Most people on here are lovely BUT..



  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    double post.
  • AnitaMcKenna
    AnitaMcKenna Posts: 77 Member
    I understand your frustration about negative comments - nobody likes them!

    However, as you said yourself, people are stating "time and again" the obvious fact that most of the time you are way under your calorie target. I try hard not to write anything negative about your calorie intake, but I am concerned that you generally only have 60-70% of your targetted calorie intake.

    If you feel your target is too high, then perhaps you should lower it? If you feel your target is about right, then perhaps you need to to do more to "achieve your target"? You're doing fabulous with your exercise, could you give the same focus to your food? You really don't need to eat junk food to up your calories.

    I hope you'll take my comments as they're intended - as I would tell a friend to her face. Most important is that you keep yourself healthy!! :heart:
  • naomirog
    naomirog Posts: 45 Member
    Wow..thanks guys..A LOT of positive and encouraging you are the kinda people i'm gonna listen to! :)
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    The fact that you are generally attractive and slender already will make you a target for those on here who can only dream of getting close to where you are :P

    While you edited the "heifer" comment, I still find it hard to believe that you want to be a therapist for obese people ... seriously, you might need some sensitivity training.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    i feel like some people write discouraging, negative comments on your diary to maybe just make them selves feel better because they maybe over indulged that day.

    Some people struggle to keep within their calorie target where as i (and many others) find it hard to eat our calories. I welcome helpful, positive, encouraging comments but i will start deleting people who point out the obvious time and time again because it just makes me want to take my diary off here and go it alone.

    I am on a diet to lose weight...i will NOT eat junk food to up my calories nor will i eat when i do not feel hungry - end of.

    Rant over - thanks for listening :)
    To be fair, being under your calorie goal is just as unhealthy as being over your calorie goal. I for one, very rarely offer praise to anyone, because I do not blindly support and encourage behaviors that could be considered destructive and unhealthy (or even activities that are normal parts daily routines.) If you are eating (hypothetically, as I don't know your situation) 500 under the weight loss goal that MFP already gives you, and not eating back exercise calories, why would I praise that and encourage it? As for if they are mean about it, sometimes the truth hurts and tough love can be mean. Not everybody offers support by fawning. Some people give you the slap in the face you need.
  • naomirog
    naomirog Posts: 45 Member
    i feel like some people write discouraging, negative comments on your diary to maybe just make them selves feel better because they maybe over indulged that day.

    Some people struggle to keep within their calorie target where as i (and many others) find it hard to eat our calories. I welcome helpful, positive, encouraging comments but i will start deleting people who point out the obvious time and time again because it just makes me want to take my diary off here and go it alone.

    I am on a diet to lose weight...i will NOT eat junk food to up my calories nor will i eat when i do not feel hungry - end of.

    Rant over - thanks for listening :)
    To be fair, being under your calorie goal is just as unhealthy as being over your calorie goal. I for one, very rarely offer praise to anyone, because I do not blindly support and encourage behaviors that could be considered destructive and unhealthy. If you are eating (hypothetically, as I don't know your situation) 500 under the weight loss goal that MFP already gives you, and not eating back exercise calories, why would I praise that and encourage it? As for if they are mean about it, sometimes the truth hurts and tough love can be mean. Not everybody offers support by fawning. Some people give you the slap in the face you need.

    I don't welcome a slap in th face..thank you.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    pretty fit people will get that...... from the wrong set of friends, or people who are not really friends. I :heart: my MFP friends. They are quirky, snarky, silly, sassy, funny, but above all, supportive. Cut the rude ones, gorgeous. You know your body.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    But to the OP, I do wish you the best of luck if your goals and I hope you find some helpful comments and friends here. MFP is a great place to be:)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    The fact that you are generally attractive and slender already will make you a target for the heifers on here who can only dream of getting close to where you are :P

    Come on, now. That wasn't necessary, was it? It's nice that you are trying to make the OP feel better but this is probably not the best forum to be calling overweight women "heifers".

