Operation: Sexy Claus Challenge Week #1 9.19.11 (Closed Grou



  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    Question of the Day:

    In your weight loss journey, thus far, what do you feel is the most important thing that you have learned?

    Do it for yourself and moderation is key :-)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good morning everyone! I'm learning lots of lessons on this weight loss journey. One of the most important ones that I'm still learning is patience. I'm realizing the weight is not going to fall off overnight. I've got to put in the work AND the time! I've got to eat my net calories and drink my water and I've got to learn to rest. I'm learning to love myself enough to give myself a chance at this, and it's working! I'm learning that despite working full time, being a mother of 2 and volunteering that I am a priority as well.

    My workout yesterday was fun! I burned almost a 1000 calories dancing lol. I'm in love with my HRM!

    I heard that! As women we are always putting other things and people first...we HAVE to make time for ourselves. We are just as precious of a commodity as anyone else in our lives.
  • Question of the Day:

    In your weight loss journey, thus far, what do you feel is the most important thing that you have learned?

    Good morning, ladies!! Wow, I am loving the level of participation in this challenge!!! We're gonna do this together :)

    The most important thing that I have learned so far is to not dwell on the less-than-stellar days or weeks that I may have along the way; to not beat myself up over it.
  • Just checking in with my workout schedule.

    Monday: Zumba Exhilarate - DONE :bigsmile:
    Tuesday: Turbo Jam
    Wednesday: Turbo Sculpt
    Thursday: Zumba Exhilarate
    Friday: Turbo Jam
    Saturday: Zumba Sentao
    Sunday: Rest?
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Good Morning everyone! How did the workouts go yesterday?

    Yesterday I did a lunch time walk but worked late went home and crashed....so dindt get to Shred....Now that I have this new job its been really difficult to exercise at night. I find I am so tired......I need to figure this out ASAP.
    Question of the Day:

    In your weight loss journey, thus far, what do you feel is the most important thing that you have learned?

    Honestly I've only lost apprx 25 lbs so far and only about 10 of those pounds with MFP.....its been over a year and I feel as if I'm losing weight so slowly to the point where I feel like giving up sometimes...but when I look at my pics at 200+ pounds I know that I've come a long way.

    The Most important thing I've learnt is portion sizing and drinking enough water.....I eat alot less than before and I'm more mindful of the choices I make. So although I havent reached my gaol I know I'm going to get there eventually.
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    I have been in the grips of a late summer cold...not really motivated to work out...but i'm trying.

    Monday : nothing :(
    Tuesday: Walk 5 miles :)
    Wednesday; aerobic/step workout
    Thurs: walk
    Fri: Double....aerobics am, walk pm :)
  • daveshoneybun
    daveshoneybun Posts: 76 Member
    My schedule for this week on exercise is going to be 30 Day Shred. I plan on doing this for the 30 days straight so lets see how this goes. I am also planning on walking whenever the weather permits it.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Question of the Day:

    In your weight loss journey, thus far, what do you feel is the most important thing that you have learned?

    I have learned that I am an all or nothing kind of person... and that needs to stop. I have been really bad for throwing in the towel as soon as I have something I shouldn't and then it turns into an all out binge. I am the same way with working out. If I don't think I can get an hour in, I just wont work out. I need to remember that all the little things add up and that a slip doesn't need to turn into a fall down the rabbit hole.

    This is me too! Big time! I'm all or nothing. I need to learn nto to give up so quickly.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Finally I get a chance to respond to our thread!
    First things first... I love the spreadsheet, very cute and has me thinking about how hot we are all going to look this Christmas!
    This week my workout schedule has been:
    Monday: 30 Day Shred
    Tuesday: Aerobic class at work
    Wednesday: Walk away the pounds dvd
    Thursday: Aerobics class at work
    Friday: P90X Legs
    Saturday: The Firm dvd
    Sunday: P90X shoulders and arms

    Kryslte I really like your question of the day...What is the most important thing you have learned thus far in your weight loss journey!

    Where to start! I learned that I am worth it! That it is okay to put myself first. I am a better me, mother, wife, friend when I am good to myself. I have given up my all or nothing thinking. DIETS DO NOT WORK. Make sure you move your body (and make it sweat baby!) at least 30 mins a day. Eat your calories that you burn and your body will lose weight. Plateaus are crappy and can last months. And I do not need to feed my pain... a good sweat can change your perspective.

    Let's do this. I know support is a huge factor in my success thus far. Krystles' past challenges have kept me chomping at the bit to be a better me and to hopefully help in some small way another to win the battle against the buldge.

    By the way I love the picture of your little inspiration in your ticker Krsytle, he is a real heartbreaker!
  • fnm101
    fnm101 Posts: 116 Member
    I've learned that I have to set weight limits for myself, constantly monitor my progress, and quickly adapt my life to stay at my goal weight. About a year ago I promised myself that I would NEVER go over 190 lbs...Lo and behold, when I joined MFP in May, I weighed 200 lbs. How did that happen? I didn't take my goal seriously, didn't monitor my progress (i.e., regular weigh-ins and food diaries), and I let my crazy life get in the way of exercise rather than adapting to stay at my goal.

    It's interesting how I'll put the energy in to meeting other life goals, but weight loss/maintenance somehow gets secondary treatment. I've learned that it has to be treated like a PRIMARY goal if I am going to stay healthy long-term.
  • Question of the Day:

    In your weight loss journey, thus far, what do you feel is the most important thing that you have learned?

    Yesterday's and today's workout both went well...today being the better of the two. 30DS continues to kick my butt, but it's getting better day by day.

