prefer and do you find one easier than the other?

    I always run outdoors, there are a few reasons for this 1) I live in mild climate where outdoor running is possible all year round 2) I don't belong to a gym or have access to a treadmill or indoor track and 3) I like it

    My cross training is swimming, cycling and I'm about to start some aqua jogging. I also do core exercises and a little strength training, for this I used 8 minute abs app, nike training club and push app
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Treadmill is easier on my body, but outdoors is easier on my brain. Treadmill is awfully boring. But I'll do it once it gets colder here. It was a cool 48 this morning. Winter is coming quick.:(
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Great run again today.....but I am curious what everyone else does!

    Do you run outdoors, indoors, which do you prefer and do you find one easier than the other?

    Treadmill running is phyisically easier because the belt tends to propel you and absorbs some of the shock. You should run at 1-1.5 incline to more closely simulate road running. Unless you have something really good to watch on TV, TM is definitely harder on the mind. For me, it's almost always outside. TM work outs are reserved for really bad weather days, or when I am sick / injured and don't want to find myself 5 miles from home and realizing I'm done already
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Good morning everyone, I'm planning a 10k training run today - nice flat path by the beach.
    My knee has been bugging me this week so I pulled out my trusty Rock tape last night and strapped it up so I'm going to see if that helps. If it's still not good once I get started I'll make it a shorter run or a walk- no point in aggravating an injury I guess.

    Re running outside or inside - always outside for me as I don't have access to a treadmill (unless I'm travelling for work then I use the hotel gym if it's raining).
    Luckily Western Australia has a mild winter with not a lot of rain and it never gets really cold so I can run outside all year, I don't usually run in the rain but just switch my days around to account for the weather.
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    So I did 4 miles today and tomorrow I am doing a 5k with my 9 year old son. Should be fun its for the Chicago Blackhawks training camp it begins at the United Center then following the race you get to watch their scrimmage games and all kinds of fun hockey stuff. My son is so excited...he's a hockey player too!
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member
    I reserve the treadmill for bad weather (rain or heatwave) or interval training. I'd rather stab my eyeballs out with a pitchfork than run for very long on the treadmill. I am so glad it is beginning to feel like fall, because I have been able to run outside at anytime of day, rather than wake up before the sun.

    Katapple - Good Luck tomorrow!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Rest day for me. I'm aiming for a long trail ride today :)
  • kated930
    Great run again today.....but I am curious what everyone else does!

    Do you run outdoors, indoors, which do you prefer and do you find one easier than the other?

    I am spoiled, the Y that I go to has built in TV's in the treadmill, during the week when I run before work, I watch some TV, sometimes I'll look up a movie and then go to watch/run. My longer runs are always outside tho.

    I am thinking about downloading a book on itunes to listen to today for my 10 miler... has anyone done this before?
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    New shoes. I ran a real easy 2 miles and my feet feel great. Little to no pain!
    I have a 10k next Sunday and then 1/2 marathon is Oct 15th! I am going to try and get in 10 miles the week after the 10k.
    My question is should I try for 12 miles the week before or just go for it on 1/2 marathon day? My training got all screwed up because my foot got hurt. I am up to 8 miles before my foot got hurt. What you all think?
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Oh I ran outside whenever possible even in the rain. I hate the treadmill with a passion lol
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Oh I ran outside whenever possible even in the rain. I hate the treadmill with a passion lol

    Me too!!!!
  • adhillman01
    So I think I'm going to jump into your group. Today I did my long run, 11 miles. It was awesome! I've had a couple bad long runs recently and was feeling like quitting. My last two have been fabulous and I'm really looking forward to my first half on October 1st. I had planned on running the Rock n Roll Half on Novemeber 5th but it sold out before I signed up :( I found some closer and will be running the Marine Corps Half. Really excited!
    Oh yeah, I always run outside. I hate the treadmill with a passion. I live in the south so it's usually warm enough through the winter to run, with the right clothes. This summer was pretty miserable though. I'm not a morning person so I ended up just running through the heat with lots of water. I'm working on the morning thing though so hopefully next summer I will be able to make it up before the sun.
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    New shoes. I ran a real easy 2 miles and my feet feel great. Little to no pain!
    I have a 10k next Sunday and then 1/2 marathon is Oct 15th! I am going to try and get in 10 miles the week after the 10k.
    My question is should I try for 12 miles the week before or just go for it on 1/2 marathon day? My training got all screwed up because my foot got hurt. I am up to 8 miles before my foot got hurt. What you all think?

    Good question. We're in a similar boat only my half isn't until Oct. 30th. Will be interested to hear what other people say, I'm really not to sure myself although I'd probably be more inclined towards just going for it on the day. Best of luck to you whatever you decide and be sure to let us know how it goes
  • electriq
    electriq Posts: 359 Member
    New shoes. I ran a real easy 2 miles and my feet feel great. Little to no pain!
    I have a 10k next Sunday and then 1/2 marathon is Oct 15th! I am going to try and get in 10 miles the week after the 10k.
    My question is should I try for 12 miles the week before or just go for it on 1/2 marathon day? My training got all screwed up because my foot got hurt. I am up to 8 miles before my foot got hurt. What you all think?

    Good question. We're in a similar boat only my half isn't until Oct. 30th. Will be interested to hear what other people say, I'm really not to sure myself although I'd probably be more inclined towards just going for it on the day. Best of luck to you whatever you decide and be sure to let us know how it goes
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    New shoes. I ran a real easy 2 miles and my feet feel great. Little to no pain!
    I have a 10k next Sunday and then 1/2 marathon is Oct 15th! I am going to try and get in 10 miles the week after the 10k.
    My question is should I try for 12 miles the week before or just go for it on 1/2 marathon day? My training got all screwed up because my foot got hurt. I am up to 8 miles before my foot got hurt. What you all think?

    If you are doing 10 two weeks before your 1/2, I would only do 6-7 the week before. You should have some recovery period before your race, and if you throw in 12 the week before, you may not have much left for your race. Even worse, you may end up injured again and really blow the 1/2.. So, enjoy the break.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    New shoes. I ran a real easy 2 miles and my feet feel great. Little to no pain!
    I have a 10k next Sunday and then 1/2 marathon is Oct 15th! I am going to try and get in 10 miles the week after the 10k.
    My question is should I try for 12 miles the week before or just go for it on 1/2 marathon day? My training got all screwed up because my foot got hurt. I am up to 8 miles before my foot got hurt. What you all think?

    If you are doing 10 two weeks before your 1/2, I would only do 6-7 the week before. You should have some recovery period before your race, and if you throw in 12 the week before, you may not have much left for your race. Even worse, you may end up injured again and really blow the 1/2.. So, enjoy the break.