    I read it as a slightly ill considered joke.

    As one of the resident heifers, I'd like to hope I'm only ever kind to my circle of friends. And I have some very lovely ones.

    To the OP, I think perhaps sometimes you just have to be a little bit secure in the choices you're making, and deal with the occasionally clumsy attempts at supportive critique in the way they're intended. I think we're much more skilled at giving positive feedback, because that's 'nice'. Giving constructive critique is a skill many people simply haven't learned. Maybe view such posts as being made by people wearing nice big L plates?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    i feel like some people write discouraging, negative comments on your diary to maybe just make them selves feel better because they maybe over indulged that day.

    Some people struggle to keep within their calorie target where as i (and many others) find it hard to eat our calories. I welcome helpful, positive, encouraging comments but i will start deleting people who point out the obvious time and time again because it just makes me want to take my diary off here and go it alone.

    I am on a diet to lose weight...i will NOT eat junk food to up my calories nor will i eat when i do not feel hungry - end of.

    Rant over - thanks for listening :)
    To be fair, being under your calorie goal is just as unhealthy as being over your calorie goal. I for one, very rarely offer praise to anyone, because I do not blindly support and encourage behaviors that could be considered destructive and unhealthy. If you are eating (hypothetically, as I don't know your situation) 500 under the weight loss goal that MFP already gives you, and not eating back exercise calories, why would I praise that and encourage it? As for if they are mean about it, sometimes the truth hurts and tough love can be mean. Not everybody offers support by fawning. Some people give you the slap in the face you need.

    I don't welcome a slap in th face..thank you.
    Most people don't welcome it, but some people need it. I'm not saying whether you are in that category or not. I'm just giving my point of view on the topic at hand.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I understand your frustration about negative comments - nobody likes them!

    However, as you said yourself, people are stating "time and again" the obvious fact that most of the time you are way under your calorie target. I try hard not to write anything negative about your calorie intake, but I am concerned that you generally only have 60-70% of your targetted calorie intake.

    If you feel your target is too high, then perhaps you should lower it? If you feel your target is about right, then perhaps you need to to do more to "achieve your target"? You're doing fabulous with your exercise, could you give the same focus to your food? You really don't need to eat junk food to up your calories.

    I hope you'll take my comments as they're intended - as I would tell a friend to her face. Most important is that you keep yourself healthy!! :heart:

    If this is indicative of the situation, it seems very plausible that people are concerned for your health. I would hope my friends would also express concern for my health if they observed behaviors that could be detrimental to it.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I am never deliberately negative to my friends. That being said, negative is all relative. Catchy phrase, eh? I just made it up...
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    The fact that you are generally attractive and slender already will make you a target for the heifers on here who can only dream of getting close to where you are :P

    Yes... this is a wonderful attitude to take towards your future endeavors into the world of mental health.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    i feel like some people write discouraging, negative comments on your diary to maybe just make them selves feel better because they maybe over indulged that day.

    Some people struggle to keep within their calorie target where as i (and many others) find it hard to eat our calories. I welcome helpful, positive, encouraging comments but i will start deleting people who point out the obvious time and time again because it just makes me want to take my diary off here and go it alone.

    I am on a diet to lose weight...i will NOT eat junk food to up my calories nor will i eat when i do not feel hungry - end of.

    Rant over - thanks for listening :)
    To be fair, being under your calorie goal is just as unhealthy as being over your calorie goal. I for one, very rarely offer praise to anyone, because I do not blindly support and encourage behaviors that could be considered destructive and unhealthy. If you are eating (hypothetically, as I don't know your situation) 500 under the weight loss goal that MFP already gives you, and not eating back exercise calories, why would I praise that and encourage it? As for if they are mean about it, sometimes the truth hurts and tough love can be mean. Not everybody offers support by fawning. Some people give you the slap in the face you need.