    Sooo, what have I learned in this journey? I've learned a lot of things, but the most important thing is my new understanding and perception of healthier eating, and it's role in overall weight loss. I've learned that my eating choices have an even greater impact than any workout ever could. And with healthier eating, it's not solely about counting calories, I've discovered the importance of consuming cleaner, nutrient dense foods. In addition, I've found ways to make my meals creative and delicious, and have expanded the list of foods that I enjoy. A continued challenge is working on reducing (not eliminating) my carbs & sugar, and increasing my good fats and protein. So far, this journey has been an interesting one, but I learn new things each day, and I'm looking forward to the day that I'm at my goal weight.

    Have a great night ladies...happy losing!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Question of the Day:

    In your weight loss journey, thus far, what do you feel is the most important thing that you have learned?

    I have learned NEVER give up. You are going to have less than stellar days food wise or exercise wise - weeks where the scale won't budge despite your best efforts - or weeks where you go off track & gain. The very first moment you realize it - get back on track and move forward.

    PS - in unrelated news, did anyone watch Biggest Loser? Hello new trainer! He will make watching this season even more enjoyable. Despite his very fine (um, very very fine) attributes - he has passion, enthusiasm, and a great way with words / very motivational. If you missed it, I'd hulu it!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Finally I get a chance to respond to our thread!
    First things first... I love the spreadsheet, very cute and has me thinking about how hot we are all going to look this Christmas!
    This week my workout schedule has been:
    Monday: 30 Day Shred
    Tuesday: Aerobic class at work
    Wednesday: Walk away the pounds dvd
    Thursday: Aerobics class at work
    Friday: P90X Legs
    Saturday: The Firm dvd
    Sunday: P90X shoulders and arms

    Kryslte I really like your question of the day...What is the most important thing you have learned thus far in your weight loss journey!

    Where to start! I learned that I am worth it! That it is okay to put myself first. I am a better me, mother, wife, friend when I am good to myself. I have given up my all or nothing thinking. DIETS DO NOT WORK. Make sure you move your body (and make it sweat baby!) at least 30 mins a day. Eat your calories that you burn and your body will lose weight. Plateaus are crappy and can last months. And I do not need to feed my pain... a good sweat can change your perspective.

    Let's do this. I know support is a huge factor in my success thus far. Krystles' past challenges have kept me chomping at the bit to be a better me and to hopefully help in some small way another to win the battle against the buldge.

    By the way I love the picture of your little inspiration in your ticker Krsytle, he is a real heartbreaker!

    Geez this is so true...it is ok to put yourself first! I totally think it is a woman thing, we naturally put others first and forget about ourselves. It will be ok! And you are doing such a wonderful job, I am so proud of you!

    Thank you, he is defintitely a little heartbreaker lol
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning ladies! I am trying to figure out why it is only Wednesday lol. However, at least this gives me more time and days in the week to push hard for our first weigh-in right?

    Question for the Day: What is your ideal "size"? I know a lot of people have their ideal size number that they would like to be, so what is yours and why?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning ladies! I am trying to figure out why it is only Wednesday lol. However, at least this gives me more time and days in the week to push hard for our first weigh-in right?

    Question for the Day: What is your ideal "size"? I know a lot of people have their ideal size number that they would like to be, so what is yours and why?

    I would say I am gunning for a 10. I was a 10 in high school, and that when I weighed what I want my goal weight to be now, I was comfortable, could still shop in the Jr. section and had a shape lol
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    This may sound large to everyone else...but I would be EXTATIC to be a pant size 14. I'm not sure what size that makes my upper body...but I was a 14 in 7th grade...and quickly moved up! My body is not built small...it's just not...but to be able to shop in any store for pants...that is my ultimate goal! Frankly when I pull on that first pair of 18's (hopefully in the next 4 weeks) I'll be one happy happy girl!
  • Good Morning ladies! I am trying to figure out why it is only Wednesday lol. However, at least this gives me more time and days in the week to push hard for our first weigh-in right?

    Question for the Day: What is your ideal "size"? I know a lot of people have their ideal size number that they would like to be, so what is yours and why?

    I think my ideal size will be an 8/9. I'd love to be in the single digits in pants and be able to shop anywhere without having problems finding something that fits. I've never been that size in my adult life, but I know I can get there. Right now, I wear a 14 (I started out wearing a 20!), so I am about half way on my journey. I, however, also cannot wait to fit into a 12 and a 10! I haven't been those sizes since early high school! Soooo looking forward to reaching my goals. :)
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Good Morning ladies! I am trying to figure out why it is only Wednesday lol. However, at least this gives me more time and days in the week to push hard for our first weigh-in right?

    Question for the Day: What is your ideal "size"? I know a lot of people have their ideal size number that they would like to be, so what is yours and why?

    Good Morning Ladies!
    I hope everyone's in good spirits today! I really enjoyed reading everyone's answers to yesterday's question.

    I don't have an hour glass shape and am very boxy. So, I can't see myself smaller than a size 10 which I am happy with b/c when I was at this size I weighed 150lbs and that is a healthy weight for me.

    Here's to shedding this Fat Suit and reaching our Goals! Have a Fantastic Day Ladies and Keep on Pushing!
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I am not exactly sure which size I would be elsewhere. But based on the store I shop at, I would love to fit into a 5 or 7. Right now I am in an 11. I would love to see single digits again. :happy:
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Hi guys...

    I think I really need to figure out a way to fit exercise into my day...this new job have me doing some crazy hours and I hardly have time for me. I tried waking at 5:00 am to exercise but that was a major fail. Any ideas from any of you ladies that work crazy hours....I refuse to give up but I dont like how every day it seems I just cant get it done.....so far I'm only egtting workouts in on weekends ( well most of the time)