What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    An hour of pilates. My back and ankle hurt all day so I took it easy.
  • bojaantje3822
    bojaantje3822 Posts: 257 Member
    21-15-9 hanging knee raises, some were kipping, others strict, empty bar hang power clean with a focus on fast elbow movement (very easy to practice when the empty bar feels like a wooden stick, I guess I'm gaining strength), and plate step ups on 3 stacked 20kg plates in 9:44. My hands are ripped apart, which is inconvenient for tomorrow's competition, but otherwise it felt pretty light.
    Afterwards we had a lot of time left so I got in some assisted lunges (I have no balance in that position whatsoever) and sideways step ups on the same plates as before and then also rolled my back, shoulders and chest. The bench presses and all the pull up stuff and then wednesday's clean and jerks all had a lot of impact on my upper body that I'm still getting used to. It always takes a few workouts that incorporate the thing I rarely/never do for me to stop feeling sore for days afterwards. We're getting closer with that though. The c&j and pull up practice combo from wednesday is almost gone from my muscles now, though the bench from monday and tuesday is still here.

    I know rest is important and you shouldn't train the same body part too hard too many days in a row but since I'm not hurting myself doing it I'll take the mental health benefits of pushing myself over the tiny physical health detriments. My mental health is more urgently hanging by a thread whereas physically I'm just fat but perfectly healthy.
  • BoundlessBow
    BoundlessBow Posts: 21 Member
    First day back at doing Strong Lifts program, went very light just to make sure I don't over do it first day back at program. Squats, Overhead Press and Deadlifts today :)
  • janicemlove
    janicemlove Posts: 438 Member
    I did some light stretching/yoga yesterday. Was looking forward to the gym all day but bailed because of some kind of headache (sinus?) that had been gradually building all day. Took some Nyquil and slept it off, feeling much better today! Planning on some cardio at the gym tonight, I have a PT session tomorrow.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    Missed a couple of days' workouts: Wednesday rowing got weather-cancelled at the last minute (too-strong winds) so we went out for brunch instead. Thursday was busy, but I was thinking I'd maybe row while supervising the open rowing session. However, when I got there, part of the duck fence was down, had obviously been down a long time, and there was a massive duck-poo mess on about half the dock. My "exercise" was an hour and a half of sweeping, scrubbing, then rinsing the dock. 🙄 Bike is still in the shop.

    Today, we went back out in the quad, rowed the usual 7k-ish. I asked not to bow (feeling not very with the program cognitively), so rowed 2 seat. The bow rower called some power 10s (you take 10 strokes as hard as possible, then go back to a sustainable pace), which we haven't done much this summer because it's so stinkin' hot/humid. Still was Z3 and below, even with that.
  • CoffeeNstilettos
    CoffeeNstilettos Posts: 2,594 Member
    Boxing this morning and kayaking this evening
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2022
    Was feeling better yesterday, but had golf last night in 103 degree weather, so I took another day off just to be safe.

    Today, back at it. Did 150 X 3 in sets of 5 (30 reps per set each of compound shoulders, legs and chest). Finished that right before lunch and then rowed in the garage. 102 today so even with the cooler, kind of brutal.

    Did 4 X 2K w 3 minute rests. 2:09 or so average pace. Not bad, felt like quitting a few times and gutted it out. Tried to cap HR at 170 for most of it. Let it go harder just at the end of the last 2K. 800 calories just for the row in 49 minutes.

    Enjoying my reward -- a gigantic Peanut Butter, Chocolate and Banana Protein shake. I also eat breakfast on these hard days instead of my usual fasting until after my workout. So, I figure if I'm going to push super hard two days, I'll add in some extra food and protein.
  • Lynxes602
    Lynxes602 Posts: 22 Member
    Looking to make my way to the gym today... I've skipped a couple of days :-1:
  • janicemlove
    janicemlove Posts: 438 Member
    20 minutes on the TM then:
    Machine pull-ups
    Abdominal crunch machine
    Chest press (machine)
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 969 Member
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    Went for another neighborhood walk in the hills with the kid on Thursday. We went a little faster than Tuesday (~3.5mi in ~1hr.) HR was mostly in z2, but there were significant dips into Z3 and a tiny dip into z4.

    Yesterday I mowed the lawn in the backyard and our field in the "back 40". This was with a push mower, not a riding mower. The whole job took about 80 min., with about a 3rd of the time in z2, a 3rd in z3, and a 3rd in z4. I honestly had no idea my heart rate stayed up that much while mowing. Exercise while getting a chore done? Yes, please.
  • allison8668
    allison8668 Posts: 885 Member
    Walking - gravel, hilly, and swimming laps.
  • janicemlove
    janicemlove Posts: 438 Member
    Worked w my PT, started w core, focus was on glutes in the weight room but did some upper body too
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,472 Member
    5k on the elliptical, followed by a full-body lifting day (deadlifts, hack squats, DB press & row, front/side/rear lateral lifts, curls & skullcrushers).
  • dralicephd
    dralicephd Posts: 401 Member
    Did a shorter than normal elliptical session yesterday. Hormones are messing up my sleep right now, so I was tired and not feeling it, but I did it anyway (because perimenopause ain't the boss of me!).

    ~2.5 miles in ~45 min., with a few short intervals at the end. HR was mostly in zone 3 (small dips into zone 4).
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Three days off to travel to a family wedding at Cape Cod. Got back to it today. Basic run progression of ten rounds of 1min jog: 1 min walk. Very hot and humid so I was sweating as if I'd done a 5k threshold run. :)

    Hoping to get in 2 swims, 2 bikes, 2 runs this week, assuming my PT gives me the ok.
  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Been MIA for awhile but continue to log in daily and exercise 3x/week on my off days.
    Today 221 minutes on the Elliptical for 17.62 miles. I finished the last hour of a movie I was watching a few days ago, then I watched a scifi action movie and it seemed to help make me pick up my pace from my usual. :-) 12.5 minute/miles. Also increased some of my weight lifting. Leg press angled sled 5 sets of 20 @ 100#, Cable system Lat pull downs 3 sets of 20 @ 60#, Cable system standing row 2 sets of 20 @ 60#, dumbbell bicep curls 2 sets of 20 @ 10# and dumbbell tricep kickbacks 2 sets of 20 @ 10#.
    Congrats @Djproulx on your Triathlon!
  • bethe
    bethe Posts: 79 Member
    Started doing DDP yoga a few weeks ago. I'm so out of shape, every session kicks my butt! Things are coming along, but I'll be glad to get to the point where I have more strength and endurance, lol.
  • BoundlessBow
    BoundlessBow Posts: 21 Member
    Leg curls, leg press, leg extension, calf raises and 15 mins of light cardio