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Is It Over Yet? The Perimenopause Thread



  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,537 Member
    I have fibroids and my heavy periods have settled down a bit. But I am by no means an expert and my docs are monitoring me pretty closely. From the research I’ve undertaken, the crime-scene-periods can come and go thoughout peri, but I guess it really depends on how you’re coping with the impact, and whether you reach a tipping point when you become ill. sending best wishes as it can be pretty grim!
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have fibroids and took birth control pills (on top of a hormonal IUD) to control the bleeding for a few years. That quit working and an ultrasound showed that not only had they grown considerably, they had encapsulated my IUD and turned it completely upside down. I ended up needing surgery to remove the IUD and the doctor also removed about 25% of the fibroids. Not sure if that counts as "still intact", but I haven't had more than a little spotting since August. I still have all of my original parts and most of the fibroids, but am definitely not missing the rest of the mess! I've been warned that when my periods come back, they'll likely be heavy, but until then I'll be grateful for the respite.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited April 2022
    For the ladies with the fibroids:

    I had a biopsy today, as it is a very very slight possibility that the bleeding which was super heavy got worse (yeah, I didn't think it was possible either). But, I don't like ANY of the options presented, because I am a brat - and I have no children and would like to stay in tact till my body quits of its own accord.

    Has anyone, who has had fibroids and super heavy bleeding, ever taken the option of: do nothing (which I am now thinking of as the unspoken option)?

    I am 48, and I think I can ride this crazy ship until I am 58.. whatever, it is my ride - however bumpy. Is there any particular reason Dr.'s don't mention this?? What don't I know?

    Do you literally mean make no changes at all or are you open to non-surgical options? Because there are lots of those!

    1. I had success last year with reducing my bleeding by presumably reducing my circulating estrogen levels with dietary changes - reducing fat and saturated fat, and increasing fiber. I started that journey here:


    That website does have a vegan agenda, but I verified the concepts elsewhere, and also in the laboratory of my body.

    I fell off that wagon while preparing to sell my house and move in with family, and would like to get back on it, but there are a number of reasons why I'm not in an emotional place to do it.

    I ate a lot less red meat, butter, and cheese, and more EVOO, chicken, legumes, and other high fiber foods.

    2. Did you see my earlier posts about Prometrium (a bioidentical progesterone) and Tranexamic Acid? That plus the lower fat/higher fiber diet was working pretty well, but then my periods starting coming every 18 days and I switched to a different progesterone (norethindrone acetate) that I take continuously (no one week break), which is supposed to stop the bleeding all together, but alas, does not.

    3. I'm 55 and should go into menopause any second now, but am tired of waiting, and have enormous fibroids, and finally got the approval to get Lupron Depot injections. This should put me into menopause and keep me there.

    The following talks about using Lupron to shrink fibroids before surgery, but because I am 55, everyone is on board with me taking it to bridge me to menopause, without surgery.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I'm 55 and still have yet to have a hot flash, but am always hot. This was not a problem when I controlled the thermostat, but now I am living with my 84 year old mother, who is always cold. I just found out Gabapentin can help with night sweats and that SSNRIs can help with peri/menopausal vasomotor symptoms during the day. I was already taking the lowest dose of Cymbalta available, and have just switched to a higher dose, which I think I needed for some mental health issues as well.
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    Almost 54 and still perimeno. I have a period monthly, regularly. Although last month snuck up and didnt linger. I usually have killer backaches starting a week before and during, spot a few days before actual flow. (Spot and flow last around 1 week). No backache warning, no spotting, and flow done in 2 day this month. Very heavy 1st day then calmed to nothing.
    I sure hope this is not a fluke and it is a sign I might be entering into occasional and light very soon.

    So sorry for all with fibroids. The heavy bleeding nonstop must be agonizing.

    Sending menopause fairy dust to all.
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    edited May 2022
    kshama2001 wrote: »

    Do you literally mean make no changes at all or are you open to non-surgical options? Because there are lots of those!

    1. I had success last year with reducing my bleeding by presumably reducing my circulating estrogen levels with dietary changes - reducing fat and saturated fat, and increasing fiber. I started that journey here:

    I ate a lot less red meat, butter, and cheese, and more EVOO, chicken, legumes, and other high fiber foods.

    2. Did you see my earlier posts about Prometrium (a bioidentical progesterone) and Tranexamic Acid?

    Thank you! Yes, I meant non-surgery options. And also, I don't really want to take the birth control pill, if I don't have to. It has estrogen in it anyway, and I DON'T need that! I took Tranexamic Acid for two months and it damaged my kidneys (and I really need those!). I will look into my diet, thanks for the info.

