Do you live with pain?

glassyo Posts: 7,728 Member

This alleged constipation has been going on for over 2 months now and I'm in pain 24/7. Extra strength Tylenol doesn't help (it might have when I doubled the dosage but that's half the maximum for the day), Tylenol with codeine didn't help, Gas X doesn't do much. I even did what I really didn't want to and took a Norco. Nope. Didn't help.

A heating pad at night doesn't help.

The pain moves around but my 3 hour outside walks have turned into 30 minutes...if I'm lucky. I can't take deep breaths or sniff. There's a sharp pain and I feel like I'm having a heart attack but it's on the wrong side.

It's so bad I can't even lie about feeling fine. I tell people the truth when they ask how I am.

I have an email into the Doctor I saw when I went into urgent care the first time but haven't heard back yet.


  • dandc510
    dandc510 Posts: 1 Member
    I too struggle with daily pain in my back & side. I also have a torn posterior tendon in my foot so walking is painful even though I wear a brace. I have been on a 1300 cal. diet for a month & have not lost one pound!
  • papercut2k
    papercut2k Posts: 83 Member
    Yes. I have persistent heartburn. Doctor told me to lose weight, change the diet to avoid common trigger foods and take Prilosec. I'm trying the weigh loss but it's hard when your insides feel like it's on fire. Prilosec doesn't help and I'm too anxious to disregard the drug warning of continued use pass 14 days.

    I just take it a day at a time. I hoping after I lose 10-20lbs the pain will go away. If not, I guess I'm getting a second opinion.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I agree with 2nd opinions. That's way too long to suffer from severe constipation! Are they treating that at all? Have you tried fiber gummies or Metamucil? Have they run the gamut of tests to check for everything?
    Wow, glassyo, I hope they can help you soon! Help it get better, not just treat your pain. :(

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Some of these drugs would cause as opposed to relieve constipation. I am extremely strongly incredibly strongly suggesting that it is past time to not just go to the doctor but possibly to emergency or equivalent where an admitting doctor can order "in house" blood tests and body scans so to rule out potential issues and pinpoint what may be happening in the most expeditious fashion. (hug)

  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    edited April 2022
    Some order out of this situation must be imposed. Could be your appendix, a hernia or diverticulitis. Self-diagnosis won't work.
    It is a medical emergency. Medications with prednisone will do this, too.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,371 Member
    You say "alleged" constipation... is it? Do you have other symptoms consistent with that diagnosis? If I had pain associated with chronic constipation, I'd be treating it with laxatives. If cleaning things out didn't alleviate the pain, I'd be looking for another cause.

    Lower right abdominal pain could be appendix. There's a thing called a grumbling appendix that doesn't immediately worsen and burst (my mother had this). There are also various painful intestinal things ranging from Crohn's and colitis to diverticulitis.

    I empathize, believe me. After a) a ruptured appendix and b) complete bowel obstruction early last year, my digestive system has been a complete mess. And, yes, painful.
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    There you go. Our posts crossed paths and we're thinking the same thing. Go to the emergency room.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    I had pain for 48 HOURS and when I called to make an appointment with my primary the nurse told me to go to the ER.

    Presumably all the testing they did ruled out a bunch of potential causes but because I have a giant fibroid uterus all they would tell me was to remove my uterus >.<

    Instead, I stopped eating gluten. The pain went down each day to finally arrive at zero, unless I eat gluten again. The pain is gone but my uterus is not, so so much for their theory.

    Never-the-less, presumably the CAT scan, blood work, urine test, ultrasound, etc., did rule out a bunch of potential causes, so just because MY diagnosis was wrong, I still encourage you to seek more medical treatment.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,728 Member
    Thanks for the replies. :)

    Ok, just gonna start off with day one of miralax and no pain today so far but I'm not holding my breath.

