Fit For Future Families - September 2011



  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Smores- Congrats! So happy for you, that's awesome!

    Emily- Happy Traveling! Hope you're congestion doesn't make you too uncomfortable, and hope you come back with a BFP!

    Melissa- I know exactly how you feel, and its hard *hugs* hang in there girly!

    Meggamix- Good luck at your RE appointment! Hope you can get some answers.

    Stephanie- Welcome back! Glad you had a good time with your family, even with the crummy circumstances.

    Pantera- Good luck Thursday!

    Kacy- Welcome! So sorry about your MC. Hope your stay here is short and sweet :flowerforyou:

    AFM- Not a whole lot. I'm doing pretty good with my goals, but yesterday we got invited to a last minute BBQ so the only exercise I got in was the daily mini challenge. Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Welcome kacylaine. Sorry to read about your M/C......its definitely a tough thing to deal with and you have come to the right place for support.....Luv all the gals here!!!! Can't wait to get to know you as well!
  • Hi everyone... I have been crazy busy this week (and it's only Tuesday. Ugh. I need a vacation). So that's why I wasn't around yesterday. I read everyone's posts but my brain is fried right now, so I will have to pick back through later.

    Congratulations to Smores and Alisa though! :)

    Oh, Emily - I have heard the netipot is great as well... I don't use it because the idea terrifies me honestly, but my husband does and he says it's great (The only decongestants that work for him are pseudoephedrine based and in Oregon you need a Rx for one and his doc is trying to avoid prescribing it for some reason).

    AFM Goals last week: Limit unhealthy food - done. Drink 8 glasses of water a day - everyday but one. Actually make it to the gym: Errr... no. :-/ Finish the educational book: Still trucking through it. It makes my brain hurt, in a good way. And I already said I made the appt... it's next Thursday.

    New Goals: Continue with good water intake, Lose 1 lb, GO TO THE GYM (this is me yelling at myself), and stick to the budget!

    I will check back in later and actually chat a bit.
  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    congrats on all the BFP!!! This board is hopping and there is no way i can back track and respond to everyones post :/

    AFM: just recently had surgery to remove a solid mass from my right breast so that's y i have been outta comission. So now that the mass is gone as soon as cycle day 1 rolls back around i am gonna be calling to schedule my HSG! Hopefully my tubes are still clear but we will see :) Hope all is well with everyone!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Holy crap! Anna Kournikova is a Biggest Loser Trainer!!!!
  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    just a random fact.....Did you gals know that September is international PCOS awareness month? just thought i would share!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Wow--I can hardly keep up with you all!


    I couldn't have survived my pregnancy without my Neti-Pot. I TOTALLY RECCOMMEND IT (even if I can't spell.) It takes a little bit to get used to, but no drugs, no side effects, and it works!

    Welcome to the new people! May your stay be short and sweet!

    AFM: Well, AF finally arrived--almost 5 days late. Sheesh! We were all set to do a treatment cycle this month, but now that it is here, looking at the calendar, one of the days that I would need bloodwork is a day when I will be away at an overnight women's retreat. I was so bummed when I realized that, and then I just got so mad at the infertility again. The ONE day of the month when I'm going to be away is the ONE day I will need to have stuff done in the morning. Grrrrrr. So I has my little angry pity party, and then decided that I wasn't going to miss the retreat. Lord knows while dealing with this IF crud I need a little bit of retreating. We'll try again in Oct/Nov. So, it gives me another month to work the Weight Watchers program before I throw all the crazy hormones in on top of everything.

    Have a good day everyone...
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Nancy - Thanks for the hugs. I'll always take lots of those! Good luck with your blood work & ultrasound.

    Jalara - I saw the preview for biggest loser about Anna K. Might actually have to watch a little bit this season. Should be entertaining!

    Kacy - So sorry about the m/c. Welcome to this group. I know it's probably not where you really intended to be, but this is a wonderful group of women, so hopefully you can find some good advice and strength here.

    Destiny - I completely empathize about the last minute plans messing with the workout routine. We used to be those people who were up for anything, anytime, but now I get really frustrated if I'm planning to go to the gym and don't get there.

