Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @Holly-- great job getting in 25 miles so far. I'm a big baby when it comes to the cold weather, so I just don't walk/run outside unless it's above 50 degrees. Also, that's a great NSV that you brought home your meal. The last time I went out with friends a few weeks ago, I ordered gnocchi. I tried to stop halfway through, but it was so delicious, I ended up eating all of it and felt so stuffed and almost ill afterwards. Usually I'm better about that sort of thing, but not that night. :neutral:

    @nsk1951 -- can you share the sauerkraut recipe? I really love cabbage and sauerkraut, but I never know what to do with it.

    AFM-- I didn't make it to the gym Friday, but I went yesterday AND today. I'm so glad I went back today because the past couple of visits I've really struggled on the treadmill. Wednesday every time I started to run, I got a terrible stitch in my side--like I used to get when I first started running 10 years ago--and I just couldn't get past it. I ended up walking for about 15 minutes and switched to strength training. Yesterday, was a little better. I didn't get a stitch, but I was still struggling with my breathing and could only run for 2-3 minute intervals. Finally, today I was able to run a full mile without stopping, and I felt pretty good throughout. I also did some rowing and stationary bike for about an hour's worth of cardio.

    Food has also been better this weekend without all of the cookies and crap to tempt me. I really wish I were better at just resisting that stuff. Yesterday, I went to visit my parents because I wanted to bring them some of the soup I made for the potluck. My mom gave me some stuffed peppers which we ate for dinner. Tonight was crock pot chicken fajitas that my husband bought. We both agreed they weren't great, but they were edible. The peppers and onions had been sliced and packaged separately from the chicken, and I think they were in some sort of vinegar marinade because the whole dish just tasted sour. Oh well--live and learn.

    As I mentioned before, my weight was up, up, up all week. As always, I recorded my lowest weight for the week, but it was as high as 195.5--Yikes!! Hoping to bring it back down with sensible eating and more gym visits this week.

    On a sad note, my aunt died yesterday. She was a staple of my childhood, but she and my uncle split when I was 10 or 12, so I didn't see her much after that. We weren't close, but I feel bad for my cousins. She had been quite ill for the past couple of years--always in and out of the hospital which I know has been quite hard on them.

    52 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    12/3/21 = 191.4
    12/10/21 = 190.4
    12/17/21 = 191.6
    12/24/21 = 191.4
    12/30/21 = 192.4
    Official 1/1/2022 weigh in = 193= -14.4 pounds for the year :)
    1/7/22 = 191
    1/14/22 = 191
    1/21/22 = 190
    1/28/22 = 192.4
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound I'm sorry for your loss.

    Sorry that everybody's been having trouble the past week. Keep trying!

    I'm still packing, trying to work on my habit goals, including shoving boxes and stuff out of the way for some exercise. No loss, slight gain. Still working at it.

    My habit goals for this year that I'm working on
    If streak is broken, start over (Saturdays are exempt)
    1) 6am up, Modeh Ani, 1 cup of tea, journal, do things 🌸
    2) don't eat until after exercise, exercise by 10am 🌸
    3)crafts after dinner
    4) dishes all done before bed 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
    5) take some notes on saved vids/bookmarks, turn off devices and read
    6) 8pm floss and wash face, can have tea
    7) in bed: pray, read, crochet 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited February 2022
    Hi everyone. I’m having issues with using MFP on my desktop pc and am not so good at phone typing 😅 but here goes!

    Age: 77
    5'3" tall
    Highest weight: 278 lb
    Goal weight: 175 lb
    1/1/22 : 233.0
    1/8/22: 229.8
    1/15/22: 228.4
    1/22/22: 230.2
    1/29/22: 230.8
    2/05/22: 229.2

    My recipes for the past week were egg salad, a chicken in a pot with root veggies and a broccoli soup. There is enough left over that I won’t cook again until next week. On the menu for next week are romaine lettuce based salads with a variety of proteins (eggs, tuna, chicken, Cheese, or beans) and some celery and/or bell peppers, onions, tomato, olives. I picked up a head of cabbage so I’ll likely make another pot of my moms braised/ stewed cabbage/kraut and I have some kidney beans that need to be used up one way or another.

