So for all of us that fall off of our plans on teh weekends...

Last night was an eyeopener! One night of drinking and eating ruined each person's weigh in!!!

I needed to see that because I am so good at rationalizing what i eat on friday at happy hour, breakfast on saturday, out to dinner on sat night and sunday dinner... ruins me every week...


BTW-- 257 cal for large shrinp cocktail? whoa. i would not have thought that.


  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403
    So for all of us that fall off of our plans on teh weekends...

    Last night was an eyeopener! One night of drinking and eating ruined each person's weigh in!!!

    I needed to see that because I am so good at rationalizing what i eat on friday at happy hour, breakfast on saturday, out to dinner on sat night and sunday dinner... ruins me every week...


    BTW-- 257 cal for large shrinp cocktail? whoa. i would not have thought that.
  • megancolleen
    That was a huge eye opener.. I do great all week and then go out on friday and sat night and then sunday night dinner and wow this weekend I will be sure to make healthier decisions. I can't believe what happened. I was pulling for the blue team!
  • diehard412
    diehard412 Posts: 58 Member
    It was so scarey to see how that really does mess up someones goal/Life... i think its ok to enjoy urself one day out of the week. but you can not eat the fried food, drink that much and eat cigarettes :laugh: :tongue:

    Ur all right it was definitely an eyeopener cause it messed them all up so it doesnt matter how old u are..

    don't fall off the wagon and before you go out just remember to eat in moderation... :drinker:
  • nickelmel
    nickelmel Posts: 87
    OMG I totally agree with it being an eye opener! 197 calories for a tequila shot! are you kidding me? I always have some rum and cokes on the weekend because i didn't think it was that bad. well you can bet i'm done drinking those! the body is a pain in the *kitten* that's for sure! you can drink and eat crap and stay the same or only lose a few pounds or you can work your *kitten* off and eat healthy and gain two pounds! it's crazy! i felt so bad for mindi (i think that's her name).
  • diehard412
    diehard412 Posts: 58 Member
    For you rum drinkers.... theres the new 100 proof captain morgan.. that surely will help you cut back on how many you toss back :)

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    For you rum drinkers.... theres the new 100 proof captain morgan.. that surely will help you cut back on how many you toss back :)

    :drinker: :drinker:

    Yum! :love:
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    For you rum drinkers.... theres the new 100 proof captain morgan.. that surely will help you cut back on how many you toss back :)

    :drinker: :drinker:

    that will help....I'll pass out sooner.
  • diehard412
    diehard412 Posts: 58 Member
    thats better then staying up even later when all the BAD eating takes place : )
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    What am awesome episode to see the damage a pigout can do. I'd be right in there too. No willpower at a Restaurant. I have 2 parties this weekend :devil: How am I not gonna be rude and eat their suppers and have booze with everyone. POWER! BTW I'm up 3 lbs from Sat d/t TOM.:sad: :sad:
  • diehard412
    diehard412 Posts: 58 Member
    thats better then staying up even later when all the BAD eating takes place : )
  • kimbey76
    kimbey76 Posts: 20 Member
    wow that is very interesting, I wish I had watched that episode, I know I only lost half a pound last week and I am sure it was just from general slacking on the weekend, my husband and me are both home and he likes to indulge so I go along with it, usually not as bad but I definitely go over my allotted calories, so that really can destroy my weigh in on monday? good to know
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I fell off the wagon last week...and it hurt! SO seeing them go through similar was actually comforting, inthat I was able to see that it wasn't just me...but yes, eye-opening that I need to stay strong. My fear is that since their team won, some people may reason that they can go out and party like they did, and it won't affect them much???

    I don't blame Jillian for being P.O.'d....but I have to tell you, my heart broke:brokenheart: for Mandi when she gained those pounds because she appeared to have worked her butt off...This will sound strange, I'm sure, but I notice if I work out MUCH more than usual, I tend to gain too...I think it's water, because two days later it's gone. I bet that's what happened to her.Poor thing...

    Stay strong everybody!!!!
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    What am awesome episode to see the damage a pigout can do. I'd be right in there too. No willpower at a Restaurant. I have 2 parties this weekend :devil: How am I not gonna be rude and eat their suppers and have booze with everyone. POWER! BTW I'm up 3 lbs from Sat d/t TOM.:sad: :sad:

    eat their supper - just have a smaller portion - and water down the drink a little bit - or limit it 1, or have water after every drink - cuts drinks in half. I usually just have a diet coke - in a glass - no one else needs to know if there's booze in it or not:tongue:
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Totally an eye opener for sure! OMG, that was so crazy, I can't believe they went THAT overboard! Boy was Jillian MAD! :explode:

    So, I totally cried at the elimination :blushing: . What Mandi did for her sister was so loving and selfless.... Amazing. :heart:

    I also must say that I totally adore Kristen... She rocks, and is such an inspiration to me. :glasses:
  • bootsnspurs4horses
    Darn. . . I missed it. Anybody have the time to highlight it on here for me !!