    Beth - Good luck with your goals this week. Going to the gym everyday this week (since we missed over a week) is on my list to, so I'll send motivational thoughts your way.

    Miranda - Wow, that's awful that you had to have surgery. Hope everything is ok. Glad you're back on here, I'll be thinking about you.

    Karen - Yay for AF (ok, that just sounds weird), but sorry you have to delay another month. Glad you're taking a positive attitude about the reTREAT. See, it really will be a treat! Also glad WW is going so well for you.

    AFM - I have a minor yippee, the pool at the gym is open again!! I can't even tell you how excited I am to get back in the water tonight. Not that I don't get a good workout between the elliptical, the bike, wii fit, dance & yoga, but swimming is by far my favorite. Plus, as you can probably tell, I get bored really easily so I have to do a lot of different kinds of exercise to keep motivated. I think today is going to be a good day. :glasses:

  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    Karen- That sux you haveto put it off another monthl....sounds like your luck is just as snazzy as mine :/ But just think, the more weight you lose with weight watchers the healthier your body will be for pregnancy.

    Steph- That's awesome that the pool is back open! I would love to have a pool somewhere close to me that i could swim in when it got cold where i live :/ it's a great workout!

    AFM: My boob is kiiling me! haha TMI i know....who would have thought it would *burn* so bad? instead of pain it is more like a burning sensation? who knows! as for the HSG.....I am already starting to spot which sux because i JUST had surgery on going in for an HSG a couple of days later? not sure about that...I think I am gonna talk to my dr. and see what she thinks? I might just wait until the next cycle cause im not really feeling have 2 procedures done so close together...i know the HSG isn't that big of a deal...but it will also put a lil bit of a financial strain on me too!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM: Well, AF finally arrived--almost 5 days late. Sheesh! We were all set to do a treatment cycle this month, but now that it is here, looking at the calendar, one of the days that I would need bloodwork is a day when I will be away at an overnight women's retreat. I was so bummed when I realized that, and then I just got so mad at the infertility again. The ONE day of the month when I'm going to be away is the ONE day I will need to have stuff done in the morning. Grrrrrr. So I has my little angry pity party, and then decided that I wasn't going to miss the retreat. Lord knows while dealing with this IF crud I need a little bit of retreating. We'll try again in Oct/Nov. So, it gives me another month to work the Weight Watchers program before I throw all the crazy hormones in on top of everything.

    sorry that you have to delay another month, but maybe you, pam and i will all end up with october babies due in july. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i get to continue to do this with friends. :) enjoy your retreat!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM - I have a minor yippee, the pool at the gym is open again!! I can't even tell you how excited I am to get back in the water tonight. Not that I don't get a good workout between the elliptical, the bike, wii fit, dance & yoga, but swimming is by far my favorite. Plus, as you can probably tell, I get bored really easily so I have to do a lot of different kinds of exercise to keep motivated. I think today is going to be a good day. :glasses:

    great news stephanie. i think i might stop running this winter and take up swimming instead. i'd really like to try a tri next spring if i'm not preggo.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM: My boob is kiiling me! haha TMI i know....who would have thought it would *burn* so bad? instead of pain it is more like a burning sensation? who knows! as for the HSG.....I am already starting to spot which sux because i JUST had surgery on going in for an HSG a couple of days later? not sure about that...I think I am gonna talk to my dr. and see what she thinks? I might just wait until the next cycle cause im not really feeling have 2 procedures done so close together...i know the HSG isn't that big of a deal...but it will also put a lil bit of a financial strain on me too!

    ugh! hope you feel better soon!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    goals last week:
    consistent water consumption - miss
    take all medication without forgetting - miss
    send review book packages in the mail - check (they went out today! why do i procrastinate?!?)
    work on paper clutter in office - miss
    spend the day saturday doing things my boys want to do instead of what i want to do - check

    goals this week:
    consistent water consumption
    remember to call in all refills for meds
    pick meds up from pharmacy
    figure out what exercise i want to try for the month of october (more bikram yoga, zumba, weight training with a personal trainer, roller hockey?)
    get bridesmaid dress hemmed
    buy a birthday present for oldest son
    work on paper clutter in office
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    warning: my post is depressing. feel free to ignore my whining.

