June 2022 Accountability Check-In



  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    June goal: < 120lbs

    I'm back after a break. I didn't even have access to my scale part of last month. Unfortunately, I put on a few pounds due to travel but had dropped most of it but then blew it over the holiday weekend. Like my goals for the last year I'm still trying to get under 120lbs and stay there. Sometimes it feels futile. I'll be back to daily weighing.

    01 - 123.5
    02 - 123.0
    03 - DNW (I forgot and by the time I remembered it was too late)
    04 - 122.8
    05 - DNW
    06 - DNW
    07 - DNW

    08 - DNW (I'm still having trouble remembering to weigh myself in the morning)
    09 - 121.8 Finally on the right track
    10 - 120.5
    11 - 121.0
    12 - DNW
    13 - DNW
    14 - DNW

    15 - DNW
    16 - DNW
    17 - 121.6
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,191 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 62 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from May 31st): 203.4
    Goal: 198.4 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Weight at Challenge End:

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    06/01…...203.4…..(Trend Weight 203.6)…..

    06/02.…..204.4…..(Trend Weight 203.6)…..

    06/03.…..204.8…..(Trend Weight 203.8}…..

    06/04.…..204.4…..(Trend Weight 203.8)…..

    06/05.…..204.6…..(Trend Weight 203.6)…..

    06/06.…..205.2…..(Trend Weight 204.0)…..

    06/07.…..205.0…..(Trend Weight 204.1)…..

    06/08.…..204.4…..(Trend Weight 204.1)…..

    06/09.…..205.5…..(Trend Weight 204.3)…..

    06/10.…..204.8…..(Trend Weight 204.3)…..

    06/11.…..205.6…..(Trend Weight 204.5)…..

    06/12.…..206.0…..(Trend Weight 204.6)…..

    06/13.…..205.6…..(Trend Weight 204.7)….. Travel today for my friend’s dr appointment. Also getting in some shopping while in the city. Weight down a touch today but bound to go back up with the travels out of town today and tomorrow. I still need to move more but my breathing remains labored. Tomorrow is my heart doctor appointment. I hope for answers.

    06/14.…..206.2…..(Trend Weight 204.8)….. A week filled with much car-sitting travel. Chinese last night didn’t help this mornings weigh-in. I’m seeing the heart doctor today (more travel from this rural area). I’m sure he’ll insist on weight loss. Probably just the push I need to get back in control.

    06/15……206.8…..(Trend Weight 205.1)….. Cardiologist yesterday. All my medicine basically doubled for blood pressure and cholesterol. So….on the 27th I have an ultrasound on the heart and on that day they will also place a heart monitor for me to wear at home for 2 days. On the 29th, back to the hospital where the monitor is removed and they will do the stress test without the treadmill because I can’t breathe with exersion. 4 hour test involving needle where they put something in to activate heart. Those 3 tests should give us some answers. Doctor says anything from an infection that got into my bloodstream/heart, diabetes issues, to my chemotherapy I had could have caused this. He suspects the chemotherapy. Follow-up for results in July. I hope to see a better readings soon on the scale, even with so much travel on the books coming up. It’s doctors orders.

    06/16……204.2…..(Trend Weight 205.0)….. I logged for the first time in awhile yesterday. I kept it under my calorie and carb allotment. Then, after closing, I had a bad glucose drop and stuffed in an extra 200 calories but remained under 1600. 96 degrees yesterday in northern Michigan which is highly unusual for our area. Advisory to stay inside but I don’t have air conditioning. Low level movement. Low calorie burn. Low steps. Low activity. However, nice TMI this morning and almost 6 hours of sleep so both were a nice contributing factor.

    06/17.…..203.2…..(Trend Weight 204.8)….. Another good drop, but this time without a glucose incident. Yay!!!! My meals and snacks had been spaced out good, but not necessarily my calories spaced out right. I fixed that yesterday (hoping it wouldn’t happen during the day when I lightened my calories and saved some for at night). At least for yesterday it worked. I do feel motivated at this time and that always makes it easier to stick to my guns and see some results. I hope to keep up the good attitude and the strength it takes us all to achieve our goals.