    Thanks !!
  • tennetubbie
    tennetubbie Posts: 312 Member
    well I walked 3 miles yesterday morning, then during BL I did 2 x 30 minute treadmill workouts at 3.5-4.0 mph --that show was real depressing!!---SO THEN I did a 3.5 walk all through LAw and Order SVU. I ALWAYS am religious about my calories and logging them, but have been stuck at 230.6 for 2 weeks----TODAY before breakfast --after 4 miles and before any liquids I weighed 228 YEAH 30 pounds gone!!! Needless to say put one of those back with water and strawberries but through that pscyhological hurdle! :smile: And I DO think that Jillioan went beyond a reprimand and into demeaning---could they bleep any more OK ALREADY I tink she made them all feel worthless---I MUCH prefer you guys as coaches!!!

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    Darn. . . I missed it. Anybody have the time to highlight it on here for me !!

    Thanks !!

    WELL.... Let's see if I can remember everything! :laugh:
    They ended up making the elimination requirements from the last week. They all had to loose one pound a day for seven days to not risk eliminating two players. Mike was the last one to weigh in, with a 10 pound deficit. He lost 11! Yay, no players went home!!! :)

    Immediately after the weigh in, the players had to do wall sits to choose who would choose one on one teams for the following weigh in. They wouldn't have to compete against teams.... Tara won. And matched up one black team member to one blue team member.

    So the new week begins, and the winner of the challenge this week won a 24 hour pampering session for all their team members. Black won (by a hair!), and were sent of to CA I think. They totally went overboard! OMG, they ate so much, drank..... What's her butt smoked (can't remember her name, blond, her daughter went home a couple weeks ago...) Jillian was pissed when they came back. She and Simone (or maybe it was he cuz) had words with her, told her that he wasn't going to work out with her anymore, and both of them went to Bob, and he took them in.... So it was kind of awkward....

    At the weigh in, blue team almost won! The last two people to weigh in were Mandi and Simone (or maybe his cuz - I get them mixed up-lol.... Mandi gained two pounds. She worked SO HARD this week, I felt bad for her....

    Anyway, so they were talking about who to send home. Kristen, her mom, and Mike's dad said they were all going to vote for Mandi, it was her time to go home, and here sister needed to be there more. Mandi's sister didn't want this. She wanted Mandi to stay and her to go home. Since Laura from the black team had an extra vote from last week, their plan was to all vote for Kathy (Kristen's mom) so there would be a three way tie and the black team would have to choose to send anyone home from the blue team. mandi was the last to vote. Everyone followed the plan but her. Instead of sending her sister home she sent herself home..... She said that her sister is always doing things for other people, never thinking of her. She needed to stay there by herself, find herself.... I was so touched by her love for her sister, and think she did the right thing for sure!

    Anyway, hope that sums it up for you well enough.... Sorry you missed it, it was a good one!! :laugh: :tongue:
  • bootsnspurs4horses
    that was a GREAT re-cap/. . .THANKS !!! I liked Mandi too. . . And her sister what an eye opener. . . always doing stuff for other people. maybe she will find herself !!

  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    that was a GREAT re-cap/. . .THANKS !!! I liked Mandi too. . . And her sister what an eye opener. . . always doing stuff for other people. maybe she will find herself !!


    Thanks! I had to do a little digging in the brain for sure! hahhaha :tongue:

    Yeah, love Mandi! You should have seen her after picture, she looks wicked good! I think she's lost 89 lbs so far! Kristen is the one I want to win though.... There's something about that girl that just seems, well, good and kind - genuine! IDK, I totally dig her! :heart:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    that was a GREAT re-cap/. . .THANKS !!! I liked Mandi too. . . And her sister what an eye opener. . . always doing stuff for other people. maybe she will find herself !!


    Thanks! I had to do a little digging in the brain for sure! hahhaha :tongue:

    Yeah, love Mandi! You should have seen her after picture, she looks wicked good! I think she's lost 89 lbs so far! Kristen is the one I want to win though.... There's something about that girl that just seems, well, good and kind - genuine! IDK, I totally dig her! :heart:

    I cant' beleive she wants to get to a Size 2...she looks fabulous now!!!!!!!!!!! And HEALTHY!!!!

    I was concerend about the Black Team derailing so much in one makes me wonder what they will do when the show is over and done. Was anyone else wondering that too????