Losing 20 in your 20's! (CLOSED)



  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    Okay my fruity gals... tomorrow is weigh-in day! I know we all have been a bit down and struggling these past couple of weeks. But tomorrow is weigh-in and a fresh start to our next week of weight loss! So let's make tonight a great night and every day from here on out, we all need to be 100% committed to losing these 20 pounds by Thanskgiving!!!! LET'S DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • Nikki881
    I feel like weigh-in day creeps up on us faster and faster each week... so here we go again! I'm still struggling to break through 152 lbs, and it doesn't help that my sodium intake is WAY up. Lots of water though! And I start a 6-week yoga program tonight, so I hope that will help me get rid of at least some of the salt the night before weigh-in day.... here's hoping! And good luck to everyone!!
  • healthyhappy123
    Hey all - yeah it's been another tough week for me. Why is this so difficult this time of year? ahh. Anyways, I started a new weight program on Monday and so far it's been good. I'm immensely sore all over but it's good to feel sore for once! The next thing I have to get in check is my eating habits. logging every meal just isn't realistic right now. I'm up to my eyeballs in school work and can't seem to log on consistent enough to be successful. So I'm trying to focus on portion sizes and eating only when I'm hungry. Can't say it's been working all that well but I'm trying to convince myself that it's time to make lifestyle changes, not just stick to a diet. I cannot believe weigh in is here again so quickly! I won't be able to weigh again tomorrow but I will on friday morning as I did last week. Hope everyone has had a great week! Keep up the healthy habits!
  • mummyv811
    Morning everybody!!!

    I did lose this week, which has brought me back down to the weight I was when this challenge began... now to lose the rest of it.:grumble: lol

    I started the 30DS on Monday and Jillian is definitely kicking my *kitten* hard! But I'm feeling more toned already and I'm only on Day 4! :bigsmile: Strongly recommend it to anyone you needs a bit of a boost or is thinking about trying it!

    Good luck to everyone else this fine weigh in day! GO BANANAS! :happy:
  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    I lost a teenie bit, 3/4 of a lb, not bad as I thought I was more likely to have put on some! It's made me feel more motivated, like what I'm doing is actually working as I've lost something (although it's only small amounts) every week. yay!
  • lambchop1042
    lambchop1042 Posts: 102 Member
    Hello ladies! I forgot to weigh in this morning, so I'll have to do it tomorrow. Congrats to the "losers"! I think I may have gained from last week b/c it's my TOM, ugh.
  • cmiles23
    cmiles23 Posts: 234 Member
    Hello ladies! I forgot to weigh in this morning, so I'll have to do it tomorrow. Congrats to the "losers"! I think I may have gained from last week b/c it's my TOM, ugh.

  • NMandaMarie
    NMandaMarie Posts: 234 Member
    Argh. I'm up. (Sorry Blue Berries.) I had a crazy week: started up business, birthday, lost wallet, not enough sleep or water, and TOM started this am.

    Getting back on track today. Hopefully next weeks weigh in will rock! I really, really want to be under 200...
  • Rioschica
    Rioschica Posts: 30 Member
    Oops, I thought today was Wednesday, so I didn't weigh. I will do it tomorrow morning though! Don't get your hopes up, I am sure I gained, it was a BAD week for me!
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    GOOD MORNING ALL!!!!! I am up a little bit, but its not discouraging me! And to those of you that have gained just remember: tomorrow is a new day! :flowerforyou: and to lose of you that lost GOOD JOB! Keep up the good work ladies! and I hope everyone has a good rest of the week and weekend! Before you know it, it'll be Thursday again :tongue:
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    Good morning!!! I just checked out the weigh-in results for today and it looks like we've had some with a good week and other with a not so good week.

    As for me, I am down exactly 1 pound, but am down to my lowest yet... I am now 1.2 pounds away from hitting 150 even. So my goal this week is to bust through 150 into the 140s for once! I am so over losing and gaining these same pounds over and over again!!! I started calorie zig-zagging yesterday, so we'll see how that works for me, along with some weight-training.

    Good luck to everyone who will be weighing in tomorrow or later today!!
  • misslouisee
    misslouisee Posts: 73 Member
    well done blue berries for getting all your weights entered first! Very much looking forward to seeing the results today hopefully :)
  • cmiles23
    cmiles23 Posts: 234 Member
    ross i see u logged weight yesterday but i thought you werent weighing in till today?
  • healthyhappy123
    ross i see u logged weight yesterday but i thought you werent weighing in till today?

    Yep...I had a change of plans, sorry I didn't let you know!

    Also, we have lost Floricienta due to some life changes. She will be traveling abroad for a while and won't be able to be part of the challenge anymore. Thank you floricienta for being a great competitor! You will be missed!

    If anyone has a friend that wants to join us, let me know!

    Still waiting on a few more people to log their weights. Hopefully I can announce winners tonight. Good work everyone who lost this week!!!
  • healthyhappy123
    It's official, we've definitely lost Courtney (islander). So we need another replacement. Paula, got anymore friends? You seem to be supplying us with great replacements! BttflyKisses925 is joining us in floricienta's place on the PEACHES. This is such a bummer losing people like this :frown: But on the bright side, we are meeting more inspirational people!
  • paulahhhh
    It's official, we've definitely lost Courtney (islander). So we need another replacement. Paula, got anymore friends? You seem to be supplying us with great replacements! BttflyKisses925 is joining us in floricienta's place on the PEACHES. This is such a bummer losing people like this :frown: But on the bright side, we are meeting more inspirational people!

    LOL!!! Let me post another announcement that we're looking for someone else ;D
    It sure is such a shame that we lost them :[

    Welcome to the familiy tree & GOOO PEACHES <3
  • SexyJaye
    SexyJaye Posts: 102 Member
    hello all lovely ladies!!! I'm one of the PEACHES!
    Thank for letting me into the challenge. Not on here much due to work, but that does not give excuse not to work hard.
    Let's work hard together let there's no tomorrow! It's now or never,
    Nice knowing all of you! <3
  • Rioschica
    Rioschica Posts: 30 Member
    I tried to log my weight but it won't let me for some reason. Please add mine 151. I didn't get to weigh today so I used the weight I was like 3-4 days ago. Life has been crazy hectic this week......we are getting things prepared to move back home to the USA!!! WOOT!! So, there are a lot of errands, appointments and bad eating going on due to time constraints! I am hoping next week will be calmer, but then again, next week is the last week before our cruise......maybe our cruise will be better? Oh wait they have bottomless food onboard.....crap!:huh:
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    OH EM GEE!!!! I forgot to log my weight. work has been CUH-RAZY!! just logged!!
  • Nikki881
    I tried to log my weight but it won't let me for some reason. Please add mine 151.

    I added it to the spreadsheet. Good luck with moving!!