Welcome New Members!



  • kevinwm0
    kevinwm0 Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2022
    Hi everyone! I just joined and I'm looking to maintain my weight after some successful time using another weight loss program. Also looking to connect with others in my area (SF Bay area) for regular exercise.
  • ctrb1959
    ctrb1959 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there!

    I am Tracy and I will soon be 63.

    I have been obese since I was 11yo. I am in need of two knee replacements and I have to get my weight down to qualify. My knees are so bad that I walk with at least one and sometimes two canes.

    Since I don't want to be in a wheelchair and want to be more active, I made the commitment to do whatever I could to get healthy and stay that way.

    I look forward to being part of the community and making life better with all of you!❤
  • BlessedGmaof4
    BlessedGmaof4 Posts: 6 Member
    ctrb1959 wrote: »
    Hey there!

    I am Tracy and I will soon be 63.

    I have been obese since I was 11yo. I am in need of two knee replacements and I have to get my weight down to qualify. My knees are so bad that I walk with at least one and sometimes two canes.

    Since I don't want to be in a wheelchair and want to be more active, I made the commitment to do whatever I could to get healthy and stay that way.

    I look forward to being part of the community and making life better with all of you!❤

    Hi. I have about 100 lbs to lose and would like to be friends if you wish.

  • DashGravity
    DashGravity Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone. I just joined MFP today after a call from my doctor. Apparently I have two (2!) ventral hernias that need surgical repair. Aside from the medical need, when I look at my abdomen, I get a flashback to "Alien" to the scene right before the creature burst out from the guys abdomen. I mean it sticks out.
    I was told very kindly that I was not able to have surgery because I was too overweight, and that while the hernia sites could be repaired, it wouldn't last, because my BMI was too high. My doc said that I would have to lose 35 pounds before the surgery would be scheduled. Then he told me that his nurse would be contacting me with some calorie lists, and that I should call back to schedule surgery when I had lost the weight. By the way, he also said the hernias were "fat-filled".
    So after staring blankly at the office wall for a while, I decided to join MFP and get serious about dropping weight, and actually learning how to keep it off. I admit it. I am a procrastinator and rather lazy. But I'm also a realist. This is not just aesthetics, this is a serious medical problem that needs to be dealt with. So I need to learn how to eat properly and increase my activity so I can qualify for my surgery. So here I go. Thanks for any good thoughts or comments.

    Hey there. Wishing you the best in your journey. Just remember that your worth it and can do anything you put your mind too. Start loving the things you hate. I used to hate doing burpees and now im loving them. If you hate missing out on foods you love do a bit more exercise and earn the calories to eat them first. Every small thing adds up. Protein really helps with hunger. Feel free to add me if you like. Wishing you the best!!
  • banreh_
    banreh_ Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all … looking for virtual friends for daily walking steps 10000 steps a day at least. Helps to have somebody to check in with daily …
  • gkcdrnn
    gkcdrnn Posts: 1 Member
    Hello from Turkey,, new here i am transgender woman struggling with addiction and trying to live healthier
  • Stacie1809
    Stacie1809 Posts: 2 Member
    Good Morning. I'm Scott. I need to drop a significant amount of weight. I could use some friends and support.

    We're in thisntogether.
  • Yoyojojo22
    Yoyojojo22 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Trying again, trying to change my lifestyle once and for all. My goal is no longer to be thin. It’s now to get healthier eating habits and get back to a sensible BMI.

  • logiegirl50
    logiegirl50 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi been away for a while but I want to get back on track, I'd love to have to here your success stories or how your dealing with any challanges
  • xkat9090
    xkat9090 Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning - starting a new journey after breaking free from points/syns/whatever else. Consultation with PT booked for pm. Fingers crossed! #100lbstolose #countdown
  • nscan2025
    nscan2025 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Nancy. This is not my first weight loss try. I need to not think of it as a diet but more of a lifestyle change. My worst tracking days are the weekend and I tend to binge.

    Looking for like minded people for accountability.

    Thank you. N.
  • LilBitMeme77
    LilBitMeme77 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am new (again). Have tried other fitness apps and haven't gotten the support that I was hoping for. So here I am!!
  • Mycupcakke8me
    Mycupcakke8me Posts: 12 Member
    New Here ! Single mom ready to hit the gym and local National parks and Go Go Go ❤️
  • Vanessalove10
    Vanessalove10 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all,
    Technically I'm not a new member, I've been using MFP for a few years off and on when needed. This account is brand-new however.
    My goal is to gain fat, mostly. I was super lean and muscular to begin with and I simply did not like the way it looked nor the negative attention I received because of my appearance.
    I started this recent weight gain journey about 3 months ago. It is far from my first time gaining weight, and I've never lost any of the weight I've gained. I just keep getting taller lol!
    I began recently at 140 lbs and I'm now at 155 and I hope to get to around 170 and decide if I want to keep going from there. I was at a healthy weight before and I know I'll be overweight any day now but I promise you I look TINY, because I have a really uncommon body type.
    I understand how unrelatable I am so I don't really expect to make any friends here but I'm quite experienced in manipulating body size so I'm happy to offer insight and I'm always down to chat about whatever.
  • DavGMac
    DavGMac Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all, I’m DavGMac and a new user. I’m currently testing out this app with the Premium trial. I am a type 2 Diabetic and am trying to track all my data such as blood sugar and nutritional data from the foods I eat and any other health data. I wear a CGM that syncs to its app and I sync all the data from MyFitnessPal to Apple so I can share with my doctor. Ultimately I want to reduce my A1C from current of 7.6. I have tried many apps to be able to sync all of this data into one place. If anyone has ideas for me on that or just looking for friends or to say Hi feel free to msg me. Thanks!!
  • peggyad3
    peggyad3 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone, back again after a long time away. Looking forward to getting back into shape and getting my eating under control.