    06/18.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/19.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/20.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/21.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/22.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/23.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/24.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/25.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    06/26.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    06/27.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    06/28.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    06/29.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    06/30.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,185 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Height: 5'9" Age: 35
    June goal: In Maintenance Range (160-165)

    6/1 - 166.2
    6/2 - 165
    6/3 - 162.8
    6/4 - 160.6
    6/5 - 162.2
    6/6 - 160.4
    6/7 - 162.2
    6/8 - 162.2

    Week 1 results: Down 4

    6/9 - 160.8
    6/10 - DNW
    6/11 - 163.2
    6/12 - 163.4
    6/13 - 162.2
    6/14 - 160.8
    6/15 - 159.8

    Week 2 results: Down 2.4

    6/16 - 158.6
    6/17 - 159
  • HollyL7714
    HollyL7714 Posts: 66 Member
    Name: Holly
    Height: 5'5" Age: 34
    Starting Weight (May 18): 150 lbs
    June goal: 144
    UGW: 120-130 Just depends what looks and feels good for me 😊

    6/9:146.2 Burned 273 calories yesterday with Nike Training Club. MFP was being weird yesterday and changed/deleted some of my exercise logs. Not sure why?
    6/10:146.1 Yesterday I focused on my core and got in some yoga. Also, I know it's nothing earth shattering but I was excited.. I could actually touch my toes yesterday! (First time in a long time)
    6/11:145.5 Yay!
    6/13:143.3 Wow! I certainly wasn't expecting that!
    6/14:144.1 I knew I was going to see a gain after going for ice cream last night 😬 Did 45 minutes of yoga in the morning and a half hour walk in the evening.
    6/15:142.8 Did a half hour walk yesterday as well as some upper body strength training
    6/16:144 Pretty sedentary day, aside from some yoga and an evening walk.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,191 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 62 years old and from the Midwest USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from May 31st): 203.4
    Goal: 198.4 (Five lb Loss)
    Actual Weight at Challenge End:

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    06/01…...203.4…..(Trend Weight 203.6)…..

    06/02.…..204.4…..(Trend Weight 203.6)…..

    06/03.…..204.8…..(Trend Weight 203.8}…..

    06/04.…..204.4…..(Trend Weight 203.8)…..

    06/05.…..204.6…..(Trend Weight 203.6)…..

    06/06.…..205.2…..(Trend Weight 204.0)…..

    06/07.…..205.0…..(Trend Weight 204.1)…..

    06/08.…..204.4…..(Trend Weight 204.1)…..

    06/09.…..205.5…..(Trend Weight 204.3)…..

    06/10.…..204.8…..(Trend Weight 204.3)…..

    06/11.…..205.6…..(Trend Weight 204.5)…..

    06/12.…..206.0…..(Trend Weight 204.6)…..

    06/13.…..205.6…..(Trend Weight 204.7)…..

    06/14.…..206.2…..(Trend Weight 204.8)…..

    06/15……206.8…..(Trend Weight 205.1)…..

    06/16……204.2…..(Trend Weight 205.0)…..

    06/17.…..203.2…..(Trend Weight 204.8)….. Another good drop, but this time without a glucose incident. Yay!!!! My meals and snacks had been spaced out good, but not necessarily my calories spaced out right. I fixed that yesterday (hoping it wouldn’t happen during the day when I lightened my calories and saved some for at night). At least for yesterday it worked. I do feel motivated at this time and that always makes it easier to stick to my guns and see some results. I hope to keep up the good attitude and the strength it takes us all to achieve our goals.

    06/18.…..205.2…..(Trend Weight 204.8)….. Closed out with great numbers last night, then had a glucose drop and ate a large bowl of cereal with low carb Fairlife milk very late last night. Showed up as 2 pounds this morning! No worries, still feeling this out and navigating how to work around my health issues. My resolve is still very strong.

    06/19.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/20.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/21.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/22.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/23.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/24.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)…..

    06/25.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    06/26.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    06/27.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    06/28.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    06/29.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……

    06/30.…..xxxxx…..(Trend Weight xxxxx)……
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Height 5'4" Age:52
    Ultimate Goal Weight 127-134 lbs.

    April Start Weight: 189.4 lbs.
    May Start Weight: 184.1 lbs.
    June Start Weight: 181.8 lbs.

    June Goals: Running 3 x per week, Body Strength Workouts, Mindful Way of Eating, Daily Accountability

    6/1: 181.8 Yesterday was a Walk + full body strength workout
    6/2: 181.4 Yesterday was a running day + lower body/core barre workout
    6/3: 181.2 Yesterday was an active recovery day with a long walk + a core/mobility session. Was a bit of a struggle mentally with food yesterday but I ignored those thoughts and stayed on plan.
    6/4: 181.2 Yesterday was an upper body strength workout with weights, on track with my goals
    6/5: 181.0 Yesterday was a running day + legs/glutes strength workout. Looking in the mirror, seeing some subtle but positive changes!
    6/6: 180.8 Yesterday was a scheduled rest day and it really was - didn't do a thing.
    6/7: 180.7 Yesterday was a full body cardio with weights workout. Red lentil spaghetti with zoodles for dinner, one of my new favorites!
    6/8: 180.6 Yesterday was a running day + full body super sets workout. Need to grocery shop and meal plan today.
    6/9: 180.4 Yesterday was a walk + lower body barre workout. Felt so full after dinner last night (gluten free gnocchi with veg) but didn't overeat & was well within my calorie deficit = the power of nutrient dense food!
    6/10: 180.1 Yesterday was a running day + mobility & core workout. It stormed all morning but luckily stopped in time for me to get a run in.
    6/11: 180.1 Yesterday was an upper body workout with weights, other than that it was a very sedentary day with extremely low step count.
    6/12: 180.1 Yesterday was a running day + Legs/Glutes workout, lots of steps but a very relaxing day too :)
    6/13: 179.9 Yesterday was a scheduled rest day, a nice Sunday with family and a delicious dinner!
    6/14: 179.8 Yesterday was a lower body/abs workout. Did some meal prep and made some quinoa protein breakfast bars, so good!
    6/15: 179.5 Yesterday was a running day + upper body workout with weights. My calories have been a little low the last 2 days, just not feeling hungry. Going to try to be more on the higher end of my calorie range today.
    6/16: 179.4 Yesterday was a walk + barre workout. Successfully went out to dinner and stayed on track!
    6/17: 179.1 Yesterday was a running day + mobility/core workout. My daughter's school year ended yesterday, so now get an extra 2 hours sleep in the morning before work, very happy about that!
    6/18:179.1 Yesterday was a full body workout with weights, on track with my goals but need to make sure I am getting all the calories I have planned for each day - been a little low caloric wise all week and feeling it today.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,636 Member
    I am Dawn
    5'2", 61 years old.
    Started MFP October 28.18
    According to the charts I should be somewhere between 110-118 to have the best health.
    I topped out at 207, joined MFP at 191.

    I gained 2.7 pounds last month. Going to try to get rid of that.

