Not trying to start a argument but...... somethings really b



  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I'm not trying to start an argument either: one reason some people comment on the grammar or sentence structure of others is that the forums are all about communication, and clear communication is aided by--and often dependent upon--proper sentence structure, correct spelling, and reasonably-accurate grammar.

    This. When reading, it's important to communicate clearly since there is not the opportunity to expand on what you mean, use inflection, etc. While I don't correct people on their mistakes I notice them every single time. Some people make a good point - maybe a person has never been corrected and they don't know they're making a mistake. However, regarding the OP, I have seen a few of your posts and I simply cannot get through them. I am not going to spend time trying to decipher what is being said when there is no punctuation as a guide, so I pass that post over, as I'm sure others do who might be able to offer good advice. Spelling mistakes, a lot of grammar mistakes - it's still usually easy to make out what the person is saying, but when there is no punctuation it requires more effort on my part than I am willing to give.
  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
    Anyway i think it’s time to step away from this post the positive posts and some of the critical posts have defiantly helped and thank you for that i have become a bit more aware of how hard it can be to read a big block of text and i will try and change this but as we all know from weight loss old habits can be very hard to break

    I would also just like to say i didn’t come here to learn English from forum posters when i do decide to make that step i will make my way over to My Grammar pal where you can feel free to show your "support" by complaing and targeting my not so perfect posts we can even have little tickers that show our perfect days of correct usage of full stops.

    Until then I will keep using this site for weight loss and again if my posts bother your eyes please don’t read it just move on there are plenty more posts that you can go and read
  • Tiffanydepiano
    Tiffanydepiano Posts: 169 Member
    I agree. Although I notice when there is a grammatical error I rarely have trouble deciphering what is meant by a post. We live in the age of texting and digital communication. Grammar has it's place but not necessarily on a conversation post.
    Sometimes I think people are trying to show us just how educated they are by correcting grammar or spelling errors. I have already passed and done quite well in my college level English classes. If I choose to cut corners here and there for the sake of conversation, who cares?
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I am educated i understand full stops, spelling and general grammar

    So, according to what you originally posted, you don't fall into the categories you listed in your last post.

    So...this being the case...why do you post so badly? If you understand full stops, you must therefore understand their importance, yet still you choose not to use them?

    "...why do you post so badly?" - I think the three pages of excitement is why. I could be wrong...
  • To everyone else who is so caught up about people using grammar
    Do you think that people who have limited English shouldn’t post, how about people who didn’t get the education they deserved what about people with learning disorders should they be banned or what about people who just simply didn’t do so well at school

    I mean come on there are people here who come from so many different backgrounds and I believe they should be supported equally but hey if bullying people makes you feel big and tough then that’s your damage not mine

    Look at this have used some punctuation and separated into paragraphs and it is a ZILLION times easier to read! That's so much better! I'm sorry, I don't think it's "bullying" at all to let someone know that they are not effectively communicating.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    If you really want to be heard and understood, make an effort to write something that is easy to read and understand. Spelling and punctuation do count in the real world. If you want to be understood verbally, you speak clearly and in a tone that is understandable to the listener. It's even more important to do it in written form as the reader cannot read your body language.
    There is never a reason to be cruel, but apologizing and enabling the behaviors does nothing to solve the issue. I realize that there are many people from places where English is not their first language, and that English, with all of its' nuances can be very difficult to master. In my view, it's not those people who are having as many problems as those who do not make the effort to be legible.
    I don't worry too much about these things usually, but I grow weary of the labeling and general rock throwing at people who do point out these things. Too much of that around here as it is.
    This ^^^

    Read it again. Understand it. It's not hard to read or understand because of the punctuation and use of paragraphs.

    Everyone has typos. And people make mistakes. But don't be lazy. Our level of communication is what separates us from the animals. Respect that.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Anyway i think it’s time to step away from this post the positive posts and some of the critical posts have defiantly helped and thank you for that i have become a bit more aware of how hard it can be to read a big block of text and i will try and change this but as we all know from weight loss old habits can be very hard to break

    I would also just like to say i didn’t come here to learn English from forum posters when i do decide to make that step i will make my way over to My Grammar pal where you can feel free to show your "support" by complaing and targeting my not so perfect posts we can even have little tickers that show our perfect days of correct usage of full stops.

