I was doing so well before the pandemic

mrscooper2013 Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2022 in Introduce Yourself
Hi. I am finally in a better mindset since the pandemic to get back to a healthy lifestyle. The pandemic hit me hard...and I felt like I really lost a lot by not being at the gym. I didn't do well with at-home workouts. I think I am ready to move forward again and get back to being my most authentic me. Looking for accountability buddies. I have done a lot of soul-searching to get back to this...and I am ready to go.... my diet is mainly watching macros....heavy emphasis on protein, fats, and very few carbs. I am down 9 pounds today....but I know getting over my anxiety about starting a new gym is my next step.


  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    Ooh girl I can totally relate!!!

    The pandemic wrecked my body. I can’t believe I was only 160 pounds before the pandemic… now I am close to 280.

    I was afraid to go out for a long time. I watched the news constantly and felt scared to death every day. I stayed home for almost a year. I don't really know how to cook so I ordered delivery from restaurants every night.

    I have always been a couch potato ever since I was a kid. It’s my comfy place where I feel happiest. But normally I would get at least a little exercise from walking during my commute or walking around stores... but then for over a year, I didn't even get that.

    There were a lot of days I barely got out of bed except if I needed the bathroom or picking up deliveries at the door. I probably watched 7 or 8 hours of TV/Netflix per day. Then scroll through Instagram and tiktok when I feel bored and wanna see tons of stuff real fast.

    During the worst part of the pandemic I felt very scared and stressed and weight / body fat was the least of my worries. I had to prioritize making my self feel safe and comforted so I wouldn’t have a breakdown and that meant constant food in my mouth… overeating became a big problem for me but I felt like I had no control because I just craved it so bad.

    My body changed a lot during te pandemic. Especially my belly and my arms. My waistline grew a lot.

    When they made us go back to the office in-person I struggled because:
    • No clothes that fit good anymore, I had grown from a normal size 16 to a size 22 which is definitely a plus size.
    • Out of breath walking to my office and couldn’t take the stairs, had to use elevator.
    • Coworkers not wearing masks, made me feel incredibly scared and uncomfortable.

    I ended up getting laid off which caused more stress eating and more weight gain. Fortunately my parents are helping me financially now so I don’t need to find another job right away and I can just focus on taking care of my self during this scary time. I need to reset and get my weight under control first. I am just feeling very overwhelmed abd I need help getting started.

    I'm not an athletic girl - I've always been more of of the “couch potato” type girl and a curvy and thick and larger size girl. I really need people to understand that and not waste my time with advice that won’t work on a body like mine.

    I'm apple shape so I've always had extra fat around my belly, but I used to carry my weight better and I could hide the belly fat with spanx and high waisted pants. But now my fat is just really noticeable and I can't hide it. :( I am trying to find shapewear for size 22/24 but it needs to really be strong enough to hold my tummy fat in tighter so my waist can look smaller than my hips. Can anyone help??

    I am trying to accept my self and feel good about my body because every woman deserves that. I’m okay with my butt and legs. My tummy area is a big insecurity for me and I need a self esteem boost in this area please just make me feel better! :)

    I have no clue where to start to get in shape again. I need something EASY because "just hit the gym" is not really do-able for me.

    PLEASE be kind and give me lots of encouragement and support!!!



  • mrscooper2013
    mrscooper2013 Posts: 4 Member
    I only had to read a few lines and wanted to respond…. I’ll read it all… but I just want to say…. I see so much of myself in you already. I’ll keep reading and will respond more too
  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    I only had to read a few lines and wanted to respond…. I’ll read it all… but I just want to say…. I see so much of myself in you already. I’ll keep reading and will respond more too

    Thank you!! It feels so good to talk to someone who “gets it”! A lot of my friends act like the pandemic was no big deal and that really bothers me. It shook me so hard, it’s gonna take a long time to feel “normal” again. :( Us women who “get it” need to support each other!! :)

    I’m trying the low carb, high protein, high fat diet too!! I crave meaty/fatty foods and a low fat diet doesn’t work for me because I feel so unsatisfied I end up eating more junk. Fat has been demonized for so long but it’s actually carbs that are bad for you! High fat can be good if you reduce carbs and sugar, and it feels a lot more satisfying so it’s easier to maintain :)

    As for getting my butt back in the gym, that’s gonna be hard. I only went to the gym once because I felt uncomfortable. I was bigger than the other girls there. I can’t find workout clothes that fit well (hold in my tummy) so my tummy would hang out. I wore plus size yoga pants but they show my butt and every roll and cellulite. :( So I felt like it was all on display lol. I was also the only one wearing a mask and that made me feel uncomfortable. I’m upset that other people won’t wear masks because they show that you care about other people and some people need them to feel comfortable!!

