


  • Tizzle23
    Tizzle23 Posts: 59
    So far I love the books I'm on my 3rd one Im just taking my time. I saw the movie twice and I like the book better. They filmed some of the movie by my house:tongue:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Really??? I liked the movie a lot. I didn't like the actors they picks for Edwards parents and Rosalie (I thought she should've been way prettier) but everything else was pretty good.

    The books are FABULOUS also!

    I have an unrealistic expectation of men now thanks to those books!!! :bigsmile:
  • chunkabutt25
    chunkabutt25 Posts: 277 Member
    I read all the books in the series on average of 2-3 days each and keep in mind some of those books are upwards of 7-800 pages, thats how good they are :bigsmile: I seen the first move and am eagerly anticipating the rest but from the first one, the book is still better!!!!
  • 16097
    16097 Posts: 10
    EEK! I am the biggest Twihard fan ever! I have seen the movie three times, but because I don't like to wastes money I stopped there, haha. I love re-reading the books!

    And of course, I am totally in love with Edward. (Dr. Cullen gets hotter every day, though!)
  • neome90
    neome90 Posts: 420
    :heart: :heart: :heart: OMG !!!!! My 16 year old is so in love with anything and everything to do with twilight that I truely believe ( at this point in her life ) that there will never be anything that will ever top it. She has every thing and anything to do with it. I must say that I was surprised to see her become so involved with such liturature, but what can I say..... It's all okay , she is 16 and a drama queen :heart: :heart: :heart: But get this... yes ,yes , yes , me her mother, became some what interested after we watched the movie together at the theater , and then listened at each "pouring out of her heart " to me as she read each of her books. I found It was not long before I was asking her questions about characters and what was taking place quite soon myself . Yes Twilight is OKAY! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • PrettyOscar
    PrettyOscar Posts: 31 Member
    How funny! I was going to read the Evanovich series next.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: OMG !!!!! My 16 year old is so in love with anything and everything to do with twilight that I truely believe ( at this point in her life ) that there will never be anything that will ever top it. She has every thing and anything to do with it. I must say that I was surprised to see her become so involved with such liturature, but what can I say..... It's all okay , she is 16 and a drama queen :heart: :heart: :heart: But get this... yes ,yes , yes , me her mother, became some what interested after we watched the movie together at the theater , and then listened at each "pouring out of her heart " to me as she read each of her books. I found It was not long before I was asking her questions about characters and what was taking place quite soon myself . Yes Twilight is OKAY! :smile: :smile: :smile:

    you should read them, if she is ok with that. she might consider it 'her thing' and not want you to read it as well - but maybe not. i was like that with my music at 16, then my DAD started borrowing my tapes (yep, forever ago) and i was PO'd!

    btw everyone, i met a friend at hot topic last night to give her something. i never go there these days (shoot, i worked at one in phoenix when i was 18...a bit different back then but basically the same) but they had SO MUCH twilight stuff it was crazy!!! maybe i am just slow but i was like, look at this! look at that! hehe. yea, im 33 and love twilight - sue me! :smokin:
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    I deliberately saw the movie first. If I read the book, then see the film, it can ruin both for me; not so the other way around. Liked the film (though am I the only person who doesn't see the appeal in Pattison?); LOVED the books. POed that the 5th may not come out (the rumours change so much. I'm never sure what's happening with that.)
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I got a copy of a book called Midnight Sun - Edward's Story supposedly by Stephanie Meyers. I haven't read it yet. I have it as a PDF file if anyone wants it.
  • TudorRose
    TudorRose Posts: 238 Member
    That's the one! Someone leaked it online and it's NOT the finished version. Meyer doesn't want anyone reading it but doesn't want to finish it now, either. Very frustrating- I want to read it, but until she makes up her mind for sure she's not finishing it, I don't want to read the current version. (Meyer claims it must have been someone close to her who leaked it, as few people had copies at that stage. I swear, anyone does that to me if I become successful, I'd kill them. But take it out on my readers? Harsh, Meyer. Harsh.)
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    That's the one! Someone leaked it online and it's NOT the finished version. Meyer doesn't want anyone reading it but doesn't want to finish it now, either. Very frustrating- I want to read it, but until she makes up her mind for sure she's not finishing it, I don't want to read the current version. (Meyer claims it must have been someone close to her who leaked it, as few people had copies at that stage. I swear, anyone does that to me if I become successful, I'd kill them. But take it out on my readers? Harsh, Meyer. Harsh.)

