So much of this journey is lonely...



  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    We want to know about your successes, pitfalls and we are ok with your shortcomings because we know you are more than just your faults... we all have them.
  • Jewels211
    Jewels211 Posts: 184 Member
    What I experienced (last time around) was that people didn't notice for the longest time, and then everyone started noticing at once. It was like someone flipped a switch or something. And then they were all saying things about how I'd obviously lost a lot. I was confused, too. If you can suddenly tell I've lost a good bit, why didn't you notice I'd lost some 15 or 20 lbs ago? But that's just the way people are. They may have actually noticed something before, but just couldn't decide what it was that was different. (New hairstyle or color? New clothes? Can't decide, won't comment. :)) And I"m one who is slow to comment on someone else's weight loss because I don't know how they'll take it. I was a paradox of being embarrassed for anyone to comment on my weight in any form (just ignore the white elephant in the room :-p) but wanting to have my efforts validated by people noticing. Finally, I've decided that I'll just say, "You look amazing!" and leave it open to them if they want to get into a discussion of *why* they look great. :)

    I had a mother that might make a complimentary comment about me to someone else, but she didn't actually give them to me. I knew she loved me deeply, but there was just something about paying me compliments to my face that didn't happen. Sometimes I got the feeling she thought it wouldn't be "constructive"--she was big on "constructive criticism." Maybe your mom is the same way? Anyway, don't let the lack of compliments get you down. They'll come, probably soon. But YOU know, and your husband knows, and we know! Just keep on keeping on with the great work!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I was doing this for 5 months and had lost 30+ lbs before anyone said anything. Other than my mom and my husband, but they knew I was doing it.

    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    Oh boy!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The person who did notice and said something got a big hug in the middle of Walmart. :drinker: :drinker:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    You've got the right attitude and the internal drive. Congratulations on your weight loss so far. You've inspired me!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Thank you MFP friends...I'm learning that even though I felt lonely, I was never alone! That's been an eyeopener for me and I'm so grateful to you for the support, understanding and encouragement you've given me. After reading everything you've written...I'm a little teary eyed, but I've learned a lot and plan on following through on suggestions for getting rid of baggy clothes and not expecting others to notice my weight loss. It's true...sometimes we just don't know whether we should mention it or not to someone who has been overweight for a long time. I am doing it for me and I will continue to do so. I already feel healthier with the 29 lbs gone and am eager to stay on track for the next 41 to be gone, too. Thank you so much!
    Hugs and best wishes for a healthy day to all!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!I hear everything you were saying and feeling.I know I had over 120 lbs to loose when I started out.I also was thin growing up.I had 7 pregnacies and an abusive 1st husband.I ate my feelings,and ended up 250 lbs 30 years later.I met my currant husband ,I loved to cook,so I thought cooking and eating was the healthy thing to do.Had no idea what healthy eating was.For me,lots of carbs,meat and very little veg and fruits whenever.
    It took 2 knee surgery and 2 wise drs to show me how i was destroying my body.My knees could stand the 300lbs i put on.
    I guess I`m getting off track,But it was a long lonely journey at times.My hubby could eat what he wanted as long as he exercised.My kids were growning up on junk food,once they got older.I would feel like I was being punished at times,because I was on a restricted diet.No one understood me.I would take pics of all the family occasions,but rarely was their a pic of me.
    As I started to realized this was my journey and no one else`s. I realized it`s up to me to do this.If I want to take the rest of my life,if I have that time to loose or do it the unhealthy way,over exercise and starve myself.It`s my choice ,no one is stuffing food in my mouth.I`m the one that can make that choice.
    Thanks for sharing your story.You aren`t alone with your friend on MFP>I know i`m so grateful for sure helps when you ar going thru a hard time and need the support.
    Didn`t mean to go on about`s not about me.It`s about you.
    Good job!so proud of you
  • susanofscottsdale
    Thank you for sharing your story. And, congratulations on your loss.

    From my personal experience, that I hope you will find helpful: Remember that what people say (or do not say) is a reflection of them, not of you. And remember that to a large degree, you can chose to have supportive people in your life - or not. Joining this site seems like an important step to developing your own supportive community. While we cannot change our mom's, we can add others to our lives who we can support and who will support us.

    My own self image issues, and family history have resulted in my bringing negative/emotionally abusive people into my life. Understanding this problem has led me to correct it. We cannot change people who are in our lives, but we can chose who we invite into our lives. We have a great deal of control over this, at least in the long run.

    Again, best wishes & congratulations.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Woo hoo! Congratulations to getting to Onederland! that is a huge accomplishment! And I'll bet that people are noticing but the reason that they haven't said anything is because they are jealous because you are making a change and looking better and they are not. Its a lot easier for people to put others down than to get off of their rear ends and make any changes for themselves unfortunately. Don't let them get you down. Go you! that is a huge accomplishment!
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Your post here inspired me to join this site/program. This morning I was feeling glum and thinking about how I've lost 18 pounds (out of 45) I need to lose, and no one seems to have noticed. And when I pass on dessert or tell a waiter to leave off the fries or the chips, someone will usually make a comment that implies that I'm the spoilsport in the group or the family. It is a long, lonely road. All I can say is hurray for you for your progress to date, and hang is there! Thank you for posting this. It helped me a lot to find a kindred soul.
  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    They will notice soon enough. Just stick with it.
  • yay2012
    You are awesome!!!!! And your loss IS a big deal!!!!! Your post is perfect because it completely solidifies for me why this type of site is so important. We need the help and support of others on a similar journey!!! We need to know how great it is to drag ourselves out of bed to exercise, or meet our water goal, or stay within our calorie goal, or lose a pound or two. It is these small steps that add up to big ones and you are doing it! Keep up the good work, you can do it!!!! I hope one day I can post that I lost 29 pounds. You are my hero!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hi.. just stick with it.. they will start to notice. I have lost 30 lbs (cumulatively I need to loose 66 lbs) and only last week several people out of the blue starting making comments.. and trust me.. it was sweet revenge for all that time I was working hard & no one was paying attention. I was thinking too.. how come no one is noticing???! Go figure.