    There were requests for that cabbage/ kraut recipe I make. There really isn’t one except for how my mom used to put it together. I can explain how I mimic my mom:
    Shred the cabbage into strands about 1/8 of an inch wide. Using a large oven safe stainless steel skillet, heat about 3-4 tablespoons of neutral oil and add the cabbage to the skillet over med-hi heat. Season with about 1 tsp of salt, toss lightly, cover the skillet and cook about 5 minutes to start wilting the cabbage. Be sure to stir it up from the bottom and don’t let the cabbage burn and continue cooking it until it starts to tenderize, adjust the heat as needed to keep it simmering but not scorching. Add 1 shredded carrot and a medium onion sliced into 1/8 inch strands and toss with the cabbage. If the skillet seems too fry, add a cup or a bit more of water. When the onion has softened, add the sauerkraut to your skillet. Toss. Adjust the seasoning for salt, and add some other spices as you like. I use a bay leaf and some caraway seeds with mine, and don’t usually add any pepper. Place the skillet into the oven at 325 to 350 degrees F, covered, and let it cook in there until you like the color and texture of the cabbage. The lower the oven, the longer you bake it. Also, depending on the type of sauerkraut you use and the amount is taetness you like, you might drain and even rinse the kraut before adding to the green cabbage, or you might leave it as is and adjust the taste by adding small amounts of sugar or vinegar as you cook it. This is a simple dish to make but it does require tasting along the way. Good luck if you make it.

    PS. I use the same weight cabbage to kraut.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    @ karen- Sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers. Congrats on no pain mile ran. I can’t breathe properly when running always sound out of breath.
    @MrsHermit - Kudos to you on all those goals.
    @nsk1951- Great Receipes

    I had done some intentional walking for my Sesame Street challenge on Friday and Saturday and it felt so good 6 miles each day.I decided to take Sunday off and just actually relax and do nothing. I also didn’t even worry about what I ate which I guess that today is Sunday. I have been putting my meals in every week into my fitness pal which kind of helps keep me on track some days I might eat Wednesday’s meal when it’s Monday but you know it’s all what I planned for the week.
    if any of you have one of those friends who thinks they know everything and gets under your nerves let me know how you handle them. I don’t like confrontation so I tend to just ignore but that doesn’t work with this person. This person felt the need to tell me that I shouldn’t eat potatoes because they’re bad for you because on her “ Suzanne Summer” diet you aren’t allowed potato. after her scolding me about three times I finally said I’m not on a damn diet. I really wanted to say to her putting an entire bottle of salad dressing on your salad it’s not healthy either no matter how much you think it is. The see the thing is my friend gets like this when she sees me being consistent with either my food choices or my exercise she just feels like she has to tell me everything I’m doing wrong. Sorry just a little rant because if this really was something I would listen to she could really harm my progress with sly comments.
    Anyway I hope y’all have a good week. In Minnesota here the weather is supposed to warm up for a few days so hopefully me and Riley can get some outside exercise in.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen it is so irksome when someone chimes in with advice that wasn’t asked for. Sometimes I used to fall into saying something that sounds like advice when it was only a suggestion and I learned pretty quickly that someone I loved would get snarky if I did that. So eventually I caught on and tried harder to keep my thoughts and suggestions unspoken unless asked for. Not an easy habit to break if you have it. Just sharing what prompted me to work on my “jump in helpfulness” that backfires! 😋. Hope you find a way to ignore unwanted suggestions or advice without feeling bad or like you have to justify yourself, cause it’s your business.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--That's great that you got some of your walking done! Keep going!! I'm sorry about your friend's comments--it almost sounds like she's trying to sabotage you, even if it's not intentional. Maybe subconsciously she's jealous of your success or worried that you will make more progress than her. I would just tell her that you are eating foods that work for you and she can do the same. Everyone is different. I hope you and Riley get that warmer weather.

    @nsk1951 --thanks for sharing the cabbage/kraut recipe! I love seeing the different foods people include in their plans because it gives me ideas for when I get into a rut.

    @MrsHermit --good luck with the packing. Do you have a move date? We moved into this house in July of 2020, and I still haven't finished UNpacking. LOL! Mostly I just have a lot of books in boxes because we got rid of some older bookshelves before the move which I haven't replaced.

    AFM--Well, the scale offered me proof that if we need to keep working toward our goals and not give up when we have a hiccup. My weight had been up a bit the last couple of weeks--ranging between 192-196, but I just made a renewed effort to get back on track with my food choices and hit the gym regularly, and Monday when I stepped on the scale I was 189.6!!! I was worried it was a fluke, but yesterday and today I was at 189 even. I'm soooooo excited!! I can't remember the last time I saw a 180-anything on the scale. I have a bunch of clothes that fit when I maintained 185 for a couple of years, so I'm excited to try some of those this weekend to see if I can expand my wardrobe a bit.

    I also need to go through some of my drawers and get rid of things I never wear. For example, I have a drawer full of different colored tights, but I never wear tights anymore. I prefer leggings in the winter, and in warmer weather either no tights or lightweight capri length leggings if the outfit requires something under a skirt. My shoe collection could also use some scrutiny, This will be much harder because I'm a shoe person who forms emotional attachment to that particular wardrobe item. However, as I age, my feet can't handle a lot of the strappy sandals I used to wear. It will be hard, but I really should get rid of some of them. :cry:

    52 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Weight on 1/1/2021 = 207.4
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    12/3/21 = 191.4
    12/10/21 = 190.4
    12/17/21 = 191.6
    12/24/21 = 191.4
    12/30/21 = 192.4
    Official 1/1/2022 weigh in = 193= -14.4 pounds for the year :)
    1/7/22 = 191
    1/14/22 = 191
    1/21/22 = 190
    1/28/22 = 192.4
    2/4/22 = 192.6
    2/11/22 = 18???
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    @nsk1951 - Thank you for your thoughts and advice.
    @karen - Great job making it into the 180s. I think I weighed that the day I went into labor 25 years ago lol. I have a shoe habit at times and as I approach 50 I have a hard time wearing even a small heel or a wedge. I have ended up becoming a flats type person or a Chuck Taylor all the time. I do love a good flip-flop too but not this time of year LOL. Good luck going through your closet. I am a minimalist so what I have is what I use on a daily basis no extras.

    so when it comes to my friend I just wanna clarify. I don’t think she’s trying to sabotage me or tell me what to do per se. She is just a huge believer in the Suzanne Somers diet is the best thing that has come to this world. And I don’t believe that fad diets are great. Usually when she talks about it I just kind of let her rant and don’t really respond at almost changing the subject but she’s not the type of person that will catch on.
    anyhow I took an intentional walk tonight after work being it was 30° outside and I made it to my first pin for the Sesame Street challenge. I made it to the 50 mile mark which is the Yip Yips but I don’t remember them on Sesame Street. It could because I was a Big Snuffy and Barkley fan.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Well ... I've got some news to share ... I am going to move soon into a Sr Apt.
    It will be quite a change; going from my snug but sprawling ranch home into an apartment on the top floor of a 6-story building that has about half the space I'm used to. And, the biggest hurdle in my decision making is all about my car. That car has never been outside unless it was being driven or was at a parking lot while I did some shopping, or parked in a friends driveway! I don't ever leave it out of the garage when at home (except for 1 or 2 times a year I do a deep clean on the garage interior, then the car sits and waits in front of the garage's open door while I do the task) ... and soon it will be sharing a lot with 35 other apartment tenants, plus others as they come to the services housed in the same building. ... Oh .. it's enough of a stress factor for me to say "NO, I won't go!" ... But I know it is time to let go of being a home owner who is responsible for everything on my own. Heck, I cannot even climb a step ladder anymore to change a ceiling light bulb! At least at the apartment I can get the maintenance dept. to do that for me! Plus no grass cutting, no snow plowing, no grounds or house maintenance issues to deal with.