    Wednesday 6/1: 137.7
    Thursday 6/2: 137.8
    6/3: 137.5 - Huge calorie burn yesterday due to gardening, almost more than I ate. Much digging, lifting, pulling, bending, stretching, squats, lunges etc. Rain is expected which will be perfect for the 34 pepper plants that are (finally) in the ground. Due to my eye injury I was way behind schedule, so feeling really good that I toughed it out for many hours before and after work yesterday. It would have been nice if the scale had jumped as much as it does when it goes the other direction.
    6/4: 138.5 - I had 4 wings and a pita pizza last night. Within my calorie range, but I did expect to see a gain and did by stepping out of my usual foods.
    Sunday 6/5: 139.9 - Indulgent weekend. Going to be "good" today. I was actually in the "Red" yesterday, which is uncommon. I had company so didn't get any sort of calorie burn, also unusual for me.
    6/6: 140.6 - Yikes, still climbing? I will get on top of that. I was very "good" yesterday.
    6/7: 139.7 - Better.
    6/8: 137.7 - Back to my start weight for the month, but still 2.7 above the month prior. Lunch out tomorrow with people from out of town, but lots of hiking too (booked the day off) so hopefully that will mitigate it.
    Thursday 6/9: 137.6 - Good start to the day.
    6/10: 139.0 - Well, that is what happens when lunch is out. I ate only half of it, but restaurant food is restaurant food.
    6/11: 139.4 - Burned lots of calories yesterday before and after work. Day off today, so will be getting in lots of activity and eating healthy foods.
    6/12: 139.4 - Lots of calorie burn (yardwork) but also cocktails each day. That won't happen today.
    6/13: 139.5 - Really expected a loss today, but I will be patient that it could take a few days to register. Worked my tail off in the yard yesterday, exceeding my food calories with calorie burn. My body could be in a bit of shock and holding on to fat lol. Soooo glad that I kept at it, raining like crazy, 90% for the next couple of days, so I couldn't have gotten the grass cut and trimmed. The newest plantings will get a good soaking : - )
    Tuesday 6/14: 138.4 - Good to see a drop, I really feel like there will be more. No outdoor activity to burn calories during this rain week for me, so glad that I persevered and got so much done over the weekend.
    6/15: 136.9 - My huge calorie burns from the weekend finally showing up on the scale?
    6/16: 139.5 - No reason to gain almost 3 pounds over night. Consumption was on track, lots of activity, feeling leaner than that. Sheesh. Either yesterday or today were a fluke.
    6/17: 138.5 - We have a big festival in our town for 4 days, the first one since 2019. Saturday is when all of the fun events happen that I want to attend, plus I will be off of work : - )
    6/18: 138.5 - I seldom get the same weight 2 days in a row. Kind of resigned that I am sort of stuck around this number. Many festival outings today, and although I will log all of my consumption, I still plan on loosening it up a bit.
    Sunday 6/19:
    Friday 6/24:
    Thursday 6/30:
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,185 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Height: 5'9" Age: 35
    June goal: In Maintenance Range (160-165)

    6/1 - 166.2
    6/2 - 165
    6/3 - 162.8
    6/4 - 160.6
    6/5 - 162.2
    6/6 - 160.4
    6/7 - 162.2
    6/8 - 162.2

    Week 1 results: Down 4

    6/9 - 160.8
    6/10 - DNW
    6/11 - 163.2
    6/12 - 163.4
    6/13 - 162.2
    6/14 - 160.8
    6/15 - 159.8

    Week 2 results: Down 2.4

    6/16 - 158.6
    6/17 - 159
    6/18 - 160.8
  • justhere4thalolz
    justhere4thalolz Posts: 1 Member
    Awesome 🤩 keep it up girl!🙌🏼
  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    June goal: < 120lbs

    I'm back after a break. I didn't even have access to my scale part of last month. Unfortunately, I put on a few pounds due to travel but had dropped most of it but then blew it over the holiday weekend. Like my goals for the last year I'm still trying to get under 120lbs and stay there. Sometimes it feels futile. I'll be back to daily weighing.

    01 - 123.5
    02 - 123.0
    03 - DNW (I forgot and by the time I remembered it was too late)
    04 - 122.8
    05 - DNW
    06 - DNW
    07 - DNW

    08 - DNW (I'm still having trouble remembering to weigh myself in the morning)
    09 - 121.8 Finally on the right track
    10 - 120.5
    11 - 121.0
    12 - DNW
    13 - DNW
    14 - DNW

    15 - DNW
    16 - DNW
    17 - 121.6
    18 - 121.1
  • carenwilson1983
    carenwilson1983 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi, I'm Caren 38, 5 feet tall
    Heaviest weight : 173 lbs
    Current weight. : 173 lbs
    June's Goal : 165 lbs
    Overall Goal. : 140 lbs

    I need to get to 140 lbs by the end of the year because I will not try to get back to 120 lbs.

    1- Drink way more water
    2- Go less on fruits
    3-weight in the mornings
    4- 30 minutes stationary biking daily
    5-more protein, less carb (weakness-Bread)

    Did this before and lost 25 lbs in 2 months and I know I can do it again.

