September Challenge Week 3 - Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROU



  • amazing_grace♥
    I'm sorry, I think I am going to have to drop at this point. With all that is going on, changing jobs, my husband's schedule changing, my bike getting stolen, having to buy a car, planning a Disney trip, planning to move again, blah, blah, blah... I haven't even been logging my eating. I don't want to be dragging the team down. And I have a feeling it will be next to impossible to keep up while we are at Disney next week. :(

    I'm SOOO sorry about your bike getting stolen. I think that's just terrible. I know how much you loved that bike. I'm sorry to see you go, but understand how you have so much going on right now.

    Have FUN at Disney girl!! You DESERVE it!! :heart:
  • amazing_grace♥
    As of this post, these are the "scores" that I have so far this week:

    cath = 40
    amazing_grace = 34
    SweetToothMelissa = 33
    walkingingrace = 30
    Xtine = 23
    sbrown = 17
    jmanthei = 16
    lisaap =

    PLEASE let me know if you think you have a different score than what I show above. As I said, this is from what you all have posted as of THIS posting now.
  • cath1717

    Water over 10 glasses = ok ( 2 points )
    Over calories again!!! = ok :frown:

    Total point for friday = 2 points!
  • Under calorie goal check
    Water check
    Thursday pygmy series check
    Friday pygmy series check (will do the 2 miles tomorrow)
    200 crunches (that makes 250 so far for the week)
  • sbrown44
    Hey all,

    Today has been very rough....and the weekend is going to be spotty. Not sure if you all have heard of the disaster that occurred in Reno, NV but I actually live here and have close friends going through tough times right now. I will be donating blood tomorrow and need to go to Pahrump to pick up my son. Please keep everyone in you thoughts and prayers, they are truly needed. Not sure if I will be loggin on.

    exercises for friday and saturday done :)
    water-10 glasses
    food-under calories
    crunches-only managed 300 so far, not sure if I will get them done.
  • amazing_grace♥
    Hey all,

    Today has been very rough....and the weekend is going to be spotty. Not sure if you all have heard of the disaster that occurred in Reno, NV but I actually live here and have close friends going through tough times right now. I will be donating blood tomorrow and need to go to Pahrump to pick up my son. Please keep everyone in you thoughts and prayers, they are truly needed. Not sure if I will be loggin on.

    exercises for friday and saturday done :)
    water-10 glasses
    food-under calories
    crunches-only managed 300 so far, not sure if I will get them done.

    Sheryl - I will certainly keep you all in my prayers. I had not heard about this terrible incident, but just googled it and it is definately TRAGIC!! As I always say - do what you need to do to take care of you and your family.... I will be praying for you. You have certainly had a rough week!! {{HUGS}}

  • amazing_grace♥
    Yesterday I did do Day 5 of the Pygmy challenges including the 2 mile walk. (2 pts).
    I drank 11 glasses of water (2 pts)
    and even came in under my calorie goal (5 pts) ........
    enough that I was able to go home and have a beer!! :drinker:

    but only one!! :ohwell:

    LOL. Today is another BUSY BUSY day as I am working both jobs and then having dinner with a friend who is in town and is going to church with me tonight! :smile:

  • amazing_grace♥
    Day 6 challenges DONE!!
    did 75 more crunches - owe 50 more for my 500!

    Will be back online late tonight my Amazing TEAM!!! :flowerforyou:

    Oh, and we have a new member that should be on sometime this weekend to introduce himself!! :smile:
  • under calorie count - check
    8 glasses water - check
    pygmy series exercises - check
    50 more crunches (that makes 300 for the week so far)
    tomorrow i will do the 2 miles and the other 200 crunches Whew!
  • amazing_grace♥
    Ok, ok - I blew it!! :sad: We all have those days - and today was MINE!! I worked both jobs, then went out to dinner with a friend and TOTALLY went over my calories!! I had fish and chips, so I didn't think that it was THAT bad, but once I got home and started logging it.... ugh!!! So, for today, I did get all my water in (10 glasses = 2pts) and thankfully got my challenges done early..... but I did go over calorie goal for the day... :cry:

    I'll finish tallying up scores tomorrow, because you get 1 point for every pound that you have lost from last week's weight (I will round up or down depending)....