    I don't welcome a slap in th face..thank you.
    Most people don't welcome it, but some people need it. I'm not saying whether you are in that category or not. I'm just giving my point of view on the topic at hand.

    I agree. Some people need a harsher dose of honesty in order to actually understand the truth. And those of us who offer it don't do so to be mean or hurt feelings, we do it because we care. We care about the health of our friends here and don't support unhealthy habits. It doesn't mean we're rude, it means we're doing what's necessary to get through to people who don't otherwise listen.
  • As I'm one of the people (or probably the person) you are talking about I think I should explain my comments.

    You are eating between 600 - 800 calories a day and exercising most days. We all know the minimum calories we should be eating is 1200. If you come on a site such as this, which promotes healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle, make friends with people for support you, then why criticise when people are trying to help you? I have commented several times on your diary that you've made some great food choices but you really need to eat more calories. I have never said eat junk food or eat when you're not hungry but I will not post "well done", "great day" on someones diary when they've only eating 660 calories over a day, that is not healthy, is not good for you and as far as I'm concerned is not being a good friend or a good support, encouraging someone to eat at that level on a daily basis is wanting that person to fail, become ill or simply not caring.

    The comments I make are not because I'm jealous or because I'm a heifer it's because I want to give the same support that I receive.

    If you prefer "friends" who just say "woohoo well done" without reading what you are actually eating then please feel free to delete me.

  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    oh so you want to starve yourself and get kuddos for it...there is probable pro-ana board where you would fit perfectly. Truth hurt???? Maybe time to reconsider what you are doing.
  • I deleted a guy for telling me how much bigger I looked in my new profile picture. He said 'maybe you didn't change it for a while because you were ashamed of your weight gain'. He also used to nag me about having my diary settings as private. When I finally asked him why he was so rude he said he was just 'honest', I found him consistently obnoxious, some people mask their inner anger claiming it's 'honesty'.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    As I'm one of the people (or probably the person) you are talking about I think I should explain my comments.

    You are eating between 600 - 800 calories a day and exercising most days. We all know the minimum calories we should be eating is 1200. If you come on a site such as this, which promotes healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle, make friends with people for support you, then why criticise when people are trying to help you? I have commented several times on your diary that you've made some great food choices but you really need to eat more calories. I have never said eat junk food or eat when you're not hungry but I will not post "well done", "great day" on someones diary when they've only eating 660 calories over a day, that is not healthy, is not good for you and as far as I'm concerned is not being a good friend or a good support, encouraging someone to eat at that level on a daily basis is wanting that person to fail, become ill or simply not caring.

    The comments I make are not because I'm jealous or because I'm a heifer it's because I want to give the same support that I receive.

    If you prefer "friends" who just say "woohoo well done" without reading what you are actually eating then please feel free to delete me.


    Well said Jayne!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    If anyone bothers you, just block them.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    reading this, it sounds like your behaviour goes against the ethos that MFP is trying to build in for all of us (being healthy and eating back some exercise cals). i often have friends who say 'hungry today?' when i go over, or ask if i'm ok if i go way under. i also have people who comment if i go over on sodium or any of my other dietary goals. i like having people looking out for me. i wouldn't expect people to be nice to me if i was consistently way over or way under on intake.
    i think that if you don't want to have people comment on your dietary intake then don't have your diary public. we only can comment on what we see, and don't know you personally so don't know how you're choosing to manage your diet/exercise.
    if you don't like what people consistently say, then delete those people. i'm sure they won't be too bothered.
    and those people who are just saying 'good job' all the time for eating 600 cals a day and not eating any exercise cals back aren't really being very good in my opinion. it's the same as if i was netting 3000 calories a day- not healthy, and if people kept congratulating me on it i'd know they weren't the people i'd need around to help me achieve my goal.
    maybe you need to think a little about what you want to achieve, and if a healthy site like this one is the best to help achieve those goals.