    June 3- 173 lbs
    June 4- 173 lbs
    June 5- 171.4 lbs
    June 6- 170.4 lbs
    June 7- 169.4 lbs
    June 8-169.4 lbs
    June 9- 170.lbs
    June 10-.168.8 lbs
    Week 1. lost 4.2 lbs

    June 11- 168.8 lbs
    June 12-168 lbs
    June 13-168 lbs
    June 14-167.2 lbs
    June 15-167.2 lbs
    June 16-166 lbs
    June 17-166 lbs
    Week 2. lost. 2.8 lbs

    June 18-166 lbs
    June 19-
    June 20-
    June 21-
    June 22-
    June 23-
    June 24-.
    Week 3. lost. lbs

    June 25-
    June 26-
    June 27-
    June 28-
    June 29-
    June 30-.
    Week 4 lost. lbs
    Overall weight lost lbs
  • HollyL7714
    HollyL7714 Posts: 66 Member
    Name: Holly
    Height: 5'5" Age: 34
    Starting Weight (May 18): 150 lbs
    June goal: 144
    UGW: 120-130 Just depends what looks and feels good for me 😊

    6/9:146.2 Burned 273 calories yesterday with Nike Training Club. MFP was being weird yesterday and changed/deleted some of my exercise logs. Not sure why?
    6/10:146.1 Yesterday I focused on my core and got in some yoga. Also, I know it's nothing earth shattering but I was excited.. I could actually touch my toes yesterday! (First time in a long time)
    6/11:145.5 Yay!
    6/13:143.3 Wow! I certainly wasn't expecting that!
    6/14:144.1 I knew I was going to see a gain after going for ice cream last night 😬 Did 45 minutes of yoga in the morning and a half hour walk in the evening.
    6/15:142.8 Did a half hour walk yesterday as well as some upper body strength training
    6/16:144 Pretty sedentary day, aside from some yoga and an evening walk.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,636 Member
    I am Dawn
    5'2", 61 years old.
    Started MFP October 28.18
    According to the charts I should be somewhere between 110-118 to have the best health.
    I topped out at 207, joined MFP at 191.

    I gained 2.7 pounds last month. Going to try to get rid of that.

    Wednesday 6/1: 137.7
    Thursday 6/2: 137.8
    6/3: 137.5 - Huge calorie burn yesterday due to gardening, almost more than I ate. Much digging, lifting, pulling, bending, stretching, squats, lunges etc. Rain is expected which will be perfect for the 34 pepper plants that are (finally) in the ground. Due to my eye injury I was way behind schedule, so feeling really good that I toughed it out for many hours before and after work yesterday. It would have been nice if the scale had jumped as much as it does when it goes the other direction.
    6/4: 138.5 - I had 4 wings and a pita pizza last night. Within my calorie range, but I did expect to see a gain and did by stepping out of my usual foods.
    Sunday 6/5: 139.9 - Indulgent weekend. Going to be "good" today. I was actually in the "Red" yesterday, which is uncommon. I had company so didn't get any sort of calorie burn, also unusual for me.
    6/6: 140.6 - Yikes, still climbing? I will get on top of that. I was very "good" yesterday.
    6/7: 139.7 - Better.
    6/8: 137.7 - Back to my start weight for the month, but still 2.7 above the month prior. Lunch out tomorrow with people from out of town, but lots of hiking too (booked the day off) so hopefully that will mitigate it.
    Thursday 6/9: 137.6 - Good start to the day.
    6/10: 139.0 - Well, that is what happens when lunch is out. I ate only half of it, but restaurant food is restaurant food.
    6/11: 139.4 - Burned lots of calories yesterday before and after work. Day off today, so will be getting in lots of activity and eating healthy foods.
    6/12: 139.4 - Lots of calorie burn (yardwork) but also cocktails each day. That won't happen today.
    6/13: 139.5 - Really expected a loss today, but I will be patient that it could take a few days to register. Worked my tail off in the yard yesterday, exceeding my food calories with calorie burn. My body could be in a bit of shock and holding on to fat lol. Soooo glad that I kept at it, raining like crazy, 90% for the next couple of days, so I couldn't have gotten the grass cut and trimmed. The newest plantings will get a good soaking : - )
    Tuesday 6/14: 138.4 - Good to see a drop, I really feel like there will be more. No outdoor activity to burn calories during this rain week for me, so glad that I persevered and got so much done over the weekend.
    6/15: 136.9 - My huge calorie burns from the weekend finally showing up on the scale?
    6/16: 139.5 - No reason to gain almost 3 pounds over night. Consumption was on track, lots of activity, feeling leaner than that. Sheesh. Either yesterday or today were a fluke.
    6/17: 138.5 - We have a big festival in our town for 4 days, the first one since 2019. Saturday is when all of the fun events happen that I want to attend, plus I will be off of work : - )
    6/18: 138.5 - I seldom get the same weight 2 days in a row. Kind of resigned that I am sort of stuck around this number. Many festival outings today, and although I will log all of my consumption, I still plan on loosening it up a bit.
    Sunday 6/19: 138.1 - I will be having dinner out tomorrow, so I am going to keep it light today.
    Friday 6/24:
    6/29:Thursday 6/30: -
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,191 Member
    Round 190


    ROUND 148 FOR ME.

