Varicose veins - help!

So far I (32f) have lost 15kg. What I thought might be varicose veins at my heaviest weight are more pronounced and making one of my inner thighs really bumpy.
My skin is really pale/thin and you can always see my veins through it. These bumps aren't any darker than my regular veins and don't hurt, but I'm going into panic mode. I thought losing weight would make them disappear, not make them worse!
My job is all sitting down, but as I say, I've lost 15kg and did start running so I am not sure what else to do. Has anyone else been here? Will it get better if I get to a "healthy" weight? I'm still another 16kg off my goal, which would put me smack bang in the middle of a healthy BMI. Right now I'm 5 foot 7 and 80kg, if that's any help. Any advice GREATLY appreciated, as when I start worrying about health stuff I tend to never stop. XD



  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Congratulations on your awesome weight loss. As you continue to lose weight or maintain over the coming year, your body will tend to rearrange and more veins may become visible. Would suggest you research varicose veins and treatment options then discuss treatment with your doctor.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Yes the above^^^^. I've had mine injected several times and my legs look fine---they used to be a road map. See a specialist.
  • peggy_polenta
    peggy_polenta Posts: 325 Member
    I get this done. works...almost immediately but best effects take several weeks as the damaged veins die, etc. this is likely something you will need to do every few years. you must make sure to attend your two week followup because any clotting needs expressing else you'll get staining that will never resolve. i go in every 3 or 4 years as people like me who are prone...the viens always find new routes so you need touch up. in fact, i just had a touch up today. this is painless also, btw. you can barely feel the needle.
    HTMTM Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks so much all of you. I think I will see someone then, even if just to ease my mind.