What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    I did a very gentle oly class with plenty of warm up and light (for me) weights.
    I did a 12 minute emom of 2 power snatches at 15, 17,5 and 20kg for 4 rounds each, then 4 sets of a snatch balance and overhead squat, building up from empty bar (15kg) to 22,5kg. My back feels mostly okay.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Supersets in the AM and then a hard, longer interval row at lunch. 4 X 2K w/ 4 minute rest. I did this same row at the beginning of the month. It's for my online (indoor Concept2) rowing club. Worst interval you count.

    Last time, my worst interval was a 8:52 (2:13 pace). This time it was a 8:36 (2:09 pace) so huge improvement. Brutal workout. I did this a lot over the Winter and got down to 2:06.5 pace average with 3 minutes rest, so I'm not back to that level yet. Lost some ground but I've been doing less meters and more lifting with the heat. 2:08.0 average for all four.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    My usual elliptical but today I felt good at 18 miles so I continued to 26.25 miles once again. This time my pace was slower so it took me 372 minutes. When I did it before, May 29,2022, it was 337 minutes. About a 14+ minutes/mile compared to sub 13 minutes/mile the earlier time.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,939 Member
    Yesterday was Leg Day, with squats, step-ups, leg presses and calf raises.

    Today was Pull Day, with pulldowns, lots of rows, shrugs and preacher curls.
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 402 Member
    No walk outside today since it was over 85F at 9am! Yuck. I'm still quite sore today, so I jumped on the elliptical to get the blood moving and keep up the habit. It took the first full mile to "work the rust out". I just kept a very slow pace. Once I felt less stiff, I could comfortably increase my pace for the next 2 miles, but I felt quite tired once I hit the 3 mile mark. Overall, I spent an hour on the machine and covered 3.2 miles. About 20 minutes of that was in HR Zone 3, the rest was mostly Zone 2. I finished out the day with some crunches. :)