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  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    I second the suggestion for reading "The Beck Solution" I took bits and pieces from that book which worked for me. Some strategies were better than others but it got me thinking about my habits and helped break some of the negative ones.
    I made some fairly drastic changes, like giving up meat and dairy which had a huge impact. I started off putting a time limit on it (one month no dairy) so if I really wanted something I knew I could have it at a later date. Then the same with meat. I occasionally have meat now, but not often. Taking my coffee black cut out nearly 500 calories a day. That's significant. There's many more satisfying ways to have 500 calories!

    Thanks for seconding that suggestion, I will definitely get that book. I seem to have misplaced my kindle but maybe I'll order a hard copy of amazon or something (of course once I do that the kindle will for sure turn up.)
    I mostly don't eat meat already, I was a vegetarian for 20 ish years but now do eat a little bit of fish and eggs since menopause I was having some issues with cortisol, anxiety and hair loss a few years back and revamped my diet. I don't drink coffee at all though, lots of green tea. I think if I was going to make a drastic change it would be processed carbs that I would try cutting out (bread, chips, sugar). That is something I don't really need and tend to over indulge on.
  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I'm not sure whether to apologize for this or not, but I think I started this "special case" rhetoric when I said:
    Don't assume you're some special hard case: Most of us needed to work through some of this kind of stuff early on. Hang in there, experiment, adjust.

    . . . which was consceived in response to OP's
    Yeah I probably have more issues than an online community can help with.

    and in a post where I also said
    Satiation is very individual, . . . . there may be a pattern that works better for you than your current one.

    So, yes: Everyone is a special case, but not necessarily a special hard case, completely beyond Community help, if that makes sense.

    I now understand that OP seems to have been having one of those "can this even work?" moments that most of us may have at one time or another, and has since regrouped a bit. S/he is engaging very productively with the thread overall, which is really great.

    There are IMO inevitably some bumps in the road - different types and at different times for each of us, but rarely anything completely unique in the MFP collective experience, nor out of reach of possible advice from folks here.

    Once in a while, there's an OP who sadly doesn't seem open to anything but a catastrophizing view of circumstances . . . but that doesn't seem to be true of @ghrmj. That openness to considering diverse (and sometimes even conflicting) advice . . . that leads me to think @ghrmj here has high odds of long-term success, with patience and persistence.

    No need to apologize. I appreciate your responses and thank you for taking the time to help me.
    I just thought on rereading that maybe my original comment might have sounded disparaging, or diminishing of other people's struggles which was not my intention. I know that sometimes written communications, especially on these types of boards, can get a little fraught, so I wanted to clarify.
  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    csplatt wrote: »
    If you pre log your food each morning, then when you get home from work, you'll know what the next thing on your "list" is to eat! That helps me a lot. My goal is literally to eat everything I have already logged.

    My goal for this coming week is to pre log my day each morning.
  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    I did not read all of the replies, I just wanted to add a thought. Maybe you need more protein? If I personally ate a bagel and cream cheese, I would be ready to gnaw my arm off later. Some food combinations do not work for me. Some food combinations make me hungrier for more foods that don’t work for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I need protein. That may not be the case for you, but I have figured out what does work for me. You might just need to take some time and figure it out. Ask your husband to keep his treats where you aren’t exposed to them.

    One more thought, just keep going. It’s trial and error. One bad day or one bad meal does not mean to give up, just re-assess, re-group and go on.

    That could be it - this week I am going to try do more protein first meal of the day. Either some greek yogurt or eggs.
  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    I decided to weigh myself every Monday morning and am down 1 lb from last week. So that's a start anyway.
  • LifeChangz
    LifeChangz Posts: 457 Member
    edited December 2022
    @ghrmj ~ so, a few weeks later, middle of the holiday feasting, how's it going?

    I found some helpful tidbits in the Beck book as well - including ideas for dealing with special occasions like the holiday treats we encounter this time of year.

    on regular days - which we'll get back to soon, i think a bit of structure in the evenings can help - instead of freeform eating. I found it helpful to schedule meals/snacks and close the kitchen inbetween - so there was no argument in the brain.

