Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • Jlswensen
    Jlswensen Posts: 60 Member
    New to this and would love some accountability partners.
  • chloecola
    chloecola Posts: 104 Member

    Add me my nails are rough AF rn 👑🤌
  • DivisMomma
    DivisMomma Posts: 14 Member
    I'm restarting my fitness journey after a three year hiatus. Looking for accountability and motivation. I can always use more that! Ha ha 😂 Add me
  • pinkbaba03
    pinkbaba03 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey! My progress took a backseat while I moved. Looking for friends to help motivate me and vice-versa. Add me!
  • Hunnah1029
    Hunnah1029 Posts: 13 Member
    Back again. Have 16 pounds I wanna lose. Names Hunter
  • RaymondKnight
    RaymondKnight Posts: 42 Member
    Looking for people to cheer on and to cheer me on!
  • musicblaring
    musicblaring Posts: 8 Member
    HEY. My feed has been so dead. Pretty sure all the originally people have dropped off. Feel free to add me. Starting my journey in a healthy way again. After hitting a rough patch. I like music and crossfit. I basically pick things up and put them down haha
  • itsjuststaci
    itsjuststaci Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! Anyone feel free to add me!
    My name is Staci. I’m just getting started on my health journey again & would love to make some friends on here to keep me motivated & excited to login everyday. I’m a 33 year old mom of 3 (6, 11, & 13). I work as a 911 dispatcher & have gained about 50 lbs over the last 6 years. Recently I found out that it is now directly affecting my health (diabetes and hypertension). I want to set a better example for my kids & be able to keep up with them again. My hobbies include photography, reading, & singing. Looking forward to getting to know you!
  • StrongMandi13
    StrongMandi13 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm commenting again... I fell off the wagon and I really didn't want to be that person. Had some major medical stuff going on, but life is leveling back out. I normally like lifting but with my new condition and medications I just feel blah. But I'm back and logging and need friends... many didn't stick it out with me, or also fell off the wagon. Open diaries preferred. :smiley:
  • fitandabs2020
    fitandabs2020 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi, Joe here! Feel free to add me, all friends are welcome :)!
  • jjmassrodriguez
    jjmassrodriguez Posts: 2 Member
    I believe any additional friends that would support a healthier lifestyle can't be bad.
  • Soonerqueen05
    Soonerqueen05 Posts: 2 Member
    Looking forward to getting healthy with everyone, add me if you want!
  • tamisux
    tamisux Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new here and anyone can add me (:
  • spaigewrites
    spaigewrites Posts: 3 Member
    Looking for some motivation and new friends.
  • pinkbaba03
    pinkbaba03 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey all! Feel free to add me! My feed is kinda slow! Could use the support and happy to give as well!
  • tealcot
    tealcot Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, everyone is welcome to add me as well. I’m a committed logger and would love to see some motivation on my feed and share food ideas.
  • PerfectlyGolden
    PerfectlyGolden Posts: 1 Member
    New here and looking for friends. :)
  • yoyofahmy
    yoyofahmy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi; I’m new here & looking for friends to support the weight loss journey
  • GrumpyDumpty
    GrumpyDumpty Posts: 234 Member
    Hey all. I'm needing help, motivation, inspiration. I'm a new dad for the second time, my diet and exercise is non existent. I've previously gone from 20st (280 pounds) to 11st (154 pounds) this was dine crash dieting, totally unhealthy and ofcourse the weight piled back on.

    I am currently 251 days sober, and I have a half marathon coming up in October. I want to be able to finish this without stopping.

    I want to be healthy enough to run around after my kids. I find it hard to diet and keep dieting with so much temptation, I guess I'm lazy and full of excuses. But I want this time to my final time. Height is 5 foot 8 (172cm)

    Weight 16 stone 6 (104kg,230 pounds)

    I've got my fitness pal, but no exercise equipment. I plan on running

    I need a starting point, some help and a plan. Can anyone help please?
  • Frankiesgirl53
    Frankiesgirl53 Posts: 4 Member
    I need new friends!! Supporting friends