TOPIC: WEEK 2- Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs**CLOSE*



  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    Steph, is this a pic of you??

    Im a few days ahead of you guys, but here are my stats so far!!! I know I didn't comment in the first week forum..Y'all are doing so great..Keep up the good work!!

    (Starting 9/11/11)

    Arms: 14" (lost 1")
    Chest:43" (lost 0")
    Hips:50.5" (lost 0.5")
    Thighs:32" (lost 2")
    Waist:38.5" (lost 0.5")

    Great results:bigsmile:
  • Today was week two day seven. Today burn was low due to a headache which cause me to move slow but I mange to push thru my three programs (JKB&T and J6wks/pks abs and Body for Life upper body weight lifting). I need to still make sure my upper body stay strong therefore I will be adding this third workout on wednesday and saturdays. I also didn't use my weight today due to the headache. I did get a good burn even though I was not in full force. I hope to be in full force tommorow which will be week two fourth day level one advance. I will definetly move on to level two advance level on monday.
  • Pictureofbutt.jpg


    We made it... We are entering into our 2nd week of Jillian Beastly New DVD...and yes we have had some trying times but we pushed thru and provided support and suggestions to one another. We started out with the basic and now we have upped the moves with weights and found stretches and a schedule that works for all of us...I am so proud of each one of you for sticking with it and even joining me and taking on this challenge. I don't think I could have continued thru with it without you all support. So I want to say THANKS and Let's go JUST AS HARD as we went the first week...Loves Yall!

    Thanks for the motivation pic. I am also proud of everyone. We all did a phenomenal job on week one. I know we all will do a phenomenal job on week two. We will go just as hard as the first week.
  • Great job ladies! Yall are killin it! With week two I plan to go a biut harder and add weights! Wish me luck!
  • Great job ladies! Yall are killin it! With week two I plan to go a biut harder and add weights! Wish me luck!

    Good luck. I know you will be able to do it with the weights and go hard.
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    Ladies we are killing this thing!!! I fly back to AL today so I will be doing my bootcamp with a friend plus Jillian KB&T level 2....I think I gotta practice a few of my Zumba songs for class tomorrow too!!! This DVD has been everything I have been looking for to shape my lower body. I am amazed everytime I do it!!! Congrats to those already seeing great results!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ok, so I did week2 today and I was like, WTF?!! Actually, I was like %^$@!!! It will take me a few more days to figure out which move I hate the most, but this definitely damaged my relationship with Jillian. :laugh: Ouch!
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Ok, so I did week2 today and I was like, WTF?!! Actually, I was like %^$@!!! It will take me a few more days to figure out which move I hate the most, but this definitely damaged my relationship with Jillian. :laugh: Ouch!

    LOL I love this!!! Keep pushing through it Babes!
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    Morning Ladies...Just completed Week 1/Day 1 and man I thought it was going to get easier but man...My burn was higher...I dont know if it was from the rest day I had yesterday but I felt like I was starting all over..LOL...In a good way...I still had both ankle 10lb weights and the hand pd weights...It was awesome my burn was 551cals(YEAH) and couldnt push myself to add the 6w/6p today but definitely will do that tomorrow...SO i added a little walk and tone with leslie with my ankle weights and hand...and man that pushed that workout to another level to..I am excited for what this has to bring...I can imagine the Results feed with all our pictures on it..What a TREAD we will set for the DVD...LETS GET IT...
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    Great job ladies! Yall are killin it! With week two I plan to go a biut harder and add weights! Wish me luck!

    YES maam it is going to make you feel awsome...I know you can do it!! GO GIRL!!
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,249 Member
    Ok, so I did week2 today and I was like, WTF?!! Actually, I was like %^$@!!! It will take me a few more days to figure out which move I hate the most, but this definitely damaged my relationship with Jillian. :laugh: Ouch!

    So are you doing the Level 2? I am just wondering cause i know Week 2 of Level 1 has me at that feeling and no doubt the Planks are my most hated...(ALL OF THEM) LOL
  • Good Luck:)
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    Did Week 2 Day 4 Level 1. Is anyone else having trouble balancing with the chair squats and the other one that you come up into the yoga pose since adding the ankle weights? I was just getting those down when I added the ankle weights now I have to learn them all over again! Lol, Oh well,its worth it to add the extra weights. Everyone have a great day!:smile:
  • 20091104_045336_do05-jillian2.jpg

    Has anyone else thought about how the woman doing the advanced moves on the DVD has **SPECTACULAR** buns? WOW!! I'm psyching myself up to do all the advanced moves tonight, except side plank. Why is that so weird on my shoulder/arm?
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    Day 4 last night....did kick it up a notch on some of the moves. But afterwards I was DONE...had planned another workout afterwards...couldn't do it. (did 30DS right before)
  • uniquemoves
    uniquemoves Posts: 100 Member
    Whew!!! on to week 2!!! loving it!!! finally able to do all of the advanced moves in level 1.. a couple more days then i'll be moving up to level 2.. I am soo ready to see what we will look like at the end of this challenge... let's get it!!!
  • hipchick82
    hipchick82 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello ladies - haven't checked in in a while but I think of the group everytime I'm doing the DVD! Baby steps for me as I am still trying to master Level 1 before I move on to Level 2. Wow seeing some of you with the ankle weights is getting me itching to buy some for myself!! Great job everyone! Sexycook, is that you in the pic!? What a great motivation that pic is!
  • hipchick82
    hipchick82 Posts: 11 Member
    Also, I have to confess my eating has not been on point the past couple days so I need to get back to taking it easy on the sweets and carb intake =( I CAN DO THIS!
  • MissDwood
    MissDwood Posts: 108 Member
    Lets keep it up ladies! Im doing 6wk 6pk along with this and its killer!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ok, so I did week2 today and I was like, WTF?!! Actually, I was like %^$@!!! It will take me a few more days to figure out which move I hate the most, but this definitely damaged my relationship with Jillian. :laugh: Ouch!

    So are you doing the Level 2? I am just wondering cause i know Week 2 of Level 1 has me at that feeling and no doubt the Planks are my most hated...(ALL OF THEM) LOL

    Level 2. I thought we were supposed to move on this week? Wait, when do we start level 2? I'd be happy to go back to 1.... This sucks!:laugh: