Having major surgery Nov 3 - please send thoughts of healing @ 12:30 PM EST!



  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,028 Member
    Sending positive thoughts for the procedure, healing, and outcome.
  • vianapoli
    vianapoli Posts: 1 Member
    i haven’t had a hysterectomy but i have had the same vertical incision for a different surgery. it took a good week or more before i could stand up straight, so please take it easy and don’t push too hard after surgery. best wishes for a successful procedure and fast healing!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,007 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I had a TAH, plus removal of ovaries and cervix 10 years ago due to fibroids, I had what the surgeon said was a 20 week uterine size and he did warn me he may have to do the vertical incision surgery, Fortunately he decided to do the more standard hip bone to hip bone horizontal incision, which heals easier than the vertical cut. Staples were removed on the Saturday and, quite honestly, that was the worst part of the entire experience.

    Operation was on a Monday and I begged to be allowed up to shower the following morning, was home and ambulatory by Thursday morning. Recovery to a ‘managing daily life’ level was pretty quick, although it took a few months before i felt fully recovered.

    My Mum died a week after my surgery and I was well enough to travel via train the 300 miles to sort arrangements and attend the funeral. So that was a timescale of about 2 weeks and I was up to that (although I didn’t get out of the car to push the hearse when it got stuck in snow, obviously! 😂)

    I was cleared to drive after 5 weeks. All bladder and bowel issues were absolutely resolved, which I hadn’t necessarily expected, but that was a bonus!

    It was standard practice at that private hospital to administer an epidural after the surgery before the anaesthetic was withdrawn to help with the immediate pain when waking up and for the first few hours. I declined this as I’ve always been squeamish about things going into my spine. If I had to do it again I’d take that epidural in a heartbeat…so I’d advise if the option is there, go with it!

    I wish you the best and a speedy recovery. My surgeon said at my 6 week checkup that a positive state of mind is a huge part of how well you heal and how quickly you get back to normal life.

    LOL at pushing the hearse!

    We will have the house to ourselves over Thanksgiving and for a minute I thought about hosting instead of going to friends...and quickly thought better of it. :smiley:

    There's been no mention of an epidural. Apparently I'm getting a pain pump thingy initially.

    I've been reading Peggy Huddleston's "Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster: A Guide of Mind-Body Techniques" and doing the relaxation exercises from the CD. It's supposed to be an active exercise, where you are actively visualizing healing goals. I keep falling asleep though. Once or twice I've been vaguely aware of the healing goals part, but it's towards the end, and mostly I sleep through it :lol:

    May not matter - may still have an effect? When I did hypnotherapy, took the recorded sessions home to repeat daily, the psychologist told me not to worry if I fell asleep along the way, that it was still sinking in subconsciously. I grant, it was a different goal than healing, though.

    I'm falling asleep faster and faster to it, even when I am stressed and think I will not be sleeping for a long time.

    While I think it's quite possible it will still have an effect, I am also doing the visualizations while wide awake.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,449 Member
    edited November 2022
    I had major abdominal surgery for something different so it isn’t completely comparable, but here are a few tips:
    1. Get BIG pants (knickers). I didn’t realise how swollen I would be and I just wanted loose and comfy clothing.
    2. Roll a towel up and keep it next to you in case you need to sneeze or cough. Hold it tightly to your tummy to support your muscles and reduce the pain.
    3. Take ALL the painkillers they offer and press the pain pump button as much as you can. No pain = much quicker recovery.
    4. When they say you’ll be healed in xx weeks and can rerun to normal activity, start really gently. I was given the all clear at 6 weeks and really hurt myself - it actually took me 6 months to get back to “normal”.
    5. Get some nice unscented oil to massage your scar to help healing and to desensitise it
    6. Eat little and often, try to eat vitamin e for healing (avocados) and pineapple for bromelin (fortunately I like both of those!) and get your protein in

    Finally, my road to recovery was longer than I wanted but my husband bought me stickers. I was 40 when I had the surgery but I was so excited to get gold stars for walking down the garden, to the lamp post, for standing up straight. It worked on me! Good luck, sending hugs xx
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,654 Member
    You're going to be fine. You have such an amazing attitude about this surgery and your after care :)

    Still sending positive thoughts!
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,380 Member
    Wishing you all the best for the surgery, and that it isn't the big C!