    Until then I will keep using this site for weight loss and again if my posts bother your eyes please don’t read it just move on there are plenty more posts that you can go and read

    Seriously, I am baffled by you. Do you have a learning disability that precludes you from using proper punctuation or just a general aversion? I only ask because I once had a student who refused to use proper punctuation. Her essays were incomprehensible. I gave her a chance to re-write her first essay, but she still refused to use proper punctuation (like you, she insisted it wasn't important). In the end, she failed the class and then tried to petition the grade (at which she was unsuccessful). So in all seriousness, why do you refuse to use punctuation?
  • I am educated i understand full stops, spelling and general grammar

    So, according to what you originally posted, you don't fall into the categories you listed in your last post.

    So...this being the case...why do you post so badly? If you understand full stops, you must therefore understand their importance, yet still you choose not to use them?

    "...why do you post so badly?" - I think the three pages of excitement is why. I could be wrong...

    I think you hit the nail on the head. :laugh:
  • To everyone else who is so caught up about people using grammar
    Do you think that people who have limited English shouldn’t post, how about people who didn’t get the education they deserved what about people with learning disorders should they be banned or what about people who just simply didn’t do so well at school

    I mean come on there are people here who come from so many different backgrounds and I believe they should be supported equally but hey if bullying people makes you feel big and tough then that’s your damage not mine

    You know, no one here is actually bullying you. Most of us are pointing out that the reason you don't receive more positive feedback is that your posts are difficult to understand.

    You're talking about learning disabilities, and second languages, and education, but that's not the issue here. You said yourself that you know about spelling and grammar, and are deliberately choosing not to use it. Ignoring this, (and to debunk a stereotype) I know many people who fit into the categories you described who have perfectly legible posts. No one is suggesting to ban these people (or you, for that matter).

    The fact is that the forums are about communication. And if you want to communicate an idea, some strategies are better than others. If you feel you are having difficulties communicating, maybe you should consider why that is rather than making accusations of bullying where none exists.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    You are the mother of three. I would think you'd want to teach by example.
  • SusM321
    SusM321 Posts: 141 Member
    I've seen a bit of that, and I think it's ridiculous. I teach English Language Arts (reading, writing, grammar, spelling, and all the rest of the goodies), and I don't think of a forum such as this as being "formal writing" where these rules apply. Do what works for you and ignore the people who have nothing better to do. For those that get annoyed by poor grammar, try to focus on a few of the following possibilities: 1) the first language of the poster may or may not be English, 2) there ARE different spellings (and even some grammar and syntax rules) that vary from one English-speaking country to another, 3) there might be people on here who struggled when learning these rules (some of them may even have a diagnosed learning disability), 4) when people are flustered and looking for help they might not be thinking about their spelling, grammar, or syntax, and 5) this is a forum and not formal writing therefore the rules of grammar are not a priority.

    Thank you Nikki, maybe some of the folks being "grammar police" will calm down after reading your post. Coming from a professional it may help. Grammatical criticism on a support site such as this is just uncalled for...We are all here for support!
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I'm sorry you had a bad experience. :( I'm not the world's greatest speller, and I just can't imagine CARING a whole lot about that, kwim? LOL

    But, if you look at it this way:
    Is it possible that others are having difficult understanding your posts, and do not intend to be rude? I haven't followed your other posts, so can't know for certain, but perhaps they are meant to be suggestions rather than criticism. I know it was a tad difficult to make out your exact concepts when reading this because there's no grammar or capitalization. While it can seem silly to bother for an informal conversation, it can also make it much easier to understand for readers. So maybe they would like to answer your question, but can't make out what it is, so instead give you suggestions to improve in that area.

    Just a thought, make of it what you will!!
    I have to admit, I have a really hard time reading posts where people don't use basic puncuation, capitalization, spacing and paragraphing. I couldn't care less about spelling, though I can't deal with "R U NE1" kind of text-typing. But, I want to be able to read posts! I want to know what people are saying, and it's really difficult when it's not organized, honestly. I had a hard time reading the original post.
    I haven't seen the threads inspiring this topic, so I could be wrong, but I hope not! :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I am educated i understand full stops, spelling and general grammar

    So, according to what you originally posted, you don't fall into the categories you listed in your last post.

    So...this being the case...why do you post so badly? If you understand full stops, you must therefore understand their importance, yet still you choose not to use them?

    "...why do you post so badly?" - I think the three pages of excitement is why. I could be wrong...