    @musicfan68 LOL, yeah, I googled the side effects of norco and was like "How is that supposed to help??" :)

    @ReenieHJ I think that too about the length of the constipation! After urgent care/ct scan visit 1 (which is where they came up with constipation), I took miralax for 3 days, seemed ok, but the pain came back.

    @PAV8888 You're not the boss of me! :)

    No, there was a second urgent care/ct scan visit 2 weeks ago and they didn't find anything more emergency worthy. Blood tests were also done and I'm in average range of almost all of them.

    @Washboard12 Ct scan, if I remember correctly...I haven't looked at it lately...showed a teeny tiny hernia slip? Maybe. But it apparently didn't concern them.

    And, dammit, Washboard12, since I have you...why like 4 pages of posts at a time in that one songs thread?

    @ythannah LOL. It probably is but I just didn't seem to have the symptoms! We all saw my last poopy thread, right? :p Miralax worked the first time and I'd already started it a second time before my second urgent care visit. *sigh* I liked that doctor who saw me. Great sense of humor.

    The appendix was definitely brought up during a google search or two, especially since the pain hadn't moved like it normally did but I also didn't eat as much as I normally do. Lack of appetite is never a sympton. :)

    I DO have ulcerative colitis and maybe this is a flare which I have never ever ever ever had before. I'm trying to get in touch with my gastro to take a look at the test results but I haven't had to see him for 4 years so he's off my list of doctors I can send messages to. I'm trying to get him added back but I suppose I could just call. :)

    @kshama2001 My condolences to your gluten loss. Not to the pain tho. I'm good for today. I can take a deep breath without moaning out loud and there's only a short dull ache under the breadt bone. I might even venture out to take a short walk on the concrete which is definitely harder on the pain but, my god, it killed me to have to drive to the market Friday night when it's only a 15 minute walk away. And wasted so much time. And I'm out of shredded lettuce. :)

    I'm definitely going to have my gastro take a look.
  • Moijo2022
    Moijo2022 Posts: 35 Member
    edited May 2022
    Ugh there’s always someone talking 💩 on here 🥴😁
    Most of the meds you mentioned gives you constipation.
    Have you tried eating prunes? My mother swears by them 😝

    I live with pain 24/7, I give him the tv remote and he’s happy 😊

    Seriously I just use mind over matter and laugh as much as possible, distraction is a good method 😜
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I just hope you find something that helps @glassyo. :/
    And yes, make that call!

    We don't want you losing your sense of humor. ;)
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    I usually have pain. I have migraines which have gotten worse since the birth of my son. I also have two lumbar bulging discs and nearly constant pain but the severity varies. Sometimes it is nagging and mild, sometimes severe. I got injured from a personal trainer that had me lifting way too heavy. I’m really hoping weight loss will take the pressure off my back.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,371 Member
    glassyo wrote: »

    @ythannah LOL. It probably is but I just didn't seem to have the symptoms! We all saw my last poopy thread, right? :p Miralax worked the first time and I'd already started it a second time before my second urgent care visit. *sigh* I liked that doctor who saw me. Great sense of humor.

    The appendix was definitely brought up during a google search or two, especially since the pain hadn't moved like it normally did but I also didn't eat as much as I normally do. Lack of appetite is never a sympton. :)

    I DO have ulcerative colitis and maybe this is a flare which I have never ever ever ever had before. I'm trying to get in touch with my gastro to take a look at the test results but I haven't had to see him for 4 years so he's off my list of doctors I can send messages to. I'm trying to get him added back but I suppose I could just call. :)

    Oh yes, I remember the poopy thread well. :D I'm sure I chimed in on that one several times since it's something that has taken over my life since last April.

    My understanding is that Miralax is pretty safe for long-term use as it's not a stimulant laxative so if that works, keep using it.

    Definitely worth checking in with your gastro though! Never ever ever having a flare before isn't a good benchmark since things do change with age (sorry).
  • Moijo2022
    Moijo2022 Posts: 35 Member
    Ok I lied… morphine diazepam tramadol paracetamol steroid injections meds for nerve pain and if all else fails a few large 🍷 just to take the edge off the pain so I can sleep well for one night a least 🙄
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,728 Member
    Sliiiiiight update.