    My mom had a hysterectomy last year due to uterine cancer, but a laparoscopic procedure. She recovered quite quickly, no heavy lifting was the trickiest part for her (heavy pots and pans for cooking).

    As an aside, I thought of you when I saw this article: https://news.italy24.press/health/166306.html
    Compared to that, your surgery will be a walk in the park!

    *Sending healing vibes your way*
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,007 Member
    Lietchi wrote: »
    Wishing you all the best for the surgery, and that it isn't the big C!

    My mom had a hysterectomy last year due to uterine cancer, but a laparoscopic procedure. She recovered quite quickly, no heavy lifting was the trickiest part for her (heavy pots and pans for cooking).

    As an aside, I thought of you when I saw this article: https://news.italy24.press/health/166306.html
    Compared to that, your surgery will be a walk in the park!

    *Sending healing vibes your way*

    WOW! I stopped shortly after reading 70 kg. YIKES!

    Yes, while my breathing isn't affected YET, the biggest fibroid is about up to my diaphragm, so it is time for surgery.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,007 Member
    I had major abdominal surgery for something different so it isn’t completely comparable, but here are a few tips:
    1. Get BIG pants (knickers). I didn’t realise how swollen I would be and I just wanted loose and comfy clothing.
    2. Roll a towel up and keep it next to you in case you need to sneeze or cough. Hold it tightly to your tummy to support your muscles and reduce the pain.
    3. Take ALL the painkillers they offer and press the pain pump button as much as you can. No pain = much quicker recovery.
    4. When they say you’ll be healed in xx weeks and can rerun to normal activity, start really gently. I was given the all clear at 6 weeks and really hurt myself - it actually took me 6 months to get back to “normal”.
    5. Get some nice unscented oil to massage your scar to help healing and to desensitise it
    6. Eat little and often, try to eat vitamin e for healing (avocados) and pineapple for bromelin (fortunately I like both of those!) and get your protein in

    Finally, my road to recovery was longer than I wanted but my husband bought me stickers. I was 40 when I had the surgery but I was so excited to get gold stars for walking down the garden, to the lamp post, for standing up straight. It worked on me! Good luck, sending hugs xx

    I didn't know if I'd be smaller due to having a 9 month sized "alien baby" removed or the same due to being swollen. I'd packed smaller PJs and underwear but will pack my regular size as well - thanks!

    And thanks for the other tips as well :smiley:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,007 Member
    Thanks everyone else too :blush:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,007 Member
    I don't know if I'm going to be hot or cold and have been overpacking for my 2-5 day stay at the hospital due to that. I've never had a hot flash, but I have been getter progressively hotter as I get older. I take Gabapentin at night - this worked great for my sister's night sweats, but doesn't seem to do much for me, especially during the daytime. Larger doses of Cymbalta and similar antidepressants can also help, but in my case this is probably what lead to hemorrhaging - Cymbalta, especially when taken with NSAIDs, can interfere with clotting. I stopped taking that over a month ago.

    My surgeon didn't have any insight. She said when it's an issue with the ovaries, what happens is hot FLASHES, not ALWAYS hot. She suggested I see an endocrinologist if I am still hot after my surgery. If my ovaries are healthy, they will stay in.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,380 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I don't know if I'm going to be hot or cold and have been overpacking for my 2-5 day stay at the hospital due to that.