    I don't eat red meat or drink milk or eat cheese (I am allergic to whey, and my Mom's cooking made me HATE beef from a tender age) I am eating a high fiber diet, but it looks like I could bump up my broccoli intake. Thank you, I will absolutely look into this. Is there any herbal progesterone type stuff? Because of the fibroids, my Dr. did not think that addressing my progesterone will do anything (and this is where I have problems with the Dr.'s) none of them are willing to address any of my peri-menopause symptoms - it is as if they have never heard of it! So frustrating.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »

    Do you literally mean make no changes at all or are you open to non-surgical options? Because there are lots of those!

    1. I had success last year with reducing my bleeding by presumably reducing my circulating estrogen levels with dietary changes - reducing fat and saturated fat, and increasing fiber. I started that journey here:

    I ate a lot less red meat, butter, and cheese, and more EVOO, chicken, legumes, and other high fiber foods.

    2. Did you see my earlier posts about Prometrium (a bioidentical progesterone) and Tranexamic Acid?

    Thank you! Yes, I meant non-surgery options. And also, I don't really want to take the birth control pill, if I don't have to. It has estrogen in it anyway, and I DON'T need that! I took Tranexamic Acid for two months and it damaged my kidneys (and I really need those!). I will look into my diet, thanks for the info.

    I don't eat red meat or drink milk or eat cheese (I am allergic to whey, and my Mom's cooking made me HATE beef from a tender age) I am eating a high fiber diet, but it looks like I could bump up my broccoli intake. Thank you, I will absolutely look into this. Is there any herbal progesterone type stuff? Because of the fibroids, my Dr. did not think that addressing my progesterone will do anything (and this is where I have problems with the Dr.'s) none of them are willing to address any of my peri-menopause symptoms - it is as if they have never heard of it! So frustrating.

    I've had quite a few GYNs prescribe progesterone FOR the fibroids, so I initially found it odd that yours will not, but after digging see that there is some controversy over this.

    You can try this (also available on Amazon, etc.):

  • chocorange35
    chocorange35 Posts: 8 Member
    I am sorry to hear about some of the troubles you ladies are experiencing, it ain't easy being female sometimes! For myself I will be 52 in a few weeks and have no menopausal symptoms yet, my periods still coming on the dot and last the usual amount of time. I regularly experience crime scene periods so they are nothing new for me. I am just wanting it to end though, both sis and mum were in late 40s and done, and I am still plodding along buying tampax every month, sigh...
    One day soon...
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    Alright, y'all... help me out. Check out my weight loss graph below. I swear to you that I have not changed anything in the last month with my regular eating and exercise habits (with the exception of the one day of Easter candy madness). Does this look like I've just been maintaining for the last month to you? The last week looks like I'm gaining.

    The only thing that has changed is that I haven't had a period since the beginning of March. Just a coincidence? My original goal weight is set at 145 lbs. (which I frustratingly touched for only one day!), but my current plan was to actually get to 140 and then maintain from there. Now it looks like something is off. After following a plan that has worked for me since August (and 173 lbs.), I'm a little flummoxed. Could it be my evil ovaries, or do I need a readjustment of calories? Thoughts? And before anyone asks, no I'm not pregnant, just old. :D


  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited May 2022
    @dralicephd Great job on a steady loss. My initial thought is water retention may be masking loss. And not necessarily because of ovaries. Check out this explanation: https://bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/of-whooshes-and-squishy-fat

    It's pretty common for scale weight to appear steady for 3+/- weeks and then 3-weeks worth of loss all in 1-2 days. I cannot source this, but I suspect it is more likely the leaner you get. So I would guess it is happening because of your success. Of course, we all know hormones can have big effects on water weight, so it certainly could be a factor as well. Stay the course and give it time.

    Other options are to take a maintenance break for a couple weeks and to update your settings. If you keep your caloric intake steady as your body mass (and TDEE) decrease, your deficit and rate of loss will gradually get smaller. This is good because it is a good idea to slow your rate of loss as you near goal to preserve lean mass. You are near goal! So 0.5lb/week is appropriate. The chart is a little fuzzy so I can't really see your dates. Maybe that is what you are doing already (ETA: it sounds like maybe you have been losing more like 1lb/wk). Nevertheless, recalculating your goal every 20lbs loss isn't a bad idea. Nor is a maintenance break.

    Good luck!
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    @dralicephd Great job on a steady loss. My initial thought is water retention may be masking loss. And not necessarily because of ovaries. Check out this explanation: https://bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/of-whooshes-and-squishy-fat

    It's pretty common for scale weight to appear steady for 3+/- weeks and then 3-weeks worth of loss all in 1-2 days. I cannot source this, but I suspect it is more likely the leaner you get. So I would guess it is happening because of your success. Of course, we all know hormones can have big effects on water weight, so it certainly could be a factor as well. Stay the course and give it time.

