Less Alcohol ~ DECEMBER 2022 ~ One Day At A Time



  • bover145
    bover145 Posts: 119 Member
    @forestdweller1 I think I'll start "unwinding" myself!

    The day's not quite over but I'll stay AF the rest of the night. DH (dear this time) and I usually "unwind" with herbal tea. And I saved some calories so I can have a small piece of homemade fudge.

    Goal: 15 AF days, no more than 2 drinks, only drink at events
    AF: 12/2-5
    A: 12/1
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,720 Member
    …my 3 daughters & I have a ritual....we all stand tall, stretch out our arms, and spin in a slow circle til we can't stand up. One day it was so bad that I pulled my car over to the side of the road and the 4 of us "unwound" in some random field, falling hysterical into the snow.

    What a great way to deal with annoying people!

  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,720 Member
    @lmlmrn what a beautiful family! Thanks for posting the festive pix. I’m glad no one pressured you into drinking. At least you had water in between drinks!

    I blew my goal of one drink per night this past weekend- I had two each night. I guess it wouldn’t be that bad but I also totally porked out this weekend, eating too much of what doesn’t serve me well, and not enough of what does. Reset today. AF tonight.

    @joans1976 best of luck with your surgery tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you, and hope recovery goes well and quickly!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited December 2022
    @forestdweller1 - I really enjoyed your "unwind" story. Hilarious!
    I did too!

    ETA: @Lilylady3k Beautiful photo! Stunning backdrop!
  • mfowler883
    mfowler883 Posts: 226 Member
    edited December 2022
    Womona wrote: »
    @mfowler883 You May have really wanted a drink , but good thing you didn’t so you could be sober while you handled your weapon and got that creeper off the property! I don’t think that was a coincidence. Good for you for your fast action!!!! Sorry to hear it’s an ongoing issue. Scary. Any chance of extra patrols by the police department?

    Not likely. HPD is really....shall we just say, they leave something to be desired.
    Okay, @mfowler883 ...you have made me understand why Eldest Daughter's husband absolutely refuses to take me to New Orleans even though I beg him each time I visit Louisiana..."you don't want to go near there"...He opts for haunted old plantation houses and boat trips through alligator infested swamps instead.

    Oh, man, I have some NOLA stories. I mean, I had some rough times living in Flint but hooooooooboy things went sideways when I got to New Orleans. Homeless for the first time, knife fights, home invasions, gangbangers sticking guns in my face..."You gotta pay the TAX to walk down THIS street..." Bro, I LIVE ON THIS STREET. Yeah. Bar brawls and street fights, a toddler trying to sell me crack, a girl that tried to poison me, my favorite bartender saying "You're not human" as I got to the bottom of my second fifth, overdosing on cocaine in the girl's bathroom at The Crystal...and that was twenty five years ago! It's gone downhill since then. We left for a few reasons, the schools suck, the politicians are all corrupt, the job market wasn't panning out for my career at the time, the crime was getting worse. One night, a SWAT team knocked on our door asking if we had any windows facing the neighboring building. Another day, a neighbor was killed in an attempted carjacking. I'd recommend the swamps and plantations.

    Anyway....crazy week. Last night, wife and I went to The Nutcracker. I've seen it on TV but not in person. I had a drink at intermission. We ate out on the way there, and on the way home. Had a beer and listened to Darkwave. I gained a pound.

    Today I was pretty good food-wise, under 700 calories after dinner, so I had a beer and a bowl of air-popped popcorn at the end of the night. No proper workout, but been a pretty active day. Probably won't drink again until Sunday, we'll see.

  • joans1976
    joans1976 Posts: 2,201 Member
    @Womona Without going into too much gory detail, they poke the cancer with sharp objects to “mark” it before surgery. They inject dye into me to find certain lymph nodes and not via an IV. All they offer is Tylenol and ice. What I take before and after is my choice.

    @Lilylady3k What a beautiful picture! Made me smile! Thank you for posting.

    @ahoy_m8 They might be mad now but someday will be very grateful for that pic!
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,960 Member
    @ahoy_m8 - Wonderful picture of memories with your girls! Love the pair of soldiers / nutcrackers. Thank you for sharing.
  • RockinRobyn672
    RockinRobyn672 Posts: 907 Member
    This group really helps me hold myself accountable, plus everyone is absolutely great. My primary goal this month is 16-19 AF days targeting no more than 3A days a week and no more than 2 drinks in a day. I post in the mornings about the previous day.

    12/5: AF - Had another 70 calorie NA IPA with dinner. I wanted two but counting calories so stopped after the one.

    Today, hubby will be home from his business trip. I plan to hold steady and have another AF day today because tomorrow we will be celebrating his birthday.

    Rolling Total: 3 AF Days out of 5
  • RockinRobyn672
    RockinRobyn672 Posts: 907 Member
    @Lilylady3k What a great photo! Thanks for sharing. Personally, I call it a win at a wedding party having 4 drinks over several hours and water in between. Good job!

    @joans1976 - Thinking of you today!

    @ahoy_m8 - Great holiday photo! Thanks for sharing. It's a great photo whether they would think it or not! :smile: Question: What is ETA?
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Thinking of you, @joans1976 Amanda.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,813 Member

    Looks like you and DH will have a small memorial for his Dad on your own.

    Beaters still turned on upon leaving the bowl is very messy, but also sort of fun. Good thing that you have a new kitchen which will be easier to clean after grandkids baking : - ) Love the idea of snowflake molds!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,813 Member
    @forestdweller1 - I really enjoyed your "unwind" story. Hilarious!

    Me too!!!