Welcome New Members!



  • LittleDevilHotwife
    Hi! I’m back after a couple of years away; want to get back into using the diary for motivation and love reading others stories x
  • peterldavey
    peterldavey Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, Ilwoild be good to get to know some new people to help the journey. Please add me
  • matthewspencer480
    Hello, my name is Matt. I have been using myfitness pal for a bit but I just found out there is a community. Just figured I would introduce myself.
  • apriram
    apriram Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I've used MFP in the past, but have never used the community feature before. I'm back after a long break, and looking to maintain consistency with tracking food and exercise. An accountability buddy or two would be awesome! :)
  • AGoff86
    AGoff86 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me, Diary open. Down 43 lbs since Oct 4th. Had the sleeve done. Changed my life!
  • MjayR5
    MjayR5 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm new here although I have used MFP years ago before the app (2012/14) I'm enjoying it so far, I think.
    I am desperate to lose fat, gain muscle. Essentially my goal is 10kg but that depends on fat/muscle ratio which I'm still learning about myself. Basically, I want to stick to a healthy habits as my health has been terrible lately. Please add me if you like! ❤️
  • mrdcmcmillan574
    mrdcmcmillan574 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone I'm Dawayne. My friend can me D or Mac. I'm not new to myfitnesspal, I just been on a long hiatus. Hopefully with you all inspiring and motivating me I can get back on track
  • DilipCoder
    DilipCoder Posts: 5 Member
    Hey I m Dilip. Having fooding disorder..just try to get weight by using the app.. would like to connect with like minded people.
  • Kaye4healthxx
    Kaye4healthxx Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, use to use MFP years ago, so kinda new again.

    A bit about me, I weigh 192. I my highest weight was 262 plus. I use to try every diet, gimmick etc to no avail. Then one day the light bulb went off. (And a bright light it was). I no longer do/try diets, gimmicks etc now. I told myself, you need to change your eating habits for the rest of your life. Start changes a couple things a week. Take smaller (mental) steps. I started to look at my new journey as walking down a flight of stairs with landings every so often. Walla, it has worked. I lose for a few months, then hit my landing and see if I can maintain for a month. Once I can, I start to walk down the steps to the next landing.

    I am diabetic so I do follow a low carb higher fat/protein way of eating. My food diary is open to public. I work lots of 12 hour shifts all in a row on the night shift. My diary is posted midnight to midnight. My foods are posted as -meal 1, meal 2 etc.

    I hope to meet other diabetics, keto, low carb eaters. I love looking at others diaries to get ideals of new kids or meals
  • melissavazquezpacheco
    Hi, everyone. I went through a really tough breakup 6 months ago and I’m looking to build my self-confidence. So far, I’m not doing too well on staying within my calorie limit but it’s early days and I’ll get the hang of it. I’m also doing intermittent fasting. I work from home so I’m mostly sedentary but I’m trying to add an hour of yoga to my day. It’s nice to have a community to share struggles and victories.
  • kimbles1787
    kimbles1787 Posts: 1 Member
    Newbie to the gym scene, have been on the app a while tracking my intakes. Currently nursing a broken toe and recovering from a broken wrist so finding adaptions to exercises. I have a PT but I don’t feel like she’s working my whole body. My end goals are to have overall strength and grow muscles all over. I’m UK based :)
  • stinatwinb
    stinatwinb Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, everyone. I’m Kristina. I’m getting back into my fitness journey after taking about 6 months off. It’s hard getting back into it, but I’m excited to achieve my goals. I’d like to lose 10 pounds by January 30 and get my strength back.
  • Taylaholdham97
    Taylaholdham97 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone, my name is Taylah, I'm 25 from Australia. I've restarted my weight loss journey a few times and finally realised it's as much a mental journey as it is a physical one. This is my latest attempt and I've stuck to it, I'm almost down 7kg! I go to the gym with husband and also have a personal trainer. Feel free to add me so we can all create a supportive community 🥰
  • PrettyWhenSheSmiles
    My name is Ivana. I have wanted to lose weight for over a decade now but have tried and failed multiple times. I’ve never quite been able to stay consistent and committed. After breaking down and crying recently I have decided to make this a top goal for 2023 and beyond.
  • BC_Kid
    BC_Kid Posts: 3 Member
    HI... Just signed up on MFP... I live on an island in Canada... Thought this (MFP) may be a good place to help achieve my weight-loss goals, in time for spring... Winter Solstice wil be in a few days, marking the return of the sun, (to this part of the world, anyways)... Hopefully (Spring) will find me a few pounds lighter...
  • CrankyOldGoat
    CrankyOldGoat Posts: 17 Member
    Hi folks, and Happy Holidays. I am new both to this group and MyFitnessPal in general. I am a 55 year old married male; a gourmet food lover; avid walker (with our dog); mountain hiker and kayaker. I'm a health care professional and consider myself healthy and in reasonably good shape, BUT admittedly can lose 50 pounds and be much healthier for it.

    For 2023 I am trying to adopt a healthier "lifestyle routine" and that in itself can be a real challenge, mainly with breaking old habits after years and years of routine (like eating while watching TV in the evenings).

    Intermittent Fasting seems to be both well researched and a great option for lifelong weight maintenance - I like the 5:2 version, but was thinking of a combo - I'd use MFP's new Intermittent Fasting feature and adopt a 16:8 IF habit along with the 5:2! Nutritionally it looks like I can meet all my requirements - as I tend to eat nutrient dense whole foods/ chicken / eggs / and seafoods - plus the 5:2 option allows autophagy to truly kick-in and provide all it's wonderful metabolic cellular benefits.

    Although I used to bodybuild in my 20's and 30's, I'm no longer into "hitting the gym" and plan to incorporate a home based bodyweight calisthenics oriented workout routine, along with daily walks / hikes with my dog and kayaking / ocean swimming when the weather gets warmer.

    Would LOVE to find a couple mentors and several like-minded MFP friends to help assist me along the way.
  • nvlass
    nvlass Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I've been a premium user for a while, but I'm not really active on the forums.
    I am 47 years old, 176 cm tall, and 79 kg. I exercise three to four times a week in the gym and run 5 - 6 times per week, a Garmin Fenix 7X watch wearing active user.
    I'm attempting to shed a few pounds in order to prevent gaining them again, as I do every summer only to gain them back in the winter.
    Since MGP didn't have that option back then, I started March with IF using a different app, and I've already lost 5 kg. I was 86 in March and am now 79. My objective is to turn 75.
    Hopefully, certain risky days, such as Christmas and New Year's, will see restrictions on food and alcohol consumption.
  • 6qgt5m99gh
    6qgt5m99gh Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I am new and ready to start 2023 with a new way of living, eating and exercising! Experienced roadblocks in the last year that and now I want my outsides to match the goodness on the inside ☺️
  • alicelbowman
    alicelbowman Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new but not new - I previously used MFP to lose ~80lbs, but unfortunately over four years regained it all with change.

    Now I'm back at it and extremely motivated. Hitting my goal weight means I will be eligible for an IVF program I can afford, and I'll finally have a chance to have the baby I've wanted for years and years. Trying to remember every day, that along with all the other benefits of feeling fitter, being healthier, and looking better - I am doing this to achieve that goal. <3

    Good luck to all of us!
  • nicoleismyname
    nicoleismyname Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm also new on here. Lost 50 lbs in the past but have regained it. Determined to turn things around now and feeling ready to make a change. Wishing everyone success x