    i took my last anti-depressant pill this morning. i am nervous about how i am going to cope with my emotions without it. i can already tell that i am more volatile dealing with my husband and boys. :( weaning off of them was more difficult than i thought it would be. plus, i have had a sore throat and earache since last tuesday (sinus infection). it is finally starting to feel better, but i am sick of waking up congested! i hate progesterone and how bloated i am on it and i still have 5 more doses to go. :( then back to the heightened estrogen. oh yay (sacrasm)! i hate this infertility!!! why would a healthy 27 year old go through menopause? why? stupid pcos! i am so frustrated that my body just doesn't do what it is supposed to do without having to take all this extra stuff. i'm holding out hope that october is going to happen, but if it doesn't... i think we might be done. :(

    sorry for the pity party.
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Hi ladies :) I've been doing some back-reading to try to get to know everybody, and I have a few questions...

    I've never TTC before, and I was wondering how exactly do you know when to do the deed? I know you are supposed to chart your BBT, but I'm not sure exactly what that entails and I'd like to start this month just for practice, even though we're not TTC quite yet. Or is it totally worthless to even do this month, since I'm on BC still?

    And for those of you who have had a MC in the past...are you scared to conceive again? If so, how do you deal with that?

    Also, I see many of you setting goals. Do y'all have a specific day to do that? And do we weigh in and stuff too?

    I'm at work right now, but hopefully I'll have some time when I get home to dive in and respond to some posts!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    warning: my post is depressing. feel free to ignore my whining.

    i took my last anti-depressant pill this morning. i am nervous about how i am going to cope with my emotions without it. i can already tell that i am more volatile dealing with my husband and boys. :( weaning off of them was more difficult than i thought it would be. plus, i have had a sore throat and earache since last tuesday (sinus infection). it is finally starting to feel better, but i am sick of waking up congested! i hate progesterone and how bloated i am on it and i still have 5 more doses to go. :( then back to the heightened estrogen. oh yay (sacrasm)! i hate this infertility!!! why would a healthy 27 year old go through menopause? why? stupid pcos! i am so frustrated that my body just doesn't do what it is supposed to do without having to take all this extra stuff. i'm holding out hope that october is going to happen, but if it doesn't... i think we might be done. :(

    sorry for the pity party.

    Hey....don't be saying sorry.......this is what we are all here for.....its not a pity party....its a support party :) I'm sure it will take a little while to adjust not being on the pill.....and you will have to remember that....and not beat yourself up....Its not easy thing to get over....And you have all the right to get frustrated and angry!! Its human nature.......just remember when you are feeling this way....come to the forum and vent're venting needs to go somewhere....and where better than here with us!!!! *hugs*
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hi ladies :) I've been doing some back-reading to try to get to know everybody, and I have a few questions...

    I've never TTC before, and I was wondering how exactly do you know when to do the deed? I know you are supposed to chart your BBT, but I'm not sure exactly what that entails and I'd like to start this month just for practice, even though we're not TTC quite yet. Or is it totally worthless to even do this month, since I'm on BC still?

    And for those of you who have had a MC in the past...are you scared to conceive again? If so, how do you deal with that?

    Also, I see many of you setting goals. Do y'all have a specific day to do that? And do we weigh in and stuff too?

    I'm at work right now, but hopefully I'll have some time when I get home to dive in and respond to some posts!
    Hi there - I don't think I've "met" you yet, but welcome :)

    I'm sorry for your loss. I had one the beginning of August and just got my first period since this week, and I'm finding it very hard. To be honest, I'm still crying and having a hard time dealing with it. So trying again is stressful, but I know if we don't at least try the natural way on our forced medical break then I'll always be wondering if we could have conceived.

    As for tracking, there's no scientific reason to track while you're on BC, except to get into the habit (which can take a little while). As for knowing when to try, if you don't know when you ovulate the best thing to do is have sex every other day (EOD) for the month.
    But you can track other things - cervical mucus is a great one and changes right before ovulation. Cervical position is another option.