    I think you hit the nail on the head. :laugh:

    Again, if this were a real-time IRC chat, sure! Understandable! But you have as much time as you need to make a forum post. Take a deep breath, write your post, reread it...
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Every moment is an opportunity for personal growth.

    Spelling and Grammar are not "just for school". They are for effectively communicating ideas from one person to another. The greater the amount of errors, the more likely an idea will be misunderstood, if not altogether lost. Regardless of the topic: what is a forum if not a vehicle for the exchange of ideas?

    Those who are not educated in spelling and grammar should not be insulted by gentile correction, but should take it as an opportunity for personal growth.
  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
    You are the mother of three. I would think you'd want to teach by example.

    I would kindly request that you don’t bring up my children thankyou I understand you’re not meaning to be hurtful to my children by doing so but i feel it’s very wrong to bring them up and imply that i am not "leading by example"
    the fact is I’m pretty hopeless at grammar and English etc. as obviously shown by my posts i know that I am my husband constantly teases me for in a joking nice kind of way, my areas of expertise i guess you would say are in science and art when sitting down doing homework with the children I leave the things he is good at like maths and English to him and I take on the science and art projects to imply my children are somehow disadvantaged because of me is hurtful and I think is quite a low blow and not needed to make your point at all
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    I am educated i understand full stops, spelling and general grammar

    the fact is I’m pretty hopeless at grammar and English etc.


    See why we get confused?
  • That's too bad that "some" can't see beyond their own issues. Most of us in the working world have to modify what we have been taught. Like if you must use shorthand on a job you learn to use a lot of misspelled word; until you have all the facts then you proof read for the final layout, but that is only necessary on a professional job. If you have grown to use your mobile texting you 'REALLY' learn to type the shortest possible letters. And if you have a job like mine in customer service you must learn to make sense without any vowels and you use the minimal amout of letters to complete sentences. Whew! We have roughly 20 character spaces to type out problems to technicians so that they can see what the issues are and that soon becomes a habit after about 11 years on the same job. So it is too bad that some folks can't see beyond the typing of the times and realize that this is 2011 and spelling is a thing of the WAY PAST! If you are getting the point across and maybe checking to see if a particular word might need to be spelled out, but wasting time nit picking over grammer is so the 80's. Just ignore people that are stuck in a rut. It probably explains why they are having issues with their health in the first place. Sorry to all that can't move on in the modern times. This place is about getting your health in line not your grammer.
  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member

    I am educated i understand full stops, spelling and general grammar

    the fact is I’m pretty hopeless at grammar and English etc.


    See why we get confused?

    I understand the basic concepts yes i completed high school and university but I am not good at it its something that i have never really used well and is just one the faults as a human i have

    what i was trying to say with this post is this is a weight loss site its meant to be supportive so what if i make mistakes im not here to learn nglish from you and if you cant read it and it really bothers you then thats fine move on i dont need your critical posts just go to a post that you can read better and leave mine alone its not that hard
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    That's too bad that "some" can't see beyond their own issues. Most of us in the working world have to modify what we have been taught. Like if you must use shorthand on a job you learn to use a lot of misspelled word; until you have all the facts then you proof read for the final layout, but that is only necessary on a professional job. If you have grown to use your mobile texting you 'REALLY' learn to type the shortest possible letters. And if you have a job like mine in customer service you must learn to make sense without any vowels and you use the minimal amout of letters to complete sentences. Whew! We have roughly 20 character spaces to type out problems to technicians so that they can see what the issues are and that soon becomes a habit after about 11 years on the same job.

    I've done a similar job in a call centre, and I understand that you have limited space to get the message across. However, is it so difficult to differentiate between your work system and a forum?
    So it is too bad that some folks can't see beyond the typing of the times and realize that this is 2011 and spelling is a thing of the WAY PAST!

    Yes, we have spellcheckers now, and people are too lazy to even use it! I dread to think what our kids will be like if in 2011 spelling is a thing of the WAY PAST!
    It probably explains why they are having issues with their health in the first place. Sorry to all that can't move on in the modern times.

    So, because we aren't lazy and actually make our posts grammatically correct with accurate spelling and punctuation, that explains why we are overweight? I'd say it's more the other way around. If you're too lazy to use the spellchecker and don't have enough pride in your own writing, it's more likely you'll be too lazy to read food labels and exercise.

    See, we can all play the blame game. The two are in no way related.
This discussion has been closed.