
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    30 Days of Gratitude

    1. Smell - freshly cut grass on our lawn.
    2. Technology - the amazing advancements in medical technology.
    3. Colour - blue. Beautiful blue sky peaking through the clouds.
    4. Food - soup. That's what I've been eating just recently because there's less chewing. We always keep a few cans of soup on hand for situations like these.
    5. Sound - my music. I've recently acquired a number of nature sounds CDs with music playing along with sounds of ocean waves, birds, and so on. Lovely.
    6. Nature - I love nature. It would be incredibly difficult for me to pick just one thing. I am so grateful that there is nature and that I can enjoy it.

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Life is good. Scenes from the Kula Farmers Market, upcountry Maui. After loading up on fruits and gifts, we made lunch in the condo. Followed by a long swim and a nap. Glorious.


    Sending you all aloha

    Is that top one durian ... and did you try it? :smiley:

    I wasn't brave enough when we were in Hong Kong.

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2022
    Drink coffee, read book, repeat is an excellent use of time. 😊 Thanks for an excellent idea, Machka
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Morning ladies
    Slept with the windows open,go figure the beginning of November.. sheesh..got Alfies food all set and last night when I was changing the clocks the ones that needed batteries, I changed and put fresh ones in..
    Will get more done today and dropping my car off in the morning for an oil change and new rear brakes..will get a ride to Tracys and she can drop me off..
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,808 Member
    Happy Sunday, my chickens... we're off to a chilly start here in Arkansas.

    Which reminds me - Karen, we were under a tornado watch for a bit on Friday, but we didn't even get high winds here. Went right around us. We live in Crawford County, and the tornado touched down across the border, in Oklahoma. Little Idabel, OK, got hit hard.

    Well, all the electronics have adjusted back an hour automatically, but there are a few analog clocks that need to be changed. I'm going to let Corey do that when he gets up.

    Going to settle down in the living room with my laptop and see how much I can get written. Hope it is, was, or will be a lovely sunny Sunday for everyone. It's nice to look at 6:40 on the computer clock, and it's light outside already.

    Catching up on my Gratitudes:
    Kim - Thanks, I swiped your list!

    1. Smell - I am grateful for the smell of baking bread in my own kitchen.
    2. Technology - While I have my doubts about it sometimes overall, the internet fills my life corners in ways I could never have predicted, like y'all's friendship and support, and I'm grateful.
    3. Color - I am grateful for all the jewel colors, the ruby reds, sapphire blues, emerald greens, the saturated, satisfying colors.
    4. Food - I am grateful for the foods that feed my soul as well as my stomach--the comfort foods of home and Mama - beans, cornbread, southern and TexMex cooking.
    5. Sound - My husband's snores. Means I don't have to check to see if he's breathing...
    6. Nature - Watching the deer munch their way across the tree line. They're so beautiful...

    7 memory.
    8 book.
    9 place.
    10 taste.
    11 holiday.
    12 texture.
    13 abilities.
    14 sight.
    15 season.
    16 about your body.
    17 knowledge.
    18 piece of art.
    19 touch.
    20 who.
    21 song.
    22 story.
    23 tradition.
    24 challenge.
    25 moment this week.
    26 form of expression.
    27 daily use item.
    28 what happen today.
    29 friend/family member.
    30 talent or skill

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    Kelly- how exciting isn't that fun.. and something to look forward to..
    And wonderful that your daughter and son in law want to move closer .. yipee..rxt91wj25l3s.jpg
    Lol so Miles great grandpa,Kyles grandpa used to give all the babies when they were little a jelly donut.. so the tradition continues ..
  • minicooper452
    minicooper452 Posts: 640 Member
    Glad he's liking his new friends, Pip.

    Grateful for...
    6-*nature-my backyard
    Love and Blessings, Carla, in MN
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Lisa - so happy you had an energized day, hope you get many more soon.

    Rebecca - your surgery is scheduled on what was my grandfather’s birthday.
    I’m with your son, I would love to have trains around a room. The funeral director in the town I grew up in had trains going all through their basement. They went through walls had mountains and tunnels it was great fun.

    Machka - I hope that your nose cancer is very minor. My cousin had a terrible time with hers.

    Heather - I’m enjoying your cruise with you. Beautiful watercolour.

    Debbie - your cats are well treated, I would never make myself uncomfortable for a pet in that manner.

    Lanette - we are having terrible staffing shortages here as well.

