Lost 20 pounds and wearing the same size?! Help!



  • Atomic12wbt
    Atomic12wbt Posts: 4 Member
    My sweats and yoga pants are all mediums with a couple larges...

    Um... You weigh 208 lbs and are wearing MEDIUM leggings? In what universe?
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    You might have been wearing pants that were too small. If you are "muffin topping" over the edge of your pants, your pants are too small.
  • Tora32
    Tora32 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm about 22 pounds down so far, and my experience has been that measurement-wise I've dropped a good couple of sizes, especially on the bottom, but it's not really showing in my current wardrobe beyond fitting looser (or "better" as you said). My pants fit loose, but not enough to warrant replacing them, and my tops simply feel looser in a "definitely still fits" sort of way. The reason seems to be a combination of how I carry my weight, and that I'd technically been a teensy bit large for most of my wardrobe, so I've basically gone from the top end of that size's measurement range to the bottom. (And no, I never thought my pants were too small at the time, but looking at size charts now, I definitely should have been wearing the next size up :P).

    Honestly, if they're fitting better, then that's a nice victory right there and tells you you're doing something right. :) It's very possible you had the same issue I did and have been shrinking back down through your clothes before getting to some new sizes. I also second the suggestion to measure yourself. I don't always visually notice the difference a couple inches can make, so it's good to have proof that things are indeed getting smaller. Photos can also be a great way to document, and is why so many members here have them. Short-term you won't notice, but I've heard just being able to visually compare you today to you several months ago can be really encouraging. :)
  • tumbleweed7834
    tumbleweed7834 Posts: 42 Member
    If you lost pant size but not weight, it is because you now have muscle, good job! The rest of us don’t have the muscle yet so we still fit in the same clothing. They fit better and hang better, but we are just seeing the same size, we are doing a great job as well, maybe add to our exercise time?