    This is about pride in oneself.. your self love has gotten you this far & pretty soon everyone around you will want to know how you did it! And give you blank stares when you say exercise & food control.. caz they will not not want to do either:)

    I think it is commendable that you have had to build your inner resources & strength to be able to depend on yourself. I think it is hard when close ones are unable to support you. I ADMIRE you for that and for working on your relationship while learning to take care of yourself. Much love & hugs:)

  • bbwbeauty
  • alexisdc
    alexisdc Posts: 117 Member
    You go girl! I know what your feeling. We see the scale and the difference and those around us sometimes don't see it. But that is not going to stop you from pushing and loosin on :)
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Yes, it is a lonely road at times but then again we, alone, did this to ourselves. But I applaud your perseverance in trying to reach your goal! Don't let anyone get you down! :D
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    two or possibly three things...

    1. OMG You are in ONEderland???!!!! Seriously, is it as amazing of a feeling as I think it's going to be in my head? I swear I dream about getting on the scale and it says 199.9! I am absolutely screaming in jealousy!!! Believe me, when I get down there I will be crowing like a rooster!!! Congrats!

    2. Just tonight I said to myself....dang I wish someone other than me or the BF would say "wow you look amazing" or ANYTHING!!!!! I half the time think people are shy/embarrassed to say something about someone's weight loss....I don't think they know how much that would mean to us.

    3. was just two things!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    You're mom sounds jealous. So sorry. Look for more relationships that are more supporting. If you don't have a network, you gotta build it. We are here for you. I know what you mean. BUT YOU'RE DOING AWESOME!!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! I hate to say it, but when you are really heavy and you lose weight, it is hard to notice because a little comes from all over and doesn't ususally make a huge difference in how any one part looks.

    My three boys knew that I was dieting and working out. But they could tell a difference, try as they might. They finally noticed my weight loss as follows:

    17 year old = 25 lbs lost "You're getting there mom, keep it up. It is about fitness, not weight loss."


    6 year old = 43 lbs lot "Mommy, your tummy looks flatter"

    Frankly, I did not notice until about 30 lbs. My husband is very careful about what he says because he wants me to know that he loves me no matter what. I wish he's say more, but he compliments the process like, "Great job working out." That is really awesome of him. But the other day he slipped and said "your butt is really toned". YES!!!

    Only two outside persons have commented, both hairdressers. Not even anyone at work has said anything and I've lost 43 frigin pounds! Now other family members are starting to notice too.

    Agreed that slimmer clothes highlight your loss AND make you feel a lot better. I bought a few new things at the 30 lbs loss mark. Planning on a few more at the 50 lb loss mark. I have a lot more to lose than you do though.

    I love MFP because we have a common goal of health and fitness. I almost never spend time on FB anymore.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    I have a funny story. Yesterday, I put on a pair of stretch jeans that used to fit and noticed that the legs and butt were baggy. I had to laugh, so I wouldn't cry. I didn't really need to lose weight in the thighs and butt, but at least now I know where the 16 pounds I lost (before I joined MFP) fell off of me. I've been measuring my waist every week and wondering why it wasn't getting smaller! OK sooner or later, if I stay on the program, it will start to come off my abdomen.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I have a funny story. Yesterday, I put on a pair of stretch jeans that used to fit and noticed that the legs and butt were baggy. I had to laugh, so I wouldn't cry. I didn't really need to lose weight in the thighs and butt, but at least now I know where the 16 pounds I lost (before I joined MFP) fell off of me. I've been measuring my waist every week and wondering why it wasn't getting smaller! OK sooner or later, if I stay on the program, it will start to come off my abdomen.
    It really will start to shrink at some point, if only because there's no place else left to lose it from. :laugh: I'm finding that with my thighs which are really, really starting to tick me off!

    I've lost 15 pounds (140 to 125) and a bunch of body fat and I've received no recognition from anyone but my sister who lives 2 hours away and is my biggest inspiration. My husband hasn't said a word and he knows how hard I'm working and sacrificing to make this happen. I've come to the conclusion that he's simply intimidated and perhaps jealous. He knows he needs to lose weight (perhaps 20-25 pounds all in his gut) but hasn't done anything about it. I don't push and I don't nag because I know we all need to reach the point where we're ready to make the necessary changes on our own. I don't need that recognition, because I'm doing this for me, but it would be really nice to finally hear him say something nice.
  • paticksmama07
    paticksmama07 Posts: 49 Member

    I unfortunately can relate. I have always been driven too but I have had a dynamic support person behind me. My grandmother, my mother and my aunts. Two and half years ago my grandmother got Alzehimer's Disease and that has put me in a horrible depression. I have, like you, always been at a healthy weight. I worked out had an amazingly healty diet. Combined with my grandmother's illness and dealing with a husband who is an alcoholic, no employment on both sides and two young children at 2 and 3 years old I have completely lost myself. I am carrying weight that I would normally carry while pregnant.

    Everyday I cheer myself on because there is no one to do it. Daily I dig in deep to my core and I pray that God will give me the strength to success on my weightloss journey. It has been a very difficult two and half years for me and my family but I am faithful that tomorrow will bring a brighter day!