    Barbie - I love the heat from a good fire in the wood stove, but I will never have one again. I grew up cold and refuse to ever do it again. DH told me several times early in our marriage that I needed to have a big fancy house. I told him all I needed was a full bathroom, hot running water and heat and I would be very happy.

    Mary - I hope that she eventually has charges laid against her, I’m sure you’re not the first victim.
    Is the TENS machine like the Dr. Ho? How do you know where to place the pads?

    Rosemarie - have you read any Nora Roberts? She has cafes, bookstores and such in her storylines. If you are not familiar I can recommend a few of hers that the settings alone make you want to read over and over.

    Barbara - why does Joe hate those noises so much? I’m just curious. It’s something that needs to happen you should be able to do it when you need to not just when he is away.
    My hair has tangled at different stages in life. I’ve used leave in conditioners to help. I also used “No More Tangles” at times. I don’t know if they even make that anymore. I only wash my hair about every three days unless I have done some dirty work.

    Debbie - that is just rude for your husband to vacuum while you sleep. I can’t imagine.

    Katla - I’m so incredibly sorry you are separated from your husband except for Tuesday’s. Can you take a cab or have your daughter drop you off?

    Allie - Miles is a cutie. Neither of my Grands like Mac and Cheese, it’s surprising to me.

    Lanette - my daughter moved “outside of town” in 2020, she grew up in a city and it didn’t take her long to learn she needed to plan her trips. She is 35 minutes at minimum from a store. The cheaper stores are almost an hour. She keeps an ongoing list on her phone now. Her DH also works in a town so always checks in before coming home to make sure there is nothing required.

    Kelly - how exciting that your daughter’s family may move to Michigan. So happy for you and I hope it happens very soon!

    Debbie - Has there been any news in your Mom’s roommate moving out? She just needs to go.

    My eldest daughter who was just diagnosed with ADHD had sound sensory issues. There are special earplugs that help with it. I forget what they are called.

    Flea - I was going to talk about POA’s as well, it is a huge responsibility and not much gratitude shown. My brother is our Mom’s and before she was put in the nursing home she would call me and I knew how angry she was at his decisions. Every decision he made he discussed with me and I was in agreement so I would calm her and tell her he was only making decisions to keep her safe and healthy.
    Working in a nursing home I see a lot of POA’s in tears because they know they are doing what’s best, but their parents/loved ones don’t understand and is just angry with them.

    Michele - I worry for you being alone with Jerry driving him home. It seems to me he may be aggressive when angry, I worry you may so not sometime and he takes it out on you. Please be careful.

    Mary - we had a substitute teacher in grade 6 for a few days as our teacher needed surgery, boys in my class were horrendous. After one boy mouthed off at him he assigned the boy to teach the lesson the next day. It’s funny I still remember how proud that student was and it actually changed his demeanour to teachers.
    My Grandmother tried to substitute for a year but didn’t like the students behaviour so decided not to continue.

    Annie - happy that your mom had a great birthday.

    I am trying desperately to get stockings completed so I can get them mailed. It is hard to keep up and do that at the same time.

    I woke up early this morning 640, when I came out of the bedroom DH says you know it’s only 530 right? I said a foul word and went and brushed my teeth. I will regret being up so early later on today, but maybe I will sleep well tonight for a change.

    I am meeting my youngest daughter and two of her friends at a craft show today. I am looking forward to it. May get a baby snuggle in, but I have told the young mom that I know how important Mama time is and I understand if I don’t see the baby. She will just need to visit me soon.

    My eldest daughters Grandmother in Law is in hospital, she has been having a stomach issue they have been trying to nail down. Turns out she has a cancerous growth on her gallbladder. Due to her age they are not operating. She was on a see saw with her great grandchildren just two weeks ago, she is not frail.
    Michaela has been going to church and Sunday school with her for the last year or so, they then go to Wendy’s for lunch. This will be very confusing for Michaela. She has been praying for her Grandma. I have bought her a Precious Moments children’s Bible for Christmas, I think she’ll enjoy it.

    I am still unable to post pictures through the app on my iPhone. I’m still using the trick that Rita shared a few months ago. I’ll switch and post a picture of our yard.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Tracey I love seeing pictures of snow! It brings back fond memories. The TENS unit that I have has a wand that I use to treat the different areas of face and body. Avazzia Med Sport.

    💕 Mary from Arizona/Minnesota