Lose 40lbs by Christmas



  • i'm thrilled! this is the 1st time that I didn't exceed my 1200 calories/day diet!! YAY!!1
    lose 40 lbs by Christmas!:D :D yay!!
  • Mygypsysoul
    Mygypsysoul Posts: 113 Member
    Is it too late to join? I really want a Christmas challenge group. SW weight is 196.2lb.. Would LOVE to be in the 150s by Christmas.. That would be the best Christmas gift ever! Feel free to add me. Always looking for like-minded motivational friends :)
  • rchristison
    rchristison Posts: 25 Member
    I would love to join - I really need to kick things up a notch. I have been on MFP for about 16 weeks and have lost 12 pounds....but I still have a lot to go and I am in need of some motivation!
    SW for this challenge is 220, and I would LOVE to be at 180 by Christmas.
    for one thing my company is starting to charge a more for insurance premiums if your BMI is over 30 (which of course mine is). 185 would get me down below 30 and save me about $40 a month!
  • HWinCS
    HWinCS Posts: 271 Member
    I want to join too.

    Starting weight 212.5
    Goal Weight 175
    Total to loose 37

    I had issues in the past of getting obsessive with charting and planning. I stopped dieting 6 years ago and oddly enough I have stayed within 8 pounds of 212 for 6 years. But now It's time to bring it down, then have 6 or more years around 175 : )

    For me its about balance.

    - I'll eat what I want when I want (within reason) planning only so I have the food in the house.

    - If one day is way out of range, the next day should be a slightly less calorie day and increase exercise exertion (not extra time)

    - Before I actually drift into the kitchen, I will have a good idea about what I am getting (no window shopping for "what could I have")

    - I won't schedule or week of salads or eat food that I don't like because its healthy or lower calorie.

    - I will do 1 hr of exercise a day (5-6 days a week) from the following group (as I get board of doing the same thing all the time and it prevents me from injuring myself because of repetition.):

    Swim (That's only 40 minutes, but awesome workout)
    Bike (stationary or on the road)
    Step Aerobics
    Water Aerobics
    Xbox Dancepad
    Wii Fit
    Walking the stairs up and down during work breaks
    (My ultimate goal is to every year on 9/11 do the 81 flights of stairs the firefighters had to climb. In honor of the firefighters that died.
    tried this year, made it to 35 flights and super sore 2 days later!)

    - Use myFitnessPal to track daily. Love the bar code scanner on the iphone. Makes it super easy for most entries.
    - Pray to stay on track and thankful to be on track, pray to work through / discover what I perceive as hunger when I am not.
    - Only talk about my weight loss with you guys. Let people discover on their own I am shrinking ; )

    Well I will keep you posted and I will print this off to keep me honest. I hope the weight will come off by Christmas, but I won't put that kinda pressure on myself anymore.
  • reignjonas
    reignjonas Posts: 26 Member
    How did everyone do this week?

    I'm down an additional two pounds. :happy: I need to figure out how to lose at least half of a pound more per week ( which I'm not sure how to do being on Medifast ) or I'm not going to make my forty-pound goal by Christmas...
  • I would love to join :) I started at 210lbs originally I am down to 191.8 (todays weight) ..

    Start Weight 191.8
    After this Challenge 151.8
    Final Goal 110-135 wherever I look best in my healthy range

    I am sticking to my calories while drinking Shakeology for 2 meals a day , Couch to 5 K and rotating walking,Turbo Jam, or Insanity on my rest days. I am only on Week One Day Two

    I also drink all my water avoid all "soda" ... and am trying to figure out the rest of this diet stuff

    As of today 09/17/11 I am 184.6 (down 7.2lbs) my challenge goal weight is 151.8 :)

    I started 30day shred 2 days ago and will continue to walk/run and throw in a different video workout a few days a week I am still on no soda(regular or diet) and staying within my calorie range .. I will eat my excerise calories back one day a week but not every day since I am really obese and need to lose the weight !! Hope everyone else is doing GREAT !!
  • bioheil
    bioheil Posts: 72 Member
    CW- 278
    GW- 249
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    Had a bad weekend no exercise and lots of eating! Boo!! but just done 2.5mile running in half an hour which I am happy about! Also bought 30DS DVD! I will be a super model! :-)
  • Hi!! I am so excited to do this!!

    Starting Weight: 215
    Current Weight: 202
    Goal Weight: 165

    I am 22 and have a 14 month old girl. I am trying to eat a lot better and exercise with purpose. Mostly I go for walks, especially now that it is getting cooler outside. I have also done a tiny bit of Yoga in the past, which I would love to continue. Any other suggestions for low impact exercises would be appreciated. I do have rheumatoid arthritis, which makes it difficult to do some things.

    Anyone can add me, if you want another accountability partner!! :-)
  • reignjonas
    reignjonas Posts: 26 Member
    This group isn't as active as I hoped it would be. :ohwell:
  • bioheil
    bioheil Posts: 72 Member
    Weigh In!!

    Starting Weight- 289
    Current Weight - 276 (-13!!!!)
    Goal Weight - 249

    I wasn't so sure if I could do this but I think it might be possible!
  • This group isn't as active as I hoped it would be. :ohwell:

    This forum was closed and she started another on to post our weigh ins.

  • reignjonas
    reignjonas Posts: 26 Member
    This group isn't as active as I hoped it would be. :ohwell:

    This forum was closed and she started another on to post our weigh ins.

    I didn't know that! Thank you!! :)