    Yeah, I'm ready for this, and will just have to either get used to the car in a parking lot all the time or sell the car and rely on other modes of transportation for myself. I looked for places that had garages but none of the ones I found were affordable for me, or had enough garages so that every tenant could rent one. I found out there were longer waiting lists for garages than for apartments! ... we do love our vehicles!

    @skinnyjeanzbound ... what a great breakthrough!
    @mnwalkingqueen ... I have a relative that started following that “ Suzanne Summer” eating plan when it first came out and she has stuck with it all these years since. I read the original book and decided not to follow that eating pattern. My relative was slim and stayed slim, I was slim but got obese ... hmmm, maybe there WAS something to that food plan after all?
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    I had a weight-up during the middle of the week, so I was pleased to see it trend downward again ... This morning showed just a 0.2 pound loss ... basically staying the same .. a small victory!

    Age: 77
    5'3" tall
    Highest weight: 278 lb
    Goal weight: 175 lb
    1/1/22 : 233.0
    1/29/22: 230.8
    2/05/22: 229.2
    2/12/22: 229.0

    I didn't make the Kapusta last week as planned. So it's on the menu for the coming week. Also a soup made with both fresh and fermented cabbage that is called 'she' ... I generally make it on a meat bone broth, in this case I will use pork neck bones cause that's what I have on hand and I like the taste of pork products with fermented cabbage. It will have potatoes, red and white kidney beans, carrot, onion, celery. I might use a red bell pepper OR some tomato in it, not sure yet on that. This soup is a favorite of mine in the last days of winter, first days of spring ... and while it's not quite those days yet I am already hungry for it.

    I hope everyone has a great and healthy week.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm back after a really, really bad last 5+ months. My best friend for over 40 years died during surgery as a result of malpractice. She came to Florida and stayed with me every winter for the last several years. We raised our kids together, we vacationed together etc. etc. you get the picture. The day she died I stopped dieting and starting eating. It has taken me until this last week, when we had another family tragedy (well make that 3 tragedies) to realize I had to get myself together. I guess a family member who had a heart attack, a nephew who tried to committ suiside and then a niece (in-law) who murdered her mother, in front of her whole family is enough to shake anyone up! I think the shock of it all made me realize I have to take control of my life because you never know what comes next and I need to be the best I can be RIGHT NOW! I actually cooked my dinner tonight. The first meal I've cooked in over 5 months, I've either eaten fast food or snacked but nothing healthy. I have tomorrow's planned too. It's a start. Thankis for listening, sorry to dump this on everyone.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @bapcarrier -- Welcome back, Barb! I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. I have a friend who I've known since HS, roomed with in college, and travel with often. I can't imagine the pain of losing her in such an unexpected manner. And then to follow that with the triple tragedy you described--hugs to you, friend! I'm glad you decided to take control back in your life to work toward a healthier you.

    AFM--Not much new to report here. We had a baby shower for a colleague, so there have been lots of unhealthy treats in our office the past few days, and my eating has not been good. Fortunately, we are all working from home tomorrow, so that binge is officially over! On a positive note, I made it to the gym 5 or the last 7 days. This is the most I've worked out in years, so I'm pretty proud of myself. My muscles actually hurt in the "feel good" way that lets you know you've been using them. We are in the midst of a snowstorm here, so I skipped a visit this afternoon. I have plans after work tomorrow, but I plan to start a new streak on Saturday.

    My weight has been up all week, and I know it won't be any lower tomorrow, so I'm going to go ahead and log my week's low weight tonight. Hoping to see those 180s again next week.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend, and if you are in the path of these winter storms, stay safe!!

    52 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Official 1/1/2022 weigh in = 193
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    1/7/22 = 191
    1/14/22 = 191
    1/21/22 = 190
    1/28/22 = 192.4
    2/4/22 = 192.6
    2/11/22 = 189
    2/18/22 = 191.2
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Welcome back @bapcarrier - Dang that restaurant food! Tastes so good. So easy to get a hold of. So bad for your weight! .. It's good that you are now at the stage after great stress inducers to start taking care of yourself again.