    bingeing, real 'can't help myself' extra eating is a bit of a different ball game - and often leads to feelings of anger/failure after it happens... get up, dust off, look at what happened, strategize what you can do next time - the Beck book is helpful in analyzing these types of things. perhaps most importantly, don't beat yourself up... get up, make a plan, try more.... assess, adjust, try again. eventually you'll fix whatever and take on something else.... can't wait to hear how you're doing again! Cheers :)
  • Lark13
    Lark13 Posts: 21 Member
    Your idea about an afternoon snack is a good one. I eat an apple everyday before leaving work, because I know if I don’t i am going to come home too hungry and nosh whatever is available. I don’t even particularly love apples, but they are very filling, and for me and do the trick.
  • Kiwi2mfp
    Kiwi2mfp Posts: 166 Member
    Sometimes it can help to cut one or two things at a time. I found that cutting cream and sugar out of my coffee helped me a lot....I drank A LOT of coffee. Then I cut out energy drinks....then sodas except maybe once a week. Then I got to only drinking black coffee, plain teas, water, and some milk occasionally. Then I started cutting processed foods and eating more veggies. I used to be a sailor and ended up with a very bad cursing habit. I broke that one word at a time. Same goes for diets. Okay, so you have breakfast and lunch taken care of....let's say you start binge eating candy tomorrow...if you stop yourself one candy earlier than you would have the day before...you've made progress. Every single good step forward should be celebrated. Instead of beating yourself up with each mistake, congratulate yourself for each success. Attitude has everything to do with this also. Beating yourself up is only going to lead to giving up and thinking what use is it to try? Right? Encouraging yourself will lead to another success tomorrow. You got this. One goal at a time.
  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    LifeChangz wrote: »
    @ghrmj ~ so, a few weeks later, middle of the holiday feasting, how's it going?

    I found some helpful tidbits in the Beck book as well - including ideas for dealing with special occasions like the holiday treats we encounter this time of year.

    on regular days - which we'll get back to soon, i think a bit of structure in the evenings can help - instead of freeform eating. I found it helpful to schedule meals/snacks and close the kitchen inbetween - so there was no argument in the brain.

    bingeing, real 'can't help myself' extra eating is a bit of a different ball game - and often leads to feelings of anger/failure after it happens... get up, dust off, look at what happened, strategize what you can do next time - the Beck book is helpful in analyzing these types of things. perhaps most importantly, don't beat yourself up... get up, make a plan, try more.... assess, adjust, try again. eventually you'll fix whatever and take on something else.... can't wait to hear how you're doing again! Cheers :)

    Thanks for asking but I am doing not well. I gained the 5 lbs I lost back over the holidays - so I went back in my usual cycle of sticking to it for a while, losing a bit, and then falling back and failing.
    I honestly don't know why this is so difficult for me, I literally eat things that I know AS I AM EATING them that I shouldn't be, and I don't want them, but I do it anyway. I am reading a book on binge eating, and it talks about breaking that habit so maybe there will be something there that might help. It's honestly embarrassing at this point.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I found that for me, it's about being careful about what food I buy and bring into my house. If it's not there, I can't eat it. If you *must* keep it in the house for other people, absolutely keep it put away where you can't see it.
  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    ghrmj wrote: »
    LifeChangz wrote: »
    @ghrmj ~ so, a few weeks later, middle of the holiday feasting, how's it going?

    I found some helpful tidbits in the Beck book as well - including ideas for dealing with special occasions like the holiday treats we encounter this time of year.

    on regular days - which we'll get back to soon, i think a bit of structure in the evenings can help - instead of freeform eating. I found it helpful to schedule meals/snacks and close the kitchen inbetween - so there was no argument in the brain.

    bingeing, real 'can't help myself' extra eating is a bit of a different ball game - and often leads to feelings of anger/failure after it happens... get up, dust off, look at what happened, strategize what you can do next time - the Beck book is helpful in analyzing these types of things. perhaps most importantly, don't beat yourself up... get up, make a plan, try more.... assess, adjust, try again. eventually you'll fix whatever and take on something else.... can't wait to hear how you're doing again! Cheers :)

    Thanks for asking but I am doing not well. I gained the 5 lbs I lost back over the holidays - so I went back in my usual cycle of sticking to it for a while, losing a bit, and then falling back and failing.
    I honestly don't know why this is so difficult for me, I literally eat things that I know AS I AM EATING them that I shouldn't be, and I don't want them, but I do it anyway. I am reading a book on binge eating, and it talks about breaking that habit so maybe there will be something there that might help. It's honestly embarrassing at this point.

    One thing that has helped me a lot with this kind of thinking is recognizing that one poor choice is one poor choice, not an inevitable predictor of all future choices. It's certainly easier to make good choices when you're in the habit of it, but one thing that amazed me was hearing that some of the long term maintainers here still occasionally have (even unplanned!) meals or days like this. But they dust themselves off and go back to it, and on average the math still all works out.

