Unable to Create New, Edit Existing Foods/Meals/Recipes, Quick Add, Sync, and/or Login - Resolved



  • NathanGilders
    NathanGilders Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Team,
    I have an issue where either the app or the web client wont sync up correctly
    Web client

    As you can see. Nothing entered

    Phone app (Android)

    Some days nothing will sync and other days some things will sync.
    I signed out of both and signed back in. I even changed username, signed out signed back in and that updated.
    I also updated some privacy settings and they updated on both.

    Thoughts? Ideas? I did send a support request in but havent heard anything
  • anniedak
    anniedak Posts: 1 Member
    I’ve been having the same issue for 3-4 days now. I can’t save or edit a new recipe. It’s very frustrating especially when paying for the pro version!
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    edited April 2022
    My Fitbit steps now seem to be appearing in the web version of MFP - nothing appearing in the app though which seems to be still pretty much dead.
  • fitphoenix
    fitphoenix Posts: 9,673 Member
    edited April 2022
    Like many others, mine stopped syncing (though it says it’s still connected) as of Saturday night. No steps from Sunday onward. Hope there’s a fix soon. :)
  • carlosmitchell16
    carlosmitchell16 Posts: 7 Member
    my web and phone applications have stopped syncing over the past 4 or five days? what's happening?
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,726 Member
    edited April 2022
  • soxylady
    soxylady Posts: 2 Member
    It has finally connected to my Fitbit again but now the Don't track steps is checked and keeps spinning when I try to uncheck it. How do I get that fixed?
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,467 Member
    edited April 2022
    It is working for me now! 👍
  • wenzelnk7908wenzelnk
    wenzelnk7908wenzelnk Posts: 6 Member
    edited April 2022
    Yay! Steps and calorie syncing has been restored!
  • _Bettino1966_
    _Bettino1966_ Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2022
    the same for me. Waiting for the solution.
  • biohazardinc
    biohazardinc Posts: 95 Member
    edited April 2022
    Having the same issue.
  • pdills12
    pdills12 Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2022
    Steps still not synching on the app
  • mjs101102
    mjs101102 Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2022
    When I corrected my meal names, my data came back...so I guess THAT problem is fixed for now. Hasn't sync'd up with my app, though...that appears to be a continuing issue that tech support is working on.

    Anyone else having issues with MyFitnessPal? This weekend I couldn't create a meal on website. App wasn't syncing with web entry. And now when I log in, my food diary meal names have reverted back to old names, and also lost half of my data that I entered last week b/c the meals that they were under don't jive with the current meal names that MFP reverted back to. :(
  • lp721
    lp721 Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2022
    This has been going on for several days. Food comes into Fitbit but it just keeps adding instead of updating with changed meals. It just keeps going up and up with ridiculous calorie intake numbers. Steps will not sync with MFP. When will this be fixed?
  • kediclutton
    kediclutton Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2022
    I thought it was just me having syncing issues! Phew!! Thanks for the updates!!
    SMLWN Posts: 1 Member
    I am still unable to add quick calories or add new recipes on the desktop version.
  • mtins71
    mtins71 Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2022
    Apr 27 9:20AM PDT -

    iPhone MFP App (current IOS installed)

    1. Apr 21-24 : No ability to sync MFP iPhone App (with Mac desktop MFP website account), no recipe adds or modification capabilities, faulty foods data bank (hit and miss) and cannot close out without losing data.
    2. Apr 25-27 : iPhone App not connecting at all with MFP server (Ongoing error message : "Cannot connect with server"). 3 full days of no connection. Tried twice to delete iPhone App and reinstall, change PW etc. NO RESOLUTION . . . then I found this site that told me to NOT delete/reinstall - may cause additional problems. Mac desktop MFP website working properly EXCEPT date advance/reverse functions and entered food item delete button are BOTH non-functional (can only add food - cannot delete or modify inputs once entered)

    Waiting . . . waiting . . . waiting . . . MFP where are you? :s
  • lexydale
    lexydale Posts: 3 Member
    This app is like not working. When will you guys fix it?
  • mlwharriman
    mlwharriman Posts: 6 Member
    I’m starting to wonder about the value of MFP. I’m on a sodium, carbohydrates, and fat restricted diet for pre- diabetes but now am unable to accurately calculate those three because of “ technical problems” MFP has had since last Friday- 5 days and counting.
    I make new recipes almost daily but haven’t been able to create them since Saturday.
    Before this major problem, , I contacted Tech Support ( part of my “customized” premium membership) to ask that nutrition computation errors be fixed for the Cooking Light and My Meals’ calorie and nutrition stats. They were way off compared to my cookbooks. I asked for that to be fixed. Tech support said they couldn’t do that “at this time.” That was months ago.
    Now I’m waiting for a tech fix so I can input the ingredients and nutrients for recipes I create. The memo acknowledging the problem states it will take closing MFP down for an extended time to fix the problems. When is that planned? Tomorrow? Next week? Next Month? Next year?
    What’s the point of having a service that cannot / will not fix problems that are basic to calculating one’s nutrition?

    I’m going to look for a different service. This is unacceptable.
  • durden
    durden Posts: 3,468 MFP Staff
    edited April 2022
    Now I’m waiting for a tech fix so I can input the ingredients and nutrients for recipes I create. The memo acknowledging the problem states it will take closing MFP down for an extended time to fix the problems. When is that planned? Tomorrow? Next week? Next Month? Next year?
    What’s the point of having a service that cannot / will not fix problems that are basic to calculating one’s nutrition?

    I just wanted to highlight the following from our tech team announcement that is pinned at the beginning of this thread. (https://support.myfitnesspal.com/hc/en-us/articles/5716717249933) This is definitely a frustrating situation, which is why we have provided at least one update a day regarding our ongoing efforts to remedy the issue.

    Our team identified the cause Friday afternoon and worked through out Friday and Saturday to get the necessary migration work in place to address to start addressing the root cause. This migration has made a lot of progress throughout sunday and monday, and finished Tuesday afternoon. Our team spent Tuesday updating our services to support the database changes that have been made after the completion of the migration. We completed what we could that would have no additional user impact during the day when the majority of our members are online and logging. Tuesday evening, from roughly 8pm-12am PST, we upgraded the rest of the services, which resulted in MFP being mostly unavailable both in the apps and on the website during this window. We had one outlying update that caused a small subset of users to experience downtime symptoms until the update fully completed at 2:15am PST.

    Now that this work from the downtime is completed, and the updates to our services have finished, members will still be experiencing the known symptoms in the bulleted list at the top of this article. Throughout today, our team is working on and planning to deploy the necessary code changes to start resolving these symptoms our members are experiencing. We anticipate to be doing this throughout the entire day Wednesday.

    We will continue to update this article as more information becomes available. Please check back for further updates.

    Thank you for all of your patience in the meantime. I can personally attest that our engineers and other teammates have in fact put in many extra hours in over the last week to implement a fix as soon as possible.
This discussion has been closed.