    AFM ... I had a big weight loss this week ... which just, really, puts me back to where I was once before ... and might be because of the hard work I've been doing as I start my journey to move from my snug little ranch to an apartment for senior citizens. I am taking over grocery shopping bags of stuff that will allow me to more comfortably to the prep work of the apartment before any of my stuff starts getting moved in. ... And as it's just me doing this, I use my wheeled walker to move the stuff from the apartment parking lot up to my apartment and the seat only holds 2 shopping bags at a time ... plus it's a lot more walking just to get to the apartment from the car than I ever do on a daily basis in my snug home. ... All to the good, I say, because while it tires me out completely, it is also better for me physically. I just need to pace myself and let it take the triple or quadruple time that it takes than what I think it ought to take. .. Having real estate people come in the end of next week to start the selling process.

    Age: 77
    5'3" tall
    Highest weight: 278 lb
    Goal weight: 175 lb
    1/1/22 : 233.0
    1/29/22: 230.8
    2/05/22: 229.2
    2/12/22: 229.0
    2/18/22: 225.2

    This weeks cooking plans are to use as much of what I have on hand as I can instead of grocery shopping for fresh stuff. The more I use up now, the less I have to move to the apartment. So ... On todays menu is a marinated half broiled chicken with little potatoes and carrots and a romaine salad. That will make enough food for a couple of days worth of main meals. Breakfast for me is always either eggs or some porridge, and rarely a cold cereal ... so not worth talking about as far as recipes go. I also have some of that soup left over that I call SHE ... and there is frozen fish to use up because it's been in the freezer a couple of months already. ... Wild Salmon, Haddock, and a whole carcass of fish leavings to make a fish broth out of.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @bapcarrier- welcome back and sorry for all your loss. Good choice to take back your life. It will not always be easy as you grieve, so give yourself grace.
    @Karen- great job getting to the gym.
    @nsk1951 - Moving is hard but your body will get used to all the movement. Great idea to use up as much food so you don’t have to move as much. Best wishes on the house sale and your new adventure.

    Not much to report here been super cold haven’t gotten much walking in. Plus side the cold had me scoping out prices to live in TN, NC not actually sure where I want to live checking out anywhere close to lexington ky for my sister lives there. Not sure if this happens to others but Sat and Sun are usually cheat days for me… that doesn’t mean that I actually eat bad it just means I don’t track what I eat. I noticed because I walk about 4 to 5 miles each of those days and I don’t actually eat until I’m done walking at like noon that I am hungry all day long. I normally stop eating at 6 PM but I literally could eat from noon to six and still feel hungry. The reason I don’t eat before walking is because I don’t want to use the bathroom while I am out walking even though it is at the mall I don’t want to take the time away from my walk to use the bathroom. Well I hope everybody has a good week we have a huge snowstorm coming in after it was 40° yesterday it’s supposed to snow all day tomorrow up to 8 inches or more. Last Friday I did have some wonderful news that I woke up to Zeus who was our foster dog almost a year ago was adopted and then returned and now he’s adopted again by his foster parent. also Grace the hound dog that lived with us for a while her foster parent has adopted her so now the senior dogs have all been adopted that were for adoption. Thinking about getting Riley another friend but I kind of like just being a one dog family I will say having the fosters were fun but two dogs is a lot of hard work.
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Saturday Weigh In results ...
    Age: 77
    5'3" tall
    Highest weight: 278 lb
    Goal weight: 175 lb
    1/1/22 : 233.0
    1/29/22: 230.8
    2/05/22: 229.2
    2/12/22: 229.0
    2/18/22: 225.2 --oops, 2/19/22
    2/26.22: 224

    I hit a goal during the week .. on Thursday morning, 2/23 .. I hit 223.0 on the scale ... and so now I have set my next mini goal to be reaching 218 on the scale. Don't know how long it will take, but that's not important .. what is important is that I have a new goal to work towards.

    Feeling very worried about what is happening in the world. I have family 'over there' where there is current war activity. Praying for 'no war'.

    On a positive note ... I have an offer on the property I am selling as I move on to more appropriate housing for my age and health.