    totally with you on this. i read a blog on her website. i think she wants us to read it but at the same time she doesnt. grrrr :noway:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    eh....I'm gonna read it. :bigsmile:
  • borac
    borac Posts: 174
    Ok.. i must be from " out of the space " .. ev ery one is talking about this.. those books, the movie.. my friends are in love with it and i don't even have a clue " what is it all about " ..

    is this a love story. is it.. drama.. what is this all about ?
  • borac
    borac Posts: 174
    :heart: :heart: :heart: OMG !!!!!

    btw everyone, i met a friend at hot topic last night to give her something. i never go there these days (shoot, i worked at one in phoenix when i was 18...a bit different back then but basically the same) but they had SO MUCH twilight stuff it was crazy!!! maybe i am just slow but i was like, look at this! look at that! hehe. yea, im 33 and love twilight - sue me! :smokin:

    are you still in phoenix.. i live in phoenix
  • specialsong77
    specialsong77 Posts: 78 Member
    I haven't read them but I have read the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris and I LOVED IT! It's along the same lines with vamps and were's but there's MORE! My recommendations.

    I watched the HBO series "True Blood" based on the book series I am going to start reading that series next.

    I guess that book series was written before "Twilight." You have to wonder if Stephanie Meyers was inspired by that series a bit because there are so many similarities...
  • specialsong77
    specialsong77 Posts: 78 Member
    I love love love the books.

    But I am here to tell you that I thought the movie was thing stupidest thing ever. :grumble:


    I have to agree I was expecting better

    I didn't mind the movie, it certainly was not as good as the books, but movies always pale in comparison to the books. I went in with LOW expectations so i think that helped me enjoy it. I always figure there is no way they could put everything from the book in a movie just because the movie would be SO long. I read Drew barrymore may be directing the 3rd movie "Eclipse." That could be a good thing. i love drew... :)
  • alecsandrawired
    The other day in psych class I was doing a worksheet designed by the student teacher and noticed the theme. The names of all the people in the character descriptions were Edward, Isabella, Carlisle, Jasper, and then Alice. I asked my teacher where she got the names and she pulled Breaking Dawn out of her bag. It made my day :happy:

    P.S. I cannot wait until tuesday! TWILIGHT DVD!
  • neome90
    neome90 Posts: 420
    :flowerforyou: heatherOmc... Thank you for your advise and suggestion! They are always welcome and appreciated :flowerforyou: And I have found that it had actually brought us closer once again...( I am 49... she is 16...:wink: ) All in all a great experience in todays life! It opens up communication, among a million of other avenues. Once again ....Thank you for you .....:flowerforyou: always , neome90: heart:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I've read the first 2 books, and have absolutely LOVED them!!! Then I watched the movie, and thought it was killed by the acting... I just don't really like the actors they picked out... But I loved the characters from the books. It's depressing to me when I have really high expectations and then feel let-down... Maybe that's why I didn't care for the movie version? I set myself up for failure.:sad:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    I've read the first 2 books, and have absolutely LOVED them!!! Then I watched the movie, and thought it was killed by the acting... I just don't really like the actors they picked out... But I loved the characters from the books. It's depressing to me when I have really high expectations and then feel let-down... Maybe that's why I didn't care for the movie version? I set myself up for failure.:sad:

    The movie is never as good as the book!!!!:grumble: I wish I had done what someone mentioned earlier and watched the movie first...I may have liked it better.:laugh: