Thin for the Holidays Group



  • jamadler2
    jamadler2 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all!

    I was only a half pound away from my Labor Day goal, so I'm happy!

    Today I bought a new pair of jeans and I dropped a size! Even though the scale isn't moving very much, my body is changing!
  • Hello everyone. How is everyone doing?

    This weekend was my hubby birthday weekend. I tried so hard to eat right. Did good on Friday night, Saturday had Japanese food (yummy), and on Sunday (his bday) he wanted football food. So I made quesadillas, devil eggs, fried (yes fried) chicken wings, corn on the cob, and sweet tea. I had 2 devil eggs halves, 1/2 quesadilla, 2 wings, 1/2 a corn on the cob, and a glass of sweet tea. Instead of getting a huge cake and it staying in the house calling my name, I made cinnamon rolls instead and had 1 small roll. I was very proud of myself. Still had controll and enjoyed his bday. Got on the scale this morning a little nervous but I did mange to lose 0.6 lbs taking me back to 185, my original labor day goal. Woo Hoo!
  • Is the group still open> if so I want to be in

    Yes, you are welcome to join. Please post your goals.
  • Sorry for not being here for a while. I hope everyone is doing great!!!
    The past two weeks I have gained 2lbs. Which totally discouraged me. Even though I didn't stop exercising or watching what I eat, I just felt like giving up so badly. I'm over it cause it's just two pounds. But then on Sunday, I went to a REC Reunion (former employee of the post office I used to work at put together a reunion :D ) and saw someone who asked if I was "expecting". I said "No! I'm just fat" *lol'ed* That was depressing. But I have the most wonderful boyfriend who spent the rest of the day just getting my mind off of what was said and on to how much of my hard work was paying off. I got over that too, lol. I haven't lost much, but its a loss anyways. What a bad weekend!! Just full of discouragement and wanting to give up, haha.
    Anyways, back on track and working hard. I started that one video that has that one chick from the biggest loser. Idk, but it sure is hard, but I am liking it so far. I can't wait to see the results from this.

    @gettingthin03: Congrats on the loss!! That is awesome!! You are doing so great! :)
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Sorry for not being here for a while. I hope everyone is doing great!!!
    The past two weeks I have gained 2lbs. Which totally discouraged me. Even though I didn't stop exercising or watching what I eat, I just felt like giving up so badly. I'm over it cause it's just two pounds. But then on Sunday, I went to a REC Reunion (former employee of the post office I used to work at put together a reunion :D ) and saw someone who asked if I was "expecting". I said "No! I'm just fat" *lol'ed* That was depressing. But I have the most wonderful boyfriend who spent the rest of the day just getting my mind off of what was said and on to how much of my hard work was paying off. I got over that too, lol. I haven't lost much, but its a loss anyways. What a bad weekend!! Just full of discouragement and wanting to give up, haha.
    Anyways, back on track and working hard. I started that one video that has that one chick from the biggest loser. Idk, but it sure is hard, but I am liking it so far. I can't wait to see the results from this.

    So sorry things haven't been good for you. Just hang in there and it will get better. Are you doing the 30 Day Shred?
  • joymeg1
    joymeg1 Posts: 24 Member
    Well the labor day weekend and back to school chaos really threw my routine out the window. Lost some motivation with the healthy eating and excercise but I'm slowing pushing myself back into it. I need to work on getting in my fruits and veggies and getting back to 5 days a week for the excercise. I made my Labor Day goal though!!! I need to kick it up though for Halloween.

    What's motivating me right now...we bought a boat and next season I want to be more comfortable in a swimsuit!!

    Starting Weight- 216
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11)- 210
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)- 203
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)- 198
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)- 193
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 190
  • Sorry for not being here for a while. I hope everyone is doing great!!!...

    So sorry things haven't been good for you. Just hang in there and it will get better. Are you doing the 30 Day Shred?

    Thank you!! I'm feeling better about things now. :)

    Yup, that's what it is! It's kinda tough :P. My legs are still sore from when I started!! Lol. Except I can walk a little better now. Yesterday was bad, I couldn't walk, and I just laughed at myself. Lol.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Im in!!!

    Starting Weight- 198.8
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11)- 198.6
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)- 190
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)- 180
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)- 170
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 160
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,179 Member
    Just checkin' in. I weighed this week 149.6 lb.s No change. I have been exercising more, though. So, maybe it will show next week.
  • Sorry for not being here for a while. I hope everyone is doing great!!!
    The past two weeks I have gained 2lbs. Which totally discouraged me. Even though I didn't stop exercising or watching what I eat, I just felt like giving up so badly. I'm over it cause it's just two pounds. But then on Sunday, I went to a REC Reunion (former employee of the post office I used to work at put together a reunion :D ) and saw someone who asked if I was "expecting". I said "No! I'm just fat" *lol'ed* That was depressing. But I have the most wonderful boyfriend who spent the rest of the day just getting my mind off of what was said and on to how much of my hard work was paying off. I got over that too, lol. I haven't lost much, but its a loss anyways. What a bad weekend!! Just full of discouragement and wanting to give up, haha.
    Anyways, back on track and working hard. I started that one video that has that one chick from the biggest loser. Idk, but it sure is hard, but I am liking it so far. I can't wait to see the results from this.

    @gettingthin03: Congrats on the loss!! That is awesome!! You are doing so great! :)

    Awww Deb. Hang in there sweetie. It will be alright. Those 2 lbs will be gone before you know it. Congrats on not giving up and on having a support BF. Support really does make a difference.

    Are you staring on the 30 day shred dvd with Jillan Michaels? I got it. Started and did 2 days and was so as heck. Went out of town with my job and gave up on it. Plan to start back this week because I am losing weight but it is not showing at all. I would rather see and feel my loss. I heard this dvd will help you lose ton of inches.

    Best of luck to you and hang in there. You (WE) can do it!!
  • Just checkin' in. I weighed this week 149.6 lb.s No change. I have been exercising more, though. So, maybe it will show next week.

    Great job on maintaining!!
  • Well the labor day weekend and back to school chaos really threw my routine out the window. Lost some motivation with the healthy eating and excercise but I'm slowing pushing myself back into it. I need to work on getting in my fruits and veggies and getting back to 5 days a week for the excercise. I made my Labor Day goal though!!! I need to kick it up though for Halloween.

    What's motivating me right now...we bought a boat and next season I want to be more comfortable in a swimsuit!!

    Starting Weight- 216
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11)- 210
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)- 203
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)- 198
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)- 193
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 190

    Great job on making your labor day goal. Stay motivated and keep up the good work!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Sorry for not being here for a while. I hope everyone is doing great!!!...

    So sorry things haven't been good for you. Just hang in there and it will get better. Are you doing the 30 Day Shred?

    Thank you!! I'm feeling better about things now. :)

    Yup, that's what it is! It's kinda tough :P. My legs are still sore from when I started!! Lol. Except I can walk a little better now. Yesterday was bad, I couldn't walk, and I just laughed at myself. Lol.

    The 30 day shred was the first Jillian Michaels workout I had ever done. It is great. Just stick with it and you will see results. Good Luck!
  • @gettingthin03: Thank you so much!! And yes, that's the video I am doing. It is tough, lol. I totally forgot to weigh myself this morning and had breakfast then remembered. lol. So I figured I do it first thing tomorrow morning. I'll leave myself a note, lol.

    But I do have something that has made me feel pretty darn good. since I started to now, I haven' t really noticed or seen the weight loss or inches loss. But this is how much of a fatty I am (or used to be lol) but when I would lay down on my back my tummy had a little bump and now its almost gone. It's really embarrassing that that is how fat I am that I can see it lying down. I am totally embarrassed for sharing this too, but I'm really feeling motivated even more now because I noticed that its almost gone. lmao. I am such a nerd :P

    Hope everyone is doing great!! You all are doing such a fantastic job. All your hard work makes me feel like I need to work harder cause I feel pretty lazy :P haha
  • I did it!! I finally lost some weight! I lost 6lbs!! I worked hard this week that I was even doing my office exercises. I wonder if my cubicle buddy ever noticed :P I try to do them when she steps out on our breaks. I have been doing videos, walking and some swimming. (Confession: I don't know how to swim. But since my friend is so nice to let us swim in her pool, I have been trying to teach myself how to swim. And I did it. Last night was the first time I was able to swim on my own without freaking out and touching the ground! Lol. *nerd*)
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I did it!! I finally lost some weight! I lost 6lbs!! I worked hard this week that I was even doing my office exercises. I wonder if my cubicle buddy ever noticed :P I try to do them when she steps out on our breaks. I have been doing videos, walking and some swimming. (Confession: I don't know how to swim. But since my friend is so nice to let us swim in her pool, I have been trying to teach myself how to swim. And I did it. Last night was the first time I was able to swim on my own without freaking out and touching the ground! Lol. *nerd*)

    Wow great job! 6 lbs is a lot!! Congrats.
  • @gettingthin03: Thank you so much!! And yes, that's the video I am doing. It is tough, lol. I totally forgot to weigh myself this morning and had breakfast then remembered. lol. So I figured I do it first thing tomorrow morning. I'll leave myself a note, lol.

    But I do have something that has made me feel pretty darn good. since I started to now, I haven' t really noticed or seen the weight loss or inches loss. But this is how much of a fatty I am (or used to be lol) but when I would lay down on my back my tummy had a little bump and now its almost gone. It's really embarrassing that that is how fat I am that I can see it lying down. I am totally embarrassed for sharing this too, but I'm really feeling motivated even more now because I noticed that its almost gone. lmao. I am such a nerd :P

    Hope everyone is doing great!! You all are doing such a fantastic job. All your hard work makes me feel like I need to work harder cause I feel pretty lazy :P haha

    Congrats on your sucess!!! Remember ist not all about the scale that matters. I am so proud of you!!! I plan on started the 30 DS last night but got caught up doing other things but made a promise to myself to start today.
  • I did it!! I finally lost some weight! I lost 6lbs!! I worked hard this week that I was even doing my office exercises. I wonder if my cubicle buddy ever noticed :P I try to do them when she steps out on our breaks. I have been doing videos, walking and some swimming. (Confession: I don't know how to swim. But since my friend is so nice to let us swim in her pool, I have been trying to teach myself how to swim. And I did it. Last night was the first time I was able to swim on my own without freaking out and touching the ground! Lol. *nerd*)

    WooooooHooooo. That is awesome. I knew the numbers will move soon or later. They have no choice. Congrats. 6lbs is AWESOME!!!

    Don't feel bad about swimming. I can't either. We will be nerds together lol
  • Hello everyone! How is it going???

    Congrats to all the losers on the board and to the ones who will be losing soon. I weighed in yesterday and lost 3.6 lbs. WooHoo!! I am really working hard on meeting that Halloween challenge. Hope everyone enjoy their week ahead!!!
  • jamadler2
    jamadler2 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all,

    I hope everyone's Halloween goals are coming along nicely!

    I forgot to weigh in yesterday, but I had a really good day, so it made my weigh in today even better! I'm now at 163, only 3 pounds away from my next goal!

    I may gain some of that back this week though, it's my 25th birthday on Thursday, and I plan on indulging a little bit!

    Keep up the good work everyone!