    Have a good week everyone ... Stay well, healthy, happy, and on track!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Well I just lost my post 4 times!! My computer is acting up, need a new one but I hate trying to decide what I need for everything I do on mine. I'm going to make this short and see if I can finsh it before it jumps to another page and I lose it again. Thank you all for your kind words, @nmwalkingqueen (sorry I can't think of your name) great news about the older dogs being adopted. BTW I don't envy you the snow and cold, it was almost 90 here is SW Florida today. @nsk1951 good luck with your move. @skinnyjeanzbound, Karen I was sorry to hear about Gunner, it's hard to lose our faithfull pets. Well, I've lost my first 6 pounds for this time around, have my yearly physical tomorrow and it's not going to be too good weight wise but it is what it is and I'm working on it from this point forward! I wrote this a few days ago and then "lost" it again! Today I returned to this page and It's back. ##### computer! Posting it while I still can! LOL Have a good day everyone!
  • MrsHermit
    MrsHermit Posts: 195 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound Thank you! We'll be moving the last week of March, but are really going at the packing and spackling now so that it won't be so hectic. Good job on reaching the 180s!

    @bapcarrier (((hugs))) I'm so sorry for the tragedies and losses you've been through.

    Good job on everybody's progress. Sorry I haven't been on much lately. I've been packing and the internet plan has changed (which prompted MFP platform to just not work for me for awhile). Guess it got sorted. I can't really log (I still cook though it takes me half an hour to find stuff) but still trying to guess my calories. I hope to finally get enough room between rows of boxes to exercise. I want to really help load the truck and not have it take forever. It's like my own Rocky session this month.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been on all week. I've been doing well with continuing to get to the gym most days. However, my calorie intake has been higher than normal this past week. Most days have been under maintenance, but I haven't consistently met my calorie deficit and honestly hadn't really been trying most of the week. Not eating anything super glutinous, just a lot of snacking, especially in the evening. I got back on track with food yesterday, and I prepped good, healthy lunches for the coming week, so I hope it was just hormones or stress.

    My low this week was 191, but that was way back on Monday with the scaling reaching 193.8 at its highest yesterday morning. :( My spring break trip to California to visit some friends is 4 weeks from this coming Tuesday, so I will use the fact that I will be in a swimsuit and summer clothes as motivation to do better.

    52 years old
    SW = 247 (March 2011)
    Official 1/1/2022 weigh in = 193
    GW: 185 (my previous low)

    1/7/22 = 191
    1/14/22 = 191
    1/21/22 = 190
    1/28/22 = 192.4
    2/4/22 = 192.6
    2/11/22 = 189
    2/18/22 = 191.2
    2/25/22 = 191
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @nsk1951- Congrats 🎉 on the goal. I will keep your family in my prayers.
    @bapcarrier- This app does weird stuff all the time. Prayers for you with all the grief you have to work through.Your headed the right way with the 6 lb loss.
    @MrsHermit- Sorry to hear of internet frustrations. Sounds like moving is going good.
    @Karen- Great job with getting to the gym. You will get on track with the food.

    AFM- It has been nice here in Minnesota the last three days and I have been able to go outside for a walk every day. I have been eating at home more and realized I don’t have enough dishes to eat 3 meals at home daily with out a bunch of washing weekly. I guess my water bill will just be higher 🙂. It is funny went grocery shopping Sunday my fridge and freezer is full but cupboards are bare, guess I don’t eat much cupboard stuff🤷🏻‍♀️.
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    I am 75 and have been a member of MFP for over 10 years. I only wish I understood how to use the discussions section ...and get back to some comments that I have tried to make over the past... in any case ... just wanted to say hi to a fellow member! Hope you are well
  • nsk1951
    nsk1951 Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi @Pamela_June ... I hope you find your way back here and read this ... because I believe I know how you can 'get back to some comments' that you made over the past ... Try clicking on your name in the post and a pop up ought to appear where you can go to your profile. There you ought to see a count of the number of discussions and such and if you click on that it opens up a list of them. ...
    ... That's actually new from how I did it when I was on MFP a few years ago ... at that time we used the search function. ...