    I was fine. And then I ate. And now I'm not fine.

    Oh god, am I gonna have to go on a liquid diet? I suck at those.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    Sliiiiiight update.

    I was fine. And then I ate. And now I'm not fine.

    Oh god, am I gonna have to go on a liquid diet? I suck at those.

    You describe the way I felt for a whole summer. I ended up losing 50# over 3 months because the only things I could eat without stomach pain, were plain noodles and steamed zucchini. My primary care diagnosed me with gastritis, although she ran limited tests. I was prescribed something(can't remember what) that caused constipation, well probably that and lack of food caused it too. They attributed the whole disaster to stress.

    I couldn't work, dh had to take over a lot of the family care. I couldn't walk without bending over due to pain.

    Demand answers from your gastroenterologist! :) Nobody should have to endure what you're going through. There has to be an answer somewhere. :/
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,487 Member
    edited May 2022
    There you go. Our posts crossed paths and we're thinking the same thing. Go to the emergency room.

    One doesn't go to the ER with the same pain that has been ongoing for 2 months unless directed to by a medical professional. You will sit for hours while the ER takes care (as they should) of trauma patients, heart attacks, strokes, etc. and in many cases one's insurance won't pay for it.

    Go back to prompt case instead.
  • VegjoyP
    VegjoyP Posts: 2,770 Member
    edited May 2022
    I am not sure if I missed it if anyone mentioned but what about WHAT you are eating? Have you done an elimination diet? I've been in the hospital several times for pain and all kinds of issues
    Until I changed WHAT I was eating nothing helped. Weight loss is based on calories. Digestion and health are more complex. I changed my life with a WFPB lifestyle. I'm very specific to my body and it changes. I was in er for massive black vomit, crippling pain and they told me a laxative and use mira lax regularly. Not one said change eating habits. MOST Doctors fIX symptoms not improve your life, habits.
    Look into doing an elimination diet, drink fluid, move more- even walking can help.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,871 Member
    edited May 2022
    Constipation and pain after eating. Are you smoking weed by any chance, even if just 1-2/week? If so then stop, not just for a week but properly stop.
  • Hiawassee88
    Hiawassee88 Posts: 35,754 Member
    Glassyo, hope you get it all sorted out. No one needs anyone's permission to go to an emergency room. Taking preventative measures is better than a surgical cure. Don't let fear keep you from getting the help you need.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,371 Member
    glassyo wrote: »
    Sliiiiiight update.

    I was fine. And then I ate. And now I'm not fine.

    Oh god, am I gonna have to go on a liquid diet? I suck at those.

    That's the point I'm at, and have been for the past 6 - 9 months or so. I'm fine until I eat solid food (anything solid, doesn't matter what) so now I'm on liquids only during the daytime. Once I get home from work and can be miserable in the comfort of my own home I start eating real food.
  • BarbaraHelen2013
    BarbaraHelen2013 Posts: 1,940 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    glassyo wrote: »
    Sliiiiiight update.

    I was fine. And then I ate. And now I'm not fine.

    Oh god, am I gonna have to go on a liquid diet? I suck at those.

    You describe the way I felt for a whole summer. I ended up losing 50# over 3 months because the only things I could eat without stomach pain, were plain noodles and steamed zucchini. My primary care diagnosed me with gastritis, although she ran limited tests. I was prescribed something(can't remember what) that caused constipation, well probably that and lack of food caused it too. They attributed the whole disaster to stress.

    I couldn't work, dh had to take over a lot of the family care. I couldn't walk without bending over due to pain.

    Demand answers from your gastroenterologist! :) Nobody should have to endure what you're going through. There has to be an answer somewhere. :/

    This reminds me of episodes I’ve had with what my doctor diagnosed as ‘post viral gastroparesis’.