    As of this post, these are the "scores" that I have so far this week:

    amazing_grace = 46
    walkingingrace = 45
    cath = 42
    SweetToothMelissa = 33
    sbrown = 28
    Xtine = 23
    jmanthei = 16
    lisaap =

    PLEASE let me know if you think you have a different score than what I show above.... also, if you finish up your 500 crunches for the week sometime tomorrow, be sure to post it - as that earns each person 5 bonus points as well (which are not added to this score yet for anyone except cath!)
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    Ok, ok - I blew it!! :sad: We all have those days - and today was MINE!! I worked both jobs, then went out to dinner with a friend and TOTALLY went over my calories!! I had fish and chips, so I didn't think that it was THAT bad, but once I got home and started logging it.... ugh!!! So, for today, I did get all my water in (10 glasses = 2pts) and thankfully got my challenges done early..... but I did go over calorie goal for the day... :cry:

    I'll finish tallying up scores tomorrow, because you get 1 point for every pound that you have lost from last week's weight (I will round up or down depending)....

    Don't get too down on yourself!! It happens! I was under cals today, and also did the pygmy exercises for yesterday and today, today. Did the rest of the crunches too (300) oy!!! I have a feeling I will not be showing a loss tomorrow because of TOM :( But I's hoping for the best. Hope everyone sees losses tomorrow :D

    *edit to say I had 11 cups of water today!
  • amazing_grace♥

    Don't get too down on yourself!! It happens! I was under cals today, and also did the pygmy exercises for yesterday and today, today. Did the rest of the crunches too (300) oy!!! I have a feeling I will not be showing a loss tomorrow because of TOM :( But I's hoping for the best. Hope everyone sees losses tomorrow :D

    *edit to say I had 11 cups of water today!

    Well Thanks SweetToothMelissa!! As team captain, I try REALLY HARD to NOT go over my calorie goal and to get all the water in and be a good example and all that ..... :smile: but I got home late tonight, and was just too beat to go out and do more exercise... like you say - it happens to the best of us.... I don't have anything planned for tomorrow, so I'll be able to make up for it I'm sure!!

    With your additions that you just posted above (and checking your food diary for Thursday), it looks as though you now have 55 points (with the bonus points added in there) so it looks like you are leading the pack even without a loss in weight tomorrow!! We'll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings for everybody!! I'm excited!!
  • amazing_grace♥
    I lost 1.6 this week!! :drinker:
    I did my last 50 crunches, so I also get 5 bonus points for the 500 crunches team challenge...

    my total score for this week is 52.6
  • amazing_grace♥
    Xtine is still enjoying her new grandbaby - but has sent me a message letting me know that although she has not exercised, she has been under calorie goal and drinking her water.

    Xtine has weighed in today at 145 which is a 3 pound loss over last week. Her score this week is 43 points.
  • Water check
    under calorie goal check
    Got in my last 200 crunches
    Got in my 2 miles plus 3 more
  • amazing_grace♥
    Water check
    under calorie goal check
    Got in my last 200 crunches
    Got in my 2 miles plus 3 more

    @walkingingrace - That's awesome!! Did you weigh today? Your score right now for the week is 51 points, but I don't know if you had any weight loss so that is not added in that score yet.... let me know.
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    still up on the scale :( So no points for me for that! UGH!!!!
  • amazing_grace♥
    still up on the scale :( So no points for me for that! UGH!!!!

    @SweetToothMelissa - ok, well you have 55 points for this week. GREAT job girl!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sbrown44

    For saturday, water was 11 glasses. Food was under :)

    As for today water is sitting at 9 cups, food is under and I also wrapped up the crunches....all 500-DONE!

    I am truly enjoying this group!! Thank you all!
  • stevemillar
    stevemillar Posts: 24 Member

    I'm gonna be a pygmy. Today I weigh 205