    I think whether it's nature or nature, for whatever reason some of us are just really primed to seek solace in food, and at least in my case I had to find something else to replace that at least most of the time. I'm a reasonably intelligent person but I couldn't reason with my instinctive brain past a certain point, so my strategy has been to head that off as early as possible. I don't keep certain things in my house, I even locked up foods if I had to keep them at home, I found other things to do to cope when I got really stressed out, and I also started taking care of myself in other ways too that I had been neglecting (sleep being the big one here.) I planned (and prelogged by weight) small treats for myself.

    I don't have to lock things up anymore, but at first I was firmer with myself until the good habit grooves were established.

    I'll also mention that at 6'0" 1500 calories seems really low. I'm 5'6" and I would be absolutely miserable on that. Have you tracked for a solid month to see how the math shakes out? I've learned I'd rather move more and get to eat more than try to eat less and be really hungry all the time. A little discomfort is to be expected, but binging is a lot more likely if you're over restricting.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    ghrmj wrote: »
    LifeChangz wrote: »
    @ghrmj ~ so, a few weeks later, middle of the holiday feasting, how's it going?

    I found some helpful tidbits in the Beck book as well - including ideas for dealing with special occasions like the holiday treats we encounter this time of year.

    on regular days - which we'll get back to soon, i think a bit of structure in the evenings can help - instead of freeform eating. I found it helpful to schedule meals/snacks and close the kitchen inbetween - so there was no argument in the brain.

    bingeing, real 'can't help myself' extra eating is a bit of a different ball game - and often leads to feelings of anger/failure after it happens... get up, dust off, look at what happened, strategize what you can do next time - the Beck book is helpful in analyzing these types of things. perhaps most importantly, don't beat yourself up... get up, make a plan, try more.... assess, adjust, try again. eventually you'll fix whatever and take on something else.... can't wait to hear how you're doing again! Cheers :)

    Thanks for asking but I am doing not well. I gained the 5 lbs I lost back over the holidays - so I went back in my usual cycle of sticking to it for a while, losing a bit, and then falling back and failing.
    I honestly don't know why this is so difficult for me, I literally eat things that I know AS I AM EATING them that I shouldn't be, and I don't want them, but I do it anyway. I am reading a book on binge eating, and it talks about breaking that habit so maybe there will be something there that might help. It's honestly embarrassing at this point.

    One thing that has helped me a lot with this kind of thinking is recognizing that one poor choice is one poor choice, not an inevitable predictor of all future choices. It's certainly easier to make good choices when you're in the habit of it, but one thing that amazed me was hearing that some of the long term maintainers here still occasionally have (even unplanned!) meals or days like this. But they dust themselves off and go back to it, and on average the math still all works out.

    I think whether it's nature or nature, for whatever reason some of us are just really primed to seek solace in food, and at least in my case I had to find something else to replace that at least most of the time. I'm a reasonably intelligent person but I couldn't reason with my instinctive brain past a certain point, so my strategy has been to head that off as early as possible. I don't keep certain things in my house, I even locked up foods if I had to keep them at home, I found other things to do to cope when I got really stressed out, and I also started taking care of myself in other ways too that I had been neglecting (sleep being the big one here.) I planned (and prelogged by weight) small treats for myself.

    I don't have to lock things up anymore, but at first I was firmer with myself until the good habit grooves were established.

    I'll also mention that at 6'0" 1500 calories seems really low. I'm 5'6" and I would be absolutely miserable on that. Have you tracked for a solid month to see how the math shakes out? I've learned I'd rather move more and get to eat more than try to eat less and be really hungry all the time. A little discomfort is to be expected, but binging is a lot more likely if you're over restricting.

    Yes, I'm 5'6" and need 1500 calories PLUS around 500 exercise calories to be happy.

    @ghrmj are you on any medications that are associated with increased appetite? I just found out my antidepressant, Remeron, is also given to people with anorexia to increase appetite >.< With that, I need even more than the 2000 calories to feel satisfied, and have been gaining weight.
  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    edited January 2023
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    ghrmj wrote: »
    LifeChangz wrote: »
    @ghrmj ~ so, a few weeks later, middle of the holiday feasting, how's it going?