    Extreme cramping type pain - made worse by eating. As far as I understand, caused by any virus, even those not involving the gut at all. Apparently any virus can leave a smoothing of the gut walls that prevents the normal peristalsis of the gut. Typically waking in the early hours with severe pains, at a magnitude and frequency resembling established labour pains!

    Solution according to my GP (and personal experience) is to eat the blandest food possible for as many days as it takes to alleviate the pain. Plain pasta, plain boiled white rice were the things my doctor suggested. And it works for me. I get this maybe once a year nowadays - always following a minor virus - seems as if it might be an immune response gone a little wrong? 🤷‍♀️
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,728 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    glassyo wrote: »
    Sliiiiiight update.

    I was fine. And then I ate. And now I'm not fine.

    Oh god, am I gonna have to go on a liquid diet? I suck at those.

    You describe the way I felt for a whole summer. I ended up losing 50# over 3 months because the only things I could eat without stomach pain, were plain noodles and steamed zucchini. My primary care diagnosed me with gastritis, although she ran limited tests. I was prescribed something(can't remember what) that caused constipation, well probably that and lack of food caused it too. They attributed the whole disaster to stress.

    I couldn't work, dh had to take over a lot of the family care. I couldn't walk without bending over due to pain.

    Demand answers from your gastroenterologist! :) Nobody should have to endure what you're going through. There has to be an answer somewhere. :/

    Ok, that's way worse than my problem. I may moan and groan and gasp when I bend...or move...or take a deep breath but at least I can.

    And stress? Really???? :)
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,728 Member
    Glassyo, hope you get it all sorted out. No one needs anyone's permission to go to an emergency room. Taking preventative measures is better than a surgical cure. Don't let fear keep you from getting the help you need.

    I figure there's no reason to go a 3rd time. Both ct scans showed the same thing...ish. 😀 This is definitely a job for my gastro now.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,728 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Constipation and pain after eating. Are you smoking weed by any chance, even if just 1-2/week? If so then stop, not just for a week but properly stop.

    LOL no but I did vote in favor of it in my state! :) I keep thinking I should partake so I don't get so pissed off at the drivers on the road when I'm out walking. If I can ever do that again.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,728 Member
    VegjoyP wrote: »
    I am not sure if I missed it if anyone mentioned but what about WHAT you are eating? Have you done an elimination diet? I've been in the hospital several times for pain and all kinds of issues
    Until I changed WHAT I was eating nothing helped. Weight loss is based on calories. Digestion and health are more complex. I changed my life with a WFPB lifestyle. I'm very specific to my body and it changes. I was in er for massive black vomit, crippling pain and they told me a laxative and use mira lax regularly. Not one said change eating habits. MOST Doctors fIX symptoms not improve your life, habits.
    Look into doing an elimination diet, drink fluid, move more- even walking can help.

    Oh, fine, bring up the one thing I really don't want to do. 😛 <
    why was I not using this one the whole time?

    No elimination diet yet but I've upped my fiber (I normally kept it low cuz of the ulcerative colitis) and I'm drinking more again. Er.....water....tea... whatever. 😀

    Black vomit???? Ewwwwwww.

    The move more advice makes me laugh, tho, because I'll be 100 years old and still crawling to get some exercise in. I never stop moving. 😁

    But, yeah, the miralax actually seems to help for a bit but every day would get pretty expensive! Even the store brands.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,728 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    glassyo wrote: »
    Sliiiiiight update.

    I was fine. And then I ate. And now I'm not fine.

    Oh god, am I gonna have to go on a liquid diet? I suck at those.

    That's the point I'm at, and have been for the past 6 - 9 months or so. I'm fine until I eat solid food (anything solid, doesn't matter what) so now I'm on liquids only during the daytime. Once I get home from work and can be miserable in the comfort of my own home I start eating real food.

    Do you space it out when you eat real food or eat a whole bunch of stuff together? That may also be part of the pain problem. Digesting a lot at once.