    Other options are to take a maintenance break for a couple weeks and to update your settings. If you keep your caloric intake steady as your body mass (and TDEE) decrease, your deficit and rate of loss will gradually get smaller. This is good because it is a good idea to slow your rate of loss as you near goal to preserve lean mass. You are near goal! So 0.5lb/week is appropriate. The chart is a little fuzzy so I can't really see your dates. Maybe that is what you are doing already (ETA: it sounds like maybe you have been losing more like 1lb/wk). Nevertheless, recalculating your goal every 20lbs loss isn't a bad idea. Nor is a maintenance break.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the input. I appreciate it! My initial thought was water retention also, but I've just never had water retention last this long. I've also never gone this long without a period. That's why I jumped to the perimenopause hypothesis. :smile: I suspect the truth is probably some crazy combination of things.

    Sorry for the fuzzy picture. Anyhoo, my progress has been this: I've gone from 173lbs. to 147-ish lbs. over 40 weeks (0.65 lbs./week). Over that time I've experienced plateaus of about 1-2 weeks, but this is going on longer than I have experienced previously, hence the confusion.

    I'm too close to my goal to want to take a maintenance break, so maybe it is just simply time to adjust my calorie settings again and see what that does.

    Thanks again for your thoughts. (And the link.)
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    edited May 2022
    @dralicephd some of the previous peri-menopause ladies who had longer times between periods seemed to have a longer water retention phenomenon as well. While I am only having closer and closer periods, my usual water weight retention has certainly gotten bigger 7-10 pounds of water weight gain not being outside the norm (yeah, try dealing with that when you are trying to lose 4 pounds a month lols). It is at least possible that your body, which is in flux, is in "double moon unicorn phase tide".

    I know it sounds like I just made that up. Because I did! For me I call it the "unicorn slaughter moon", because of the intense bleeding. But the water is a dicey beast, and this peri-meno just seems so much slushier. I don't know how many women try to lose weight at this time in their life, I see a number after menopause. I bet all of them really had to contend with chaotic water principles, bigger than the normal general population water principles.

    It is a tough call, but for me there have been many times that I just had to hold to what I know I was doing right, and holding the line. When I see the scales acting particularly watery, I just make sure that 1) am following calories properly 2) am concentrating on fitness. One time on a thread a lady said, "If you hold your calories long enough and properly enough, no matter how many carbs you eat, salt you ingest, or alcohol you drink CICO will absolutely be king." I try to remember that.
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    @dralicephd some of the previous peri-menopause ladies who had longer times between periods seemed to have a longer water retention phenomenon as well. While I am only having closer and closer periods, my usual water weight retention has certainly gotten bigger 7-10 pounds of water weight gain not being outside the norm (yeah, try dealing with that when you are trying to lose 4 pounds a month lols). It is at least possible that your body, which is in flux, is in "double moon unicorn phase tide".


    It is a tough call, but for me there have been many times that I just had to hold to what I know I was doing right, and holding the line. When I see the scales acting particularly watery, I just make sure that 1) am following calories properly 2) am concentrating on fitness. One time on a thread a lady said, "If you hold your calories long enough and properly enough, no matter how many carbs you eat, salt you ingest, or alcohol you drink CICO will absolutely be king." I try to remember that.

    LOL! Thanks for this. Yes, I'll sit tight and keep my faith in CICO and just deal with the "double moon unicorn phase tide". :D Turning my attention to fitness is probably a good idea in this crazy time of life, too. And focus on drinking more water. (Apparently that helps with water retention.)

    I've never had 7-10 lbs. of water retention before, but it's good to know that's a possibility.
  • sheahughes
    sheahughes Posts: 133 Member
    At 36 I may be in peri, my mum said she entered menopause early so it does run in the family. I had the implant due for removal 2 years ago and completely forgot about it, for the first year after it was due out I had regular light periods with the odd heavy and painful one, roughly every 28 days as per usual but the last 12 months they've either been out of schedule, very light (only spotting), non-existent or occasionally heavy. No idea what is going on but the implant is finally booked in to be removed and a new one inserted Saturday so I shall see what happens over the next 12 months.

    (Yes, I am extremely aware of how lucky I have been not to end up pregnant with my on-again-off-again partner)
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    dralicephd wrote: »
    I've never had 7-10 lbs. of water retention before, but it's good to know that's a possibility.

    I think my experience is exaggerated due to angioedema/hives and sometimes prednisone.

  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I'm 2.5 weeks post-hysterectomy, so all that fibroid-driven unpleasantness is behind me now. :D They weighed 11 pounds. :o

    Wow! 11 pounds!!?!?!? That's nuts! I hope you recover and feel better quickly. :)
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    (Ps in a few days I’ll be chill and right as rain again 🤣)

    This cracked me up. I know this feeling well. :D