    “Today….I am choosing Me”


    Highest weight ever (05-10-2016): 253
    Original starting weight on MFP: (01-11-2018) 235.0
    R189 EW= 206.8
    R190 EW= TBD

    Current New Goals:
    Short Term Goal: To weigh less at the end of this round than I did at the end of the last round.
    Final goal: 145-155. We’ll see how I look & feel when I get there.
    Exercise: Move 30 minutes per day rotating activity.


    COLOR CODE: Fuchsia is a Happy Weight Loss for me. Blue is a sad weight gain.Black is no change.
    R43 through R52 (06/07/18 thru 09/23/18) = …..19.4 LOST (Ending weight 179.0)

    R53 through R62 (09/24/18 thru 01/01/19) = …..4.1 GAINED (Ending weight 183.1
    R63 through R72 (01/02/19 thru 04/11/19) = …..8.1 GAINED (Ending weight 191.2)

    R73 through R82 (04/12/19 thru 07/20/19) = …..5.5 GAINED (Ending weight 196.7)

    R83 through R92 (07/21/19 thru 10/28/19) = …..8.7 LOST (Ending weight 188.0)

    R93 through R102 (10/29/19 thru 02/05/20) = …2.0 GAINED(Ending weight 190.0)

    R103 through 112 (02/06/20 thru 05/06/20) = …..14.9 GAINED (Ending Weight 204.9)

    R113 through 122 (05/07/20 thru 08/23/20) = …..4.7 GAINED (Ending Weight 209.6)

    R 123 thru R132 (08/24 thru 12/02/20) = ……1.5 LOST (Ending Weight 208.1)

    R133 thru R142 (12/03/20 thru 03/01/21) = ……0.7 LOST (Ending Weight 207.4)

    R143 thru 152 (03/02/21 thru 06/10/21) = ……3.6 LOST (Ending Weight 203.8)

    R153 thru R162 (06/11/21 thru 09/18/21) = (b]…..16.2 LOST [/b] (Ending Weight 187.6)

    R163 thru R172 (09/19/21 thru 12/27/21) = (b]…..5.0 GAINED [/b] (Ending Weight 192.6)

    R173 thru R182 (12/28/21 thru 04/06/22) = (b]…..7.0 GAINED [/b] (Ending Weight 199.6)

    R183 (04/07/22 thru 04/16/22) = …..2.2 GAINED (Ending Weight 201.8)

    R184 (04/17/22 thru 04/26/22) = …..0.4 GAINED (Ending Weight 202.2)

    R185 (04/27/22 thru 05/06/22) = …..1.2 GAINED (Ending Weight 203.4)

    R186 (05/07/22 thru 05/16/22) = …..0.0 LOST (Ending Weight 203.4)

    R187 (05/17/22 thru 05/26/22) = …..0.4 LOST (Ending Weight 203.0)

    R188 (05/27/22 thru 06/05/22) = …..1.6 GAINED (Ending Weight 204.6)

    R189 (06/06/22 thru 06/15/22) = …..2.2 GAINED (Ending Weight 206.8)

    R190 (06/16/22 thru 06/25/22) = …..xxx LOST (Ending Weight xxxxx)

    06/15 …..206.8….. ENDING WEIGHT LAST ROUND
    06/16 …..204.2 ….. (Trend weight 205.0)
    06/17 …..203.2 ….. (Trend weight 204.8)

    06/18 …..205.2 ….. (Trend weight 204.8) Closed out with great numbers last night, then had a glucose drop and ate a large bowl of cereal with low carb Fairlife milk very late last night. Showed up as 2 pounds this morning! No worries, still feeling this out and navigating how to work around my health issues. My resolve is still very strong.

    06/19 …..203.0 ….. (Trend weight 204.7) A big drop overnight. I have to wonder how much my puff ups are from water retention based on the heart issues and how much the drops are from the water pill. I take the water pill about every other day except when traveling (for obvious reasons.). I’m going to be tracking this trend. I did take one yesterday. On another note, yesterday was a great day. My glucose drops tend to come more in the evening or at night so I delayed my meals all day. Breakfast at 11:30 am, lunch at 5:00 pm and dinner at 10:30 pm. I hated to eat that late (due to morning weigh-ins) but it seems to have worked. No drop last night and satisfied most of the day. I even fit in some exercise. About 17 min of aerobic dancing, a short 15 minute walk with inclines and stationary bike for 10 minutes. Keeping it safe until I know more about the heart situation, but it’s a start!

    06/20 …..xxxxx ….. (Trend weight xxxxx)

    06/21 ……xxxxx ….. (Trend weight xxxxx)

    06/22 ……xxxxx ….. (Trend weight xxxxx)

    06/23 ……xxxxx ….. (Trend weight xxxxx)

    06/24 ……xxxxx ….. (Trend weight xxxxx)

    06/25 ……xxxxx ….. (Trend weight xxxxx)

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,191 Member
    To all the father's and step-fathers. Also all those playing important roles including grandfathers, Uncles, Brothers and brothers-in-law, adult sons, neighbors, friends, and single-mothers who have to be both mom & dad.

  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Height 5'4" Age:52
    Ultimate Goal Weight 127-134 lbs.

    March Start Weight: 194.8 lbs.
    April Start Weight: 189.4 lbs.
    May Start Weight: 184.1 lbs.
    June Start Weight: 181.8 lbs.

    June Goals: Running 3 x per week, Body Strength Workouts, Mindful Way of Eating, Daily Accountability

    6/1: 181.8 Yesterday was a Walk + full body strength workout
    6/2: 181.4 Yesterday was a running day + lower body/core barre workout
    6/3: 181.2 Yesterday was an active recovery day with a long walk + a core/mobility session. Was a bit of a struggle mentally with food yesterday but I ignored those thoughts and stayed on plan.
    6/4: 181.2 Yesterday was an upper body strength workout with weights, on track with my goals
    6/5: 181.0 Yesterday was a running day + legs/glutes strength workout. Looking in the mirror, seeing some subtle but positive changes!
    6/6: 180.8 Yesterday was a scheduled rest day and it really was - didn't do a thing.
    6/7: 180.7 Yesterday was a full body cardio with weights workout. Red lentil spaghetti with zoodles for dinner, one of my new favorites!
    6/8: 180.6 Yesterday was a running day + full body super sets workout. Need to grocery shop and meal plan today.
    6/9: 180.4 Yesterday was a walk + lower body barre workout. Felt so full after dinner last night (gluten free gnocchi with veg) but didn't overeat & was well within my calorie deficit = the power of nutrient dense food!
    6/10: 180.1 Yesterday was a running day + mobility & core workout. It stormed all morning but luckily stopped in time for me to get a run in.
    6/11: 180.1 Yesterday was an upper body workout with weights, other than that it was a very sedentary day with extremely low step count.
    6/12: 180.1 Yesterday was a running day + Legs/Glutes workout, lots of steps but a very relaxing day too :)
    6/13: 179.9 Yesterday was a scheduled rest day, a nice Sunday with family and a delicious dinner!
    6/14: 179.8 Yesterday was a lower body/abs workout. Did some meal prep and made some quinoa protein breakfast bars, so good!
    6/15: 179.5 Yesterday was a running day + upper body workout with weights. My calories have been a little low the last 2 days, just not feeling hungry. Going to try to be more on the higher end of my calorie range today.
    6/16: 179.4 Yesterday was a walk + barre workout. Successfully went out to dinner and stayed on track!
    6/17: 179.1 Yesterday was a running day + mobility/core workout. My daughter's school year ended yesterday, so now get an extra 2 hours sleep in the morning before work, very happy about that!
    6/18:179.1 Yesterday was a full body workout with weights, on track with my goals but need to make sure I am getting all the calories I have planned for each day - been a little low caloric wise all week and feeling it today.
    6/19: 178.6 Yesterday was a running day + a cardio core workout. Pretty perfect running conditions in the mid 60's. This is my lowest weight since 2020, pretty happy about that!!!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,185 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Height: 5'9" Age: 35
    June goal: In Maintenance Range (160-165)

    6/1 - 166.2
    6/2 - 165
    6/3 - 162.8
    6/4 - 160.6
    6/5 - 162.2
    6/6 - 160.4
    6/7 - 162.2
    6/8 - 162.2

    Week 1 results: Down 4

    6/9 - 160.8
    6/10 - DNW
    6/11 - 163.2
    6/12 - 163.4
    6/13 - 162.2
    6/14 - 160.8
    6/15 - 159.8

    Week 2 results: Down 2.4

    6/16 - 158.6
    6/17 - 159
    6/18 - 160.8
    6/19 - DNW (vacation)
  • carenwilson1983
    carenwilson1983 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi, I'm Caren 38, 5 feet tall
    Heaviest weight : 173 lbs
    Current weight. : 173 lbs
    June's Goal : 165 lbs
    Overall Goal. : 140 lbs

    I need to get to 140 lbs by the end of the year because I will not try to get back to 120 lbs.

    1- Drink way more water
    2- Go less on fruits
    3-weight in the mornings
    4- 30 minutes stationary biking daily
    5-more protein, less carb (weakness-Bread)

    Did this before and lost 25 lbs in 2 months and I know I can do it again.

    June 3- 173 lbs
    June 4- 173 lbs
    June 5- 171.4 lbs
    June 6- 170.4 lbs
    June 7- 169.4 lbs
    June 8-169.4 lbs
    June 9- 170.lbs
    June 10-.168.8 lbs
    Week 1. lost 4.2 lbs

    June 11- 168.8 lbs
    June 12-168 lbs
    June 13-168 lbs
    June 14-167.2 lbs
    June 15-167.2 lbs
    June 16-166 lbs
    June 17-166 lbs
    Week 2. lost. 2.8 lbs

    June 18-166 lbs
    June 19-165.5 lbs
    June 20-
    June 21-
    June 22-
    June 23-
    June 24-.
    Week 3. lost. lbs

    June 25-
    June 26-
    June 27-
    June 28-
    June 29-
    June 30-.
    Week 4 lost. lbs
    Overall weight lost lbs
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,185 Member
    Name: Ashley
    Height: 5'9" Age: 35
    June goal: In Maintenance Range (160-165)

    6/1 - 166.2
    6/2 - 165
    6/3 - 162.8
    6/4 - 160.6
    6/5 - 162.2
    6/6 - 160.4
    6/7 - 162.2
    6/8 - 162.2

    Week 1 results: Down 4

    6/9 - 160.8
    6/10 - DNW
    6/11 - 163.2
    6/12 - 163.4
    6/13 - 162.2
    6/14 - 160.8
    6/15 - 159.8

    Week 2 results: Down 2.4

    6/16 - 158.6
    6/17 - 159
    6/18 - 160.8
    6/19 - DNW (vacation)
    6/20 - DNW (vacation)
  • HollyL7714
    HollyL7714 Posts: 66 Member
    Name: Holly
    Height: 5'5" Age: 34
    Starting Weight (May 18): 150 lbs
    June goal: 144
    UGW: 120-130 Just depends what looks and feels good for me 😊

    6/9:146.2 Burned 273 calories yesterday with Nike Training Club. MFP was being weird yesterday and changed/deleted some of my exercise logs. Not sure why?
    6/10:146.1 Yesterday I focused on my core and got in some yoga. Also, I know it's nothing earth shattering but I was excited.. I could actually touch my toes yesterday! (First time in a long time)
    6/11:145.5 Yay!
    6/13:143.3 Wow! I certainly wasn't expecting that!
    6/14:144.1 I knew I was going to see a gain after going for ice cream last night 😬 Did 45 minutes of yoga in the morning and a half hour walk in the evening.
    6/15:142.8 Did a half hour walk yesterday as well as some upper body strength training
    6/16:144 Pretty sedentary day, aside from some yoga and an evening walk.