Welcome New Members!



  • adamoyston
    adamoyston Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hi. New on the forum. Have lost just under a stone in 5 weeks so far using this app and the gym.
    Have been having trouble hitting carb goal as well as potassium. Besides that all good!
    Good luck everyone!
  • judym53
    judym53 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm fairly new to MFP. I've taken the first month to get accustomed to Macro tracking and finding my way around the app.

    I was on another weight loss program that tracked only calories and I did have success with that program. Now it's time to take it up a notch and get it done.
    • My goals with MFP are to achieve my weight goal of 122 lbs.
    • Recognize and reverse the trend of weight gain.
    • Provide my body with the nutrients it needs so that I can exercise daily, manage stress and be able to remain independent and strong as I age.
    I'm excited to be a part of the MFP community.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,754 Member
    Welcome to all new members ... Happy to have you join us .. Wishing you the very best on your journey's :)
  • carrollrp2
    carrollrp2 Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2022
    Just struggling to lose weight, so figured tracking my calories/exercise might help
  • LaBellaHarris
    LaBellaHarris Posts: 63 Member
    Is anyone else like, struggling to wrap their brain around the social aspect of these apps? I always feel so weird coming into forums to look for people to add as a friend or into my circle or whatever, but going it on my own hasn't led me to much success, so. :neutral: Seems like I ought to try it and hope for the power of shame to keep me on track, I guess.

    I'm Sam, parent to a small child, in Texas, trying to wrangle my body fat percentage down to something that'll let me walk past the mirror without making a face. Right now my bad eating habits are wicked cyclical, so an accountability buddy would be nice. I've also been working out, but my routine is pretty boring so maybe we could challenge each other or something? Have Swap days where we do the other person's routine?? idk man, like I said, I'm super bored at the gym lately.
  • daviscourtney2376
    daviscourtney2376 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there everyone, I’m new here
  • MyOreoMelted
    MyOreoMelted Posts: 4 Member
    Hey I’m new here feel free to add me! :)
  • marikano_
    marikano_ Posts: 4 Member
    Another new (kinda… not really) member here. Hoping to find some supportive friends so feel free to add me too!
  • JaeOnTheWay
    JaeOnTheWay Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me, looking for like minded people. That's on board for supporting each other to our own goals.
  • JeMarie6
    JeMarie6 Posts: 2 Member
    Happy New year everyone, I.m new to the community and as have turned 50 few weeks back I have few goals I need to achieve. I need loads help with motivation and accountability please. 🙂

    I'm about to be 52...
  • imrecsec
    imrecsec Posts: 1 Member
    Helloooo everyone
  • Wrzzzr
    Wrzzzr Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me. My username is KorosenaiHarvey
    And my email is PrestonJennifer3123@outlook.com
    I’m down 26 pounds in 2 months.
    I have a pretty vast knowledge about cooking tips and overall good hacks. And also have a degree in Kinesiology
    So let’s chat and get healthy !
  • metralika_556
    metralika_556 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. Starting on this. Feeling nervous but I've been stuck on my diet and need a change. Fingers crossed!
  • hicim705
    hicim705 Posts: 5,344 Member
    Is anyone else like, struggling to wrap their brain around the social aspect of these apps? I always feel so weird coming into forums to look for people to add as a friend or into my circle or whatever, but going it on my own hasn't led me to much success, so. :neutral: Seems like I ought to try it and hope for the power of shame to keep me on track, I guess.

    I'm Sam, parent to a small child, in Texas, trying to wrangle my body fat percentage down to something that'll let me walk past the mirror without making a face. Right now my bad eating habits are wicked cyclical, so an accountability buddy would be nice. I've also been working out, but my routine is pretty boring so maybe we could challenge each other or something? Have Swap days where we do the other person's routine?? idk man, like I said, I'm super bored at the gym lately.

    WELCOME!! I think it is always strange to 'put yourself out there' and always a difficult move. You have now landed and joined a supportive Community. We are discussing the 'start date' of the 2022 Spring 5% Challenge and very soon you will be invited to another group ~ the core group that you will spend the Challenge with - for 8 weeks, 56 days. That really is not a lot of time.

    I ALWAYS add the 5% Challenge into my calendar and treat it as an 'appointment'. The weeks run from Saturday through Friday and weigh-ins are due no later than Saturdays every week (deadlines are always 1159pm your local time). If you write it in your calendar, you will see a start/end and you will also see how far you have come in your participation in the 8 weeks. Another hint/trick is that once you are placed with a team, make it your priority to participate in your team's Chat Thread. This facilitates your 'getting to know' your fellow team mates and once you've made that connection, you will get TONS of support, should you struggle or it will be natural for you to support a team member as well.

    I've been with the 5% Challenges for YEARS and consider some of the people that I work with in these Challenges as friends ... give it a chance, commit do doing the work ~ you will quickly feel as I do. Reach out if you have additional questions!

    ****Please note: I've answered a specific post, but I see several new challengers may benefit from reading****
    Heidi (hicim705)
    2022 Spring 5% Challenge
    Overall Co-Leader, 2022 Spring 5% Challenge hosted on MFP
  • alicehp39
    alicehp39 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi to everyone. I'm Alice. I’ve been reading the forum since December. I’ve now registered my profile to communicate with others. I've lost 13kg and planning to lose 20 more.
  • annstebbing
    annstebbing Posts: 19 Member
    I have just rejoined, used only for tracking last time, but I'm here to learn. Have been doing another app but read many good things in the group about logging on here, so I'll run the 2 for a few weeks before committing to premium.
  • oneleanboontje
    oneleanboontje Posts: 3 Member
    hi all! working on losing 20lbs. Currently at 175, would be great to get down to 155, even better to be at 150! I've been yo-yoing for years and I've reached a point where I just want to be healthy. Excited to be here.
  • Shellight
    Shellight Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all I just signed up for premium and am going all in. I am looking for accountability friends if you are interested in adding me.
  • ChienL
    ChienL Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, back here again for healthy reason.
    I’d like to have some friends in here to cheer each other. Record the meals and exercise.
    plz be free to add me be friend.
    All of us will be healthier.
  • PapaBeast314
    PapaBeast314 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am definitely not new. Have been here many times before, have taken an extended break many times before. I truly plan on trying to use the free version to the best I can - actually logging food, water, exercise...

    If there is anyone out there that would like to continue to try and help this old dog learn new tricks, please add me as a friend!