    My experience at (Belgian) hospitals has always been that is 'ridiculously' warm there, no matter what the season. But habits might vary between countries/regions, YMMV?
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,449 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I had major abdominal surgery for something different so it isn’t completely comparable, but here are a few tips:
    1. Get BIG pants (knickers). I didn’t realise how swollen I would be and I just wanted loose and comfy clothing.
    2. Roll a towel up and keep it next to you in case you need to sneeze or cough. Hold it tightly to your tummy to support your muscles and reduce the pain.
    3. Take ALL the painkillers they offer and press the pain pump button as much as you can. No pain = much quicker recovery.
    4. When they say you’ll be healed in xx weeks and can rerun to normal activity, start really gently. I was given the all clear at 6 weeks and really hurt myself - it actually took me 6 months to get back to “normal”.
    5. Get some nice unscented oil to massage your scar to help healing and to desensitise it
    6. Eat little and often, try to eat vitamin e for healing (avocados) and pineapple for bromelin (fortunately I like both of those!) and get your protein in

    Finally, my road to recovery was longer than I wanted but my husband bought me stickers. I was 40 when I had the surgery but I was so excited to get gold stars for walking down the garden, to the lamp post, for standing up straight. It worked on me! Good luck, sending hugs xx

    I didn't know if I'd be smaller due to having a 9 month sized "alien baby" removed or the same due to being swollen. I'd packed smaller PJs and underwear but will pack my regular size as well - thanks!

    And thanks for the other tips as well :smiley:

    Yeah, I had a significant adrenal tumour removed and I naively thought I’d emerge smaller from the surgery, and because I wouldn’t eat much in hospital. I was like a balloon - no pants or bottoms fitted 🤣 I’d packed a bag for going home and put jeans in. I sat in the wheelchair with this ginormous belly protruding as my jeans wouldn’t do up, so we carefully arranged my coat over my belly and underwear.

    Also - sorry to say this - even with open surgery they sometimes inflate your abdominal cavity with gas. So when you come around expect burps. I was high on morphine and thought it was hilarious and couldn’t stop laughing, which then hurt as all my muscles had been cut. And, uh, wind from other areas too. Your intestines get moved around as they remove organs, and it causes wind. Again, I’m afraid I found that hilarious.

    The two biggest influences on my recovery were my fitness (you’re fit) and my determination to get up and about asap. You also have that. It got me through the diagnosis, the surgery and the resulting issues from the cancer. Everyone is different and I’d never judge someone who didn’t want to fight and get pissed off. But I was NOT going to let Mr T beat me. Come back as soon as you can and update us please!

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Nothing but good wishes for you tomorrow and forever after.

    I will find it strange not reading references to the fibroids, but so looking forward to hearing about you moving forward without them.
    I’d throw a party for you if I could.

    Cheers, h.

    Also hope the problems with your brother get resolved (I do remember you posting about him over the years)
  • Jimibill
    Jimibill Posts: 1 Member
    Thinking of you and wishing you all the best..
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Atheist here too, but you'll be in my thoughts today. Please post and let us know how it went! <3
  • navychickpensfan
    navychickpensfan Posts: 25 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Sending positive thoughts! I had a 16 cm massive fibroid taken out by a GYN Oncologist with the same surgery you are having. I went with the GYN Oncologist just in case of cancer. My fibroid grew really fast. I had everything removed except for my ovaries. It was reassuring to know that most fibroids are not cancer. The surgery was worth it and I felt much better a few weeks after. I no long had the fibroid pushing on my bladder. Five years later I am still not in menopause!

    @navychickpensfan I know, my life currently revolves around my tiny bladder and I'm trying to imagine not having to go through that anymore :lol:

    I'm hopeful it's not cancer but am very happy with my doctor's qualifications in case it is.

    I'd like to hear more details about your recovery. For example, after week X you were able to do Y, etc.

    Recovery wasn't as bad as I thought. Get up and start walking the halls of the hospital as soon as you can. I had to stay two days longer because of an oxygen issue. Walking helped with gas that was trapped in the abdomen and to not have blood clots. Listen to your body. Only do what you feel you can do. By 8 weeks I was able to do almost anything except lift anything heavy. Five years later and all I have is a scar from above my belly button to right above my pubic bone. The scar isn't the prettiest, but I don't plan on wearing a bikini, so it doesn't really concern me.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,907 Member
    Just looked at the clock, saw that it was almost exactly the moment: Thinking of you, sending positive thoughts.

    Let us know how you're doing when you feel up to it. 🤗
  • 406MamaBear
    406MamaBear Posts: 47 Member
    Good vibes and healing thoughts to you!!!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    Hope the surgery went well and all is good with you!