    Home exercise might be better for me so I bought a Peloton but haven’t gotten into it yet. I’m having trouble getting started because the seat feels very small for my butt lol. Is it supposed to be like that? I feel like it’s not designed for a plus size woman’s body and that makes me upset. So I’m not riding it right now but maybe after I find a more comfortable seat for it?
  • hermajestee327
    hermajestee327 Posts: 3 Member
    I can relate to both of you! The pandemic was really hard on me as well. I've always been super social and the isolation was awful. For me it was wine and food! I have 50 lbs to lose and would love to have some accountability buddies!
  • mrscooper2013
    mrscooper2013 Posts: 4 Member
    hey @CurvyEmmy and @hermajestee327 ladies... thanks for responding. I have had a hell of a week, and finding some accountability partners would be awesome. Sometimes the hardest part is knowing how to ask for help. Ya know?
  • CurvyEmmy
    CurvyEmmy Posts: 225 Member
    hey @CurvyEmmy and @hermajestee327 ladies... thanks for responding. I have had a hell of a week, and finding some accountability partners would be awesome. Sometimes the hardest part is knowing how to ask for help. Ya know?

    @mrscooper2013 I just sent you my story in a private message!

    @mrscooper2013 and @hermajestee327 let’s keep in touch every day! We could message each other, or maybe we should create a group for pandemic weight loss? What do you think?

    I know I need daily support. I joined MFP a year ago after gaining 80 pounds from the pandemic. Unfortunately I didn’t get the support I needed. It was a huge struggle for me to start losing weight or even just stop the gaining and maintain. A lot of the skinny, fit people on MFP were passive aggressive toward me and judged me for not trying. But I was trying. So. Freaking. Hard. I didn’t appreciate the oversimplified advice “just eat less than you burn” like that’s so easy. There is SO much emotional nuance and complexity there that they were missing.

    So it was a struggle to get started but I did eventually lose some weight. Unfortunately, my performance at work suffered a lot when the made us go back into the office and stop working from home. I was a lot heavier than I was pre-pandemic so the stairs became a real challenge. I became avoidant of going to meetings because other people weren’t wearing masks and I felt so scared. Eventually I got laid off which shook me. I fell right back into binge eating because I was so emotionally overwhelmed and I needed the food to cope. I gained all the weight back and then some.

    I need to reset but this time, I need daily support. Before, I had no one I was checking in with regularly. I need to be surrounded by people who “get it”. Just getting advice from skinny fit people who can’t relate to the challenges I face wasn’t enough.

    I am 5’5” and my weight fluctuates in the high 270s or around 280. I can’t believe I was only 160 before the pandemic, that was so skinny.

    I am trying to be realistic. Losing 120 pounds seems totally unrealistic so right now I’m just focused on maybe getting down to 250? I guess the number isn’t as important to me as feeling like I can do normal things again like climb 1 flight of stairs without stopping to rest. Also, losing inches off my belly so I can get some sense of a waistline back. Like right now my tummy fat has gotten so out of control that my waist is bigger than my hips. I’m like a reverse hourglass shape. It really sucks, kills my confidence, and makes it impossible to find clothes that fit. I’m naturally plus size and I’m naturally apple shape so I’ve always had a small butt, big belly. Even at my lower weight, I always had tummy fat but at least I was small enough to hold it in with spanx!! I’m too big for shapewear even the plus size ones smooth but can’t suck it in. They are so exhausting to put on too.

    I am trying to stay positive but I really need daily encouragement. Like, appreciating and loving my body through each stage of its evolution is the hardest part. When I start feeling negative about my body, I binge eat because I’m too emotionally overwhelmed and it’s the only way I know how to cope with my feelings.

    So please, let’s just encourage each other and be positive and build each other up and help us love ourselves more because we are all beautiful and we need to see that in each other and embrace our beauty :)

    I don’t know how much you ladies weigh but I feel like we “get” how hard the pandemic was and I feel like we are at a similar place? I feel like we are at a similar height/weight? Similar goals? What are your goals ladies?