    I found some helpful tidbits in the Beck book as well - including ideas for dealing with special occasions like the holiday treats we encounter this time of year.

    on regular days - which we'll get back to soon, i think a bit of structure in the evenings can help - instead of freeform eating. I found it helpful to schedule meals/snacks and close the kitchen inbetween - so there was no argument in the brain.

    bingeing, real 'can't help myself' extra eating is a bit of a different ball game - and often leads to feelings of anger/failure after it happens... get up, dust off, look at what happened, strategize what you can do next time - the Beck book is helpful in analyzing these types of things. perhaps most importantly, don't beat yourself up... get up, make a plan, try more.... assess, adjust, try again. eventually you'll fix whatever and take on something else.... can't wait to hear how you're doing again! Cheers :)

    Thanks for asking but I am doing not well. I gained the 5 lbs I lost back over the holidays - so I went back in my usual cycle of sticking to it for a while, losing a bit, and then falling back and failing.
    I honestly don't know why this is so difficult for me, I literally eat things that I know AS I AM EATING them that I shouldn't be, and I don't want them, but I do it anyway. I am reading a book on binge eating, and it talks about breaking that habit so maybe there will be something there that might help. It's honestly embarrassing at this point.

    One thing that has helped me a lot with this kind of thinking is recognizing that one poor choice is one poor choice, not an inevitable predictor of all future choices. It's certainly easier to make good choices when you're in the habit of it, but one thing that amazed me was hearing that some of the long term maintainers here still occasionally have (even unplanned!) meals or days like this. But they dust themselves off and go back to it, and on average the math still all works out.

    I think whether it's nature or nature, for whatever reason some of us are just really primed to seek solace in food, and at least in my case I had to find something else to replace that at least most of the time. I'm a reasonably intelligent person but I couldn't reason with my instinctive brain past a certain point, so my strategy has been to head that off as early as possible. I don't keep certain things in my house, I even locked up foods if I had to keep them at home, I found other things to do to cope when I got really stressed out, and I also started taking care of myself in other ways too that I had been neglecting (sleep being the big one here.) I planned (and prelogged by weight) small treats for myself.

    I don't have to lock things up anymore, but at first I was firmer with myself until the good habit grooves were established.

    I'll also mention that at 6'0" 1500 calories seems really low. I'm 5'6" and I would be absolutely miserable on that. Have you tracked for a solid month to see how the math shakes out? I've learned I'd rather move more and get to eat more than try to eat less and be really hungry all the time. A little discomfort is to be expected, but binging is a lot more likely if you're over restricting.

    Yes, I'm 5'6" and need 1500 calories PLUS around 500 exercise calories to be happy.

    @ghrmj are you on any medications that are associated with increased appetite? I just found out my antidepressant, Remeron, is also given to people with anorexia to increase appetite >.< With that, I need even more than the 2000 calories to feel satisfied, and have been gaining weight.

    No I don't take any medication. It's not my appetite that is the problem, I know I don't eat because of hunger, I have come to realize that I have a problem with binge eating and self control.
  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    ghrmj wrote: »
    LifeChangz wrote: »
    @ghrmj ~ so, a few weeks later, middle of the holiday feasting, how's it going?

    I found some helpful tidbits in the Beck book as well - including ideas for dealing with special occasions like the holiday treats we encounter this time of year.

    on regular days - which we'll get back to soon, i think a bit of structure in the evenings can help - instead of freeform eating. I found it helpful to schedule meals/snacks and close the kitchen inbetween - so there was no argument in the brain.

    bingeing, real 'can't help myself' extra eating is a bit of a different ball game - and often leads to feelings of anger/failure after it happens... get up, dust off, look at what happened, strategize what you can do next time - the Beck book is helpful in analyzing these types of things. perhaps most importantly, don't beat yourself up... get up, make a plan, try more.... assess, adjust, try again. eventually you'll fix whatever and take on something else.... can't wait to hear how you're doing again! Cheers :)

    Thanks for asking but I am doing not well. I gained the 5 lbs I lost back over the holidays - so I went back in my usual cycle of sticking to it for a while, losing a bit, and then falling back and failing.
    I honestly don't know why this is so difficult for me, I literally eat things that I know AS I AM EATING them that I shouldn't be, and I don't want them, but I do it anyway. I am reading a book on binge eating, and it talks about breaking that habit so maybe there will be something there that might help. It's honestly embarrassing at this point.