    We set goals on do check in on Mondays (or close to, depending on everyone's schedule). We don't do challenges here, but we're a good "home base".

    I hope that helps a little!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Beth- Great goals this week. Good luck!

    Cupcake- Wow about your surgery! Hope everything went smoothly. Good luck with your HSG decision, but I think if I was in your shoes I might give it another month, just to heal and feel better. Hope you do get feeling better soon!

    Karen- Ugh... how frustrating! Love your attitude though. Way to keep a positive outlook and good for you for still going to the retreat. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

    Stephanie- That's great bout the pool! I get bored easily too so I'm constantly changing up my routine. Although it almost always goes back to walking since I can do that while pushing LO in her stroller

    GBOH- Don't be sorry!!! We all ned to vent sometimes so feel free! I'm so sorry you're feeling crummy though. Fingers crossed that October is your month... and some of ours too :) we can share, right?

    AFM- Not much. Obviously my life isn't very interesting. I do have a funny story to share with you all though. A few weeks ago I was walking with my daughter when we came across a little girl who had crashed on her scooter. So we were helping her get back to her house and the whole time this poor little girl was crying and kept saying "Owie!! Owie!!" My 16 month old is in the mimicking phase so the rest of our walk she kept saying it too. "Owie! Dada! Owie! Mama!" Well now she has kind of learned how to say it in context, she says it when she falls or when she bumps her head on the table, but she also says it when I'm brushing her hair or when we're driving and the sun is in her eyes. But a couple days ago we went to my husbands Great Grandpa's house to play cards with him and his wife, and LO was just running around, and she found a mousetrap with peanut butter on it. She wanted that peanut butter! And the trap went off on her little fingers!!! But guess what? She didn't say Owie! She didn't even cry! :laugh:
  • MirandaSwafford
    MirandaSwafford Posts: 26 Member
    warning: my post is depressing. feel free to ignore my whining.

    i took my last anti-depressant pill this morning. i am nervous about how i am going to cope with my emotions without it. i can already tell that i am more volatile dealing with my husband and boys. :( weaning off of them was more difficult than i thought it would be. plus, i have had a sore throat and earache since last tuesday (sinus infection). it is finally starting to feel better, but i am sick of waking up congested! i hate progesterone and how bloated i am on it and i still have 5 more doses to go. :( then back to the heightened estrogen. oh yay (sacrasm)! i hate this infertility!!! why would a healthy 27 year old go through menopause? why? stupid pcos! i am so frustrated that my body just doesn't do what it is supposed to do without having to take all this extra stuff. i'm holding out hope that october is going to happen, but if it doesn't... i think we might be done. :(

    sorry for the pity party.

    Don't be sorry!!! you gotta have someone to vent to!!! I hate that you are going thru this...and i hate that you went thru menopause...uuhhgg....i couldn't imagine my life right now w/out my anit-depressent..that is a scary thought! hope things work out for you and maybe that BFP will come in october!!!
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Welcome Kacy! I agree with Jalara that you might as well start tracking things now to get in the habit. There is definitely a learning curve. I've been tracking my basic cycles for over a year, but not REALLY paying attention until the last few months and it was a lot more complicated than I thought. I say you might as well start now! It can only help for when you really are TTC.

    I'll be the next to say GBOH...don't be sorry! Sometimes we just need to get it all out! I know my SIL had to go off her meds when she was TTC and it was really scary and difficult for her. I'm sure you can do it!

    Jalara every since school started you've been so busy! Hope all the studying is paying off!

    Thanks everyone for the support! We went to the dr. yesterday and him just saying that he was glad I came made me feel so much better. I haven't had a real period since the beginning of July! So he put me on the Provera to give me a "good, healthy period" to shed the built up lining and then when that starts I'll go in on CD3 for an ultrasound and then they'll tell me when to start the clomid. So I'll soon be joining the clomid club with a lot of y'all.

    I know you guys have talked about those meds before, any pointers? Does anyone know about how long it might take me to get my period? I have 10 pills, took the first one last night. I'm so paranoid that my CD3 will fall on a weekend! I need to call the office and find out what I would do if that happens.