    One thing that has helped me a lot with this kind of thinking is recognizing that one poor choice is one poor choice, not an inevitable predictor of all future choices. It's certainly easier to make good choices when you're in the habit of it, but one thing that amazed me was hearing that some of the long term maintainers here still occasionally have (even unplanned!) meals or days like this. But they dust themselves off and go back to it, and on average the math still all works out.

    I think whether it's nature or nature, for whatever reason some of us are just really primed to seek solace in food, and at least in my case I had to find something else to replace that at least most of the time. I'm a reasonably intelligent person but I couldn't reason with my instinctive brain past a certain point, so my strategy has been to head that off as early as possible. I don't keep certain things in my house, I even locked up foods if I had to keep them at home, I found other things to do to cope when I got really stressed out, and I also started taking care of myself in other ways too that I had been neglecting (sleep being the big one here.) I planned (and prelogged by weight) small treats for myself.

    I don't have to lock things up anymore, but at first I was firmer with myself until the good habit grooves were established.

    I'll also mention that at 6'0" 1500 calories seems really low. I'm 5'6" and I would be absolutely miserable on that. Have you tracked for a solid month to see how the math shakes out? I've learned I'd rather move more and get to eat more than try to eat less and be really hungry all the time. A little discomfort is to be expected, but binging is a lot more likely if you're over restricting.

    I'm not over restricting, I realize I have an issue with binge eating and self control. I don't think it has to do with being hungry, it is just a bad habit that I have reinforced and am finding hard to break. The holidays did make it worse because we had a lot of people here and a lot of problem foods. And after that I just got back from a weeks vacation at a resort in the Caribbean, so that didn't help my self control either.

    For a normal person I don't think a 5lbs gain over the holidays and vacation would be a huge deal, and really it isn't a huge deal I guess - but the timing is just bad because I had just lost my first like 6 lbs so for me it is starting over (again) now.

    I want to be healthy and I want to be thin - I just have to keep at it trying strategies and see what works for me. Now that I am back in the normal routine I am back to meditation, journaling and pre logging.
  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    sollyn23l2 wrote: »
    I found that for me, it's about being careful about what food I buy and bring into my house. If it's not there, I can't eat it. If you *must* keep it in the house for other people, absolutely keep it put away where you can't see it.

    It's the worst - I had a house full of people over the holidays who like to eat and brought all kinds of tempting things with them. I mean it's not their fault, it is my fault and my responsibility to control myself I can't expect anyone else to do that for me. I have asked my husband to be a little more careful about what he brings into the house, he tends to buy things because he knows I like them, but he can take it or leave it and has treats in moderation, so I end up eating most of it.
  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    I logged two full days - yesterday and today and came up to 1600+ calories each day. Not sure how I could go lower than that, so I am going to stick to 1600 - 1700 for a while and see how that goes. I seem to have a lot of fat calories so potentially I could cut back on olive oil I guess - but I use it a lot for cooking not sure I want to take all the enjoyment out of my food.
    I think my diary is open if anyone would like to offer advice. (Note: this is not how I have been eating to gain the weight back, this is how I eat when I stick to plan. This is basically how my meals are but it is the junk and snack food that does me in.)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    ghrmj wrote: »
    I logged two full days - yesterday and today and came up to 1600+ calories each day. Not sure how I could go lower than that, so I am going to stick to 1600 - 1700 for a while and see how that goes. I seem to have a lot of fat calories so potentially I could cut back on olive oil I guess - but I use it a lot for cooking not sure I want to take all the enjoyment out of my food.
    I think my diary is open if anyone would like to offer advice. (Note: this is not how I have been eating to gain the weight back, this is how I eat when I stick to plan. This is basically how my meals are but it is the junk and snack food that does me in.)

    No, your diary isn't open. You can make it public here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/diary_settings

    I cut down on oil when cooking some foods by using oil spray and a high quality non-stick pan. I often have to wash an extra pan and am fine with it - my non-stick sauté pan is better for sautéing than the pot the recipe is going to end up in so I no longer try to save a pan (and use more oil in the stainless steel pot.)

    If 1600-1700 works for you, that's great. But since you are almost 6' tall, do keep an eye out for that amount of calories causing you to feel deprived and leading to overeating. In that cause, you'd have more success with a consistent smaller deficit than not being able to maintain a larger deficit.

    Heather talks about this often in her Half Size Me podcast:

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,625 Member
    ghrmj wrote: »
    I logged two full days - yesterday and today and came up to 1600+ calories each day. Not sure how I could go lower than that, so I am going to stick to 1600 - 1700 for a while and see how that goes. I seem to have a lot of fat calories so potentially I could cut back on olive oil I guess - but I use it a lot for cooking not sure I want to take all the enjoyment out of my food.
    I think my diary is open if anyone would like to offer advice. (Note: this is not how I have been eating to gain the weight back, this is how I eat when I stick to plan. This is basically how my meals are but it is the junk and snack food that does me in.)

    Diary's not open to non-friends.

    Some general thoughts on what you wrote:

    Is it 1600-1700 that you've been eating, when reporting losses earlier in this thread (around a pound a week, IIRC)? If so, that's a good rate of loss. Working with the hints along the way in this thread (6' tall, 220 pounds at the start, age 57), we'd expect your sedentary TDEE to be around 1900-some at sedentary. In theory, that would make 1600-1700 around half a pound a week loss - which will take time to show up on the scale - but individuals do vary (up or down) from the population-average calculator estimates. Slow but sustainable is fine. Even half a pound a week is 26 pounds in a year.

    Can you experiment with reducing by not eliminating the olive oil, if you haven't already done that? Also, when you review your diary, are there other fat sources that are less important to your satisfaction/happiness than the olive oil? I've greatly reduced the amount of oil I use in cooking, and am still happy with the results . . . but I neither find it captivatingly delicious nor especially sating, so that was probably an easier reduction for me than it would be for you. (I prefer to use things like tamari, yuzu, miso, peri-peri sauce, salsa and a raft of other things to add flavor to foods, vs. oils. Your mileage will vary, for sure.)

    On the snack food front, are there alternative snacks you can find that you enjoy that either are a little lower calorie than your current common choices, or current ones that you can enjoy in smaller portions (maybe a "eat X grams, wait 20 minutes while distracting oneself" rule - that kind of thing helps some people)?

    Some people - I'm one - do better limiting snacks by using pre-portioned ones (yes, costs more and more wasteful packaging). I can handle a individual ice cream cup (I like the Breyer's 100 calorie which are tiny), but if I have a big package in the freezer, I'm more likely to upsize my portion by lots. (One of my current yums is one of those tiny Breyer's vanilla ice cream cups topped with pomegranate molasses, which is surprisingly calorie efficient for its flavor impact).)

    Another option is to look for snacks you enjoy eating that are better contributors to nutrition. They may not be nutritional superstars, but even a bit of extra nutrition can make them easier to fit into an overall calorie-efficient, tasty, overall nutritious day. Just as examples, even though your choices might be different: Since protein is one of my "pay attention" macros (as a vegetarian) I like frozen yogurt bars (especially mint chip and cookie dough) that are about 110 calories but have 5 grams of protein; black bean tortilla chips at 130 calories with 5g protein; and crispy broad beans at 100 calories with 7g protein.

    Those aren't nutrition superstars, but the bit of extra nutrition helps me include them in my eating more often. Like I said, those are just my examples - your goals and choices would differ.

    Best wishes!
  • ghrmj
    ghrmj Posts: 86 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    ghrmj wrote: »
    I logged two full days - yesterday and today and came up to 1600+ calories each day. Not sure how I could go lower than that, so I am going to stick to 1600 - 1700 for a while and see how that goes. I seem to have a lot of fat calories so potentially I could cut back on olive oil I guess - but I use it a lot for cooking not sure I want to take all the enjoyment out of my food.
    I think my diary is open if anyone would like to offer advice. (Note: this is not how I have been eating to gain the weight back, this is how I eat when I stick to plan. This is basically how my meals are but it is the junk and snack food that does me in.)

    No, your diary isn't open. You can make it public here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/diary_settings

    I cut down on oil when cooking some foods by using oil spray and a high quality non-stick pan. I often have to wash an extra pan and am fine with it - my non-stick sauté pan is better for sautéing than the pot the recipe is going to end up in so I no longer try to save a pan (and use more oil in the stainless steel pot.)

    If 1600-1700 works for you, that's great. But since you are almost 6' tall, do keep an eye out for that amount of calories causing you to feel deprived and leading to overeating. In that cause, you'd have more success with a consistent smaller deficit than not being able to maintain a larger deficit.

    Heather talks about this often in her Half Size Me podcast:


    Oh my profile was open not my diary. I fixed it. I do cook a lot with olive oil, and have it on my salads. Like yesterday for dinner I cooked fish in olive oil & garlic, air fried green beans tossed in oil, and had it on my salad. That is probably too much I should probably find other ways to cook, or maybe at least make an oil free dressing.